Sunday, May 3rd readings

Fifth Sunday of Easter


Opening Prayer


The sacrifice YOU made for us on the cross

is one sacrifice for all.

May our lives reflect our gratitude

for all YOU have done for us.

Fill us with YOUR Spirit so when we speak,

all will understand that we are YOUR disciple!

Let us boldly proclaim YOU are God alone,

we need nothing else!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 9:26-31

  • How is Saint Paul an example for us to stand up for what we believe? When he speaks people listen…why?
  • The scripture passage says the church was “at peace”. Why do you think this was so?  What makes the church at peace?  Have you ever experienced this?  What does it look like?


1John 3:18-24

  • How can you show love to your neighbor? How can you show love to a stranger?
  • Make a list of things which you believe “pleases” God. Is your list realistic?  What does this scripture say?


John 15:1-8

  • What does this reading tell you to do in order to remain connected to the vine? How can you do this?  Is it easy or difficult?
  • How can God’s words be in you? What must you do for this to be true?
  • What does it mean to “prune”? How can you prune things within yourself?  How can you prune things around you?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Have you ever taken a stand for or against something which you now have the opposing view point?
  • What have you said you would NEVER do but later found yourself doing that very thing?
  • Identify some people in the community/world today who speak out against injustice calling for change. Spend time reflecting upon their message.  What can you do to help make a change?
  • Most would agree it is much easier to talk the talk than it is to walk the walk. How would you say you are doing on both accounts on a sale from 1-10 when it comes to being a disciple?
  • How many good deeds have you done in the name of God instead of for your own recognition? Describe how it is different.
  • Have you ever asked God for something and you received it right away? What was it and why do you think it happened?
  • Does good always come from good? Does bad always come from bad?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  It is YOU who gives us breath to breathe…

ALL:  YOU are the Vine; WE are the Branches!

Leader:  It is YOU who gives us sight to see…

ALL:  YOU are the Vine; WE are the Branches!

Leader:  It is YOU who unties us when we are bound…

ALL:  YOU are the Vine; WE are the Branches!

Leader:  It is YOU who takes our burdens when we are too weak…

ALL:  YOU are the Vine; WE are the Branches!

Leader:  It is YOU who give us life to live out the Gospel message…

ALL:  YOU are the Vine; WE are the Branches!

Challenge for the Week:   Consider for a moment that your life, how you speak, how you act is a billboard for God.  How would you say you are getting the message of Christ across to others?  Do your words and actions speak boldly of Christ’s love and mercy? Or something else?

Sunday, April 26th readings

Fourth Sunday of Easter


Opening Prayer

Oh Good Shepherd,

How we long to hear you call our name!

When you are near, we are comforted.

You pick us up when we are weary

and bound our wounds.

Lord, you will never leave us for the wolves!

You are the Good Shepherd!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 4:8-12

  • Describe what is means by “the stone the builders rejected becomes the cornerstone”?
  • How would you explain to a non-believer what it means to be saved?


1John 3:1-2

  • Where do you see God’ gifts today?
  • Identify what it feels like when you feel God’s presence. Is it in you?  Around you?  Through you?  How do you know it is God?


John 10:11-18

  • What does this reading tell you about the characteristics of a Shepherd?
  • Jesus lays down His life for you…What can you do for Him to show gratitude today?


General Questions for Journaling

  • People try to tell believers Jesus didn’t exist. How do you know He did?
  • Where do you see the “hope” Jesus gives in your life, family, community, and world?
  • How has your faith healed you?
  • Share a time when someone helped you and you were inspired to help another because of the kindness showed.
  • Where do you see God’s healing presence in the world right now?
  • Consider how it feels to be rejected. How does Jesus relate to these emotions?  What can you do to gain strength during these times of trial?
  • Why does or doesn’t God swoop in and “save us” from the trouble we get into?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Born of the Father…

ALL:  I AM a child of God!

Leader:  Baptized in the Spirit…

ALL:  I AM a child of God!

Leader:  Redeemed by the blood of the lamb…

ALL:  I AM a child of God!

Leader:  Servant of the one true King…

ALL:  I AM a child of God!

Leader:  Beloved and chosen…

ALL:  I AM a child of God!

Challenge for the Week:   The practice of “pay it forward” pops up in the news occasionally where someone pays for the next person’s coffee in a coffee shop or there is an anonymous donor who drops a large check into a bucket or collection for a worthy cause.  Our hearts are filled with warmth by the generosity of others so why doesn’t it happen more often?  Why does it happen so rarely it becomes newsworthy?  One good deed has the potential to grow and multiply; be the vehicle in which it is carried on.

Sunday, April 19th readings

Second Sunday of Easter


Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father

You know our ins and our outs

You know our every thought

You created us; You know our story

May we come to know you better

When we experience the life before us!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 3:13-15, 17-19

  • What does this reading tell you about those who have sinned?
  • How does God punish those who have offended Him or His people?
  • 1John 2:1-5a
  • Do you believe Jesus died for your sins?
  • Do you believe Jesus died for the sins of all?
  • Luke 24:35-48
  • Consider the emotions of the disciples during this reading.  How might you describe what they are feeling?  When have you shared these emotions?
  • Jesus opened the scriptures to the disciples…what scripture speaks strongly to you?  Is it the same one or has is changed?  How does this reading challenge you to go out and share the scriptures?
  • General Questions for Journaling
  • What becomes of those who have offended another according to the world?  What becomes of those according to God?
  • What becomes of those who have broken the law according to the world?  What becomes of those according to God?
  • When have you had to apologize for something you didn’t do?  What was the circumstance?  Why did you apologize?
  • Are there people who should never be forgiven for what they did or said?  What do you believe God says about these same people?
  • How do you think God communicates with an atheist?  How are His words to them similar or different to how He speaks to you?
  • Where have you recognized God recently?  Were you looking for Him?
  • What can you do to find the “peace” Jesus wants for you?  What makes this “peace” easy or difficult to find?
  • Closing Prayer          
  • ALL:  May we see you in the breaking of the bread!
  • Leader:  Let us know are there in the Eucharist;
  • ALL:  May you walk with us each day!
  • Leader:  Let us know you have the path ready for us;
  • ALL:  May we experience your love through others!
  • Leader:  Let us know you are within our reach;
  • ALL:  May you come to us like the tide of the ocean!
  • Leader:  Let us know you will never leave;
  • ALL:  May we wake with you in the sun rise!
  • Leader:  Let us know you are with us each day;

Challenge for the Week:   Jesus walked the walk and talked the talk.  Jesus’ life on earth is more than a story for us to read in the bible or listen to at Church.  It is a way for us to relate to God in a very intimate way.  Jesus’ life experiences are often highlighted by a heroic name like “healing of the blind man” or  identified by a parable such as the “sower and the seed”; but have you spent time learning not about His actions but about His intention?  Each of these ‘headlines’ take away the humanness displayed in how he listened and cared for the person regardless of their past.  He looked at each person for what they are; a child of God.  He didn’t see the leper’s sores but he saw threw the deceptive behavior of the scribes.  Jesus looked into the eyes of the person and saw their intention.  How often do we see someone and immediately pass judgment?  What action can you take to be more intentional about seeing the Jesus that is within each person?  Jesus is there whether they believe in Him or not; the simple fact that they exist proves God lives within them!

Sunday, April 12th readings

First Sunday of Easter

Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father,

You breathed into us at creation,

You sent YOUR Son to breathe with us,

You left YOUR Spirit to fill us with the breath of life.

May we show gratitude for this gift you have given

so when we breathe in we are aware of you filling us!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 4:32-35

  • Can you imagine what this community looked like? How does it compare/contrast with the community in which you live?
  • Where can you find examples of places who live and work in the manner described in this scripture? What can we learn to do to better live in this way?


1John 5:1-6

  • What have you done out of love for Jesus today, this week, this month? How do you know it was out of love for Him?
  • The scripture says the commandments are not burdensome. Do you agree or disagree?  How might one NOT find them burdensome?


John 20:19-31

  • When have you, like Thomas doubted Jesus? Perhaps it was doubt of His existence or doubt of His presence?
  • When did you first experience the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life? Share the feelings and emotions which cause you to KNOW the Holy Spirit was there.


General Questions for Journaling

  • We can sometimes have a hard time sharing our possessions. What lesson can we learn from those early Christians about our possessions?
  • Who are the needy around you? Is there someone in need within your reach?  What can you do to help satisfy their need?
  • How does your life bear witness to Christ? How does your church or place or worship bear witness to Christ?  How does/can your workplace/school bear witness to Christ?  How does your home/family bear witness to Christ?
  • Is there something about faith which you struggle with believing or agreeing? What action should you take to learn more about it?  How can you come to a better understanding instead of accepting unbelief?
  • What does through the “water and spirit” mean to you? What is your personal story involving the “water and spirit”?
  • How does the “water and spirit” come alive in your life and help you witness Christ’s love?
  • How can you carry the promises of Easter on throughout the Easter Season and the rest of the year?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  We gather because of your loving sacrifice,

ALL:  May your love bind us to one another

Leader:  We celebrate together at the table,

ALL:  May your love bind us to one another

Leader:  We pray for our common needs,

ALL:  May your love bind us to one another

Leader:  We are united in heart and mind,

ALL:  May your love bind us to one another

Leader:  We join in community to remember,

ALL:  May your love bind us to one another

Challenge for the Week:   As Christians we can sometimes miss the mark on the true meaning of Christian.  Simply being a Christian means you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  However, as Christians we don’t always act as though we believe this fact.  When you believe in something you must live it out but when we intentionally hurt others with our words or actions we aren’t showing that we are followers of Jesus and his teaching.  The old song, They will know we are Christians by our LOVE reminds us that saying we are Christian means a whole lot more than doing our novenas or sitting in the pew on Sunday.  Take time this week to check in and answer the question whether you are Christian because of what God has done for you or because what you do for God?

Sunday, April 5th readings

Easter Sunday


Opening Prayer


You suffered and died so we might be free from sin,

May this Easter season teach us to listen more attentively

to your Spirit so we might walk in your light

and be an example for others.

Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 10:34, 37-43

  • How are you a witness to Christ?
  • What can you learn from Peter’s example in this scripture?


Colossians 3:1-4

  • Where do you see compassion? Is it alive in the world today?
  • When one seeks what “is above” what do they seek? Can you see it?


Mark 16:1-7

  • Define, “see and believe”.
  • What words do you use to define love? How is it measured in your life?


General Questions for Journaling

  • What draws you to act out of compassion? What moves your heart into the action of service to and for others?
  • Reflect on the past 24 hours, the past week, the past month…How would you say your time was divided? What does this say you are a witness to?  Yourself?  Others?  God?  Your Job?  A hobby?  Media?
  • How does the love of Christ consume you?
  • What emotion does the Easter season fill you with? How can this emotion work for the good of others?
  • How does the spring weather fall in line with the spirit of Easter for you?
  • Identify the last time you felt at peace. Where were you?  Who were you with?
  • How often do you feel at peace?
  • Where can you find consolation when you are feeling confused or depressed? Where have you been able to find consolation?
  • Where can you “hear the cry of the poor” in your community? In your family?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  You heal the sick and lame;

You take time for the lost and the forsaken.

ALL:  Help us to be more compassionate like you!

Leader:  You treat us with love and respect,

even when we ignore or hurt you.

ALL:  Help us to be more gentle and generous like you!

Leader:  You take time,

even in your own suffering to care for others.

ALL:  Help us to be more kind and giving like you!

Leader:  You held nothing back from us,

you gave everything…you put us first!

ALL:  Help us to be more humble like you!

Leader:  You never tire of giving us another chance

when we make a mistake or do the wrong thing.

ALL:  Help us to be more patient like you!

Challenge for the Week:   For years I have overlooked the sacrifice and courage it took for the women who anointed Jesus’ body to actually do so.  It has been one of those small details which I’ve really not paid any attention to and have taken for granted.  Perhaps you are like me in coming to this understanding for the first time.  The challenge this week is to dive into what it meant for these women to prepare Jesus for burial.  This tradition was sacred and required much time and attention to detail out of respect.  Did they simply act out of obligation to the law?  Where they showing compassion for Jesus?  How come the authorities allowed the women to do this?  What if the women would have been too afraid to ask?  When have you ever acted out of compassion or fought to do the right thing despite the cost or potential punishment?  During this HOLY WEEK, spend some time reflecting on what the action of these women means to you, means to the church and what can we learn from their actions.