Sunday, November 22nd Readings

Solemnity of Christ The King


Opening Prayer


Let us come to you in the morning

At the beginning of our day

so we can take you with us.

Let us come to you in the daytime

In the middle of the day

so we can stay connected to you.

Let us come to you in the evening

At the end of the day

so we can review our day together.

Let us know you are with us always!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Daniel 7:13-14

  • What does this scripture tell you about the majesty of God? How is this description similar of different than how you define the majesty of God?
  • How does God have dominion over you in your life?

 Revelation 1:5-8

  • Jesus is a faithful witness. How are you a faithful witness to Jesus?
  • How do you feel that Jesus will come again for all…everyone?

 John 18:33b-37

  • Pilate is listening to the crowd and following the majority. When have you listened to the majority and followed the crowd?
  • What kept those who loved Jesus from standing up for him?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Describe the kingdom of God. Are these hopes of what you expect it to be or understanding from someplace else that this is what the kingdom of God really is?
  • How is God’s kingdom similar or different than the kingdoms of the old centuries? How is it similar or different from those who govern the countries of the world today?
  • When can you first remember thinking about Jesus?
  • What was the last “project” you started and finished? How long did it take?  Were feelings of accomplishments associated with the completion?  Did you experience any setbacks?  Will you do it again?
  • Are there areas in your life which you are proud of? Would Jesus also be proud of those things?
  • How do you know when someone is lying to you? Is it subjective?
  • Could you describe Jesus’ voice? Do you think it is the same all the time?  Does Jesus’ voice sound different to different people?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  The injustice that happens each day…

ALL:  We are called to see.

Leader:  The cries of those in need and hurting…

 ALL:  We are called to listen.

Leader:  The forgotten, the lost and the forsaken…

 ALL:  We are called to love.

Leader: The stranger and the neighbor…

 ALL:  We are called to help.

Leader:  Broken but mended by the power of faith…

 ALL:  We are called children of God.


Challenge for the Week:  It might seem early but the Catholic Church’s liturgical year ends with these readings; time for a “New Year’s Party”!  Take time this week to consider what you can leave behind and what you want to take with you in the coming year.  Shed some things, go to reconciliation, begin the New Year with a new slate.  Think about what you need to live in God’s kingdom and make a point to continue those practices and let go of the things that weigh you down in this world.  It’s time to make some resolutions!

Sunday, November 15th Readings

Thirty-Third Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


Why do we search in all the wrong places to find you?

When we look in the darkness,

You are not there.

When we look behind, above and below,

You are not there.

You are in all things at all times…yet we struggle to find you!

Thank you for not turning away;

Thank you for your grace, love and mercy;

Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Daniel 12:1-3

  • What qualities do you learn are important to have as a witness of Christ through this scripture? Do you possess any of them?  If so, which ones?  If not, what can you do to build up these qualities within?
  • Who are “stars” who shine brightly? Are there people in your life who let God’s light shine and worked toward justice?  Can you name some people in history who have been examples of “stars”?
  • How might your life be different if you followed the stars?

Hebrews 10:11-14, 18

  • Why is sacrifice needed? What sacrifice(s) do you make for your relationship with God?
  • How does one become perfect in Christ? Is this even possible?  Why or why not?
  • Consider, through the words of this scripture, the importance of the sacrifice of Mass. What is happening at Mass and do we understand the meaning as it is happening?

Mark 13:24-32

  • What is Jesus telling us about what we can take with us when we die? How does this change how you think of material things?  How does this change how you might spend the rest of your life?
  • Does this scripture cause you fear or another emotion? What emotion do you think Jesus wants us to feel?


General Questions for Journaling

  • In the past week, where did you see God’s light shine? Who did it shine through?
  • Where do you turn for comfort when you are in distress? Is God there?
  • Would you consider yourself a leader or a follower? Why?
  • What was the last thing you took the lead on? Who was it for?  What was the task?  How did it turn out?
  • What kind of leader are you or would you be? Why?
  • How can you make your sins go away? What do you do to ensure you don’t ever sin again?
  • What does God do or can God do to help you defeat sin?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Though we are sinners;

ALL:  You made one sacrifice for our sins.

Leader:  Though we are ignorant;

ALL:  You continue to teach us your ways.

Leader:  Though we often lose direction;

ALL:  You continue to guide us on the right path.

Leader: Though we waste much;

ALL:  You continue to give us what we need.

Leader:  Though we continue to fall short;

ALL:  You continue to build us up.

ALL:  Thank you Lord, for your constant love!


Challenge for the Week:  Attend Mass.  It really doesn’t matter if you do it on the weekend or during the week, the outcome is the same…you have witnessed a living sacrifice.  What does this even mean?  Well, when you go to Mass, it shouldn’t be just out of obligation so you can get it checked off of your “to do list” or because you get to see friends or enjoy coffee and donuts afterwards.  Nor should you attend Mass and not be an active participant.  Mass is the “shortened” version of what is actually called the “Holy Sacrifice of the Mass” where Catholics come together to remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us.  This act of love is monumental and deserves a response from each of us who gather to remember it.  Jesus died for us and in return as believers, we should sacrifice some of ourselves each time we come to take the Eucharist.  We should leave a piece of ourselves behind each time we receive a piece of Jesus at Communion, this is how we become more like Him!  So, go…make a sacrifice this week and leave behind the grumpy, negative, judgmental part of you and let the joyful, positive and accepting light of Jesus shine through!

Sunday, November 8th Readings

Thirty-Second Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer

Generous Lord

Let us learn by your example

to give without counting the cost

to love without condition or boundaries

to trust beyond a shadow of a doubt

to believe with our entire heart and soul… YOU ARE GOD!

Journal/Reflection Questions

1Kings 17:10-16

  • What does the widow do to receive the generosity of another?
  • Are there only a few people whom you would sacrifice the last of something for or would you sacrifice the same for a stranger/anybody?

Hebrews 9:24-28

  • What is the significance of one sacrifice?
  • How does one find salvation according to this scripture?

Mark 12:38-44 or 12:41-44

  • What is Jesus telling us about giving? Is He only talking about money to the church?
  • What are the two types of people Jesus is referring to in this scripture? What characteristics are being highlighted as good and bad?  Where would you rate yourself on the scale?


General Questions for Journaling

  • What do you have that never runs empty?
  • What do you have that limits you?
  • Is there anything you wouldn’t give away? What would it be and why?
  • Would you say you have a generous spirit? Why or why not?
  • What is needed to create a habit of giving? Do you have it?
  • Are there always rewards for doing good things?
  • What good comes from helping others?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  When I am held up at a red light…

ALL:  Help me make room for YOU!

Leader:  When I give up control of the remote…

ALL:  Help me make room for YOU!

Leader:  When I let someone else choose…

ALL:  Help me make room for YOU!

Leader: When I hold my tongue…

ALL:  Help me make room for YOU!

Leader: When I sacrifice time or money for another…

ALL:  Help me make room for YOU!


Challenge for the Week:   Jesus uses the widow woman to show how one gives from the heart, all they have to give.  This week, make a point to not just do the minimum needed or required of whatever task is in front of you.  Give a little more effort in preparing the meal for your family, take a bit more time enjoying the beauty of the colors of fall, and be more attentive when your spouse is telling you about the events of the day…whatever you have in front of you, give yourself completely.