Sunday, September 3rd Readings

22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


You gave your life for me…

What do I give to you?

What do I sacrifice?

Let me listen to your Word!

Let me make time for prayer!

May my eyes and ears be opened

for your Spirit to lead me!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Jeremiah 20:7-9

  • Can you imagine being “duped” by God? What would (did) it look like?  What was the purpose?
  • Do you believe God wants us to be “duped”?
  • Describe what it feels like to feel something in your bones? Have you ever felt something so deep?  Share the experience.

 Romans 12:1-2

  • When do you feel most connected with God? Jesus? Holy Spirit?
  • How does the study of scripture help you to transform your mind? How does this transformation change your words and actions; be specific.
  • What does Saint Paul mean when he says, “don’t conform yourself to this age?” How does this specifically speak to you?

 Matthew 16:21-27

  • What cross are you called to pick up today? Are you able to pick it up? Is your cross light or heavy?
  • If God does not think the way that humans do, how is it you are able to understand what God wants for you?
  • When have you been like Peter in the scripture and not wanted harm to come to someone you love?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Are you willing to risk being made fun of in order to stand up for what you believe? Have you ever?  Share the experience.
  • How can you give strength to another who is standing up for what they believe in, even if you don’t agree?
  • Choose a negative situation in the world today and reflect on where God is working right now within the mess. Is there something you can do too?
  • Choose a positive event in the world today and identify where you see God working. Is there something you can do too?
  • What was the last exciting news you shared and with whom did you share it? What was your purpose for sharing?  Was it your news to share?
  • What was the last disappointing news you shared and with whom did you share it? What was your purpose for sharing?  Was it your news to share?
  • Where do you turn for consult? Do you go to the same person or someone different depending on what you need?
  • Describe the feeling of being satisfied. If you drew a picture of that feeling what would it look like?
  • What is the recipe for hearing God’s voice clearly?
  • Have you ever made a decision where you felt you were the only one who believed it to be the right decision?
  • What does it mean to “lose your life” according to God? What does it mean to “lose your life” according to the world?
  • What are the things in your life which you are afraid to lose? What are you afraid to leave behind when you die?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord fill me…

 ALL:  with reckless desire for you!

Leader:  Lord fill me…

ALL:  with unending compassion for others!

Leader:  Lord fill me…

 ALL:  with raging fire for justice!

Leader:  Lord fill me

ALL:  with determination to do your will!

Leader:  Lord fill me

ALL:  with the ability to surrender,

Leader:  so I can be

ALL:   more like you each day!


Challenge for the Week:  In your life, you have positive and negative influences.  How do you determine which are the good ones and which are the bad ones?  They are not always clear.  There are times when there is a positive influence that you ignore because you are not in a good place yourself and other times when you are too close to a situation to see you are being influenced in a negative way.  How can you know?  When you turn to God for help and clarity, He can bring to light what is good and what is evil but are you willing to listen?  Spend time this week looking at the things which influence your life and prayerfully consider how the people and things you allow into our daily life affect you in a positive or negative way.  Summer is about to end and with the change of the season; you too should take time to change.

Sunday, August 27th Readings

21st Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


Vast is your love for us,

let me see it each day!

Endless are the gifts you give,

let me show gratitude!

Abundant is the mercy you grant,

let me share it with others!

You surround me with what I need

and guide me through,

my ups and downs.

Forever you are with me;

You are my all in all!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 22:19-23

  • Imagine yourself as Eliakim. How does it feel to be called God’s servant?  Can you see yourself being given a place of honor in God’ house?
  • Where do God’s blessings come from? Are they given on purpose or by accident?  How do you know?

 Romans 11:33-36

  • Describe what “riches” Saint Paul is referring to in this scripture.
  • What are the things you don’t understand about God? What are the things that you DO understand about God?  How does the knowledge of these things affect your faith?

 Matthew 16:13-20

  • Explain why the disciples and others would compare Jesus to Jeremiah, Elijah and John the Baptist?
  • Who do you say Jesus is? Do you tell him?  Do you tell others?
  • When you build, you need a solid foundation; how have you built your foundation?
  • Do you only get one shot to build up your foundation?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Do you allow God to have authority in your life and rule your decisions? If not, who has the authority?
  • When you are placed in a position of honor, how do you feel? How would you describe your actions?
  • Are there paths in your life, you think about, but you never took? Are they doors you closed or God closed?
  • Do you have a childhood dream that you never pursued? What has kept you from going after the dream?
  • How does God inhabit your life? Be specific.
  • Does God hold a prominent place in your life or do you keep God hidden?
  • What experience(s) have taught you about the meaning of the words, eternal, everlasting, forever? What have you learned?
  • How would you teach another about God’s endless mercy and everlasting love?
  • Is there something in your past which you hold onto which keeps you from moving forward?
  • How can faith help you to let go of past hurts, worries or tragedy?
  • How does Jesus reveal himself to you? Where are you?  What is the situation?  How do you carry the experience with you?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  I am humbly in your presence…

 ALL:  when I allow the silence to take over.

Leader:  I am humbly in your presence…

ALL:  as I pause to give thanks before a meal.

Leader:  I am humbly in your presence…

ALL:  when I look into the eyes of an innocent child.

Leader:  I am humbly in your presence…

ALL:  as hear the rumble of thunder and crack of lightening.

Leader:  I am humbly in your presence…

ALL:  when I see a couple holding hands.

Leader:  I am humbly in your presence…

ALL:   as I open my heart and mind to the wisdom of your Spirit!


Challenge for the Week:  Growing up in the church, I’ve heard the phrase, “clothed in Christ”.  As a child I would imagine literally wearing a white robe like the one we see Jesus wearing in many of the pictures of him.  Now as an adult, this phrase takes on much more meaning since it is really a figurative phrase.  What are specific ways a person can be “clothed in Christ”?  Spend time this week reflecting on these ways and then focus on yourself, discerning how you too are “clothed in Christ.  In your prayer time, ask God to help you move your thinking so you can take ownership of this phrase and believe it when you say, “I am clothed in Christ!”

Sunday, August 20th Readings

20th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

Holy Father,

May I walk in the house of Lord,

all of my days!

May I find a comfortable place

to lay my head!

May I hear your voice clearly,

despite the noise!

May I show gratitude to you,

for the gifts you give!

Praise your name forever!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 56:1, 6-7

  • Share examples of ways people honor God.
  • How do you give honor to God?
  • Is it possible to not give God enough praise or thanks? Can you give God too much?

 Romans 11:13-15, 29-32

  • What makes you feel accepted by God? What do you think makes you unworthy of God’s blessing?
  • In what ways do you disobey God? How does the Sacrament of Reconciliation help you feel accepted?

 Matthew 15:21-28

  • How does Jesus’ example in this passage motivate you to reach out to others?
  • When has Jesus shown you the same mercy as he shows the Canaanite woman?


General Questions for Journaling

  • When have you felt “left out” from receiving God’s praise? What was happening in your life?
  • Identify a moment in your life when you felt closest to God. Where were you?  Who were you with?  How did it feel?  Are there ways to replicate that feeling now?
  • When do you reach out to God? Are there moments or situations which cause you to reach out more persistently?
  • Do you think the line of communication between you and God is clear? Do you believe your messages get sent through?
  • How do you receive your messages from God? Do you have voicemail or do God’s messages get right through?
  • Where do you see joy in your life right now? How can you cultivate it to grow more abundantly?
  • How do you live justly? What does this look like?
  • Have you ever re-gifted a gift you received?
  • How do you feel when you give a gift? What does it mean to you?
  • Does your love have limits?
  • How can the scriptures help you overcome the things that limit your love? Be specific.
  • Where does mercy come from? What are some examples of mercy?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, I am blessed

ALL:  Let it show on my face!

Leader:  Lord, I am blessed

ALL:  Let it be heard in my words!

Leader:  Lord, I am blessed

 ALL:  Let it be seen by my actions!

Leader:  Lord, I am blessed

ALL:  Let it be felt through my compassion!

Leader:  Lord, I am blessed

ALL:  Let it be acknowledged in my prayers!

Leader:  Lord, I am blessed

ALL:   Let it be shared with others!   


Challenge for the Week:  God gives the most precious gifts to us but how do we repay Him for these gifts?  We have the opportunity each day to show God our gratitude through our words and actions.  This week be intentional about giving God a specific gift each day.  Perhaps it is the gift of time with Him or with a friend in need.  Maybe the gift you give to God is picking up trash from the side of the road or paying for a tank of gas for a stranger.  We are faced with opportunities each day to repay God for the gifts He has given.  Now, God doesn’t bless us with the expectation for a response so we cannot either; when we give, we give without expectation.  Look back each day on the specific gift you gave and share with God how this gift expresses your gratitude.  These are moments to cherish!

Sunday, August 13th Readings

19th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


When you call to me…

Do I look up?

How do I respond?

Can I recognize you immediately?

Am I cautious and question?

Bring me into a relationship

where I know YOU!

Allow me to surrender to your voice

and listen to your Word!


Journal/Reflection Questions

1 Kings 19:9a, 11-13a

  • Identify a “great wind” or an “earthquake” in your life. How was God present in this moment?
  • When have you stood at the opening of a cave in your life? What kept you from going in?  What motivated you to run into the darkness?
  • What causes you to want to hide your face from God?

 Romans 9:1-5

  • How do you feel when you are cut off from someone? Do you try to re-connect?  Do you let it go?
  • What keeps you connected to God? Is it a good connection?  Have you ever been cut-off?

 Matthew 14:22-23

  • How does Jesus’ example motivate you to reach out to others?
  • What obstacles do you have that hinder you from reaching out to God fully?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Do your conversations with God change depending on where you are, inside or outside?
  • How do your conversations with God go? Do you do most of the talking?  How does God respond to you?
  • Are there times in your life when you find it easier to listen to God?
  • Are there times in your life when it is difficult to listen to what God has to say?
  • Do you always believe what is told to you? How do you reject a thought or idea of another person?
  • How do you feel when a person rejects one of your ideas? What do you do?
  • What happens to God’s promises when you walk away from worship? How can you carry the feeling of security with you?
  • How do lies hurt others? When were you hurt by a lie?  Who have you hurt by telling a lie?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Fill me

ALL:  with the Spirit of your love!

Leader:  Fill me

ALL:  with an abundance of faith!

Leader:  Fill me

ALL:  with an understanding of others!

Leader:  Fill me

ALL:  with the wisdom to see truth!

Leader:  Fill me

ALL:  with a fire that allows me to move on!

Leader:  Fill me

ALL:   with a calm that helps others feel you!

Leader:  Fill me

ALL:   with a trust to go out on the water!


Challenge for the Week:  Do you have a specific place where you prefer to spend time with God?  What makes it the perfect place?  What do you see, feel and hear that makes it the best place to spend time in prayer?  Is this place in your home or do you go somewhere to find solace with God?  If you don’t have a prayer space that is special, why?  If you do have a special prayer space, what is it that draws you into the space?  What makes it special?

Sunday, August 6th Readings

Transfiguration of the Lord


Opening Prayer


Open my hears

Let me hear your Word

You do not jumble your message,

Nor do you try to deceive.

Your Word is clear, it is not hidden.

May I listen and understand.


Journal/Reflection Questions

Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14

  • How do you minister to God? How do you minster to others?  How do others minister to you?
  • What emotions or feelings does this scripture conjure up for you? Fear?  Strength?  Power?  Obedience?

2 Peter 1:16-19

  • What message is being sent to you from the heavens? What do you do about it?  Follow?  Ignore?  Suppress?
  • How do you eyewitness God’s glory?   Be specific.

Matthew 17:1-9

  • What is your vision of Jesus? Share in detail.
  • How do you fear Jesus? How does your fear interfere with your faith?


General Questions for Journaling

  • How do you show respect to another person?
  • Who are the people you respect? How do they know you respect them?
  • What do you find is reliable today?
  • What do you need to rely on each day for it to be successful? Who determines the success of each day?
  • How do you declare you devotion/love of God? Is it obvious or safe?
  • How does God make you feel safe?
  • Are there dark places in your life? What can you or others do to bring light to the dark places?
  • What gift do you possess that brings light to others?
  • How attentive are you to listening to God’s message each day on a scale from 1-10?
  • What message does your life send out to others? Is it prophetic?
  • How does your heart guide what you do? Do you listen to your heart?  Share an example.
  • How does your life share your images of Jesus? Be specific.
  • Where is Jesus reflected in your actions? Share an example.


Closing Prayer

Leader: Lord, let me see you…

ALL:  in the golden sunbeams.

Leader:  Lord, let me see you…

ALL:  in the twinkle of the stars.

Leader:  Lord, let me see you…

ALL:  in the silver moon.

Leader:  Lord, let me see you

ALL:  in the glimmer of the raindrops.

Leader:  Lord, let me see you…

ALL:  in the flicker of the candlelight.

Leader:  Lord, let me see you…

ALL:   in the reflection of the ocean.

Leader:  Lord, let me see you…

ALL:   in the glow which radiates within me!


Challenge for the Week:  In your busy week, do you take time out to listen to Jesus?  When you pray, do you allow time for silence?  The conversation needs to go both ways and often we rush through what we need to say and then cut God off.  Spend time this week in silence.  Turn off the TV, unplug from all of the things that could distract you from listening to God.  Imagine Jesus standing in front of you in a brilliant white glow, reaching out…what does He say?  What does He ask you to do?  Take the time to really listen and then allow more time for you to really process what God is saying to you.