Sunday, October 16th Readings

29th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

Generous God

You give us food from heaven

so we have the nourishment we need.

You give us a source of water

so we can be refreshed and clean.

You also give us friends

so we can be supported when

our load just seems to get to heavy.

Thank you Lord,

for providing all of our needs.


Journal/Reflection Questions

Exodus 17:8-13

  • Who or what keeps you persistent in your prayer?
  • Where do you go when you are in need of help? Is help always given?

 2Timothy 3:14-4:2

  • How is the Gospel/Word of God lived out in the world today? Is it hard or easy to find?  Is it easily recognizable or is it disguised?
  • When has your faith been convenient? When has it been inconvenient?  What does Saint Paul say you should do about it?

 Luke 18:1-8

  • When you pray are you ready to listen for the answer?
  • Do you pray for those who judge you and for those whom you have judged?
  • Why should we only pray petitions to God? Doesn’t He already know what we need?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Reflect on a time when you wouldn’t have gotten through a situation (good or bad) without the help of others.
  • What are some things you cannot do alone?
  • When did you last receive help without asking for it? How did you feel?
  • Have you ever given help to another without their request; simply because you saw a need?
  • Who are the people in your life who have your back?
  • How would you define a prayer warrior? Do you know people who fit the description?
  • How is prayer a weapon? Have you seen it used as a weapon or only heard the comparison?
  • Do you know any scripture passages by heart? If so, what?
  • What is your favorite bible story? Why does this one stand out?
  • Make a list of places you see scripture used.


Closing Prayer

Leader:  When I am weak

ALL:  may I find strength…everlasting!

Leader:  When I am blinded

 ALL:  may I find my sight…everlasting!

Leader:  When I am weary

 ALL:  may I find my contentment…everlasting!      

Leader:  When I am lame

ALL:  may I find my healing…everlasting!

Leader:  When I am suffering

ALL:  may I find my blessing…everlasting!

Leader:  When I am alone

ALL:  may I find my Savior…everlasting!


 Challenge for the Week:  Consider the following questions: What is the role of prayer in your life?  How do you pray?  When do you pray?  Is there a routine to your prayer?  Do you have a specific place where you pray?  Is there structure to your prayer or is it completely random?  Are there people whom you pray for?  Do you ask others to pray for you?  What value do you put on prayer?  Do you only pray for yourself and your loved ones or do you include people you don’t know?  Do you pray for specific things to happen?  Are your prayers general/generic?  Is your language formal or informal when you pray?  Do you pray by yourself or with others?  How important is prayer to your life?  Do others know how important/unimportant prayer is to you?  Spend time pondering these questions this week…and then pray with purpose J

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