Sunday, July 2nd Readings

13th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


Before me I have many choices,

Each day I awake, there are more,

You have given me all that I need

to make the right choices.

I have the counsel of the Holy Spirit

and the example of Jesus.

Let me not lose sight of these gifts.


Journal/Reflection Questions

2 Kings 4:8-11, 14-16a

  • What does this scripture inspire you to do? What specifically calls you into action?
  • Was there expectation from Elisha or the woman for something in return?
  • Where is God in the scripture? Make a list of where you see God.

 Romans 6:3-4, 8-11

  • What does it mean to you that you were born in Christ through baptism but also baptized into Christ’s death?
  • Share an example of how you have been able to die to a sinful behavior. What helped you shed the sin from your life?
  • How does this scripture form you understanding of life and death?

 Matthew 10:37-42

  • What specifically about this scripture is troublesome for you to achieve? What makes it so difficult?
  • Do you know what cross you bear? How can knowing and accepting the struggles and obstacles you face help you overcome them?
  • How does this scripture tie back into the first reading?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Who are the people in your life who pray for you?
  • What good has come from your prayers for others?
  • When was the last time you wished another person well…was it sincere or out of obligation?
  • Is there some way you can make one little thing better for another today?
  • Is there an act of kindness you can give to another without expectation of a returned kindness?
  • Are there relationships that draw you into sinful behavior?
  • What steps can be taken to shed relationships which are harmful to you?
  • When was the last time you felt blessed? What were the circumstances?
  • How are you a blessing to another?
  • Describe how blessing someone and being blessed are similar and/or different.
  • How is being a righteous person different than being conceded?
  • Share an example of a righteous person you know. What makes them righteous?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  You are in my heart,

 ALL:  may my heart be holy.

Leader:  You are in my thoughts,

ALL:  may my thoughts be holy.

Leader:  You are in my prayers,

 ALL:  may my prayers be holy.

Leader:  You are in my deeds,

ALL:  may my deeds be holy.

Leader:  You are in my home,

ALL:  may my home be holy.

Leader: You are in my soul,

ALL:  may my soul be holy.


Challenge for the Week:  The first reading shares the importance of hospitality.  Take time this week to ponder how God values hospitality.  Consider how God might define hospitality and if God’s definition the same as your own.  Where do you see hospitality exercised to the fullest extent, such as in the scripture?  Spend time seeking other scripture verses which show examples of how God calls us to be hospitable and make a commitment to try to show the hospitality of God to others.

Sunday, June 25th Readings

12th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

My Lord and My God

Your love washes over me;

it fills my entire being.

My heart overflows with your mercy.

There is nothing to fear;

for you are with me always.

The intimacy of your love remains.

I surrender to your grace;

you make me whole.

A new life lies ahead of me.


Journal/Reflection Questions

Jeremiah 20:10-13

  • Where do you see God prevail as “mighty champion”?
  • What role do you play in this scripture? How does this scripture make you feel?

 Romans 5:12-15

  • How have you trespassed against God this week? How is it/can it be resolved?
  • How have you trespassed against your neighbor this week? How is it/can it be resolved?
  • How have you trespassed against yourself this week? How is it/can it be resolved?

 Matthew 10:26-33

  • What has God whispered to you? Did you proclaim what you heard?  Why or why not?
  • Do you believe what this scripture tells you about the love of God? What is easy and/or hard for you to believe is true?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Have you ever felt trapped by “evil” or “sin”?
  • When have you stumbled in the face of adversity?
  • Describe suffering. What does it look like, sound like, smell like, feel like?
  • Is there a recipe to get rid of negative thoughts?
  • Can good come from resentment?
  • What are you afraid of and how do you deal with/calm the fear?
  • Make a list of ten people in your life whom you trust. Is this list easy or difficult to make?
  • How do you cultivate trust in a relationship? What actions are required for trust to exist?
  • Have you ever suffered for being a Christian?
  • Do you receive ridicule because you go to Church? How do you respond?
  • How do you share the Gospel (Good News) with others? Be specific.
  • In what ways is your faith still in the darkness? How can you bring light to it?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  When I have obstacles in my path

 ALL:  I praise the Lord!

Leader:  When I am the target of slander

ALL:  I praise the Lord!

Leader:  When I feel buried in doubt

 ALL:  I praise the Lord!

Leader:  When I am drowning in sorrow

ALL:  I praise the Lord!

Leader:  When I have a mountain to climb

ALL:  I praise the Lord!

Leader: When I feel walls caving in

ALL:  I praise the Lord!

Leader:  When I call out to my Lord,

ALL:  I am ready for anything!


Challenge for the Week:  Why do we allow others to give us worth and to hurt us so badly?  We allow hurtful words in the form of put downs and criticisms to penetrate us.  We give worth to the opinions of others, even when the words are untrue.  The challenge is to follow Jesus’ example, to know who we are and what we stand for when faced with adversity.  This can only be done when we really know who we are in Christ.  Spend time this week identifying times when Jesus was put down and criticized, how did he respond?  Jesus models for us how to deal with opposition, rely on HIM!

Sunday, June 18th Readings

Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ


Opening Prayer


You give us bread from heaven,


Let us have our fill and never go hungry.

Thank you for our daily bread!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14b-16a

  • God sent manna from heaven, how is this still true.
  • How has God delivered you from slavery? What are you still a slave to which you need God to help you be free?

 1 Corinthians 10:16-17

  • What cup of blessing do you hold today?
  • How can you let your faith overflow and be a blessing to another?

 John 6:51-58

  • Describe how partaking in God’s body and blood sustains you.
  • What gives you strength in faith?


General Questions for Journaling

  • What commandments do you find easy to follow?
  • What commandments do find hard to follow?
  • What can you do to be more aware of the food God supplies in your life?
  • How can you help others see how God is feeding them?
  • Identify one way God has fed you today.
  • Identify a time when you were parched. How does this experience affect your faith?
  • What can you do to welcome another today?
  • How do you see yourself as part of the body of Christ?
  • When have you experienced hunger? Compare this feeling to your faith.
  • Define Communion.


Closing Prayer

Leader: Christ before me

ALL:  I praise you!

Leader:  Christ around me

ALL:  I give you thanks!

Leader:  Christ beside me

 ALL:  I am filled with joy!

Leader:  Christ within me

ALL:  I feel at peace!

Leader:  I am Christ to others

ALL:  Let the feast begin!


Challenge for the Week:  In the next week, go the extra mile to share Christ with another person.  Perhaps you see someone who looks sad or lonely, is there something you can give or say to help them see that Christ is within you?  Remember YOU are Christ, when you let God into your heart you can’t just keep His love and mercy inside; you must share it with others.

Sunday, June 11th Readings

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity


Opening Prayer

Blessed Trinity

You created us out of love

You came to be one with us

And You remain still.

You are the beginning and the end.

May we stay mindful

of all you are and all you give!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Exodus 34:4b-6, 8-9

  • How do you humble yourself before God like Moses did in this scripture?
  • What examples in your life confirm that God is slow to anger, rich in kindness and faithful?

 2 Corinthians 13:11-13

  • How have you shown encouragement to another today? In the past week?
  • How can you show encouragement to others with more purpose this week?

 John 3:16-18

  • God sacrificed His Son, Jesus to show His love for you, what do you sacrifice to show your love in return?
  • God so loved the world…how do you show your love for the world?


General Questions for Journaling

  • How do you describe God’s love?
  • What names do you use to call out to God? Do you use different names for different purposes?  Why or why not?
  • How do you think God finds favor in you? Identify at least 5 things about you which God would find favor.
  • Describe a time when you were “stiff-necked and stubborn”.
  • How do you treat others who are “stiff-necked and stubborn”. Would God find favor in the way you treat others who are “stuck in their ways”?
  • What sin does God look past today in order to give you love? How has God shown his love already today?
  • How do you know the Holy Spirit is with you?
  • How can you tell when the Holy Spirit is with another person?
  • How does God show you grace?
  • How can you show grace to another person?
  • Describe peace. It is the same for everyone or different?
  • Where do you see people being condemned today? Is there something you could do to bring peace?
  • When have you felt condemned, what did you learn from the experience?


Closing Prayer

Leader: O Holy is YOUR name…

 ALL:  Creator

Leader:  I AM

ALL:  God

Leader:  Emmanuel

 ALL:  Jesus

Leader:  Savior

ALL:  Living God

Leader:  Mighty wind

ALL:  Eternal breath

Leader: Counselor

ALL:  God with us

Leader:  Holy Trinity

ALL:  Father, Son and Holy Spirit!


Challenge for the Week:  There are “early birds” and “night owls”, regardless of which category you fall into, spend time thinking in detail about the way God/Jesus/Holy Spirit is revealed to you in the morning during the time before and after sunrise AND in the evening before and after sunset.  When you do so, be sure to give credit to each person in the Trinity for revealing themselves to you by giving honor and thanks!