Sunday, October 9th Readings

28th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

Spirit of God

As I journey through this life,

may I not forget the lives of those before me.

Let me spend time reflecting,

on the sacrifices by others for my sake.

Working, dreaming, praying, surviving,

for someone they would never meet.

What can I do for those who lived before?

Remember and show gratitude to those ahead.


Journal/Reflection Questions

2Kings 5:14-17

  • Does this scripture give you comfort or upset you? Why?
  • Why does the water heal? What makes it different from any other time he went to the river?
  • Have you experienced a cleansing like Naaman?

 2Timothy 2:8-13

  • In what ways do you deny God? Are there areas of your life that you don’t allow God into?
  • What do you deny yourself of? What does it take for you to do so?  How does it affect those around you?

 Luke 17:11-19

  • What do you think causes Jesus to feel pity?
  • Why do you think only one shows gratitude?


General Questions for Journaling

  • How is a child’s skin different than an adult? What changes?
  • What was the most extravagant give you have received? How did you show gratitude?
  • Are there things you have still not let go of so God can cure?
  • Where do you go to be cleaned? How do you become clean?  Why do you need to be cleaned?
  • What struggles do you face currently? How are you allowing God to go to battle for you?
  • Where do you go to find God’s holiness? How do you carry the holiness of God with you?
  • How do you feel God disciplining you? What is He trying to teach you right now?
  • When have you given everything for the sake of another? What did it feel like?  How did they react?  How long did it last?
  • How do others around you affect your behavior? When is it good?  When is it bad?  What can you do to affect others behavior in a good way?
  • What gifts do you have that have the power to heal another person?
  • How open are you to allow another person to heal you?
  • Make a list of ways to show/express gratitude.


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, have pity on us and let us do the same…

ALL:  by holding a door for a stranger.

Leader:  Lord, have pity on us and let us do the same…

 ALL:  by leaving a generous tip.

Leader:  Lord, have pity on us and let us do the same…

 ALL:  by calling or visiting a shut-in.

Leader:  Lord, have pity on us and let us do the same…

ALL:  by volunteering some time.

Leader:  Lord, have pity on us and let us do the same…

ALL:  by giving a gift for no reason.

Leader:  Let us have pity on others so

ALL:  by your grace we turn pity into joy!


 Challenge for the Week:  Compare and contrast times when you have been weighed down with the chains of suffering and times when you feel rinsed clean.  Identify two or more situations in your life when you have experienced these feelings and spend time reflecting on the differences and the similarities of the experiences.  What did you feel physically, what did you think, what emotions did you feel, what was your behavior like, how did you treat yourself and others during these times?  Additionally, where was God during these times?  Did you experience a change in you afterwards?  Was it for the worse or for the better?  What are your emotions/feelings about these experiences now that you look back on them?  What will you do/can you do with this new knowledge of yourself?  Is there benefit not only for you but for others as well?  Decide on one action you will do (whether for yourself or for another) to live out what you have learned.

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