Sunday, January 25th readings

3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


Your call should be the one we follow;

teach us not to turn our backs and go the other way.

Let us follow where you lead;

help us overcome the obstacles on the path.

Strip away our fears and the things we cling to,

so we may complete the task you created us to complete.

Come, Lord Jesus, guide us!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Jonah 3:1-5, 10

  • Share a time when you were like Jonah and didn’t want to do what God was asking you to do. What was the situation?  What was the outcome?
  • What change was God looking for from the people of Nineveh? What change do you think God is looking for in you?

1Corinthians 7:29-31

  • How has your view of the world changed over the past 5, 10, 15, 20 years? Do you still value the same things?  Do the same things still bring you joy and make you happy?
  • Are there times when you act as though you are not a child of God?

Mark 1:14-20

  • What is your idea or definition of the “time of fulfillment”? What does this look like to you?
  • How can you live like a disciple called to be a “fisher of men”? What can you do to “catch people” for God?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Reflect on the past week; are any of your actions in need of repentance? How would God answer the same question about you?
  • Make a list of things of this world you would like to have disappear. What would your life be like without those things?
  • How can you help the next generation to detach from material things?
  • Do you believe there is a recipe for happiness which could be true for all people? What would it look like?
  • How has technology positively affected you? How has technology negatively affected you?
  • Do you act as if you believe God loves you despite your shortfalls? If God can love you, what can you do to show love to yourself?
  • What were the credentials needed to be one of Jesus’ disciples?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Jesus, you know what is good for me;

ALL:  Push me Lord to do what is right and just.

Leader:  Jesus, help me fill my time doing your will for me;

ALL:  Pull me Lord away from the things that steal my time.

Leader:  Jesus, you call me out of my comfort zone;

ALL:  Stretch me Lord to follow your ways.

Leader:  Jesus, when I start to go in the wrong direction;

ALL:  Turn me Lord onto the path to the kingdom.

Leader:  When I am on the edge and I fear what may be below;

ALL:  Lord, may I learn to love you enough to JUMP!

Challenge for the Week:   Sometimes people think they need to go someplace like Haiti or Guatemala or Calcutta to make a difference in the lives of others.  Other times, people think of “those in need” as people who are holding up a sign on the corner.  Yes, this is true and helping them is a part of what Jesus calls us to do.  However, when we reach out it doesn’t have to be in some BIG, GRAND way.  Like Mother Teresa said, “Do little things with great love”.  Throw your net wide within your family, your community and your church to see how you can be a disciple, catching people for God through your kindness and generosity.  Then trust God’s love will make a BIG, GRAND difference in their lives!

Sunday, January 18th readings

2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

Lord God,

YOU call us by name, to new life each day.

YOU guide us down the path, walking with us each step.

YOU continue to invite us, even when we neglect and forget.

YOU patiently wait for us to come and see…YOU!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 55:1-11

  • How many times does God call Samuel? What can you learn about God’s character? How can this apply to your life?
  • Do you hear God’s call in your life? How does it come to you?

1John 5:1-9

  • Identify ways your body is like a temple. Commit to treating yourself better; how can you show yourself reverence?
  • Who are some of the people whom you show reverence to in your life? Could your attitude about some people change if you honored the Holy Spirit within?

Mark 1:7-11

  • How would you answer the question, “What are you looking for?” if God asked you?
  • Where does God dwell? Do you allow Him to dwell in your home?  In your relationship with your significant other?  With your children?  Grandchildren?  Does God dwell in your friendships?  Your co-workers?  In your workplace?  Is God in your free-time?


General Questions for Journaling

  • How do you hear God calling you? What does God sound like?
  • Is there something you thought you were called to which turned out badly?
  • Is there a young person in your life which you can talk to about God’s call in their life? Start the conversation.
  • Have you ignored a call from God? What would cause someone to ignore God’s call in their life?
  • All baptized persons have answered God’s call; how do you live out your baptism?
  • Have you experienced a time when you asked God for something and you received it? What was your reaction to this?
  • Where do you go to seek guidance? Is it a person?  It is always the same person?  What causes you to go to that person or those people?  Is there a better advocate?
  • What is worth you changing your plans to go and do? What is worth dropping everything to go and see?

Closing Prayer

Leader: Come and see

ALL:  the teacher, teach.

Leader:  Come and see

ALL:  the healer, heal.

Leader:  Come and see

ALL:  the Word, made flesh.

Leader:  Come and See

ALL:  the promise, fulfilled.

Challenge for the Week:   Some of us like Samuel will come to hear God’s call at a young age; others will be like Abram and hear God’s call when they are older.  Some might hear the call and not answer it because we fear we are not ready and others of us will drop everything and follow right away.  Hearing God’s call and then following it is what life is essentially about.  However we aren’t asked to figure it out on our own.  We have been given one another to guide and direct each other along the way, to help us open our ears to God’s call.  Who are the people who help you find the path God has called you to follow?  How often do you talk with those people to help keep you on track?  Don’t know how God is calling you?  Don’t have a friend or a few who you can talk to about God’s call in your life?  It might be time to start listening more intently to God’s directions for you.

Sunday, January 11th readings

Baptism of our Lord


Opening Prayer

On the banks for the river we stand;

Ready to encounter YOU!  Ready to accept YOU!

Ready to be filled with YOU!  Ready to be engulfed by YOU!

May our own baptism be renewed;

Each time we embrace grace!  Each time we share mercy!

Each time we speak YOUR name!  Each time we study YOUR WORD!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 55:1-11

  • How would you explain, “God’s ways are not our ways” to a child or a non-Christian believer?
  • What should we learn from David’s steadfast loyalty? Why does God use David as the witness of God’s everlasting covenant?

1John 5:1-9

  • How do you explain that following the commandments are not burdensome if you follow Jesus?
  • Would you say you are born of water and blood? What makes you say yes or no?  Why?

Mark 1:7-11

  • Imagine yourself as John the Baptist in this scripture. What would you think and feel?  What do you think you would do next?
  • Read the scripture and insert your name in the passage, image you are the one being baptized…what keeps you from believing God says these words to you?


General Questions for Journaling

  • What is one thing you can do to help you begin to see things more like God sees? Reflect and find one habit, attitude or obstacle which you can focus on seeing it how God sees it.
  • What is your image of heaven? Spend time reflecting and write a poem or draw a picture of what you see, hear, feel, taste and touch.
  • Have you ever been asked to testify for something or someone? How did you feel?  What were the circumstances?  How did your testimony affect the outcome?  What was your specific purpose?  Where was God in the situation?
  • Imagine a child you know. What words would you use to describe the love you have for that child?
  • How do you feel when you hear the word, commandment?
  • How strong would you say your faith is? Is it strong enough to conquer the world?  What would you say your faith is strong enough to conquer?
  • How can you allow God to use you like he did for John the Baptist?
  • Where have you seen God use you in the past year, month, week?
  • What can you do to be more open to allowing God to use you?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, YOU ARE LOVE and


Leader:  YOU know MY HEART and MY SOUL and

ALL:  with ME YOU are well pleased!

Leader:  I am created by God in YOUR image and

ALL:  I am filled with the HOLY SPIRIT!


Challenge for the Week:   As children we couldn’t wait to play in the sprinkler or dive into the deep-end of the pool.  However, as adults, we tend to only go in when necessary either to help little children or for exercise.  Why are we seen sitting on the side of the pool simply watching instead of getting in and participating?  What happens to us that keep us from capturing the joy we had as children when we were submersed, surrounded by water, splashing and giggling?  Are these same things that keep us out of the pool the same things that keep us from going deeper in our relationship with God?  Spend time reflecting on why you don’t dive in.