Sunday, April 30th Readings

Third Sunday of Easter


Opening Prayer


Your love is strong and steady

The promises you make…you keep

Sun shining, birds singing and rainbows

are gifts of remembrance.

Let us run to your open arms

to be welcomed into your love!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 2:14, 22-33

  • How does the resurrection of Jesus change your life, your faith, your attitude, your actions?
  • What is the path of life? Is it the same or different for everyone?

 1 Peter 1:17-21

  • What does this scripture say about how God sees you? How does that make you feel?
  • What does this scripture tell us would happen to humankind if Jesus didn’t come?

 Luke 24:13-35

  • What questions might you have asked if you were on the road with Jesus? What questions do you want to ask Jesus now?
  • When is Jesus revealed to you? What opportunities do you have to break bread with Jesus?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Do you have scars from “battle” (physical or emotional)?  What became of the scars?  What emotions do they carry for you still?
  • Have you ever condemned someone and later learned you were the one in the wrong?  Was it rectified?
  • Have you ever been condemned for something you did right?  What happened?
  • What do you fear?
  • Are you afraid of death or dying?  Which?  Explain.
  • Where do you see faith in the world?  What makes it so?  What can be done to increase it?
  • What obstacles of faith do you see in the world?  What obstacles do you encounter?  What do/can you do?
  • Where do you hope in the world?  What makes it so?  What can be done to increase it?
  • What obstacles of hope do you see in the world?  What obstacles do you encounter?  What do/can you do?
  • When have you not recognized Jesus’ presence in your life?  In a specific situation?
  • Share an “ah-ha” moment when you went from not seeing Jesus in a situation and then suddenly saw him.  This could also be a moment when you saw a truth revealed about Jesus that you didn’t know or your perspective changed.


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Draw us near

 ALL:  to listen for your voice.

Leader:  Draw us near

ALL:  to follow your call.

Leader:  Draw us near

 ALL:  to the acceptance of your embrace.

Leader:  Draw us near

ALL:  to the promises of your love.

Leader:  Draw us near

ALL:  to your joyful presence.

Leader:  Draw us near

ALL:  to an intimate relationship with YOU!


Challenge for the Week:  In the first reading, Peter is giving a speech to the people.  Take time to re- read the scripture this week …does this sound like the Peter we have heard about in the scripture before Jesus was crucified?  What is different here?  What has changed?  Meditate on how Peter has changed.  How does Peter inspire you to make a change?  Make a decision to change and seek your path with the same vigor!

Sunday, April 23rd Readings

Second Sunday of Easter


Opening Prayer

Living God,

You speak and life begins.

You breathe and the wind blows.

You whisper and thunder sounds.

May I find humility

and open myself to you!

Let your WORD fill me

and leave me satisfied!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 2:42-47

  • What is your first memory of gathering to break the bread at church? What do you remember about the experience?  Things you saw, smelt, touched, feelings?
  • How can you carry the Easter joy on? What wisdom can this scripture offer to help?

 1 Peter 1:3-9

  • What is the inheritance Jesus left for you? Has it already been given or is there an appointed time?  What do you, do with it?
  • Describe the joy you feel at Easter. When are other times you feel this joy?

 John 20:19-31

  • What sins do you carry? Are they your own or someone else’s?  Where does forgiveness need to come from?
  • Are there things about your faith which you doubt sometimes? Have you ever doubted God?


General Questions for Journaling

  • How do you gather to celebrate and remember?
  • Are there times when you don’t feel like celebrating?  What are those things that keep you from celebrating?
  • What happens when you forget about the joy of Easter?
  • How do you share what you have with others?
  • Are there things you don’t need?  Why do you keep them?
  • Can you ever give too much?  Share an example.
  • Describe your perfect meal.  What would be served?  Who would be there?  Where would you be?
  • What hope comes from the resurrection?  On a scale from 1-10, how much hope do you have?
  • What do you hope for?  Be specific.
  • How do you experience peace?  Are there specific circumstances?  It peace a place?  A feeling?  Is it a state of mind?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Give thanks….

ALL:  God’s mercy is everlasting!

Leader:  Give thanks…

ALL:  God’s strength is everlasting!

Leader:  Give thanks…

 ALL:  God’s joy is everlasting!

Leader:  Give thanks…

ALL:  God’s wonders are everlasting!

Leader:  Give thanks…

ALL:  God’s glory is everlasting!

Leader:  Give thanks…

ALL:  God’s salvation is everlasting!

Leader:  Give thanks…

ALL:  God’s love is everlasting!


 Challenge for the Week:  In the Catholic Church, Easter is not one day, it is a season.  It begins at the Easter Vigil, celebrated the night before Easter Sunday.  This celebration is special because through scripture, ritual, prayer and sacrament people of all ages are welcomed into the church.  It is an experience like no other full of sights, smells, sounds and touches your soul.  The Easter Season lasts for six weeks, with several other specific celebrations to help us to carry this feeling with us; it could be compared to a honeymoon stage of a newly married couple.  However, like every newlywed couple, the excitement may fade a little in the daily routine of life but there is still a joy which comes when we see a couple who have been married for many years who clearly love each other deeply.  This is the challenge for us this Easter.  How can you find this deep love and feel the Easter joy even in the everyday routine of scripture, prayer, ritual and sacrament?  Perhaps it is as simple as remembering that none of those things (scripture, prayer, ritual and sacrament) are ordinary.

Sunday, April 16th Readings

Easter Sunday


Opening Prayer


You died to bring us live

You became nothing

So we can become whole

May we die to the sin

that keeps us away from you

So we might live

in the fullness you promised!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 10:34a, 37-43

  • How has your baptism and the renewal of your baptismal promises brought good news to others?
  • Who in your life inspires or helps to ignite your faith?

 Colossians 3:1-4

  • How do you rise like Christ this Easter season?
  • Are there things you have shed through your Lenten sacrifice of which you are free?

 John 20:1-9

  • What does this scripture reveal about Jesus? About his disciples?
  • What do you take away from this scripture? What do you feel?  What do you imagine this looks like?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Has the journey of Lent helped to strengthen your faith?  How?
  • Did you gain a new perspective on a problem or struggle you have in your life right now through prayer, almsgiving and/or fasting?  Share.
  • What have you heard this Lent in the scriptures or through discussion with others which you have shared with another person?
  • What has inspired you to bear witness to your faith over the past six weeks?
  • Is there anything you are looking forward to during the Easter season?
  • How can you make the joy of Easter last longer than one day?
  • Are there things you can continue to work on (using prayer, almsgiving and fasting as your guide) for the next six weeks?  Why do these Lenten practices have to only be practiced during Lent?
  • Is there a problem or struggle you are dealing with which you need to step away from?  Perhaps find a new perspective or revisit a solution which had been previously rejected?
  • Are you carrying around “dead weight” such as hurt feelings or a burden that is not yours to carry?
  • Do you hide Christ in your life?  In your conversations?  In your home?  What can you do to reveal him?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  What was hidden;

ALL:  has been revealed!

Leader:  What was broken;

 ALL:  has been healed!

Leader:  What was lost;

 ALL:  has been found!

Leader:  What was sin;

ALL:  has been forgiven!

Leader:  What was buried;

ALL:  has come to life!

Leader:  What was crucified;

ALL:  has been resurrected!



Challenge for the Week:  Jesus was believed to be dead.  The disciples buried him in a tomb.  After three days his broken body was healed and he was radiant.  Imagine you could go away for three days and get away from any pressures, stress and obligations.  What would you do?  How would you spend your time?  How would you pamper yourself to relieve stress?  What conversations would you have with God about your life?  Take time for a mini retreat, even if it is only for 5 minutes to step away from your life and let the joy of Easter and Jesus’ resurrection spark a renewal within!

Sunday, April 9th Readings

Palm Sunday


Opening Prayer


When I call out in prayer,

what do I say?

Do my words express my trust in you?

When I live out each day,

what do I say?

Do my actions show I trust you?

Let me be more aware of how I hurt you.

May I work to let my words and my actions,

express my love and trust in YOU!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 50:4-7

  • How can you identify with this scripture? Are you feeling weary as the season of Lent comes to a close?
  • Does this scripture give you any encouragement to keep on with your Lenten disciplines?

 Philippians 2:6-11

  • What qualities of Jesus do you admire the most? How do you relate to these traits?
  • How do you show reverence to Jesus? How often?

 Matthew 26:14-27, 66

  • Choose an action from the Gospel reading that reflects something going on in your life right now.
  • How have you rejected Jesus today? Yesterday?  This week?


General Questions for Journaling

  • If you don’t feel well, do you want others not to feel well along with you?
  • What causes you to feel weary? Make a list of the things that drain you.
  • How much of your prayer life is complaining or whining to God?
  • Consider the conversations you’ve had in the last 24 hours…how many of them included a complaint by you or another person?
  • When have you felt shame? Describe the feeling.
  • How have you caused another person to feel shame? For what reason?  Was it done on purpose?
  • How do you show Jesus you love him? How does he show you he loves you?
  • How do you feel when you are accused of something you didn’t do?
  • When have you felt rejected? Who rejected you?
  • Share a time when you have changed your perspective, like those in Jerusalem.(one day they are praising Jesus and another they are condemning him)


Closing Prayer

Leader:  May I be emptied…

ALL:  so I can be refilled with humility.

Leader:  May I be emptied…

 ALL:  so I can be refilled with obedience.

Leader:  May I be emptied…

 ALL:  so I can be refilled with hospitality.

Leader:  May I be emptied…

ALL:  so I can be refilled with forgiveness.

Leader:  May I be emptied…

ALL:  so I can be refilled with acceptance.

Leader:  May I be emptied…

ALL:  so I can be refilled with trust.

Leader:  May I be emptied…

ALL:  so I can be refilled with faith.


Challenge for the Week:  This week make the commitment to sacrifice some of your time and do something uncomfortable.  It might be something simple like making small talk with the person in line with you at the store or offering to purchase the coffee of a stranger.  You might consider taking some of the “me time” you work to create and volunteer.  Perhaps you could make time for someone you have been avoiding or someone who has been sick or is alone.  Too often, we get wrapped up in ourselves and we begin to complain about things that we really shouldn’t complain about.  Look around this week and sacrifice yourself for the sake of another who is going through something much more difficult than you.  It will help you gain perspective and prepare your heart for Holy Week!