Scripture Study – June 11, 2014 (Sunday, June 15 readings)

Opening Prayer – Holy Trinity
Creator God,
you fill the world with all things good.
Savior God,
you came to earth to live among us and die for our salvation.
Spirit God,
You dwell in us so we are forever with you.
Blessed Trinity, help us be more aware of your presence in our lives!

Journal/Reflection Questions
Exodus 34:4b-6, 8-9
• What does God reveal about His character in this scripture?
• Describe God’s love. What does it look like? Feel like? Sound like?
2 Corinthians 13:11-13
• What do you learn about God in this scripture? About Jesus? About the Holy Spirit?
• How does this reading suggest we live our everyday lives? Is it impossible to live in this way? Why or why not?
John 3:16-18
• “For God so loved the world”, speaks of sacrifice. Do you sacrifice things for your faith? For a relationship with God?
• Do you sacrifice for love? Whom in your life do you love enough to sacrifice things for? Do you sacrifice freely or with expectation?

General Questions for Journaling
• God looks past our faults to love us…what do we need to look past to love another?
• What do you hold a grudge against? How can you begin to let love into that situation?
• Moses asked God to pardon our sins…what do you have a hard time pardoning? Are there things of this world which are hard for you to forgive?
• How does the grace of Jesus come upon you? What is the recipe for this to happen?
• How do you experience peace? Is there a place where you find peace? Is it a location or a state of mind? How do you reach it?
• Do you know a peaceful person? What qualities do they have that you would like to cultivate?
• Are we called to agree and get along with everyone, all of the time?
• What would you say are the “core” things we all should agree upon to make this world a better place?

Closing Prayer
you sent your Word
to bring us truth
and your Spirit to make us holy.
Through them we come to know
the mystery of your life.
Help us to worship you,
one God in three Persons,
by proclaiming and living our faith in you.
We ask you this, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
one God, true and living, forever and ever.

Challenge for the Week: Do you know someone you would describe as an encourager? What makes them so? Do they encourage you or others too? Make a point this week to encourage someone new each day. It may be helpful to take time to reflect on some of the people you see weekly and consider what you might do or say to encourage them. Consider people you don’t see on a regular basis who might need some encouragement and write them a note, email or make a phone call. Also, spend time thinking about those people in your life who have been and still are encouragers to you. Do they know how much their support means to you and how it has affected your life? Take time to let them know how you feel and who they are a gift to your life.

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