Sunday, January 31st Readings

Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


You knew us before we were born

You know where our path leads

You continue to love and guide us

You open your arms to welcome us



Journal/Reflection Questions

Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19

  • Jeremiah is trying to stir up the people to prepare for battle; what battles are you gearing up for which requires you to be firm in your faith and understanding of who God is to you?
  • Who cries out for peace and justice today? What do they say?  Do people believe and follow?

 1Corinthians 12:31–13:13

  • What does this scripture tell you about love? Have you seen love like this?
  • How do you learn of love? How is love taught?  Where does it come from?  Does love have limits?  Is there a capacity for love?

 Luke 4:21-30

  • What does it mean to be humble? How is humility shown in this scripture?
  • Are there people in your life whom you have a hard time believing? What is it that causes you not to trust their words or actions?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Are there things in your life which you are willing to die for?
  • What are things which require a fight?  Are you fighting or simply a spectator?
  • Do you feel called to step up and step in to lessen an injustice?  What holds you back?
  • Where does your strength to fight an injustice come from?  Is it provoked from outside or stirred up from inside?
  • Does God ask too much of you?  When?  How?
  • Can good come from bad things?  How does one grow through conflict?
  • Can you love too much?  Why or why not?
  • Can you be loved too much?  Why or why not?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  You created me out of love…

ALL:  without YOU I am nothing!

Leader: You breathed life into me…

ALL:  without YOU I am nothing!

Leader:  You gave me a purpose…

 ALL:  without YOU I am nothing!

Leader:  You laid out the laws…

 ALL:  without YOU I am nothing!

Leader:  You cleared a path…

ALL:  without YOU I am nothing!

Leader:  You surrendered and died…

ALL:  without YOU I am nothing!

Leader:  You rose and gave me new life…

ALL:  without YOU I am nothing!


Challenge for the Week:   Make a list of ways people can say and show love.   How many can you come up with?  Are there ways in which love can be expressed that you don’t feel comfortable sharing?  When you give love, do you always get love in return?  Sometimes we do and other times the love we give isn’t reciprocated…is that a requirement of love?  Be mindful of the love you give this week, does it have limits, restrictions, requirements?  Does the love you receive from others?  Reflect on the second reading as you focus on love; what is your heart needing to hear?

Sunday, January 24th Readings

Third Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

God of day and God of night,

Each morning the sun rises

and shimmers light upon the earth;

The trees bend and sway

giving way to the winds of each season;

Creatures scurry about

completing the days work;

As the light fades into darkness

may we be content as we rest in YOU!


Journal/Reflection Questions
Nehemiah 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10

  • Why does Ezra say this day is holy? What makes it so?
  • What in this reading gives you cause to celebrate?

 1Corinthians 12:12-30

  • What does this scripture tell you about the gifts you have been given? How does God see them and their value?
  • Do some gifts have more importance than others? Have you discounted some of your gifts?  Why?  What can you do to see your gifts as God sees them?

 Luke 1:1-4 – 4:14-21

  • How does Jesus fulfill the scripture he read in the synagogue?
  • All who are baptized in the Holy Spirit have been anointed with the ability to bring good tidings to the poor, set captives free and give sight to the blind…how do you live out these tasks?


General Questions for Journaling

  • How does the past affect your future?
  • Can someone live in the past? Can someone live in the future?
  • What is the difference between living forward and living backward?
  • How does God share His hope for your future?
  • What gifts have been highlighted in your today?
  • What gifts have you seen in others today?
  • Share a time when you experienced working together with others to achieve a common goal. What did it feel like?  Were there conflicts?  What was the outcome?
  • Is there a gift you share with others more than another?
  • Have you ever intentionally kept gifts you keep to yourself?
  • Do you have gifts you don’t use?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  May we rest in God’s Spirit…

ALL:  as we begin each day.

Leader:  May we rest in God’s Spirit…

ALL:  as we struggle to focus.

Leader:  May we rest in God’s Spirit…

 ALL:  as we encounter giants.

Leader:  May we rest in God’s Spirit…

ALL:  as we celebrate victories.

Leader:  May we rest in God’s Spirit…

ALL:  as we embrace a loving God!


Challenge for the Week:   Take time this week and unfold the second reading (the long version).  Identify the characteristics of a person whom would be each of the different parts of the body described in the scripture.  Then write a prayer to help you remember the importance of each of these personality types and to help you to accept the challenges and joys of working together

Sunday, January 17th Readings

Second Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

Lord Jesus,

You are generous beyond compare.

The wellspring of your love never runs dry.

You are the giver of all that is good.

We shout from the rooftop… praise to YOU above all!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 62:1-5

  • How do you know God loves you? How would you explain this kind of love to someone who had never met God?
  • God calls you His delight and promises not to forsaken you…what other names does God give you? What other promises does He make?

 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

  • What gift(s) do you have? How do you use it/them?
  • Are you jealous of a specific gift? Why?  What would you do with it if you had it?
  • When have you seen a variety of gifts work together for good?
  • What specific gift is needed in your family right now? In your work place?  In your community?

 John 2:1-11

  • Compare your life to the wine which was served first and your future to the water which was turned into wine. Can you find hope in the comparison?
  • Put yourself in the scripture. Imagine yourself as the head waiter, the bride/groom, the guests, Mary.  What are you thinking?  How do you make sense of what happened?  Whom do you share this occurrence with and how?


General Questions for Journaling

  • What names do you call God?
  • Does comparing God’s love to the marriage union still hold value when people get divorced or don’t get married at all? Why or why not?
  • How does God know you love Him? Do you tell Him?  Do you show Him?  What do you do?
  • Does God show partiality among denominations? Why or why not?
  • Do you believe the phrase, “you get what you pay for”? What does it mean?  How can you translate it to faith?
  • Have you ever wished for something? Do you believe in wishes?
  • Is there anyone in your life whom you trust will provide for all of your needs? Do you think it is a rarity or surplus in life to have one or more people?
  • Have you ever been asked to give more than you thought was expected? What was the situation?  How did it affect your attitude?  What was the outcome?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Created for a purpose…

ALL:  turn us into wine.

Leader:  Washed clean by our Baptism…

ALL:  turn us into wine.

Leader:  Saved by your power…

 ALL:  turn us into wine.

Leader:  Made whole with your love…

 ALL:  turn us into wine.

Leader:  Changed from water into wine…

ALL:  to be a witness of YOUR miracles!


Challenge for the Week:   One name for God is King of Glory and we call Jesus the King of Kings who reigns over the Kingdom of God.  The First Reading says we are “crowned” as children of the Most High King.  What does it feel like to have a crown?  If you were to actually wear a crown, how would it change your behavior?  What words would you use to describe royalty; do any of these words describe you?  Why or why not?  This week during your prayer time, before you get out of bed or after you brush your teeth, make a point to crown yourself with an imaginary crown and remind yourself of your royal bloodline!

Sunday, January 10th Readings

Baptism of the Lord


Opening Prayer


We cry out to YOU,

seeking grace and mercy;

But we stumble and fall

on the rugged path.

Like a Shepherd, you scoop us up

in your arms and care for us;

YOU give us what we long for…

Fill us Lord, make us whole!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7

  • What are some of the things God would be pleased about in the world today? Be specific.
  • How is God pleased with you?

 Acts 10:34-38

  • Why does God give us salvation?
  • God is so generous with His gifts; what can you do to be more giving of love, mercy and understanding?

 Luke 3:15-16, 21-22

  • When have your or did you last see someone whom you knew had Jesus within them? How do/did you know?  What did you feel?  What did you see?
  • Do you live your life as though you were baptized with the FIRE of the Holy Spirit? What does that look like?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Where do you see God’s love?
  • When did you last experience Baptism? What can you do to keep that experience real and close to you all the time?
  • How has God built you up? What gift (s) do you have which others do not have?
  • How have you been delivered from darkness?
  • Is there anyone you know who lives in darkness? What can you or have you done to share God’s light with them?
  • When do you feel strongest in spirit?
  • What does the power of God feel like?
  • What does the power of the devil feel like?
  • How do you connect people to God? In what ways do you do this?
  • Who are the people who have pointed to God in your life? How did their example form you?
  • What are you doing to pass on the faith to others?
  • Where do you go and what do you do to keep strong in the faith?
  • How do you stay close to Jesus?
  • How do you stay connected to your baptism?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Through the waters of Baptism…


Leader:  Through the waters of Baptism…

ALL:  We are PURE!

Leader:  Through the waters of Baptism…


Leader:  Through the waters of Baptism…

 ALL:  We are WHOLE!

Leader:  Through the waters of Baptism…

ALL:  We are LOVED!


Challenge for the Week:   If we believe we are saved and redeemed by God’s grace and that HE is merciful and full of forgiveness….and if we believe Baptism washes away our sin; why do we not feel worthy of God’s praise?  How come we don’t feel as though we are worthy of God’s saying our name and then ‘you are my son/daughter; with you I am well pleased’?  Is there ever a time when we will feel “good enough” or “holy” enough to be worthy of these words to be said to us?  Allow these words to be said to you each day, multiple times in the day.  Say them to yourself as a part of your daily prayer and devotion time.  Say them out loud when you find yourself being tempted to sin.  Let God’s love, grace, mercy and forgiveness wash over you as though it is the waters of Baptism.