May 28, 2014 (Sunday, June 1 readings)

Opening Prayer – Ascension of our Lord
You made the promise you would be with us always.
Open our hearts, minds and souls to your presence.
May we come to know you better through the WORD;
and may we see, hear and feel the Holy Spirit you left for us.

Journal/Reflection Questions
Acts 1:1-11
• Where is the Holy Spirit working through your life? How are you a witness? What gifts have you been given to share with others?
• Are the people you turn to for help through your struggles filled with the Holy Spirit? Where do you find spiritual understanding?
Ephesians 1:17-23
• Jesus said he came so we might have “life to the full”. What is your definition of “full”? How does this definition translate into your spiritual life?
• Where do you get “spiritually full”? What can you do each day to get filled? How can you help fill others with the love of God? Is it possible to live in the “fullness” of Christ all the time?
Matthew 28:16-20
• In the Old Testament, God is the “I am”, in the New Testament, Jesus is the physical presence, the tangible and the Holy Spirit is within all things, at all times. What feelings do you experience when you meditate on each of the three persons of the trinity?
• What do you see, feel or hear this reading calling you to do? Where can you “go” for Christ this week?

General Questions for Journaling
• Have you ever received something back which you thought was lost? What did it feel like? How would it feel to have it taken away or to lose it again?
• What makes saying goodbye so difficult?
• What rituals do you or your family have when saying goodbye?
• How do you remember loved ones who you don’t see often because of distance or death? What do you do to stay close to them?
• How do you honor the memory of those who have died? What keeps their spirit alive in you? What can you do to pass their spirit onto others in your family?
• Do you feel God’s call in your life? How would you describe it? How does it contrast to the other “calls” in your life?
• What are the words to describe the Holy Spirit? (Paraclete, Advocate, Comforter, etc.) How do these words speak to your life?
• What are the symbols which remind us of the Holy Spirit? (Dove, Wind, Fire, etc.)What do each of these symbols mean to you and how can we be more aware of these symbols each day?

Closing Prayer
Leader: We have been baptized with water and in the Spirit.
ALL: Let us go and make disciples.
Leader: We have been freed from sin by your death on the cross.
ALL: Let us go and make disciples.
Leader: We have been called worthy of the promises of Christ.
ALL: Let us go and make disciples.

Challenge for the Week: Is there an area in your life which is in need of a resurrection? A relationship which you avoid or push aside because you know you need to apologize and it will be difficult to mend? Some sin you struggle with that you just can’t seem to shake loose? Do you find yourself getting jealous of others good fortune and get down on yourself saying you could never have what they have? We all have our moments, days, weeks and seasons which we forget Our Lord came so we might have a better life, a resurrected life. Spend time this week resurrecting something you have tried to bury and let it go so it can be resurrected. We cannot live our life to the fullest when we continue to carry sin and hurt and other baggage from our past along the way. Our journey is long but our burden should be light…hand it over to Jesus…he is with us until the end of the age!

May 21, 2014 (Sunday, May 25 readings)

Opening Prayer – 6th Sunday of Easter
You showed us the way to the Father;
You taught us how to live with mercy and compassion;
You called us by name into Your unconditional love;
May Your Word continue to guide us, teach us and call us
to a deeper relationship with You!

Journal/Reflection Questions
Acts 8:5-8, 14-17
• What caught the attention of the crowds to draw them to Philip? How does God catch your attention?
• How do you live out your baptism and share the joy of Christ with others?
1Peter 2:4-9
• Jesus suffered death for you so you might not have to suffer. How can you let go of the suffering in your life and live in the joy Jesus died for?
• Reflect on an example when it was better for you to “suffer for doing good, than for doing evil.” What does this look like?
John 14:15-21
• What words do you use to describe God? Jesus? Holy Spirit? How do your definitions affect your relationship with each part of the trinity?
• What situation in your life is in need of an “advocate”? Have you sought the counsel, understanding, knowledge, wisdom, right judgment, wonder & awe and piety of the Holy Spirit?

General Questions for Journaling
• What inspires you to continue to grow in faith and your relationship with Christ? What practices grab your attention in spiritual matters?
• Mediate on a time when you were filled with ‘great joy’. What were the circumstances? How can you duplicate joyful moments in your life on a daily basis?
• Where is there evidence of the presence of God in your life right now?
• Share some examples of “everyday miracles”. Count up the miracles you witnessed throughout the day tonight as you say your evening prayers.
• How does the Holy Spirit live in you? How does She inspire you? Where do you see evidence of the Holy Spirit in the various aspects of your life and in the world around you?
• What do you hope for?
• How is the example of love shown in the Gospel reading evident in your daily life?
• When you see Jesus, you see the Father, when you love Jesus, you love the Father; how do others see the Father’s love when they see you? What ways of Jesus do you need to work on so others might see the Father more clearly in your words and actions?

Closing Prayer
Leader: We are created in the image and likeness of God.
ALL: Lord, help us believe!
Leader: We are given the gift of unconditional love.
ALL: Lord, help us believe!
Leader: We are children of the Almighty and Ever-lasting.
ALL: Lord, help us believe!

Challenge for the Week: Make a list of 10 things that bring you joy. Perhaps it is sitting on your front porch as the sun comes up, maybe it is hearing children laughing, or it is the freedom you feel when you swing on a swing set or in a porch swing. Identify 10 things which bring you joy and write them down. Place the list somewhere you can see it and make a point to do at least one of those things each day. After a few days, see if spending time focusing on purposefully spending time filling yourself with joy changes you attitude, perspective or outlook on your life, circumstances or suffering. Consider cultivating joy in your life and as it grows in you, it is likely to be contagious 

May 14, 2014 (Sunday, May 18 readings)

Opening Prayer – 5th Sunday of Easter
You call us out of the darkness to follow you in the light.
You show us the way to which leads to the Father.
You fill us with the Holy Spirit to show others how to serve.
You gave your life so we might remain with you forever.
Lead us Lord.
Wrap us in your love.

Journal/Reflection Questions
Acts 6:1-7
• Who in your community is neglected? What can you do for them to help them?
• What need do you see that is not being met? How can you, the community, the church do to help meet the need you see?
1Peter 2:4-9
• Share a time when Jesus could be described as a “stone foundation” to you. What has kept you strong in your faith?
• Share a time when you “stumbled” in your faith. What tripped you up? What helped build your faith back up?
John 14:1-12
• What do you think Philip was thinking when Jesus said, “I am in the Father and the Father is in me”? The mystery of the Trinity was not known to the disciples at this time. How could Philip make sense of what Jesus was telling him?
• Jesus knew he was going to have to leave but the disciples didn’t understand. Share a time when you had to leave someone in your life. How is it similar to different to Jesus’ leaving?

General Questions for Journaling
• Brainstorm examples of people in your community who feel neglect. Where can they find help?
• Do you belong to a community of faith? How does this community help to build you up?
• Where do you see the good works of the community in action? What do you do to help the cause?
• How does it make you feel when you see a need in the community not being met? Are you empathetic? Sympathetic? Do you feel the need it too big or gotten out of control? Do you feel helpless and unprepared to be able to change the situation? Seek God’s wisdom to help you find out what you should do to help.
• What does it mean to you to be called a “chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation”? How do we live as if these statements are true?
• What darkness has God called you out of in your life? How do you continue to be strong and not fall back into the darkness? What hope can these readings give?
• How is God’s love shown to us through these readings? Are there examples of this type of love in your life today? Where do you see God’s love at work in your community?
• How do you deal with loss? What is your reaction to death? What helps you to carry on? How can you practice hope in your faith?

Closing Prayer
Leader: You are the way;
ALL: though the path may be rocky, you are always with us!
Leader: You are the truth;
ALL: all of your works and promises are fulfilled!
Leader: You are the light;
ALL: even in my darkest hour, your light shines through!

Challenge for the Week: Have you ever had someone close to you in hospice care? This process helps prepare people to go through the letting go of a loved one. Jesus tried to prepare those close to him for his death but they couldn’t understand what he was telling them. We too need to go through a letting go process in order to be a follower of Jesus. We need to work on letting go of the things we deem important to refocus our desires on what God wants for our lives. What is something you can let go of this week to help you get closer to God? Maybe it is a bad habit, perhaps it is placing something in higher regard than God or another loved one, or maybe it is something that distracts us from doing what we should be doing or keeps us from our relationship with God. Search yourself for something you should “let go” of in order to make more room for God and take a step toward the light!

May 7, 2014 (Sunday, May 11 readings)

Opening Prayer – 4th Sunday of Easter

You give me what I need each day
May I be grateful and have my fill.
You lead me on the path of goodness
May I accept your mercy and follow.
You call my name to come to you
May I listen to only Your voice in my life.

Journal/Reflection Questions
Acts 2:14a, 36-41
• What emotions do you feel as you read these words? Imagine being there. How do your emotions change?
• Define conversion. How does conversion work? Is it a onetime thing or a lifelong thing? What does it mean when applied to your life? Have you undergone a conversion of some kind? What was the result of it? Do you need to undergo another conversion? Why or why not?
1Peter 2:20b-25
• How does this reading remind you to seek God’s grace instead of revenge? How can this be applied to a situation your life right now?
• What do you learn about God’s love in this passage? How does it make you feel? How can you help others see this type of love in your life?
John 10:1-10
• Who in your life provides you the shelter and protection the Shepherd shows to the sheep in this passage? Who do you provide this depth of security for in your life?
• Are there people whom are need of some type of shelter (physical, emotional, spiritual) which you can help lead them to the shepherd?

General Questions for Journaling
• What “cuts you to the heart”? Are there things that hurt so deeply you are called to do something? When was the last time you were called to action because you were “cut to the heart”?
• Where in your community do you see a need for a change? Is there something you can do to help make a change?
• Think of a time when you tried to do the right/just thing and your efforts were not rewarded in a positive way. Why do you think good people suffer? Consider some of the reasons a person might have to go through suffering in order to bring about good.
• When confronted with violence, is violence ever the right response? How does your anger get in the way of following Jesus’ example not to retaliate?
• Who are the people in your life whom you go to for shelter? Advice? Counsel? Do they know the Shepherd?

Closing Prayer
Leader: We stray like little sheep
ALL: Lead us as we are to go.
Leader: We wander around without direction
ALL: Lead us as we are to go.
Leader: We listen to the voices of the world
ALL: Lead us as we are to go.
Leader: You know our Spirit and still love us
ALL: Lead us as we are to go.
Leader: You are the gate which leads us to heaven
ALL: Lead us as we are to go.

Challenge for the Week: I invite you to go into deep meditation with the words and phrases of this Gospel. Take time, perhaps one per day, to take the phrase and sit with it; carry it with you as your daily mantra to mull over. How do these words affect you, what do they tell you, where can they help you make a conversion in your life? The Good Shepherd: Calling by Name; Recognition of Voice; Following the Shepherd; Not Following Strangers; Shepherd as Gate.