Sunday, November 9th readings

Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome

Opening Prayer


Let YOUR concerns be our FIRST concerns.

Let YOUR actions be our FIRST actions.

Let YOUR ways be our ONLY WAY!

May we hear YOUR Word

and follow with courage and understanding

Please fill us with YOUR Spirit

so we know which way to go!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12

  • What symbolism can be drawn from the “directions” given in this reading? What does the water represent?
  • How does the water change or transform what it encounters? Does the water you come in contact with on a daily basis contain the same ability?

1Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17

  • What would you say is the foundation of your faith?
  • How do you know the Holy Spirit is within you?

John 2:13-22

  • What do you think caused Jesus’ reaction to those selling items for sacrifice outside the temple?
  • What do you think causes Jesus to act this way?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Reflect on the many uses for water. Is all water created equally?  What is the source of the water you use?  How does water improve your quality of life?
  • Can you see God building something in your life? Can you feel God building something in your life?
  • Who are the people in your past who helped to solidify your foundation?
  • Do you get a choice in who helps build your foundation? What can you do to help build your foundation?
  • Who do you help build their foundations? Are you a solid example to help build a secure foundation?
  • How does thinking of yourself as a temple, change your perception of yourself?
  • If you are God’s temple, how well are you taking care of God’s temple? What can you do to improve how you care for your body, soul and mind?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  God of endless compassion,

ALL:  YOU meet us where we are, not matter how far away.

Leader:  Jesus, the ambassador of reconciliation,

ALL:  YOU heal us and make us whole.

Leader:  Spirit of unconditional love,

ALL:  YOU bring peace, grace and mercy to all.

Leader:  May we forever proclaim how

ALL:  YOU forgive, YOU restore and YOU strengthen!

Challenge for the Week:  The Gospel story tells us about how Jesus got angry because people had made the Temple (OUR Father’s House) into a Marketplace.  How often do we do the same?  How often do we rationalize how if we are obedient to going to services every week that God will give us something in return?  How often do we offer God our commitment if He would only answer one little prayer?  Did you recently offer an exchange of faithful behavior if God would remove a heavy burden from your life?  Is this really any different than those trading “goods” and “services” outside of the Temple?  Consider how Jesus feels about us bartering with Him instead of coming to Him in prayer, open to His will for us.  Jesus already gave us everything we need by giving His live and has laid the path before us to follow.  We show our distrust in God when we begin to treat our faith as a marketplace; being jealous of other people’s gifts, telling Him we will give more and be more if only He would give us what we want (as if God doesn’t already know what is best for us), or picking and choosing which commandments we will follow and which ones we don’t think are as important.  Something to ponder as we begin to prepare for the holiday season; reflecting on the things which we are thankful for at Thanksgiving and preparing for the GIFT of Jesus’ birth at Christmas; do we give all we can to God or are we still out there looking for a better deal?

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