Sunday, July 30th Readings

17th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Opening Prayer


You give me more than I deserve.

I do not always see myself as you do.

The mistakes I make,

 look like mountains to me.

You see my flaws but love me anyways.

Help me to remember that I am precious

 because you are with me!
Journal/Reflection Questions

1 Kings 3:5, 7-12

 What did Solomon’s prayers say about his relationship to God?

What do your prayers say about your relationship with God?

 How do you allow God to show you right from wrong?
Romans 8:28-30

Describe when you have felt called by God to do something. How
did you feel? How old were you? What did you do? How did you

 What do you have to give up or sacrifice to conform to God’s will?
Matthew 13:44-52

 What treasures do you possess which have been buried?

 Imagine yourself as the person who finds treasure, the merchant
who seeks pearls, and the fisherman casting the net. How do you
relate to each scenario? What lesson is to be learned from each
General Questions for Journaling

 Do you listen to your dreams? What do they tell you?

 How do you feel about your enemies? Do you have enemies?

 How do your instincts differ from what God wants?

 What kind of “wisdom” comes from age?

 Do you believe that “youth” is an age or a frame of mind? Explain.

 What obstacles do you believe you have that keep you from being the
best you can be?

 What are the blessings you want from God? Be specific. 

 Make a list of good things God has provided for you.

 Make a list of bad things that have happened because your love God.

Is there a situation in your life right now which you need to let God
shed some light on? Do you believe it will make a difference?

 Do you sometimes feel like you are playing hide and seek with God?
Who is hiding? Where do you hide?

 How do see heaven? What do you believe it is?

 Where do you find security? Is it real? How do you know?

 What confirmation do you have that you are living the life God calls
you to live?
Closing Prayer

Leader: I want to walk in the way of the Lord,

ALL: teach me to seek your heart!

Leader: I want to walk in the way of the Lord,

ALL: teach me to know your precepts!

Leader: I want to walk in the way of the Lord,

ALL: teach me to observe your commandments!

Leader: I want to walk in the way of the Lord,

ALL: teach me to walk with justice!

Leader: I want to walk in the way of the Lord,

ALL: teach me to listen to and live your Word!

Leader: I want to walk in the way of the Lord,

ALL: teach me to spread kindness and mercy!

Leader: I want to walk in the way of the Lord,

ALL: teach me to treasure your promise!
Challenge for the Week: When you think of a healthy lifestyle, what do you think about? Eating right
and exercising? Getting “enough” sleep? Who decides what a healthy lifestyle is? You? The Media?
Doctors? There are core things you need to do as a human being to stay “healthy”, things like drink
enough water and get enough sleep. However there is more to living a healthy lifestyle than eating your
vegetables and taking the stairs instead of the elevator. You should also think about a healthy relationship
with God. This requires discipline, perhaps even more than saying no to the cheesecake. However, if you
are able to get your relationship with God in check, it is bound to help you find the healthy balance with
the rest of your life. This includes helping you be able to discern if you should have the cheesecake
without the feelings of guilt afterwards. 

Sunday, July 23rd Readings

16th Sunday of Ordinary TimeOpening Prayer


When you are with me

…my smile shines brighter

…my words have meaning

…my actions are true

May I never spend a moment

 not seeking YOU!
Journal/Reflection Questions

Wisdom 12:13, 16-19

 How does this scripture show God’s humility?

 Where do you see your sin in this scripture? Do you condemn
others? Are you unjust? Do you seek power? Do you “lord” over
others? Do you hold others prisoner with rules or expectations?

 Do you find hope in this scripture? Be specific.  

Romans 8:26-27

 When have you been aware of the Spirit interceding on your
behalf? What was the situation?  

 What does this scripture tell you about the nature of the Spirit?

Matthew 13:24-43

 Explain, by using an example, how weeds can grow in a person’s
life and how they would cause more harm to remove the weeds.

 When have you seen sin spread like a weed? How can it be
General Questions for Journaling

 Where do you see kindness each day? Is it easy to find or do you need
to search for it?

 Are you 100% full of kindness? When or how do you fall short?

 Where do you see mercy each day? Is it easy to find or do you need
to search for it?

 Are you 100% full of mercy? When or how do you fall short?

 What does it mean to you that you can repent? How often do you
repent?  Is it enough?

When did you first learn how to pray? Who taught you?

 How has your prayer life developed over time or as you have become
older or more mature in your spiritual life? Share.  

 When have you stood up for someone who couldn’t stand up for
themselves? What was the situation? What inspired you to step in?  

 How are the mustard seed and yeast similar? How are they different?

 What makes them a good example of heaven? What example would
you use to describe heaven?  
Closing Prayer

Leader: Father, search my heart

ALL: for goodness and kindness

Leader: Father, search my heart

ALL: for a sense of longing.

Leader: Father, search my heart

ALL: for acceptance and mercy.

Leader: Father, search my heart

ALL: for compassion for others.

Leader: Father, search my heart

ALL: for love and forgiveness.

Leader: Father, search my heart

ALL: for the strength to endure.

Leader: Father, search my heart

ALL: and find it full of you!
Challenge for the Week: These past few weeks’ scriptures remind us that we are not alone, God is with
us. They also tell us that God will give us what we need when we are connected to him. What they don’t
tell us is that we don’t have to work to stay connected or that the path is an easy one. The parables Jesus
tells are to teach us that we are required to put forth effort, more than we even want to sometimes and  when we have no more to give, the Spirit will make up for the rest. The challenge is different for each  person, depending on where you fall on the pendulum. First, if your relationship with God is one where  you are asking for him to help you out of a situation, but you are not doing anything to move in the  direction to change, then you need to start moving. On the other side of the spectrum are those who are  giving and giving so much that they are not leaving much space for the Spirit to work, they need to step  aside before their ego steps in. No matter where we are on the scale, we can find ourselves out of whack  with one miss-step. Our best bet is to work to form a partnership with God, knowing there are times when you will give more and times when the Spirit will pull the weight to get you through. 

Sunday, July 16th Readings

15th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

God of Creation!

You make a mark on every living thing,

the trees…

the water…

even the air.

May my life have the remnants of your love!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 55:10-11

  • What makes the ground fertile? What is the purpose of fertile ground?
  • Where have you planted seeds and seen growth in relationships?
  • What have you done to produce good fruit in a relationship?

 Romans 8:18-23

  • How do you live in expectation of God? What can you do to be more open to the present instead of in the past or the future?
  • Describe an example of something in nature which groans in labor pains.

 Matthew 13:1-23

  • Which part of the sower and seed parable do you relate to the most at this moment?
  • Who are you in the parable? The flower? The sun? The rain? The one who tramples? The one who chokes? The one who scorches? The birds? The thorn? The rocks? The one who blocks the roots? The one who plants the seed? The fruit?
  • If you are the sower, what are you planting?
  • What kind of seed would you say that you are? What do you produce?


General Questions for Journaling

  • What do you like about gardening? What do you not like?
  • Describe what you feel when you see new growth in the springtime?
  • Describe how you feel when you see a plant or a tree that is dying?
  • What does the rain have to do with growth?
  • What does the sun have to do with growth?
  • Compare the cycle of rain to the cycle of life. How do they differ?  How are they similar?
  • Share a time when you experienced freedom in the beauty of nature.
  • What is your most favorite display of God’s artistic side in nature?
  • What in nature caused you to be in awe of God?
  • Imagine the steps a human would take in order to create a flower.
  • How does your live mirror the life of a flower?
  • What does nature reveal about you?
  • Where are there still growing pains in the world?
  • How do you handle unexpected pain?
  • What is in/on your path right now? What is the best way to handle it?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  God of heaven…

 ALL:  conquer my fears.

Leader:  God of earth…

ALL:  make straight the path.

Leader:  Jesus, human…

 ALL:  teach me to love.

Leader:  Jesus, divine…

ALL:  wash away my sins.

Leader:  Spirit of life…

ALL:  comfort and strength.

Leader:  Almighty Spirit…

ALL:   tend to my soul.

Leader:  Be mine…

ALL:   forevermore!


Challenge for the Week:  There is a country song by Luke Bryan, “Rain is a good thing”.  Make a list of the ways rain brings good things…are there bad things rain brings?  Spend time reflecting on the role rain has in your life, what has rain brought you?  For a Farmer, rain can be an answer to a prayer but it can also be a curse… our perspective about the rain is up to us depending upon our experiences.  No one can predict when the rain will come or how long it will last or how hard it will fall.  However you choose to look at it, consider how God looks at rain.  I think God would agree, like the song says, rain is a good thing!

Sunday, July 9th Readings

14th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

Christ within me,

How I struggle!

I move forward,

but leave you behind.

I trip and fall,

then cry out to you.

My heart knows you are with me;

My will says I can do it alone.

It is a constant battle.


Journal/Reflection Questions

Zechariah 9:9-10

  • Share a time when God won a victory for you. What was the battle?  What did you struggle with and how did God help you overcome?
  • The scripture describes a king riding in on a donkey…how do these two images go together? Where do you see this same image in the New Testament?

 Romans 8:9, 11-13

  • Share a recent example of how the spirit worked through you.
  • How are you indebted to the flesh? How does knowing Jesus paid the debt already change your perspective?

 Matthew 11:25-30

  • What does it mean that God’s yoke is easy?
  • When have you experienced God’s gracious will?


General Questions for Journaling

  • How do you rejoice for God? Be specific.
  • Do your actions towards others show your love for God? Share a recent example.
  • How can your actions “banish” a person from your life? When might this be necessary?
  • Have your recent actions caused division between you and another person or a group of people? How does your relationship with
    God factor into this division?
  • Where do you see peace in the world? What can you do to keep it?
  • What characteristics of the “flesh” do you need to shed?
  • What characteristics of the “spirit” do you want to take on?
  • What words do you use to describe the Father?
  • What words do you use to describe the Son?
  • What words do you use to describe the Spirit?
  • How do you explain how the Father, Son and Spirit work together?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Come, dwell in me…

 ALL:  let me know meekness.

Leader:  Come, dwell in me…

ALL:  let me know humility.

Leader:  Come, dwell in me…

 ALL:  let me know weakness.

Leader:  Come, dwell in me…

ALL:  let me know burdens.

Leader:  Come, dwell in me…

ALL:  let me know hunger and thirst.

Leader: Come, dwell in me…

ALL:  let me know hurt.

Leader: Come, dwell in me…

ALL:  so I may find rest!


Challenge for the Week:  The “yoke” in the Gospel reading is not the center of an egg, rather it’s a tool used to tether two things together.  The purpose of a yoke is to teach.  Farmers would use the yoke to put a seasoned animal with one who is just learning; this practice allowed the veteran to teach the newbie the ropes.  This process didn’t just take an hour a week but many hours of being tied together, working.  This scripture says that God has already tethered himself to us through Jesus’ death and the spirit within us.  We cannot learn what we need to learn about how to live our lives when we don’t tie ourselves to God on a regular basis.  This week find a string to tie around your wrist to remind you of how you are tied to God every moment of every day.  This knowledge should be used to help you learn to listen to the spirit within and act upon it, allow God to teach you!