Sunday, June 28th readings

The Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


We are so easily distracted by what we think we need;

though you created us with the desire to seek YOU!

Help us to pay attention to your presence in our lives;

seeing you in the things which detract us from YOU!

May we allow YOU into the ins and outs of each day;

so we realize that what we are searching for is YOU!

We ask for you to continue to touch our lives;

with your grace and mercy until it shines through US!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Wisdom 1:13-15, 2:23-24

  • How is death described here? What are we to understand about death from this passage?
  • The scripture says, “by the envy of the devil”, for what does the devil need to be envious?


2Corinthians 8:7,9,13-15

  • Where do you see abundance in your life? How can you share it?
  • Have you ever been on the receiving end of abundance given freely?


Mark 5:21-43

  • Jesus simply needed to be present in order to heal. Are there situations in your life where all you really need to do is be there for another person?
  • This woman “encounters” Jesus. What does that mean to you?  Do you remember your first encounter with Jesus?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Share an experience when you knew God was on your side.
  • Share an experience when you knew the devil was envious of your words or actions.
  • If God created man to be imperishable, how do you explain feelings of being defeated or broken down?
  • How would you describe your feelings toward nature? Do your actions reflect your feelings?
  • If Jesus would have been a wealthy king at the time of the crucifixion, would your feelings toward Him be different?
  • Do you trust God will supply you with what you need? Identify what you need.
  • Are there others in your life that you trust to supply you with what you need? Who are they and what makes you sure they will?  Identify a time in your life which confirms your belief.

Closing Prayer

Leader:  You created us to be vulnerable…

ALL:  Lord, we long for your healing touch.

Leader:  You created us to be in union…

ALL:  Lord, we long for your healing touch.

Leader:  You created us to care…

ALL:  Lord, we long for your healing touch.

Leader:  You created us to reach out…

ALL:  Lord, we long for your healing touch.

Leader:  You created us to need you…

ALL:  Lord, give us your healing touch so we can be whole in YOU!


Challenge for the Week:   Have you ever gone to serve a meal or sat down for a meal at a shelter?  Reflect this week on that experience (or those experiences).  Think about how you felt, what you saw, whom you met and the circumstances which brought you to that place.  Society would say you were in a place of poverty, is that what you saw?  Perhaps.  If your experience is anything like the ones I have had, you may have seen the world’s definition of poverty but not God’s.  Some of the most generous and grateful people I have ever met are ones I have met by working in a soup kitchen, food pantry or shelter.  When we reach out to others with our abundance of time, talent or treasure, we don’t expect to be touched in return by God’s grace but believe me it happens!

Sunday, June 21st readings

The Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


You are the maker of all things; You do not make junk.

Change our minds; rid us of all worry and stress.

Allow us to let go; and let you direct our lives.

Guide us through your Word; so we live more for others than ourselves.

Journal/Reflection Questions

Job 38:1, 8-11

  • What is God trying to teach Job in this scripture? What lesson does God want you to learn?
  • Are you going through a storm in your life right now? Identify the source of the storm; was it self-made, man-made or created by God?


2Corinthians 5:14-17

  • How has the love of God called you into action?
  • Define what it means to you to be a “new creation”?


Mark 4:35-41

  • What in your life causes you to be paralyzed with fear? How do you overcome fear?
  • The disciples were there together; who do you turn to when you see a storm coming?


General Questions for Journaling

  • What do you do when you see a storm coming? How do you feel?
  • When you see a storm coming how do you react? Push on?  Pull back?  Simply hold on?
  • Do you believe God sets limits? What do you believe God limits?
  • Have you experienced a storm where you know God was with you?
  • Have you experienced a storm where you questioned God’s presence?
  • Reflect on who or what you live for; is it in honor of someone or something, it is for your own good, is it for Christ’s glory, or something else?
  • Are there things in your life which you missed out on experiencing because of fear? Do you have any regrets?
  • Where do fears come from? How do they start?  Do you believe fears are something each person is born with or are they something a person develops?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Be the calm in the storm when I am going down…

ALL:  Come to me!

Leader:  Be the gentle water washing away my selfish thoughts…

ALL:  Wash over me!

Leader:  Be the filter which keeps my thoughts and actions pure…

ALL:  Cleanse me!

Leader:  Be my floodgate to hold me back from temptation…

ALL:  Surround me!

Leader: Be the waves which drive my actions…

ALL:  Consume me!

Leader:  When I pursue you…

ALL:  I am overwhelmed by your loving presence!


Challenge for the Week:   Make the decision to let go of control of ONE THING in your life and allow God to take over.  Focus on that ONE THING in prayer, not asking God to do what you want Him to do in the situation but to truly hand it over to him.  Imagine that ONE THING as an onion; as you start let go of your control over the situation, allowing God to take charge, think about each layer of the onion being peeled away.  As you pray to allow yourself to let God take over, you might also imagine yourself as that onion; allowing God to shed the weight of the worry, anxiety, stress you carry because of that situation.  This process takes time; it takes attention and lots of practice!  If we aren’t patient we will end up with a smelly onion which only makes the situation worse; however if we allow God to take over our situation the onion will become nothing and the situation won’t seem as daunting.

Sunday, June 14th readings

The Eleventh Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father,

You created us from the dirt with the Holy Spirit.

We become a new creation through the Sacraments.

You give us eternal life by the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Let us stay rooted in these truths, bearing good fruit for others.

Help us to grow in you, following the path you set out for us.

May we stay connected to You through the Word;

May it be our guide, our comfort and our peace.

Journal/Reflection Questions

Ezekiel 17:22-24

  • How are you able to provide “shade” or “shelter” to others through your connection to God?
  • If God is able to make a tree bigger or smaller or make one bloom or wither; what does this say about what He can do for you?


2Corinthians 5:6-10

  • What does it mean to “walk by faith and not by sight”? What does it look like?
  • Share an example of someone you know or of a personal experience of living by faith and not by sight.


Mark 4:26-34

  • How is God like the farmer in the parable? Where do you see yourself?
  • Do you give the same attention to detail as the farmer did to his crop as you do to your own spiritual life?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Share an example when you were able to live out the “least become great and the great become the least”.
  • When did Jesus model the “least to great and great to least” attitude?
  • Who other than Jesus in the bible practice the “least to great and great to least” attitude?
  • When would you say you “lose” your courage? Where does it go?
  • What helps you gain or re-gain courage when you need it?
  • What pleases God? How do you know?
  • Does the body cause you to sin? In what way(s)?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  We begin as a seed,

ALL:  in the darkness.

Leader:  We are nourished and fed,

ALL:  and begin to sprout growth.

Leader:  We soak up the rain and the sun,

ALL:  which is given freely.

Leader: Our branches bend and sway,

ALL:  but we stay rooted.

Leader:  We become a new creation,

ALL:  offering shade, shelter and support.

Leader:  Feed us Lord;

ALL:  plant and sow seeds of love, mercy, grace and forgiveness in our lives.

Challenge for the Week:   Jesus used a lot of parables to help us understand faith, love and the Kingdom of God.  In each parable, there is deep symbolism to us to explore.  This week, try to find a symbol which richly describes your faith and spirituality.  It might be something that has been passed on for generations in your family, it might be a gift you recently received, it might be something you or someone you know made especially for you.  Whatever it might be, there is deeper meaning to it than others can see.  As you search, remember our celebration of the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ…the bread and wine are simply food and drink to some but our faith helps us understand and believe them to be the body and blood of our Savior and Lord.  Also, like the mustard seed, so small and meek but within it there is the predisposition to become a giant tree.  After seeking out your symbol, try to write out a parable/story/reflection about it.

Sunday, June 7th readings

The Solemnity of The Body and Blood of Christ


Opening Prayer


You are the promise of our salvation.

You are the blood shed for our sin.

There is no one who loves us more;

who would sacrifice for our sake.

No one else can give of themselves

and make us one like you.

We are your tabernacle, Lord!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Exodus 24:3-8

  • What is the significance of signing in blood/sealing the covenant in blood? What meaning does it have to you today?
  • What covenant do you have with God? Is it the same as the one the Israelites?  How well do you keep your side of the promise?


Hebrews 9:11-15

  • Imagine yourself in this scripture? Where are you?
  • What are the dead works in your life? How can you begin to cleanse yourself of these obstacles?


Mark 14:12-16, 22-26

  • What significance is there that the man the disciples found was carrying a jar of water? Is there any at all?
  • When Jesus took the bread, He said the blessing AND when He took the cup, He gave thanks. What should you do to follow in Jesus’ footsteps?  What was the last thing you thanked God for?


General Questions for Journaling

  • What does the blood signify in these scriptures?
  • What does blood have to do with life? With death?  How is this also true in your spiritual life?
  • How do you celebrate the “new covenant” Jesus gave to us; eternal salvation? How do live it out at home?  At work?  In church?
  • What if your dead works were as visible as the dead heads on a rose bush? Are you sure they aren’t?
  • Jesus shed His blood for you; have you shed anything for Him?
  • How does receiving Jesus in the Eucharist change you? Share a specific example.
  • What is the definition of a sacrifice? Is it a true sacrifice when there is not blood?  What about when you sacrifice your time for the sake of another or sacrifice your “at bat” for the good of the team?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  When one life begins and another one ends…

ALL:  Lord, may I always be open to all you have to give.

Leader:  When a door is closed and another is cracked open…

ALL:  Lord, may I always be open to all you have to give.

Leader:  When each season ends to welcome the next one in…

ALL:  Lord, may I always be open to all you have to give.

Leader: When the darkness of night is overcome by the light of a new day…

ALL:  Lord, may I always be open to all you have to give.

Leader:  When you give yourself as an offering…

ALL:  Lord, may I always be open to all you have to give.

Challenge for the Week:   When you receive Jesus in Holy Communion, how do you live your life knowing Jesus is a part of you?  Do you acknowledge that as a fact and set your mind to live with the understanding that Jesus is within you?  Or do you nonchalantly consume Jesus without paying any mind to the great gift you have just been given.  Even starting from before you receive communion, what is your mindset about what you are about to do?  Are you in the moment or simply going through the motions?  Father Ron Rolheiser says that to receive the Eucharist is to receive a kiss from God.  Take some time this week to read through the second reading again and reflect on it.  Then pray a prayer of thanks for all God has given to you.