Sunday, November 30th readings

First Sunday of Advent

Opening Prayer

Lord, Creator of ALL

By YOUR firm hand,

shape us, mend us and mold us.

Help us accept YOUR guidance

in good times and in bad times.

Allowing your grace to open us

So YOUR will may be done in our lives.

Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7

  • Compare yourself to a clay pot. What shape do you have?  What shade/color?  Do you have a large opening or small?  Are you tall or short?  How much volume do you have?  How fragile?
  • Eye have not seen and ear have not heard, how can you demonstrate to others how much God has done for you?

1Corinthians 1:3-9

  • Can you identify how your relationship with God/God’s presence in your life has made your life better?
  • In the Spirit of Thanksgiving, what are some God given things in which you are thankful? Have you specifically thanked God for these things?
  • As you shop for Christmas gifts, consider some of the spiritual gifts you can share as well.

Mark 13:33-37

  • What is the difference between being watchful and aware VS. being worried and stressed? Where do you fall on a 1-10 scale?
  • What is the definition of a gatekeeper? What responsibilities does a gatekeeper have?  Are you called to be a gatekeeper of faith?


General Questions for Journaling

  • What have you done which you know was wrong but you did it anyways?
  • Do you act differently when you know others are watching? How is the person God sees different than the one the world sees?
  • Who are some of those people in your life whom you are glad you met? You might have only met them one time or you get to spend time with them often.  Where is God in that relationship?
  • Who are the people you are glad God gave to you? How do you let them know they are special to you?
  • As you prepare for Christmas, how do you keep Jesus at the forefront of your preparations?
  • Have you ever tried to stay up all night in order to experience something great? Imagine as a child staying up to see Santa Claus or waiting for someone in labor or to arrive home after a long trip?  What helped to keep you alert and vigilant?
  • Is it hard to wait for something? What is something you have had to wait for recently?  How did you cope with the waiting?
  • Good things come to those who wait. Reflect on this statement and determine where in your life this has been true.
  • Our society has conditioned us to expect “instant gratification” so that when we want something right now, we can almost always get it right now. Are there things you can’t wait for or have a hard time waiting for?

Closing Prayer

St. Francis de Sales wrote:

Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them–every day begin the tasks anew.”

ALL:  My dearest Jesus, teach me to be patient, when all day long my heart is troubled by little, but troublesome crosses.

Challenge for the Week:   In this season of Advent, Christians are called to slow down and take time to “seek” God…think of the traditional Advent Calendar which you open a “door” each day seeking Jesus (or the chocolate candy inside).  Are there people in your life which help you see God more clearly?  Is there someone who has taught you about God’s love, mercy, forgiveness?  When you think of “seeking” God, think about some of the non-traditional places you can find Him.  This week consider writing a note to someone who has helped you seek God or write a prayer or poem about how and where you seek and find God in your life or in the world. 

Sunday, November 23rd readings

34th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Christ the King!

Opening Prayer

Our Lord and Shepherd,

You shelter us and keep us safe from harm;

You tend to our hurts and heal our wounds;

You lead us in ways which may seem rough, but you NEVER leave us!

Though evil may lurk in the shadows; YOU protect us!

May we learn from your example and care for others with love and compassion.

Journal/Reflection Questions

Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17

  • How can you relate God to a shepherd? In what ways does God shelter you?  Tend to your needs?  Heal your wounds?
  • Where do you see God “scattered among the sheep”? What image(s) come to mind?

1Corinthians 15:20-26, 28

  • What does this scripture mean by the phrase “destroy death”? How did Jesus destroy death?  How do you or could you help to make this statement true in your life?
  • Have you seen examples of “enemies under foot”? Reflect on how God might want you to use these examples to show how He conquers death.

Matthew 25:31-46

  • Imagine yourself in this scripture. Where do you see yourself?  Reflect back on the past year and identify times when you had the opportunity to do these things; did you do them?
  • How does this scripture make you feel? What does it tell you about God?
  • Why does the Catholic Church celebrate Christ the King (Solemnity of Jesus) the last Sunday of the Liturgical Year (this weekend)? What significance does it hold?  Why would this particular Gospel be the reading for this celebration each and every year?  What might this motivate you to do?  Are there “new year’s resolutions” you might work on for this coming year?

General Questions for Journaling

  • How are you like a shepherd? A leader?  How do you lead?
  • What qualities of a shepherd do you emulate? Which ones would you like to work on?
  • How can serious illness or death challenge your faith?
  • Have you experienced a restoration of life? What is needed to restore life?  Where do you see the need for life to be restored?
  • Why would Jesus come, not as a King but as a Servant?
  • Can you relate better to the poor and suffering or the rich and powerful? Share how it is easy or difficult to relate to both.
  • When was the last time you gave to another? How did this experience affect you?
  • Consider how you could make time to volunteer in a big or small way. Set a goal to volunteer a couple days a year, a few hours a month or more regularly.

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Christ Jesus, you show your strength by giving to the weak;

ALL:  YOU alone are power!

Leader:  Christ Jesus, you shine your light through our darkness;

ALL:  YOU alone are splendor!

Leader:  Christ Jesus, you direct our path to salvation;

ALL:  YOU alone are righteous!

Leader:Christ Jesus, you bore a crown of thorns & have a cross for a throne;

ALL:  YOU alone are KING!

Challenge for the Week:   Sheep rely on their sense of smell to stay close to the flock.  Reflect this week on how you should do the same.  Are those you are close to faithful to their walk with Jesus and work to live out the Corporal Works of Mercy listed in the Gospel?  Can you identify some goats mixed in among your flock?  Are you deceived by some wolves in sheep’s clothing; one who might smell like a sheep and look like a sheep on the outside but truly doesn’t live out Christian values?  Could you be a goat or a wolf?  Also consider how the ninety-nine sheep whom are left behind know what to do while the shepherd goes in search of the one he lost.  Jesus knows these sheep will not go astray while He is gone because they have one another.  If you believe you are one of the ninety-nine, what keeps you from going astray?  Could you be the one He seeks?  Have you lost your sense of smell?

Sunday, November 16th readings

33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer

We humbly pray…

May we boldly give our lives in service to others

so your love will be shown through our actions.

May we meet the needs of others with love and compassion

just as you have modeled for us with your life.

May we not be afraid of the gifts we have been given

and share them unselfishly with everyone we encounter.

We ask all of this through Christ our Lord.

Journal/Reflection Questions

Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31

  • How might this woman be judged by the standards in today’s society? How was she judged during her time?  How do they compare and contrast?
  • What is the woman’s return investment? What is it worth?

1Thessalonians 5:1-6

  • What emotions are conjured up within you when you hear this reading?
  • Describe the behaviors which indicate a person who lives in the light vs one who lives in the darkness. What about someone who lives in the shadows?  Is the shadow light or dark?

Matthew 25:14-30

  • Imagine yourself in this scripture. Where do you see yourself?  As the landowner?  One of the servants?  What examples can you give to support your answer?
  • Are there talents you still have hidden? Do you have talents you no longer use but used at a different time in your life?  How did you discover the talents you have?


General Questions for Journaling

  • List ways a person can show “fear of the Lord” or “wonder and awe” of God. Are any of these ways woven into your daily routine?
  • How does one become holy? Is it through word?  Is it through action?  Is there a recipe to follow for someone to become holy?
  • Are you fearful God will come to take you before you are ready? How does someone prepare to die?
  • What are some reasons you might bury your talents?
  • Are you a risk-taker? On a 1-10 scale how would you rate yourself?
  • Name some of the places in your life where risks might be necessary for growth? (identify specific places where you took a risk to grow in faith, grow in love or grow in trust)
  • God takes a risk on us by giving us all of His love, grace and mercy. What do we risk for God in return?
  • Which voice inside do you listen to when determining decisions? Do you respond out of obligation or fear?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  You gave us the gift of life, created in your image.

ALL:  All we have is because you loved us first.

Leader:  You gave us the gift of grace, to wipe away our sin.

ALL:  All we have is because you gave us your Son.

Leader:  You gave us the gift of salvation, promise of eternal life.

ALL:  All we have is because Jesus died for us.

Leader:  You gave us the gift of humility, so we may serve you.

ALL:  All we have is because you served us first.

Challenge for the Week:  Imagine you hear your doorbell ring as you are preparing to sit down for dinner with your family.  You are at a climatic point in the preparation and you hesitate answering the door.  Despite your desire to ignore the doorbell, you go to answer it.  When you open the door, you see Jesus standing there, looking just as you had always imagined.  He calls you by name, extends his hand and says, “Are you ready to go?”  How would you respond to Jesus if he came to your door?  Would you tell him to wait?  What things would you need to do before you would be ready to go?  Are there things you would want to take with you?  People you would need to forgive?  Others you need to apologize to?  We do not know the day, we do not know the hour but like a thief in the night we can be gone.  Are you ready?

Sunday, November 9th readings

Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome

Opening Prayer


Let YOUR concerns be our FIRST concerns.

Let YOUR actions be our FIRST actions.

Let YOUR ways be our ONLY WAY!

May we hear YOUR Word

and follow with courage and understanding

Please fill us with YOUR Spirit

so we know which way to go!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12

  • What symbolism can be drawn from the “directions” given in this reading? What does the water represent?
  • How does the water change or transform what it encounters? Does the water you come in contact with on a daily basis contain the same ability?

1Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17

  • What would you say is the foundation of your faith?
  • How do you know the Holy Spirit is within you?

John 2:13-22

  • What do you think caused Jesus’ reaction to those selling items for sacrifice outside the temple?
  • What do you think causes Jesus to act this way?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Reflect on the many uses for water. Is all water created equally?  What is the source of the water you use?  How does water improve your quality of life?
  • Can you see God building something in your life? Can you feel God building something in your life?
  • Who are the people in your past who helped to solidify your foundation?
  • Do you get a choice in who helps build your foundation? What can you do to help build your foundation?
  • Who do you help build their foundations? Are you a solid example to help build a secure foundation?
  • How does thinking of yourself as a temple, change your perception of yourself?
  • If you are God’s temple, how well are you taking care of God’s temple? What can you do to improve how you care for your body, soul and mind?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  God of endless compassion,

ALL:  YOU meet us where we are, not matter how far away.

Leader:  Jesus, the ambassador of reconciliation,

ALL:  YOU heal us and make us whole.

Leader:  Spirit of unconditional love,

ALL:  YOU bring peace, grace and mercy to all.

Leader:  May we forever proclaim how

ALL:  YOU forgive, YOU restore and YOU strengthen!

Challenge for the Week:  The Gospel story tells us about how Jesus got angry because people had made the Temple (OUR Father’s House) into a Marketplace.  How often do we do the same?  How often do we rationalize how if we are obedient to going to services every week that God will give us something in return?  How often do we offer God our commitment if He would only answer one little prayer?  Did you recently offer an exchange of faithful behavior if God would remove a heavy burden from your life?  Is this really any different than those trading “goods” and “services” outside of the Temple?  Consider how Jesus feels about us bartering with Him instead of coming to Him in prayer, open to His will for us.  Jesus already gave us everything we need by giving His live and has laid the path before us to follow.  We show our distrust in God when we begin to treat our faith as a marketplace; being jealous of other people’s gifts, telling Him we will give more and be more if only He would give us what we want (as if God doesn’t already know what is best for us), or picking and choosing which commandments we will follow and which ones we don’t think are as important.  Something to ponder as we begin to prepare for the holiday season; reflecting on the things which we are thankful for at Thanksgiving and preparing for the GIFT of Jesus’ birth at Christmas; do we give all we can to God or are we still out there looking for a better deal?