April 30, 2014 (Sunday, May 4 readings)

Opening Prayer – 3rd Sunday of Easter
Come, let us hear Your Word;
Come, fill us with Your Spirit;
Come, transform our hearts;

Journal/Reflection Questions
Acts 2:14, 22-33
• Peter speaks to the disciples with such conviction. Where do you believe his strength comes from? Remember, it was only days before when Peter denied Jesus three times. What can you take away from this knowledge and how can it apply to a situation you are dealing with in your life right now?
• What evidence is there that Jesus rose? How does Peter verify the resurrection?
1Peter 1:17-21
• Why might this reading be called the Sermon of hope? What gives you hope as you read it, listen to it or meditate on it?
• Jesus died in order to save. He gave His life in order for generations upon generations could live. How do you live your life to show gratitude for the ransom paid?
Luke 24:13-35
• What does it mean to have your heart burn within you? Have you ever experienced this feeling? Revisit the memory. Does reminiscing about the experience ignite the flame within you?
• Identify a person or people you are on the “road” with on your faith journey.
• What do you think Jesus was thinking as He walked along listening to the conversation? Do you think it made him mad they didn’t recognize Him?

General Questions for Journaling
• What in these readings give you a deeper understanding of Jesus’ existence BEFORE he walked on the earth?
• Is there anything that confuses you? Who, what or where do you turn in order to set yourself straight?
• Are there people in your life with whom you love to spend time with? How do you feel when you have to leave them?
• Where can be Jesus be found in your relationships? With your spouse? Your children? Your peers? A stranger?
• What do you hope for? What do you have hope in? Do you have anything in which you have lost hope?
• How do you feel when you run into an old friend you haven’t seen for a while? Is there someone you should reach out to?
• What does the cross say to you? What feelings do you feel when you see a cross? What emotions are attached to the cross?

Closing Prayer
It is through Jesus’ birth
we are given hope.
It is through Jesus’ miracles
the world receives healing.
It is through Jesus’ sacrifice
that we are nourished.
It is through Jesus’ resurrection
that we give God glory.

Challenge for the Week: The disciples didn’t recognize Jesus as He was walking and talking with them. How often do we pass Jesus by without recognizing Him in our own lives? This week, as you get ready for bed, spend time reflecting on your day and where Jesus was present. Sometimes we can see Him working in others toward us or through us toward others. As you reflect, really pay attention to the multiple things you saw, heard or felt throughout the day. Dig deeper to find God not only on the surface but in the little things…God spends a lot of time on the small details!

April 23, 2014 (Sunday, April 27 readings)

Opening Prayer – 2nd Sunday of Easter
Alleluia! Jesus has risen!
Give us the faith to believe in the promises
of the risen Lord without seeing.
Give us the hope to believe in the promises
of forgiveness of sin and everlasting life.
Give us the love to believe in the promises
of the one who created us to love.
Praise to YOU, Lord Jesus Christ!

Journal/Reflection Questions
Acts 2:42-47
• How do you feel called to give your time, talent and treasure to others in the community? What are you holding back?
• Identify in your own family the gifts each of you bring to each other and the community. What can you do to share these gifts in a more prominent way this Easter season?

1Peter 1:3-9
• How do you feel like you have risen this Easter? Did you “die” to something this Lenten season? How can you relate to the “new life” the resurrection brings?
• Jesus rose from the dead to give us life…what can we do to live out the resurrection today?

John 20:19-31
• Nothing can be hidden from Christ. What do you hide from God? From your spouse? Your friends? What sin do you hold onto which you cannot forgive?
• Who do you connect to in this reading? What similar feelings would you have if you were present? What do you feel you are called to do through this experience?

General Questions for Journaling
• How do you define a Christian? What qualities and values does a Christian have?
• Are you a part of a Christian community? How does this community help strengthen your faith?
• How does God have a hand or a grasp on you? What areas of your life do you need God to grab onto? Do you feel God’s hold or are you holding on too tightly?
• What evidence do you have that Jesus is alive in your life?
• Identify areas in your life where you doubt, or situations where you feel or show doubt? Is it with your abilities? The promises of others? How does your doubt affect your faith? How does it affect others?
• Do you believe Thomas truly didn’t believe? Have you ever lost someone whom you deeply loved and had a hard time believing they were gone? How have you been able to cope with this loss? How can the resurrection bring comfort or closure to the unbelief?

Closing Prayer – Blessing from Pope Francis
Our belief in Christ’s Resurrection is the very heart of our faith, the basis of our hope in God’s promises and our trust in his victory over sin and death…with the eyes of faith, we too encounter the risen Lord in the many signs of his presence: the Scriptures, the Eucharist and the other sacraments, and the acts of charity, goodness, forgiveness and mercy which bring a ray of his Resurrection into our world. May our faith in the risen Christ enable us to be living signs in our world of the triumph of life and hope over evil, sin and death.

Challenge for the Week: The forty days of Lent are meant to prepare us for Easter. We fast, give alms and pray in order to help us build a better relationship with Christ. Easter is not only ONE day, in the Catholic Church the Easter season lasts for six weeks. Jesus ROSE FROM THE DEAD! We should celebrate it for more than ONE day! This Easter Season, continue to grow into a deeper relationship with Christ. Research a new type of prayer or use an everyday task like washing the dishes to create more time to spend in prayer, talking with God. Remember prayer is a conversation; don’t let it be one sided.

April 16, 2014 (Sunday, April 20 readings)

Opening Prayer – Easter Sunday
You conquered death to make us new.
Let us work to die to the things of this world
so we may better reflect your love to others.
Help us to be renewed by the trials we face
so we proclaim Your Word through our lives.
Fill us with kindness, tenderness, peace, humility and joy.

Journal/Reflection Questions
Acts 10:34a, 37:43
• How do you define the word witness? Do you define it as a noun (person) or a verb (an action)? What is the difference?
• What can you learn from Peter in this reading? What example does he set that we should learn to follow?

Colossians 3:1-4
• Saint Paul tells us we are raised with Christ. What does this mean? How do you live out this truth?
• What does it mean to seek what is above? What does this look like? Write three practical ways you can seek what is above this Easter Season.

John 20:1-9
• Put yourself in the place of the women who came to anoint Jesus’ body. What are your reactions? Would you feel fear? Confusion? What would you do? Who would you tell? What words would you use?
• Name the things in your life you don’t see but you still believe. Are there few or many? What makes it easier to believe after you have seen?

General Questions for Journaling
• How are you a witness of all Jesus did?
• How can you be a better witness to the truth of the Gospels?
• What brings you peace? Describe the feeling of peace/peacefulness. Would you say peace is a state of mind or a feeling of the heart? Is it something that is given to you or something you work for?
• How can you allow peace to control your heart?
• Do you ever experience feelings of confusion? Have you ever been paralyzed by feelings of fear? What was the circumstance and how were you able to overcome or get past these feelings?
• Jesus overcomes death on Easter. What do you believe will happen when you die? What feelings do you have about death?
• How does Jesus live on? How can we find comfort in Jesus’ resurrection?
• Easter is a day of joy. Consider how you can share the joy of Easter with others.

Closing Prayer – from The Story of Redemption for Children,
Copyright by the Gregorian Institute of America, Toledo, OH

They placed Him in a tomb of stone,
Dead, all helpless, and alone.
But Easter morn, before the light,
He rose alive in glory bright.

Challenge for the Week: Consider what moves you to feel compassion. Is it when you see suffering? When someone is sick or dying? When you know someone is doing without or is lonely or alone? Pope Francis calls us to act on our feelings of compassion and to go to the aid or service of others. Make it a point this week to intentionally show compassion toward someone. Go visit a shut-in, send a note to someone who may be feeling lonely, volunteer at a pantry or shelter, help your neighbor who is need, the options are endless. Go forth and show someone compassion; may they see the risen Christ in YOU!

April 9, 2014 (Sunday, April 13 readings)

Opening Prayer – Palm Sunday
Lord, grant us the humility to turn to you
when others drag us down;
Lead us down the path of mercy and forgiveness
so the burdens we carry become lightened
by your sacrifice on the Cross;
May we learn from your example
shared with us through Your Word.

Journal/Reflection Questions
Isaiah 50:4-7
• From whose perspective is this reading? What does it tell you about speaking out against injustice?
• What does God promise to those who hear His word and act on it?

Philippians 2:6-11
• How do I show love? Do I love others with conditions? What can I do to love others more fully?
• What are you selfish about? With whom are you selfish? Are there people in your life whom you do not share openly? Why?

Matthew 26:14-27:66
• Have you ever been in a state of extreme physical pain? How were you able to cope? Have you been with someone who has been in extreme physical pain? What can you do to help those who suffer?
• If you were there on the day of Jesus’ crucifixion, could you have stayed with Jesus until the very end? Who in this scripture can you relate to the most? Why?

General Questions for Journaling
• Name qualities of a humble person. Do you have any of these qualities? Do you know anyone who does?
• What gets in your way when you try to give your time to Jesus in prayer? What distracts you?
• If you believe Jesus is the King of Glory, how do you show your obedience to Him?
• Have you experienced a time when you were able to turn your back to people or actions which had taken control over you? How were you able to overcome? How can you continue to resist the temptation to give up or give in?
• Do you know anyone who is selfless? What qualities do they have that you can model?
• How do you respond to people who question the existence of God because He allows suffering?
• Have you ever felt your faith shaken? Write down the experience.
• If you have had your faith shaken, what was the outcome of the experience?
• What in your life is worth dying for? How do you determine worth?

Closing Prayer
You brought us out of the desert and
gave us living water, cured us of our blindness,
and call us from out of our graves into new life.
May we be fully aware of the sacrifice you have given so we may truly live the life you want us to live in joyful abundance!

Challenge for the Week: The Romans hung Jesus on the cross to bring attention to him, ridicule and humiliate. Even in this state, Jesus was able to forgive those who had scourged, tortured and spat on him. How do we act when someone lies to us, cheats or tells lies about us? What do we do when people throw daggers at us with their words and actions? How do we forgive those who hurt us? On the flip side, what do our actions say? Do we consistently treat others kindly or are we guilty of spreading rumors or gossiping? Do we turn the other way when someone is being treated unjustly? This week, take some time to really look at your actions; what are they really saying? Do we look more like Jesus in these readings or like those condemning him? Make a commitment to make a permanent change in how you treat others, even if it is a baby step. Take the opportunity given to pray more intently this last week of Lent to make a positive change.

April 2, 2014 (Sunday, April 6 readings)

Opening Prayer – Fifth Sunday of Lent
Creator God; You breathe life into us.
Savior Jesus; You died so our life can be eternal.
Holy Spirit; You fill us each day with new life.
May Your holy Word penetrate our souls today,
and give us new life in YOU!

Journal/Reflection Questions
Ezekiel 37:12-14
• God promises the Israelites He will bring them out of darkness, when has God fulfilled this promise to you?
• Where is the Holy Spirit working in your life? Do you see it daily or just occasionally?

Romans 8:8-11
• Saint Paul urges us to be guided by the Spirit rather than the flesh. It is easier said than done. What practices can you put into practice in your life to help you be directed by the Holy Spirit more often?
• Is there a temptation of the flesh of which you struggle? Write a prayer to pray when you are faced with the temptation.

John 11:1-45
• When was the last time you saw the glory of God? Where was it? Who was with you? What did it look like? How do you know it was God’s glory?
• Does knowing God has already died and risen so you might have eternal life affect how you live?

General Questions for Journaling
• The phrase, “Jesus wept” occurs only twice in the Bible. Do you think these were the only times Jesus cried? What do you believe brought Jesus to tears? What do you believe brings Jesus to tears today?
• Have you experienced a time when death brought new life? Consider the seasons of winter and spring…use the symbolism of how the dead, frozen winter brings new growth to the spring.
• This story of Lazarus coming from his tomb is symbolic of how each of us will be called “back to life” after our earthly death. Imagine how you will feel when you are called to come out by Jesus. What do you imagine feeling? What might you say?
• Do you relate to Martha and Mary in this story? How do you imagine they were feeling? Have you ever shared similar feelings? What was the situation? How did it turn out? Have you forgiven the person whom you harbored negative thoughts or feelings towards?
• Death is a part of life, so why is it so difficult for us to accept? What can we take from the readings this week to help us deal and cope with the death we deal with in our lives?
• Spend some time reflecting on how the story of Lazarus can teach us about waiting for God’s timing.

Closing Prayer
Leader: Lord, you have the power to free us…
ALL: Set us free of all that bind us!
Leader: Lord, you have the power to forgive us…
ALL: Set us free of the sin that weighs us down!
Leader: Lord, you have the power to heal us…
ALL: Set us free from the pain of death!

Challenge for the Week: Scripture tells us, Lazarus was Jesus’ best friend. Throughout our lives, we have friends come in and out of our lives. Take some time this week to think about the friendships you have and have had over the years. Are there friendships we’d like to “resurrect”? Do we have friendships which require some healing? Do we have friends who lead us into temptation and away from God? Identify the friends who fill you with the Holy Spirit and help lead you to live in God’s glory. Make a point to connect with these friends on a more regular basis.