Sunday, September 28th readings

26th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer
Saving Lord
You are always with us.
You never leave us.
Even when we turn away, YOU are near!
Bring us into Your Spirit,
so we may be mindful of your presence.

Journal/Reflection Questions
Ezekiel 18:25-28
• Reflect on a time this week when you turned away from wickedness. How did you recognize the wickedness? Did you turn to God instead?
• Define “Conversion”. What does this mean to you?
Philippians 2:1-11
• Who are some of the people whose needs we put first, before our own?
• Are there people in our lives who put our needs before their own? Reflect on the examples of when then this has happened…what is the relationship between you and the person who puts your needs ahead of their needs?
Matthew 21:28-32
• Which son is need of conversion? Consider how BOTH might work toward conversion. How can you relate to both of them? Have you been where they are at one time or another in your life?
• How do the Elder’s change their ways because of Jesus’ words? How are you called to change because of His words?

General Questions for Journaling
• Have you experienced a conversion in your life? Is it a one-time event or can it happen repeatedly?
• How easy or difficult is daily conversion? What would/does this look like in your life?
• Consider some of the saints…reflect on one or two of them who put the needs of others before their own needs. What can you learn from their example and put into practice in your life?
• What does it mean to you to be a “slave” to Christ? Share an example.
• How would you say you resemble God? What qualities do you emulate? Which qualities do you wish to work on so you might be more like God?
• Are good words or good deeds better? Why?
• Is there an area in your life which is in need of conversion? Map out a plan on how you might achieve this, what you will do, who you will ask for assistance, be specific.

Closing Prayer
Leader: When we struggle with a decision…
ALL: Let our works imitate our words!
Leader: When we face our fears…
ALL: Let our works imitate our words!
Leader: When the road seems too rough…
ALL: Let our works imitate our words!
Leader: When we are surrounded by difficult people…
ALL: Let our works imitate our words!
Leader: May we call on you to shine through!

Challenge for the Week: Sometimes we become blind to our own sin and get wrapped up in what we see around us as a way to not have to look at what is going on inside of us. We should spend less time pointing out the wrong doings of others, and focus on our own wrong doings. When we do this, we become more aware of the working of God in our lives. Once aware of God’s presence in our lives, we begin to ignore our own self-interests and become conscious of what God wants for us. Then our words and our works become more in line with one another. Reflect this week on a specific way your words and actions conflict, what can you do to balance them out? What is causing the imbalance? Are there actions you can take to keep from getting out of balance?

Sunday, September 21st readings

Opening Prayer
Though we may grumble and complain,
YOU continue to stay close to us.
Let us be more mindful of your presence,
in ourselves and in others.
May we learn to look more deeply
into the truth which is Your Word.

Journal/Reflection Questions
Isaiah 55:6-9
• Where is God present in your life right now? How often do you see, here or feel God’s presence within a 24 hour period?
• Are there times when God is more or less present? When is He more? When is He less?

Philippians 1:20c-24, 27a
• Identify at least one person in your life who “magnifies” God. What qualities “magnify” God? How do you “magnify” God?
• What work in your life produces “good fruit”? How do you engage in “fruitful labor”?

Matthew 20:1-16a
• Share an example of how a person can live out the Gospel message in a positive way.
• Do you know people who live a life of generosity? How can you follow their example?

General Questions for Journaling
• How would you respond to someone if they asked you how you know God is near?
• If God is always near, why do we need to seek Him? What make it hard to find Him sometimes?
• Would God ever hold back mercy or forgiveness? Why or why not?
• Have you ever held back from giving or showing mercy or forgiveness? What was the situation? How can you grow and change from the experience?
• Follow your family tree back and identify family members who have been examples of “fruitful laborers”, “workers for the kingdom”. Spend time in prayer giving thanks for their example.
• How is grace given in the ways of the world? What does grace look like in these terms? How is it similar or different than the way God gives grace?
• Is generosity earned? How does one become worthy of being the recipient of a generous act?

Closing Prayer
Leader: When we grow weary and tired after a long day…
ALL: Let us turn to You, You are our reward!

Leader: When we find ourselves full of stress and worry…
ALL: Let us turn to You, You are our reward!
Leader: When we are limited by rules and regulations…
ALL: Let us turn to You, You are our reward!
Leader: When we think we are not enough or are alone…
ALL: Let us turn to You, You are our reward!
Leader: Generous God, you are all we need!

Challenge for the Week: Some of the first lessons we learn as a child are to be fair and to share. When we share our things everyone gets equal time or equal pieces so it is “fair”. However, the Gospel is not a very good example of being fair. I’d bet most people get offended by how unfair this story comes across at face value. Like most of Jesus’ parables, we need to dig into it and know there is a deeper message within. Our lesson is to know that it is never too late for us to turn to God and receive His love and abundant blessings in our lives. When we know and love God, we know peace. This week as you go about your tasks, share this message with others. Let them know if they do not already have a relationship with Jesus that it is not too late to start. God will give everyone the same amount of love, forgiveness, mercy and grace no matter when they come and no matter what they have done. Share this good news with all you meet!

Sunday, September 14th readings

Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Opening Prayer
You emptied yourself for us on the Cross
You sacrificed all you had for our sins
You poured out your blood
and you gave your life freely
We are humbled by the power of Your actions.
We are strengthened by Your Word.
We are in awe of Your mercy and grace.

Journal/Reflection Questions
Numbers 21:4b-9
• How does God use the bad situation to show good? Does He offer these kinds of solutions to you in your life today?
• What is the moral of the story here? What is God trying to say?

Philippians 2:6-11
• Do you think Jesus didn’t seek equality with God because He subconsciously knew He was God?
• How could someone seek equality with God? What would that look like? Is it possible?
• Are there people you have put up in a place of honor like God? What makes this so? How can you begin to move toward putting God and God alone first in your life?

John 3:13-17
• What are you willing to risk in order to be a follower of Christ? What did Nicodemus risk? Did his risk pay off?
• Are there things you consider worth dying for in this world today?

General Questions for Journaling
• Have you experienced good things coming out of bad situations? Where was God in this instance?
• Consider the symbolism in this First Reading. What do the snakes represent? What does the staff represent? What is ailing the people? What do they suffer from? How is this similar or different from today?
• Has God ever told you to do something you thought didn’t make any since like He did to the people in the desert? What can you do to listen to these requests and follow them even if they sound strange in the ways of the world?
• How does Jesus show humility in the scriptures this week? What can we learn from his example?
• Define poverty. Is it simply the lack of something or is there more too it?
• How might you be in poverty in your life right now?
• In the Gospels, Jesus repeatedly shows us how to pray. Reflect on the examples you can remember and try to put one or more of them into action.

Closing Prayer
Leader: When we recognize you in the everyday…
ALL: We turn our eyes toward heaven!
Leader: When we allow ourselves to surrender to your will…
ALL: We turn our eyes toward heaven!
Leader: When we consciously draw ourselves into unity with you…
ALL: We turn our eyes toward heaven!

Challenge for the Week: A tradition in the Catholic Church during Holy Week, the week leading up to Easter, is to gather together to venerate the cross. The word ‘venerate’ means to show great respect. The cross is one of the major symbols of Christianity and is displayed in most if not all places Christians gather to worship. Many Christians will have a cross hung somewhere in their home and others will wear the symbol on their clothing or as an accessory. The cross carries with it the understanding that it unites us to Christ and to one another. However, there is an even deeper meaning which we sometimes over look. The cross is not simply a symbol of Christianity but all that Christianity stands for because of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Catholics take this reverence one step further and display the cross with Christ crucified, the crucifix, to remind us of the sins Jesus suffered and died for in order for us to be forgiven. But it doesn’t just stop there. We venerate the cross because that is the symbol of all of the sins Jesus carried, we should still be taking our sins to the cross. Then, like Jesus, we should leave them at the cross and be resurrected from the sin into everlasting life. The cross reminds us of the promise of heaven but it is also a portal to heavenly life here on earth. The challenge this week is simple, look for the cross in the community. When you see a cross, give thanks and praise to God. If someone is wearing a cross, acknowledge it. We don’t only need to venerate the cross on Good Friday, but each and every day!

Sunday, September 7th readings

23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer
Heavenly Father
May we understand the power of prayer.
Help us to come to you with all we need.
Gather our prayers with others,
let us pray for one another
so our prayers become ONE.

Journal/Reflection Questions
Ezekiel 33:7-9
• How can you recognize a present day prophet? Do they exist?
• Is there an injustice you see which you can help shed light onto? How does God lead you to take action?
• How will God hold us accountable for our sins? How will He hold us accountable for the sins of others?

Romans 13:8-10
• In your own words, define the whole law? What is it Jesus asks of us? Are you capable?
• How do you imagine you will be judged? On how much you love your neighbor or how much you do for your neighbor? How are those two things different?

Matthew 18:15-20
• Reflect on a time when you witnessed the power. What was the situation? Was it a prayer answered because of community prayer such as a prayer chain or a prayer service? Share the experience.
• Do you think it is possible for two people to agree on something, pray for it and for God to grant them the prayer? Explain.

General Questions for Journaling
• How can a person speak truth in the world without sounding as if they are calling someone out? Is it possible to find a happy medium?
• How does your life bear witness to the goodness of God?
• If you could give yourself a grade for how well you keep the commandments, what would your grade card say?
• How have you experienced divine love? Is there someone in your life in need of divine love? How can you give it to them?
• Make a list of the things you love about yourself. Is it easy or difficult to come up with 10 things?
• Jesus said to love one another…even when it is difficult. Are you shutting yourself off from a relationship or relationships because you fear getting hurt?
• Have you been hurt in a relationship but haven’t reconciled with the person? Stop ignoring. Figure out a solution to make the wrong that was done right.
• Is there a relationship you need to give some attention to this week? Something in need of repair?
• How do you know God is present in prayer? In a relationship?

Closing Prayer
Leader: Lord you are present in all things
ALL: May we not ignore the gentle nudges of our heart.
Leader: Lord you are present in all things
ALL: May we not ignore the gentle whisper in our soul.
Leader: Lord you are present in all things
ALL: May we not ignore the gentle invitation of faith.

Challenge for the Week: Too often we let our emotions get the best of us and when someone says something that hurts us or someone we love, we want to hurt them in return. However, this is not how we show each other love. We need to think before we speak. There is so much sarcasm in conversation these days and people just say things, hurtful things and for some reason we think it is funny. However, it is not funny…sarcasm hurts. This week, as you go about your everyday activities be mindful of how much sarcasm you use and how much you hear. What is really being said? Why is it being used? Reflect on it and see if you are able to find any truth in it.