Sunday, October 2nd Readings

27th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


Sometimes when I look at the world around me,

I want to cry because of all the hurt.

At times I wonder if there is any good to see.

There are days when I want to

give up, surrender, hide away

because the road ahead is too hard.

Give me the strength to seek YOU…

to have just a little faith

so I can make a difference!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Habakkuk 1: 2-3; 2:2-4

  • How is this scripture relevant to what is happening in the world right now?
  • Describe how the author is feeling? Do you relate?  How?

 2Timothy 1:6-8, 13-14

  • How do you describe a “spirit of cowardice”? When have you had it?  What needs to happen to overcome it?
  • Do you call on the Holy Spirit to give you courage of faith? What does that look like?  What words do you use?
  • What does it mean to share the hardship of the Gospel? What is Paul talking about here?

 Luke 17:5-10

  • Has God asked you to be uprooted? When?  Did you move or stay still?  What was the outcome?
  • When have you witnessed faith grow? Where do you see tremendous faith?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Where do you see violence in the world?
  • How are you affected as a witness?
  • When are you a victim of violence?
  • How & when have you contributed to the violence in the world?
  • What feeds your misery? How is your despair maintained?
  • What feeds your faith? How do you maintain it?
  • When have you been afraid of your faith? (whether afraid of having faith or afraid of not having faith or afraid of the type/level of faith)
  • How does love and self-control affect violence?
  • How does violence affect love and self-control?
  • What can you do to spread faith? Can you grow it?  How do you cultivate it?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  May my prayers…

ALL: develop depth! 

Leader:  May my relationship with YOU…

 ALL:  become intimate!

Leader:  May my words and actions…

 ALL:  speak my beliefs!

Leader:  May my time in scripture…

ALL:  increase my faith!

Leader:  May my faith…

ALL:  grow like a mustard seed!



Challenge for the Week:  Given the temperature of the country right now with the Presidential Election and it’s negative impact on the average voter, the mass shootings and the police brutality/black lives matter uprising our world looks pretty scary.  Fear can cause us to want to shut ourselves off from what is going in, to hide away from it and fool ourselves into thinking it doesn’t affect us and that we don’t have a role to play in it all.  Spend time this week thinking what gifts and talents, strengths you have to make a difference in one or all of the above listed situations.  Have you joined into the political mud-slinging or have your slammed the door on the election and thrown in the towel?  What can you do to stop contributing to the negative and act with faith?  Though you might not know the people in the communities which are hurting, is there something you can do to show your compassion?  One small act can grow!

Sunday, September 25th Readings

26th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


It is not wrong to desire nice things

or to work for a better life.

Let us not get consumed by these things

or allow them to be our focus.

Keep us humble so we might know

it is YOU who give us what we need.

Help us remember to share what we have

with all whom we meet for you are there!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Amos 6: 1a,4-7

  • What would you describe as luxury in today’s standards?
  • Is this scripture saying we shouldn’t enjoy having good things?

 1Timothy 6: 11-16

  • How do you pursue righteousness, devotion, faith, love, patience, and gentleness?
  • Where do you see these qualities lived out?

Luke 16: 19-31

  • Do you see or have you seen a “great chasm” in the world, in politics, in the church? What can you learn from it and can it be overcome?  How does/did it affect your thoughts and behavior?
  • Are there words of warning or wisdom which have been left behind for you from loved ones who have died? How do you honor those?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Is there such a thing as too much? When is it too much?
  • What are some of the finer things in life…your definition?
  • Can you have wealth without be self-indulgent? Why or why not?
  • What prejudices do people have toward those who would be considered wealthy in society?
  • What prejudices do people have toward those who would be considered poor in society?
  • Do you believe power comes with having wealth? How do you see power used in good and bad ways?
  • Are there acts of charity or justice which you prefer over another?
  • Are there things you would not do to serve or help another? Why or why not?
  • Do you have scars others cannot see? If you revealed those scars do you think you would be treated differently?
  • When have you treated someone differently because of the scars they have?
  • Have you ever disregarded another due to haughtiness on your part?
  • Have you ever needed to repent for disregard you showed toward another? What did you do and was your apology accepted?
  • Are there warnings which you ignore? What are they and why do you disregard them?
  • Are there warnings which you follow and warn others against? What are they and why are you apt to follow the warnings?


Closing Prayer (fill in the ALL with specific prayers of need you see)

Leader: I see a need…

ALL:  _____________, I can help!

Leader:  I see a need…

 ALL:  _____________, I can help!

Leader:  I see a need…

 ALL:  _____________, I can help!

Leader:  I see a need…

ALL:  _____________, I can help!

Leader:  I see a need…

ALL:  _____________, I can help!


 Challenge for the Week:  What do these scripture readings tell us about this disposable world attitude we have today?  What are some of the things we use lavishly?  Are there things you use which you take for granted?  Think back to your childhood…what has changed?  How does the “fast” pace of the internet, speed limits, mobile phones, microwaves and fast food contribute to the self-absorbed attitude we come across too often?  What ONE thing can you do to help?  What ONE thing can you change in your life which contributes or gives into this movement?  How can you make this change one which draws you closer to God?

Sunday, September 18th Readings

25th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


How can I help my neighbor?

I can barely care for myself.

What do I have to offer?

I don’t have any more to spare.

Lead me to find the resources

I need to care not only for myself

but for others too!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Amos 8: 4-7

  • How do you feel called to care for the poor? What do you do to live out this call?
  • What are you willing to sacrifice to provide for those you are responsible to care for?

 1 Timothy 2: 1-8

  • Have you ever given something up for another person? What was it and for whom did you give it up?
  • What causes people in the world today to get angry? What are some of the arguments going on in the world right now?  How would lifting your hands to God help?

 Luke 16: 1-13 or 10-13

  • Have you ever squandered something away or spent extravagantly?
  • Do you save things or hold things back for future generation? If so what?  For what purpose?


General Questions for Journaling

  • When have you been in a situation or witnessed a situation that was unjust? How did you deal with it?  What did you do?
  • Have you ever horded something valuable and chose not to share? What was it?
  • Identify a time when you have been greedy. What did it feel like?  What was the situation?  From whom did you with-hold or take from?
  • Have you ever been exploited? Have you exploited another?
  • Have you ever been oppressed? Have you oppressed another?
  • Is there an injustice which needs your attention? How does scripture lead you to a solution?
  • How do you take your faith outside of the church doors? How do you live it each day of the week?
  • Have you ever had someone be a mediator in your life to help resolve a situation?
  • When have you helped two people work out an issue? How did you handle the situation?  What was the outcome?
  • How do you see church and state, regardless of the law? Do you believe they are separate?  Do you think they interact?  Do you agree they should be separate?  Why or why not?
  • How many people do you know that you would describe as trustworthy?
  • How do you serve God? How do you serve society?  Which one wins?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  When I feel trampled

ALL:  you come to pick me up!

Leader:  When I am in need

 ALL:  you find a way to satisfy!

Leader:  When I call out to you

 ALL:  you listen to my plea!

Leader:  When I hold back

ALL:  you urge me to give more!

Leader:  When I surrender

ALL:  you give abundantly!


 Challenge for the Week:  We can sometimes fool ourselves into thinking there are adjectives for a lie…a little lie, a big lie, it can be necessary or harmless but really none of these are true.  A lie is a lie and when we lie, it often catches up with us.  When have you told a lie?  Did you lie to get out of something you didn’t want to do?  Did you lie to make someone feel better?  Did you lie so you didn’t have to deal with the truth?  Are there lies you have told which have no meaning?  Sometimes one lie causes you to tell another lie and another until you lose track of the truth and you can begin to believe our own lies.  Spend time this week meditating on a recent lie you told, was it a slip of the tongue or is there something you are hiding?  Once you’ve determined what you have done, figure out how you will make it right.

Sunday, September 11th Readings

24th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

Lord of immense patience

How can I learn from you?

Where can I go to find patience?

Is it within my reach?

What can I do to cultivate more?

Why can’t I seem to wait?

Be with me Lord,

I cannot do it on my own!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Exodus 32: 7-11, 13-14

  • What does this scripture say about human nature? Is it still true today?  Where do you see an example?
  • What advantage do you have over Moses to get God’s message through to others? What disadvantage do you have over Moses?

 1 Timothy 1:12-17

  • Identify how God has shown mercy to Paul.
  • Identify how others showed mercy to Paul.

 Luke 15: 1-32

  • How do you rejoice when you have been forgiven?
  • Describe what it feels like to be filled with compassion.


General Questions for Journaling

  • Would you consider yourself a persuasive person? Who do you identify as a persuasive person?
  • Could a persuasive person get you to do something you know is wrong or that you shouldn’t do? Has this ever happened?
  • How do you use persuasion in your life? Do you use it to get what you want or what God wants?
  • Do you try to talk God into things? If so, what?  And how did/does He respond?
  • How do you feel when you make a deal with someone and they don’t keep up their part?
  • Have you ever reneged on a deal? What was the situation?
  • Do threats work? Why or why not?  When are threats necessary?
  • Does God ever give up on you? Why then, do you give up on yourself?
  • When have you given up on yourself? Did you reach out to God or to others?  Were you shown mercy?
  • Have you ever been lost? What did it feel like?  Who found you?  How did you feel when you were found?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Thank you Lord

ALL:  For you never give up on me, a sinner!

Leader:  Thank you Lord

 ALL:  For you never leave me, a sinner!

Leader:  Thank you Lord

 ALL:  For you never lose patience with me, a sinner!

Leader:  Thank you Lord

ALL:  For you never for me, a sinner!

Leader:  Thank you Lord

ALL:  For you never forsake me, a sinner!


Challenge for the Week:  Pope Francis declared the past year, the year of Mercy.  How have you seen mercy lived out in the world, your community, within yourself?  How can you take to heart living a more merciful life?  How can your prayer life show mercy?  How can you show mercy on your weekly grocery run?  Spend time this week with these scriptures to learn how God is merciful and make a decision to be more like God!