Sunday, October 30th Readings

31st Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

God of hospitality

You bring to us what we need

often before we know we need it.

Within our soul is a place for you to dwell

so you could be with us always.

When we awake each day

you know what lies ahead.

This journey can be long, rocky and can lose our way

but you are there with open arms.

You see us when we feel lost and alone

and welcome us in!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Wisdom 11:22-12:2

  • Draw a picture of this reading. What does it look like to you?  What images do you include?  What colors do you use?  What is the overall message you would sent with your picture?
  • Is God dwelling in you? How do you know?  How would you explain God dwelling in you to another person?

 2 Thessalonians 1:11-2:2

  • How has prayer brought fulfillment to you? How do you know prayer brings forth God’s grace?
  • Saint Paul’s pep talk is for all of us! What needs to be “shaken out of your mind” for you to be a better witness of Christ’s love for you?

 Luke 19:1-10

  • How would you react if Jesus came to your home for dinner? What would you serve?  Who might you invite?
  • Like Zacchaeus, we climb the trees in different moments of our lives. Do we climb the tree to see Jesus more clearly or do we do it to be seen by others?


General Questions for Journaling

  • What does God’s spirit look like? How do you know it is in you?  How do you know it is in your neighbor?
  • If God created everything in balance, how come you can sometimes feel unstable? What can you do to feel more stable?
  • When you make a meal, draw a picture, or create something else from scratch, how do you feel? Are you proud of your work or are you critical of the outcome?
  • As a parent, can you look at your child with anything other than love? Why or why not?
  • Is there a word, phrase or story which “shakes” you into action?
  • What pulls at your heart strings to help another or give to another or calls you into action?
  • When you pray for others, do you let them know? How do you think they would feel if they knew you were praying for them?
  • How do these scriptures call you forth? What action(s) stir up in you?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  I welcome YOU Lord…

ALL:  in the still of the night and motion of the day!

Leader:  I welcome YOU Lord…

 ALL:  as I head out each day; giving me direction!

Leader:  I welcome YOU Lord…

 ALL: when I am alone and when I am with others!

Leader:  I welcome YOU Lord…

ALL:  even when you stretch me beyond my limits!

Leader:  I welcome YOU Lord…

ALL:  in my peaceful moments and in the chaos!

Leader:  I welcome YOU Lord…

ALL:  into my home with all of my heart!


 Challenge for the Week:  The First Reading says that each of us has been called forth by God and that He willed us to be created.  Spend time this week thinking about for what purpose God has called you forth, what gifts do you have that have been used to serve God?  How are you being called forth right now to serve God?  Is it the same purpose as before or different?  How do you feel when you are fulfilling this purpose?  Do you think God calls you forth for one purpose or many?  Is it possible to be called to more than one purpose at a time?  Also, consider God’s will for you…how do you determine what God’s will for you is?  What will you do or have you done to seek out God’s will for you?  Is it something you seek or do you believe God’s will, will come to you whether you want it or not?  You may be surprised by the answers you get!

Sunday, October 23rd Readings

30th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

Loving God

You can hear a heart break

You can feel a spirit crushed

You can see dignity taken

Then you bring comfort…

through the scriptures!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Sirach 35:12-14, 16-18

  • How does this scripture assure you God hears your prayers?
  • When you pray, do you pray with urgency? Are you specific in your request?

 2Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18

  • Have you ever felt like you had poured out yourself so thin that you had nothing left? When?  What were you doing?  How were you able to get filled up again?
  • Saint Paul is telling Timothy that he is nearing the end, slowing down. How do you know when you need to start letting go of a project or being on a committee or even a friendship?

 Luke 18:9-14

  • How do you identify with each of the people who went to the temple to pray?
  • Is it easy or difficult to call yourself a sinner? Say it out loud.


General Questions for Journaling

  • How do you respond to the requests you get in a day? Are you quick to judge to pass on the requests of others?  Do you let your needs and desires out-weigh those of others?
  • When asked to be a part of something or to join a group or add a task to your schedule, do you turn to God for guidance on whether it is a good opportunity for you or not?
  • Are there needs of others you see but do not respond to? What keeps you from responding?
  • Do you have needs which require assistance from others? What are they and have you asked for help?
  • What drains the life from you? Are there daily tasks or just occasional things which cause you to feel empty?
  • What are the things that fill you up and cause you to feel like you are overflowing with emotion (joy, excitement, fear, anxiety)?
  • Draw the outline of a gingerbread person. Determine how full your tank is right now, how much do you have to give?  In your job?  Your relationship with spouse or significant other?  To your kids/family?
  • What are the things you fear?
  • When have you experienced God protecting you from your foes? Describe the situation and identify your feelings.  Have you expressed gratitude to God for what he did/has done?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Pour your love down

ALL:  and cover me!

Leader:  Pour your understanding down

 ALL:  and cover me!

Leader:  Pour your patience down

 ALL: and cover me!

Leader:  Pour your grace down

ALL:  and cover me!

Leader:  Pour your mercy down

ALL:  and cover me!

Leader:  Pour your love down

ALL:  and cover me!


 Challenge for the Week:  Spend time this week considering what qualities a person needs in order to hear a cry and respond.  What are some of the cries you hear in your family or community?  What are some things you can do to lend a hand to satisfy the need?  Take these to prayer and consider carefully what God wants you to do to help in some of these situations.  We often think, what difference can I make?  But when we partner with others, we can make an impact we often didn’t think imaginable…especially when God has called you to service!

Sunday, October 16th Readings

29th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

Generous God

You give us food from heaven

so we have the nourishment we need.

You give us a source of water

so we can be refreshed and clean.

You also give us friends

so we can be supported when

our load just seems to get to heavy.

Thank you Lord,

for providing all of our needs.


Journal/Reflection Questions

Exodus 17:8-13

  • Who or what keeps you persistent in your prayer?
  • Where do you go when you are in need of help? Is help always given?

 2Timothy 3:14-4:2

  • How is the Gospel/Word of God lived out in the world today? Is it hard or easy to find?  Is it easily recognizable or is it disguised?
  • When has your faith been convenient? When has it been inconvenient?  What does Saint Paul say you should do about it?

 Luke 18:1-8

  • When you pray are you ready to listen for the answer?
  • Do you pray for those who judge you and for those whom you have judged?
  • Why should we only pray petitions to God? Doesn’t He already know what we need?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Reflect on a time when you wouldn’t have gotten through a situation (good or bad) without the help of others.
  • What are some things you cannot do alone?
  • When did you last receive help without asking for it? How did you feel?
  • Have you ever given help to another without their request; simply because you saw a need?
  • Who are the people in your life who have your back?
  • How would you define a prayer warrior? Do you know people who fit the description?
  • How is prayer a weapon? Have you seen it used as a weapon or only heard the comparison?
  • Do you know any scripture passages by heart? If so, what?
  • What is your favorite bible story? Why does this one stand out?
  • Make a list of places you see scripture used.


Closing Prayer

Leader:  When I am weak

ALL:  may I find strength…everlasting!

Leader:  When I am blinded

 ALL:  may I find my sight…everlasting!

Leader:  When I am weary

 ALL:  may I find my contentment…everlasting!      

Leader:  When I am lame

ALL:  may I find my healing…everlasting!

Leader:  When I am suffering

ALL:  may I find my blessing…everlasting!

Leader:  When I am alone

ALL:  may I find my Savior…everlasting!


 Challenge for the Week:  Consider the following questions: What is the role of prayer in your life?  How do you pray?  When do you pray?  Is there a routine to your prayer?  Do you have a specific place where you pray?  Is there structure to your prayer or is it completely random?  Are there people whom you pray for?  Do you ask others to pray for you?  What value do you put on prayer?  Do you only pray for yourself and your loved ones or do you include people you don’t know?  Do you pray for specific things to happen?  Are your prayers general/generic?  Is your language formal or informal when you pray?  Do you pray by yourself or with others?  How important is prayer to your life?  Do others know how important/unimportant prayer is to you?  Spend time pondering these questions this week…and then pray with purpose J

Sunday, October 9th Readings

28th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

Spirit of God

As I journey through this life,

may I not forget the lives of those before me.

Let me spend time reflecting,

on the sacrifices by others for my sake.

Working, dreaming, praying, surviving,

for someone they would never meet.

What can I do for those who lived before?

Remember and show gratitude to those ahead.


Journal/Reflection Questions

2Kings 5:14-17

  • Does this scripture give you comfort or upset you? Why?
  • Why does the water heal? What makes it different from any other time he went to the river?
  • Have you experienced a cleansing like Naaman?

 2Timothy 2:8-13

  • In what ways do you deny God? Are there areas of your life that you don’t allow God into?
  • What do you deny yourself of? What does it take for you to do so?  How does it affect those around you?

 Luke 17:11-19

  • What do you think causes Jesus to feel pity?
  • Why do you think only one shows gratitude?


General Questions for Journaling

  • How is a child’s skin different than an adult? What changes?
  • What was the most extravagant give you have received? How did you show gratitude?
  • Are there things you have still not let go of so God can cure?
  • Where do you go to be cleaned? How do you become clean?  Why do you need to be cleaned?
  • What struggles do you face currently? How are you allowing God to go to battle for you?
  • Where do you go to find God’s holiness? How do you carry the holiness of God with you?
  • How do you feel God disciplining you? What is He trying to teach you right now?
  • When have you given everything for the sake of another? What did it feel like?  How did they react?  How long did it last?
  • How do others around you affect your behavior? When is it good?  When is it bad?  What can you do to affect others behavior in a good way?
  • What gifts do you have that have the power to heal another person?
  • How open are you to allow another person to heal you?
  • Make a list of ways to show/express gratitude.


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, have pity on us and let us do the same…

ALL:  by holding a door for a stranger.

Leader:  Lord, have pity on us and let us do the same…

 ALL:  by leaving a generous tip.

Leader:  Lord, have pity on us and let us do the same…

 ALL:  by calling or visiting a shut-in.

Leader:  Lord, have pity on us and let us do the same…

ALL:  by volunteering some time.

Leader:  Lord, have pity on us and let us do the same…

ALL:  by giving a gift for no reason.

Leader:  Let us have pity on others so

ALL:  by your grace we turn pity into joy!


 Challenge for the Week:  Compare and contrast times when you have been weighed down with the chains of suffering and times when you feel rinsed clean.  Identify two or more situations in your life when you have experienced these feelings and spend time reflecting on the differences and the similarities of the experiences.  What did you feel physically, what did you think, what emotions did you feel, what was your behavior like, how did you treat yourself and others during these times?  Additionally, where was God during these times?  Did you experience a change in you afterwards?  Was it for the worse or for the better?  What are your emotions/feelings about these experiences now that you look back on them?  What will you do/can you do with this new knowledge of yourself?  Is there benefit not only for you but for others as well?  Decide on one action you will do (whether for yourself or for another) to live out what you have learned.