January 29, 2014 (Sunday, Feb. 2 readings)

Opening Prayer – Presentation of the Lord

Father, you created us with a longing only YOU can fill.
May we lay down each obstacle we face
and each struggle we have as a sacrifice to you.
Come into our hearts so we may fully understand
what it means to be fulfilled.
You are our hearts desire!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Malachi 3:1-4
• Who is the “messenger of the covenant”? Do you think there is only one “messenger of the covenant”?
• What is the “messenger of the covenant” called to do? Are there present day messengers of God’s covenant?

Hebrews 2:14-18
• How does it make you feel to know Jesus came to earth to be “tested” and to “suffer” to understand “human pain”?
• Are there people on earth whom you turn to for comfort and understanding? What makes them good people to go to? Do they have similar pains?

Luke 2:22-40
• Jesus is the Son of God, why does He need to be consecrated in the temple?
• What role do Simeon and Anna play in this scripture? What can we learn from them?

General Questions for Journaling

• What is your definition of suffering? Is suffering always bad?
• Consider a time when suffering was good. What was the circumstance? What made it good?
• Have you sacrificed something recently? What was it? To whom did you sacrifice it?
• What does Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross mean to you?
• Last week Jesus asked the disciples to leave everything behind to follow Him. Describe the sacrifice this required of them. What sacrifice does this call require of you?
• Is there anything you are not willing to sacrifice? What is it and why?
• Do you relate to Jesus more than God, the Father because of his humanness? Explain.
• As a servant of Christ, what do you sacrifice daily? What are you promised for your faithfulness?
• Where can you see the Holy Spirit working in these three readings? What message does it bring?

Closing Prayer

Leader: Father, when we seek you in creation,

ALL: May we find peace.

Leader: Jesus, when we seek you in the Word,

ALL: May we find hope.

Leader: Spirit, when we seek you in others,

ALL: May we find love.

Challenge for the Week: The tradition at Jesus’ time was for the family to bring a lamb or other clean animal to the temple to sacrifice. In the Catholic tradition, a more formal name for Mass is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass which specifically tells us there will be a sacrifice. Sometimes we get too caught up in the action of going to church on Sunday that we forget we aren’t only supposed to show up physically but we need to bring something with us to “sacrifice”. We need to bring something to the table or altar, we need to lie something at the foot of the cross or at the feet of Jesus. Each week when we go to church, we should be prepared to sacrifice something, to shed our sinfulness, to let go of our addictions, to lay down our sorrows and hand them over to God. What will you present to God this week?

January 22, 2014 (Sunday, Jan. 26 readings)

Opening Prayer – Third Sunday of Ordinary Time

God, our creator, You give us the breath of life.
Jesus, our mentor, You call us to follow you.
Spirit, our companion, You are with us always.
You show us the path and teach us to be disciples.
May we always walk in Your light and share Your love.

Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 8:23-9:3
• Where do you see darkness in the world today? Do you think God can dispel this darkness? Are there things YOU can do to bring light to these dark places?
• Anguish and gloom have hovered over the people in the Old Testament. Think about a time when you could relate to feeling this way. What brought you out of this dark time?

1Corinthians 1:10-13,17
• What causes people to quarrel? What is the disagreement in this reading? What makes people have to learn for themselves and not learn from others mistakes?
• Can positive things come from disagreements? Where have you seen good or growth come from conflict?

Matthew 4:12-23
• Two sets of brothers dropped everything and immediately followed Jesus. What do you think they saw in Jesus that would make them do that? Do you think they had regrets?
• Could you drop everything in your life and leave? What would you have a hard time leaving behind?

General Questions for Journaling
• Identify any darkness which occupies your soul. What creates the darkness? How can you work to bring light into the darkness?
• Describe the feeling you have when you see a light in the distance though the darkness. Compare it to your spirituality.
• Who are people in our world today who are “beacons of light”? We celebrate public figures who make contributions to society such as Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King JR. Name some of the people whom you look to for inspiration? Whom you revere or respect? What qualities do they possess which you want to emulate?
• If you saw Jesus “strolling” along the Sea of Galilee, would you approach Him? Sit and meditate. Let the scene play out in your mind. Allow Jesus to talk with you.
• What do you desire? What do you long for? How do you work to satisfy this desire or longing?
• When you daydream, what do you dream about? Do you give these daydreams any attention in your “everyday life”? Do you share these dreams with God or others?
• Could you like John the Baptist stand up for what is right even if it meant you would have to suffer? What would be worth the sacrifice?

Closing Prayer – Psalm 27:1, 4, 13-14

ALL: The Lord is my light and my salvation whom should I fear?
The Lord is my life’s refuge; of whom should I be afraid?
One thing I ask of the Lord; this I seek;
to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
That I may gaze on the loveliness of the Lord
and contemplate his temple.
I believe that I shall see the bounty of the Lord
in the land of the living, wait for the Lord with courage;
be stouthearted, and wait for the Lord.

Challenge for the Week: Go deeper into your meditation this week and consider your path of discipleship. Jesus said, “Come and follow me”, “Leave behind your nets”, “ I will make you fishers of men”, “Your lives will never be the same”. He still calls each of us in this way…by name. Have you left behind your nets? What are some of the things we still hang onto? What does it mean to be “fishers of men”? Are you working to bring others to Christ? Do you seek out those in need and share God’s love and mercy with them? How has following God changed your life?

January 15, 2014 (Sunday, Jan. 19 readings)

Opening Prayer – Second Sunday of Ordinary Time
You call each of us through our baptism
to be holy as you are holy;
In your Word, may we learn how to be
builders of your kingdom here on earth;
And may we point others to you
by our words and actions like John.

Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 49:3,5-6
• Do you believe there is such a thing as “purposeful suffering”? How have you survived suffering or a painful situation? What makes a person a survivor?
• How does this reading give you strength to continue?

1Corinthians 1:1-3
• What does it mean to be holy? How is John the Baptist Holy?
• What does the Bible say about what is holy? You were called to holiness in your Baptism, what steps can you take to become more holy?
• Is being holy only about oneself or is it about others too?

John 1:29-34
• Many people know Jesus, that is to say they know the story of Jesus’ life. How would you describe your relationship with Jesus?
• How did John know Jesus was filled with the Spirit? Have you met people filled with the Spirit? What does it look like?
• Do you let the Holy Spirit lead you in your life and your decisions? When was the last time you let the Spirit lead you? What happened? Where do you find the Holy Spirit?

General Questions for Journaling
• The phrase Déjà vu means “already seen”. This week’s readings are so similar to last week, you might think you are hearing the same readings again. What new insight do you find this week that might have been hidden last week?
• Jesus is referred to as the “Lamb of God”, why is this significant? Consider all of the references to Lambs and the Shepherds who tend the sheep. What can you learn from this simile and what can this knowledge do to strengthen your faith in the coming year?
• Jesus comes to you every day. Where was He yesterday? Where is He today? Where will He be tomorrow?
• Is there a routine which you dread? How might putting God into it make it a little easier to do? Try to put the “extraordinary” into the everyday “ordinary” and see what He can do!
• Jesus came to save us and forgive us. How can we show we are followers of Jesus? Whom do we know who needs to be saved and forgiven?

Closing Prayer

Leader: Come to us,

ALL: from heaven and lift us up.

Leader: Fill us,

ALL: with faithfulness and grace.

Leader: Create in us

ALL: lives that are light to others.

Challenge for the Week: Do you ever feel like you are repeating yourself in prayer? Do you feel like your prayer is stale? Check yourself to be sure you are seeking God in your prayer life and not simply spouting out words. Even if the words are good and true and meaningful, our intentions are not always in the right place. Take some time this week to work on seeking God in your prayer first. If you feel rushed when you pray, perhaps you need to adjust when you pray to allow more time to rest in God. If your prayer time is filled with lists of people and things you want to pray for, be sure your prayers are intentional. Consider the place where God felt the most close to you and recreate this space in your home as a specific, sacred prayer space for you to go pray or maybe you can go to that specific place to pray once a week. God never tires of us but He knows when we are not “in it” when we pray. Make the most of your prayer life!

January 8, 2014 (Sunday, Jan. 12 readings)

Opening Prayer – Baptism of the Lord
Holy Spirit,
Move us off well-worn paths,
shatter our human expectations,
heal our pain and hurt,
mend our brokenness.
Cleanse our hearts and renew our faith.
Our hope is restored in your Son, Jesus.
All Glory to the GOD of heaven and earth!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7
• Where do you see enlightenment in the world today? How can you help make a difference?
• What can Christians do to bring light into the dark places of the world?
• Where do you see God’s salvation in the world?

Acts 10:34-38
• What do you believe God’s plan is for you? What supports this belief?
• What do you believe is God’s plan for the entire world? Share examples of this plan coming to fruition.

Matthew 3:13-17
• Jesus is presented at baptism as, “God’s beloved Son”. Have you ever thought of yourself as God’s beloved child? How might our attitude change if we lived our life KNOWING this to be true?
• Meditate on how the Trinity is present at Jesus’ baptism. How does this compare to your own baptism?

General Questions for Journaling
• You have been filled with the Spirit at your own baptism; God’s favor rests upon you. What can you do to thank God for this gift?
• How does God show you His love for you? Share a time when you felt God’s love in abundance. Where were you, who was with you?
• What are things you can do to remember and celebrate your own baptism every day?
• How can you live your life as if you ARE baptized instead of living as though you WERE baptized? Can you explain the difference?
• When you are in the midst of goodness, can you like John the Baptist embrace it, or does your humanness get in the way? Meditate on a time when you were too wrapped up in your own agenda that you missed out on the goodness that was presented to you. What can you do differently so you can be more open to God?
• John the Baptist pointed to Jesus through his words and actions. What do you do in your daily life to point to Jesus?
• Does your life point others to Jesus or turn people away? Do you have a do as I say and not as I do attitude? Where might you need some work or improvement?

Closing Prayer – Prayer to the Holy Spirit
ALL: Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth Your Spirit, and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
Leader: O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Challenge for the Week: When were you baptized? Where was it? How old were you? Who was there? Are there pictures capturing the event? Did you wear something special? Make a point to find out the exact date of your baptism and celebrate it in a special way this year.

January 1, 2014 (Sunday, Jan. 5 readings)

Opening Prayer – Epiphany

Shine your light on us

Pour out your radiance on the earth

You have changed our lives forever

Open our sleepy eyes to your promises

Make us beacons of your grace


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 60:1-6

  • The Magi were drawn to the baby Jesus because of the “great light”.  What draws people to a relationship with Jesus today?  What draws you into a relationship with Jesus?
  • God calls you into the light.  Are there areas of your life which you close off to God or to others because they are dark?  Identify the darkness in your life and resolve to let God begin to shine light onto it.  Make a resolution to seek help from people who can help shed light onto a dark situation.

Ephesians 3:2-3, 5-6

  • What brings light into your life?  Take a piece of paper and write down the things that bring light to your life and draw a star around each one.  Place this paper in a significant place in your house, on the refrigerator, on your bathroom mirror, in your prayer space, where ever you will see it and be reminded and encouraged.
    • Can you identify where God is working in your life?  How do you help or hinder God’s work in your life?

Matthew 2:1-12

  • The Magi travelled a great distance to find Jesus.  How far have you travelled to find Jesus?  What makes the journey worth it?
  • What gifts do you bring to Jesus?

General Questions for Journaling

  • How is it that you came to know Jesus?
  • How do you relate to Jesus as a baby?  What are we to learn or take away from the circumstances of Jesus’ birth?
  • Is there someone or something that threatens you and your growth in the Spirit?  Is there an obstacle in your life, you must overcome?  Name the Herod in your life, then ask God to guide you to safety.
  • Things don’t always work out like we expect…look at the story of Jesus’ birth.  Are there prayers in your life which have been answered, just not in the way you expected?
  • Saint Paul says all people are heirs to the kingdom of God.  Do your actions express this truth?  Who in your life needs to be shown God’s unconditional love?  What steps can you take to make them feel like a child of God?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  We meet you, Jesus, in the manger.

ALL:  Your light is strong; Your love is near.

Leader:  We meet you, Jesus, in the stranger.

ALL:  Your light is strong; Your love is near.

Leader:  We see you, Jesus, day and night.

ALL:  Your light is strong; Your love is near.

Leader:  We see you, Jesus, shining bright.

ALL:  Your light is strong; Your love is near. 

Challenge for the Week:  Read the entire story of Jesus’ birth from conception to Joseph taking the family to Nazareth.  Spend some time meditating on the circumstances, the decisions, the obstacles.  Think about each of the people, Mary, Joseph, Angel Gabriel, Innkeeper, Harod, Shepherds, and Magi and what they might have been thinking and feeling.  Is there someone whom you feel shares your struggles or attitudes?  Is there someone whom you feel has a quality of faith or character which you wish you could cultivate in your life?  Consider working to overcome this obstacle or growing this quality in your life this year.