Sunday, December 31st Readings

The Holy Family


Opening Prayer


How do I know you are near?

Is it in a kind word of a stranger?

A random act of kindness?

You are everywhere I turn!!!

What can I do to draw you closer?

Let me find you in my daily routine;

teach me Lord,

so I might find you in the simplicity of my day!!!

You are there…may I always reach out to find YOU!!!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14 or Genesis 15:1-6, 21:1-3

  • What do you do to honor your mother and your father on earth and/or in heaven? (Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14)
  • How does honoring your parents look differently from when you are a child? (Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14)
  • Share how a child is a gift from God and list at least 10 ways you can honor this gift. (Genesis 15:1-6, 21:1-3)
  • What does this scripture teach you about God’s nature? (Genesis 15:1-6, 21:1-3)

 Colossians 3:12-21 or Hebrews 11:8, 11-12, 17-19

  • How is one subordinate? God says it is good but the world says it is not?  How do you discern which is best for which situation?  How does this scripture help you find an answer? (Colossians 3:12-21)
  • How has God taught you wisdom and compassion? How have your parents taught you these things?  Is it different?  Why or why not? (Colossians 3:12-21)
  • What inheritance has God left for you? Have you accepted it?(Hebrews 11:8,11-12,17-19)
  • How do you explain how Abraham’s descendants are as vast as the stars? (Hebrews 11:8, 11-12, 17-19)

 Luke 2:22-40

  • Can you see salvation in the eyes of newborn child? What is it that you see?  Describe what you see in the eyes of a baby?
  • What do you believe Simeon saw in Jesus? How did Simeon know Jesus was born to do great things?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Describe your relationship with your parents. How is it similar or different from your relationship with your children?
  • Have you ever prayed for your parents specifically? Do you believe they have prayed for you specifically?
  • What traits did you get from your Father? Are they good?  How do you use them?
  • What traits did you get from your Mother? Are they good?  How do you use them?
  • Describe your parents in 10 words or less. Describe your Mother. Describe your Father.
  • How would you describe your parent’s relationship? Did they have a relationship with God?  How would you describe their relationship with God?
  • What do you believe your parents said when they heard you were joining their family?
  • What did you say when you learned you would be a parent?
  • Do you turn to God for parenting advice? Share a time when you did and what you heard in response.
  • Are you open to the promises of Christ? Why or why not?  What is the promise Christ has given?
  • Is there someone in your family whom you wish you could speak to? Who is it and why?
  • What traditions do you still keep Holy in your life which have been passed on from previous generations?
  • How do you honor life given and live taken away? Do these things mean something or are they simply things which happen?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Jesus, I recognize you…

 ALL:  in my sins, forgiven and healed!

Leader:  Jesus, I recognize you…

ALL:  in the miracles that happen each day!

Leader:  Jesus, I recognize you…

ALL:  when people come together to pray!

Leader:  Jesus, I recognize you…

ALL:  in the beauty which surrounds me!

Leader:  Jesus, I recognize you…

ALL:  in the eyes of strangers and in my family!


Challenge for the Week:  Have you seen the “I am Second” signs and bumper stickers?  This message is out there for us to remember that we are asked to put God above all things in the 2nd Commandment.  This means even our own needs or the needs of our spouse/significant other and/or our children/family.  This is contradictory to the messages we hear in media.  Reflect on how you can put God first in your life from the moment you wake up until the moment you lay your head to rest.  Is this a difficult request?  Why or why not?  If God is not first in your life, where do you place God’s needs on your list of priorities and responsibilities?  How can you shift your thoughts into place God’s needs above our own?  Find a friend or family member to talk to about this change so you can help each other put God’s needs, wants and desires above those of others.

Sunday, December 24th Readings

Fourth Sunday of Advent


Opening Prayer


You come to make us whole!

You give us strength and hope!

You love us without boundaries!

With you,

We shall live forever!


Journal/Reflection Questions

2Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16

  • What do you imagine the “dwelling place of God” looks like? Smells like?  Sounds like?  Feels like?
  • How does God reveal to you a better way? Be specific.

 Romans 16:25-27

  • Name three ways you have proclaimed the Gospel this past week.
  • How is glory known?

Luke 1:26-38

  • Just as John was sent to testify to Jesus’ coming, you are called to testify to Jesus too. Share how you have or how you can testify to the light of Christ.
  • Why do the people send for priests, Levites and Pharisees? Who do you call on to help you “find truth” in a situation?  How do you discern what is true and what is not?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Have you ever felt like you have more than Jesus? Share an example.
  • Can you ever have too much of something good? Too much of something bad?  How do you determine?
  • Are there people in your life which you regard as “higher” than yourself? What makes them so?  How would God respond?
  • Does generosity have a limit? Why or why not?
  • What do you have to offer God? Make a list.  (What we are is God’s gift to us; what we become is our gift to God)
  • Do you believe what you give to God is enough? Do you believe God is satisfied?  Why or why not?
  • What happens when you give to God? Be specific.
  • How does Jesus give you rest? Share an example.
  • What are the mysteries of faith? Are these mysteries a secret?
  • What does scripture reveal to you about faith? What does it reveal to you about God?  What does scripture reveal to you about eternal life?
  • Where is God present in your life right now?
  • Are you happy with the amount of time you spend in God’s presence? Why or why not?
  • Is there anything about your faith which you fear?
  • Have you ever encountered an angel? What was the situation and how did you know it was an angel?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  The Lord proclaims that I am good;

 ALL:  through kindnesses shown to my neighbor.

Leader:  The Lord proclaims that I am good;

ALL:  through my faithfulness even in small things.

Leader:  The Lord proclaims that I am good;

 ALL:  through the compassionate work of my hands.

Leader:  The Lord proclaims that I am good;

ALL:  through the promises I keep to myself and others.

Leader:  The Lord proclaims that I am good;

ALL:  through the love I give and receive.

ALL:  The Lord proclaims that I am good!


Challenge for the Week:  Reflect on the difference between a yes and an unconditional yes this week during your quiet prayer time.  In a 24 hour period you probably say yes a couple of dozen times but are any of them without condition?  Think about the last yes you gave…was it in response to a simple or complex request?  Did you have to consider consequences or did you heartily respond with joy?  Perhaps you negotiated terms of your yes response to better fit your schedule or comfort level.  There are even some yes’ given with hesitation or because of obligation.  The Gospel tells the story about a YES; this yes is an example to us because Mary said yes to God, no matter the obstacles she might have to face.  Over the next week or so, spend time thinking about response you gave the last time God asked you to do something…were you able to respond as Mary did or do you have a long list of reasons and excuses which you are using to avoid God’s request?  As you reflect, also remember to give time to how you feel when someone doesn’t respond yes at a request you make; do you think God feels the same way?  Once you have come to a conclusion about the difference between a yes and an unconditional yes, make a proclamation to God!  This can be done through a written prayer or through action; either way make the decision to work towards being more like Mary and saying YES to God’s requests.

Sunday, December 17th Readings

Third Sunday of Advent


Opening Prayer

Almighty God

I come before you to seek

what I need to be complete.

Free me of the lies I have told

so I may have a fresh start.

Heal what has been hurt or broken

and teach me to do the safe for others.

Your presence within and beyond me

brings peace to all!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11

  • Draw an image of yourself as described by this scripture.
  • Determine specifically how you can bring glad tidings to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives and release to prisoners.

 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24

  • How would you explain “prayer without ceasing” and “perfectly holy” to a child or someone who is just developing their faith?
  • Saint Paul couldn’t possibly know how hard it is to “give thanks” in all circumstances could he? Even if you are familiar with Saint Paul’s story, take time to revisit it with an open heart to be reminded of all you have to give thanks for in your life.

 John 1:6-8, 19-28

  • Just as John was sent to testify to Jesus’ coming, you are called to testify to Jesus too. Share how you have or how you can testify to the light of Christ.
  • Why do the people send for priests, Levites and Pharisees? Who do you call on to help you “find truth” in a situation?  How do you discern what is true and what is not?


General Questions for Journaling

  • What does it mean to you to have God’s favor? Do you have God’s favor?  Do you know others who have God’s favor?
  • How might one act differently knowing they had God’s favor upon them?
  • Do you believe in spite? When have you been spiteful?  Can you share a time when you have experienced God’s spite?  Does it exist?
  • Are there people in your life who give witness to God? How do they do this?
  • Reflect on how you give witness to God. Could you be giving witness without your knowledge?
  • Create a calendar and write down one conversation or experience where you saw, felt, heard God each month in the past year.
  • Can you bring “good tidings” when you harbor hurt and resentment towards others?
  • Do you believe God loves everyone equally? Why or why not?  Do you have scripture or doctrine to support your belief?
  • How does God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) dwell in your body, mind and spirit? Share specific ways.
  • How do you recognize God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) in your life and in the life of others you encounter each day? Is God easy or difficult to find?  Why or why not?  Are the specific conditions which make it easier or more difficult?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  In the darkness before the morning…

 ALL:  Lord, let me be your light!

Leader:  As I encounter those around me…

ALL:  Lord, let me be your light!

Leader:  Through my words and actions…

 ALL:  Lord, let me be your light!

Leader:  In my preparations for Christmas…

ALL:  Lord, let me be your light!

Leader:  As I make plans with friends and family…

ALL:  Lord, let me be your light!

Leader:  Through your presence within me…

ALL:   Lord, let me be your light!


Challenge for the Week:  Take time to define joy.  What is joy to you?  Is it something you can only experience one time or is it something you can carry with you for a while?  Are there things which snatch away your joy?  This week make a list of at least 25 things which bring you joy.  They don’t have to be grandiose things as long as it brings you joy…it could be as simple as finding some change on the floorboard of your car!  Once your list is complete, sit with it for a little while; let the feeling of joy overwhelm you.  Then make a promise to yourself and to God not to keep this joy to yourself; go out and share the joy you have with others and encourage them to find the joy which lies within them too!  Happy Advent!

Sunday, December 10th Readings

Second Sunday of Advent


Opening Prayer


What is it I am waiting for?

What do I seek?

Why do I feel so parched?

Why can’t I see what is in front of me?

I do not need to wait;

YOU have already provided!

I can come to the water;

and quench my thirst!

You, Lord, are all I need!

Let me wait no more…

to be full of life!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11

  • Is there someone whom you know that needs to hear the Good News of Jesus’ birth? What would you say to them?
  • Where do you see Jesus’ glory revealed this holiday season? Be specific.

 2 Peter 3:8-14

  • What are some obstacles which delays you from expressing your love and devotion to God?
  • Who in your life has shown you how to love and express your love towards God?

 Mark 1:1-8

  • Make a list of potential lessons you could share about God with this scripture. Can you come up with 10?
  • Is the message of repentance and non-judgment the type of message you would choose to share during the holiday season? Why or why not?  What message do you think needs to be heard?


General Questions for Journaling

  • What do you look forward to seeing during the holiday season?
  • What do you look forward to hearing during the holiday season?
  • What do you look forward to doing during the holiday season?
  • What do you look forward to smelling during the holiday season?
  • What is your favorite memory of advent?
  • How do you celebrate advent? Do you change anything to represent this is a special time?  Do you do it alone or with others?
  • When did you last cry out to God? Was it in pain or praise?
  • Where do you see God’s love/mercy smoothing out rough spots in your life? In the world?
  • Are there things which you take for granted or have neglected to give the importance due in this past year? What keeps you from giving them attention?
  • If you rated your patience on a scale from 1-10, where would you land? Are you honest with your assessment?  Is this where you want to be?
  • Are you more patient with yourself or with others? Why?
  • Is there something you have lost this year which you have trouble letting go?
  • Is there something you have gained this year which you could not let go?
  • Are there things which you do not feel worthy of doing? What are they?
  • Are there things about you which you judge? Do others judge?  Is it fairly?  How would God judge?
  • Would you say you are on a straight path? Draw a picture of the path you have been on this past year.


Closing Prayer

Leader:  You hold us and call us your beloved…

 ALL:  through a shining star in the night sky!

Leader:  You hold us and call us your beloved…

ALL:  as a shepherd wraps a lamb in his arms!

Leader:  You hold us and call us your beloved…

ALL:  with each day you give us a new beginning!

Leader:  You hold us and call us your beloved…

ALL:  like light rain in the hot desert!

Leader:  You hold us and call us your beloved…

ALL:  while the path is paved before us!

Leader:  You hold us and call us your beloved…

ALL:   in the waters of our baptism;



Challenge for the Week:  How can you give “glad tidings” this holiday season?  Is there one person you need to reach out to and spend some time, perhaps to smooth out your relationship?  Are there people in the community who need some assistance or a friendly smile?  Spend time this week determining how you define “glad tidings” and make a plan to share “glad tidings” with others.  This could even be something which becomes a new tradition or something you will continue to do even after the holiday season has passed.  Take the example of John the Baptist and let your words and actions point to Jesus!!!