Sunday, August 2nd readings

The Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer

Bread of Life

Help us become more aware,

of the things which consume us.

Help us see what takes up space in our lives,

so we can make more room for YOU!

Lead us to the things of this world,

which brings us satisfaction.

Lead us, Lord to YOU!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15

  • God provided each with their “daily bread” and each was to take their “daily portion.” How can you practice this in your life right now?
  • Take time to reflect on a situation where you find (or previously found) yourself grumbling to God. What is God providing you with which you are taking, not taking or taking too much?

Ephesians 4:17, 20-24

  • Saint Paul speaks of hearing and learning about Christ…where did you first hear about Jesus? What were some of the first things you taught?  Do these truths still ring true?  How?
  • What are practices of renewal? What are the things we must renew?  How do you renew your mind?  Your relationships?  Your spirit?  When was the last time you felt renewed in your faith?

John 6:24-35

  • How does the Eucharist feed you? How would you explain it to someone who has never received?
  • What is the bread from heaven which you receive today? How does it feed you in your life?


General Questions for Journaling 

  • When do you call on God? When you are afraid?  When you are in need?  When you are in trouble?
  • If you were God, how would you feel about someone only coming to you when you need something?
  • When was the last time you thanked God for giving you something you asked for or He met a need you had without you asking?
  • Have you ever made a change in your spiritual life so drastic that people took notice? What was it?  What was the reaction of others?
  • Is change always difficult? Consider ways change can be good.
  • Consider a time when a painful transition in your life became helpful for another person. When was it, who was the person and how did it change or affect both of you?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  When given the opportunity to help…

ALL:  Guide us on the path of goodness!

Leader:  When we can’t decide what is right or wrong…

ALL:  Guide us on the path of righteousness!

Leader:  When we feel restless and unsatisfied…

ALL:  Guide us on the path of fulfillment!

Leader:  When we search for meaning and validation…

ALL:  Guide us on the path of truth!

Leader:  When we let go of our plans and follow you…

ALL:  Guide us on the path of holiness!


Challenge for the Week:   Saint Paul is telling us not to live and act and think out of our minds; rather to renew our minds and live, act and think out of the holiness of truth.  This is easier said than done.  When we are baptized, some of us as children, we are unaware of this commitment of the daily conversion.  It is as though we are like a snake which sheds its skin as it grows where we as committed Disciples of Christ must also shed old thoughts, habits and attitudes.  This is how we are able to overcome and defeat those things which hold us back from a perfect relationship with God.  When we seek the truth, we come to find ourselves growing in holiness because when we seek the truth we find God.  What can you do this week to grow?  Where in your daily, weekly routines have you not sought after the truth and you feel as though you are suffocating (because of deceit and corruption) and you need to shed the skin of your old self?  It is time to be renewed!

Sunday, July 26th readings

The Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


YOU never cease to amaze;

we are filled with wonder and awe at YOUR creation

YOU set the moon and the stars into motion;

and breathed life into each of us.

YOU provide for our every need;

sometimes through miraculous works of mercy or kindness.

Many are the gifts which YOU provide

for all of YOUR children.

YOU bless us, YOU love us, YOU provide for us

YOU are the bread of life!

Journal/Reflection Questions

2Kings 4:42-44

  • Why do you think there was enough for all to eat and still some leftover?
  • On a scale from 1-10, how much do you trust God to provide for your needs? How would you rate your willingness to take a leap of faith?

Ephesians 4:1-6

  • What does Saint Paul mean when he says to “preserve the unity of the spirit, through the bond of peace”? How could you explain this to a new believer?
  • How does your life show you believe that there is “one God…who is over all and through all and in all”?

John 6:1-15

  • What would you tell a child about the distribution of food resources around the world? What do you believe God tells us to do about it through this Gospel?
  • Reflect on a time when you had to give more than you had to give. What was the situation?  How did it work out?  Where was God in the situation/outcome?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Have you ever been without enough food to eat? What did you do?  Did you trust you would have food again?
  • Share a time when God provided you with what you needed at the time it was required. What did you have to do for it to happen?  How do you know God was involved?
  • How does ones attitude affect their faith?
  • Have you ever witnessed what can only be described as a miracle? What was it?  How did it affect you?
  • What would you describe to be a miracle?
  • Can peace and unity exist at the same time? What is required for both to happen and for it to be maintained?
  • How would your actions say you act; do you work for peace or unity more? What is the difference?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Through the work of our hands…

ALL:  May we find fulfillment in YOU, Lord!

Leader:  Through the words we speak…

ALL:  May we find fulfillment in YOU, Lord!

Leader:  Through the prayers we pray…

ALL:  May we find fulfillment in YOU, Lord!

Leader:  Through our gratitude and humility…

ALL:  May we find fulfillment in YOU, Lord!

Leader:  Through the bread and wine…

ALL:  May we find fulfillment in YOU, Lord!


Challenge for the Week:   Elisha trusted God and acted to feed those who needed food; Jesus did the same.  Saint Paul tells the Ephesians that we are to live in a manner worthy of God and reach out in love to one another.  Put the scriptures into action by feeding others in some way.  Perhaps it is taking a friend who has been through a hard time lately out for lunch…your treat.  It might be to make a donation (one time or monthly) to an organization who feeds people such as Harvesters, Feed the Hungry or many more.  You may even donate food to an organization or have time to give to volunteer in a food pantry or serve a meal at soup kitchen.  Be a part of the miracle!


Sunday, July 19th readings

The Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer

YOU are our Shepherd

The one who calls our name

The one who directs our path

The one who saves us

The one who comforts us;

Let us lead others to you through your example!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Jeremiah 23:1-6

  • What do you believe makes a “bad shepherd”? What does God say will be done to those who mislead or do not care for the flock?
  • Where can you be a “good shepherd” to help aid and lead others to safety? What can you do?


Ephesians 2:13-18

  • Reflect on some of the walls which divide people today. Which ones are evident in your life, your family, your community?  What can be done to start to break down the walls that divide those around you?
  • Recall a story from the news or from your own life where you witnessed a dividing wall tumbling down. Share that story of restoration with three people this week.


Mark 6:30-34

  • Jesus was moved with pity for the crowds gathered…why? Can you think of an example from today where Jesus would also be moved with pity for those gathered?
  • How would you react if you were in this Gospel reading? Imagine having just come back from a long trip and you are taking a break to regain your energy.  However, just as you are about to really relax, you are faced with having to go out again.  What would you do?  Could you show mercy for these people and give them what they need and sacrifice what you need?  Would you instead ask them for mercy to allow you to get the rest you need?  How often are you asked to give more than you have for the benefit of others?


General Questions for Journaling

  • How would you explain that God is just? What helps you to know God is just?  Are there examples?
  • Can you be a shepherd and be a sheep as well? How is this possible?  Identify situations where you are one or the other or both.
  • What is it about shepherds that God values? What are some of the characteristics needed to make a good shepherd?
  • Where do you see injustice happening in the world today? Who are the “shepherds” leading the flock?
  • Would you say fear is a major cause or contributor to injustice? Why or why not?
  • Is there someone in your life whom you feel sorry for? What is the situation?  What do or can you do for them?
  • So many people live without purpose…what can you do to help lead them to the shepherd?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  When the world seems cold and lonely…

ALL:  Lord, let us flee to YOU!

Leader:  When the only news we hear is bad news…

ALL:  Lord, let us flee to YOU!

Leader:  When conflict and chaos becomes the norm…

ALL:  Lord, let us flee to YOU!

Leader:  When natural disasters consume more than we can save…

ALL:  Lord, let us flee to YOU!

Leader:  When the wall which divides appears unbreakable…

ALL:  Lord, let us flee to YOU!


Challenge for the Week:   There are many “divides” among people.  It could be political, religious, racial, economical and the list goes on.  These divides can seem deep where many people fall in between the cracks, while others seem so high to climb that it is deemed impossible to meet in the middle.  To bridge the divide might even seem like a waste of time and energy especially if you don’t have an opinion putting you on one side or the other.  However, there are other walls which divide people that are not so commonly spoken about…the wall we build to keep people out because of our own prejudices or in order to protect us in some way.  As individuals we build up walls in our relationships to keep people from hurting us, we get defensive and build roadblocks at work in order to achieve success, and we even put stumbling blocks in our own paths to keep us from being in right relationship with our God and Savior.  Spend time this week thinking about the walls you have built up around you, the roadblocks you have secured which have caused you to detour and the stumbling blocks you have tripped over; many of which we blame others for but really need to accept responsibility for creating.  If it helps get a pen/pencil and a piece of paper to draw a diagram of these things so you can get a visual of just how many obstacles there are and if there is a pathway around these things.  Make the decision to choose one of these things to “break down” and clear the path.  Remember to seek God, our Shepherd to help make the pathway straight!

Sunday, July 12th readings

The Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


YOU are the Creator of ALL things!

YOU call us into communion with YOU;

so we may know how to love others.

May our eyes, ears and hearts be open;

to see, hear and love those around us.

Allow us to see, hear and love YOU as we ought;

so we may live and spread YOUR WORD!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Amos 7:12-15

  • When have you felt God calling you to something you are/were not qualified to do? What did you do about it?  Did you make the right choice? How did you know it was God pulling you?
  • Through Baptism we are all called to be “priest, prophet and king”. God has already called you to be a prophet like Amos if you are baptized…how are you living out your call as a prophet?


Ephesians 1:3-14

  • How can you explain to a child or new believer that God has known you/them since the beginning of creation? What words or images would you use to explain?
  • What does it mean to you to be “sealed with the promised Holy Spirit”? How do you feel, see, know the Holy Spirit is in your life right now?


Mark 6:7-13

  • Jesus told to disciples to “dust off your feet”; are there hurts, regrets, ideals that need to be “dusted off your feet” in order for you to be able to be stronger in your testimony to the Gospel?
  • Are there things you are attached to which keep you from doing the work God has called you to do?
  • They were sent out two by two; who would you consider your “partner in crime” to spread the Gospel message?


General Questions for Journaling

  • When was the last time you spoke out against an injustice? Or when did you last speak up for something you believe in?  What was it?  How did you feel?
  • What are your “hot topic” conversations, those which you feel strongly about and would happily debate your side against another?
  • Have you ever spoken out and been the only one with that idea or opinion? How did it feel?  Did you regret sharing your input?  What did you learn from the experience?
  • What are those “hot topic” conversations which you have been witness to but didn’t contribute to? How did you feel?  What were those feelings or emotions?  Why do you think you felt that way?
  • How do you know someone is “qualified”? What qualities do you look for in a friend, husband, co-worker, boss, President?  How do your standards of qualifying compare to how God seeks out prophets and disciples?
  • How have you felt God’s love this past week? What does it feel like to receive God’s grace?  Describe what it is like to have the Holy Spirit active in your life.

Closing Prayer

Leader:  We are sent out

ALL:  to be Christ’s love.

Leader:  We are sent out

ALL:  to be Christ’s hands and feet.

Leader:  We are sent out

ALL:  to be Christ’s comforting word.

Leader:  We are sent out

ALL:  to be Christ’s healing touch.

Leader:  We are sent out

ALL:  to be Christ to others!


Challenge for the Week:   The disciples were instructed to “go” and their needs would be met along the way.  This takes an immense amount of trust.  To trust means you have reliance on the integrity of the other person; you know them to be reliable and honest. These things we would say about God/Jesus/Holy Spirit, but how do our actions speak to our level of trust?  This week pay attention to the “extra” stuff you take with you when you leave the house to run an errand or go on a walk or even to pack for vacation.  What “baggage do you insist on bringing along with you everywhere you go?   These days, many people feel “lost” without their cell phone within reach.  Could you go on a walk without your phone?  Do you need to pack your entire shoe collection for a weekend trip?  It can also be looked on as your need to maintain your routine even when you are on vacation; are you able to just “go” without planning out each moment before it is going to happen.  This “letting go” can apply to each day before you even step out of bed.  Are you leaving room for God/Jesus/Holy Spirit to work in your life or are you too scheduled and focused on getting your needs met that you haven’t allowed God/Jesus/Holy Spirit to take care of you?

Sunday, July 5th readings

The Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer

Generous Lord,

YOU love us even when we turn away from YOU;

YOU give us abundant chances to turn to YOU.

YOU make YOUR presence known in our lives;

even though we often don’t recognize YOU.

YOU gather us close to YOU accepting us for who we are;

wrapped in YOUR mercy, made whole in YOU!!!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Ezekiel 2:2-5

  • Consider what Ezekiel means by “they shall know a prophet has been among them”; how might they know?
  • How would you feel if you were sent to face “rebels” who are “hard to face” and “obstinate of heart”? Can you think of a time when you were truly put into that kind of situation?  Where was God in the situation?


2Corinthians 12:7-10

  • Can you see God in your weakness? How?
  • How would you explain “power is made perfect in weakness”? Share an example from your life or from someone you know.


Mark 6:1-6

  • Can you relate to Jesus, being rejected in your “native place”, “among kin”, “his own house”? How?
  • Jesus is “amazed at their lack of faith”, what words or actions caused Him to believe this to be true? How would you fair?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Have you ever rejected the advice of a close confidant? What was their advice?  What did you do instead?  What was the outcome?
  • Do you ever find yourself closed off to God’s message? Share a time when you were rebellious to God’s Word.
  • Would you describe yourself as stubborn? A loved one?  What makes you so and about what are you stubborn?
  • Have you ever experienced a time when you felt your ideas and suggestions were completely ignored? What did you do?  Were you eventually able to give your input or were you completely rejected?
  • Are there places in your life where you avoid spending time? Do you keep things from God?
  • Has God shown power through your weakness? When?  What was the circumstance?
  • Name some of those who are rejected for their current ideas. What do people say about them?  What is the message they are trying to covey?
  • How would you define a prophet? Who are some of the prophets of the Old and New Testament?  According to your definition, what current day prophets have impacted your life? (they could be alive or dead)

Closing Prayer

Leader:  For the victims born and unborn…

ALL:  Let us see as YOU see.

Leader:  For the neglected and unloved…

ALL:  Let us see as YOU see.

Leader:  For inhumanity and injustice…

ALL:  Let us see as YOU see.

Leader:  For the prideful and arrogant…

ALL:  Let us see as YOU see.

Leader:  Change our view so we may

ALL:  See as YOU see.

Challenge for the Week:   This week as you go about your daily routines, dwell on the words, “my grace is sufficient”.  Meditate on what these words mean to you, not just your initial reaction but to the point where you feel the meaning.  Write down what comes to mind when you think about those words; when they apply to situations throughout your week.  It may be in a conversation which seems to go nowhere.  It could be when you find something doesn’t work out the way you expected. It is possible it is at the beginning of each day and at the end of each day in reflection of what lies ahead and what you leave behind. Let these words become a part of your attitude and so allowing God to fill you with the grace you need…it is always sufficient!