Sunday, February 25th Readings

Second Sunday of Lent


Opening Prayer

Father God

Am I to give up

what I love the most

in order to be close

to you?

Your one desire

is for me to love you

with all of my heart

mind and soul!

Let me give you my love

without restrictions

without boundaries

without conditions.



Journal/Reflection Questions

Genesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18

  • Have you ever heard God’s voice and followed even though you questioned?
  • What are the things you withhold from God? How can the season of Lent help you to open up?
  • Describe what you think God’s blessing means to Abraham.

 Romans 8:31b-34

  • Have you ever been in a situation where God stood up for you? What tells you God was there?  What was the outcome?
  • What is the difference between “God with us” and “God for us”?

 Mark 9:2-10

  • What do you believe is the message of this scripture? Is there anything specific that strikes you as something requiring more personal reflection?
  • Again we read, God says, “This is my beloved Son”. When were these words spoken before?  What are the similarities and differences from the two times these words were spoken and what is the significance?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Have you ever been too tired, too sad or too angry to pray? Share the experience.
  • Is there anyone whom you trust 100%, without question? What makes this so?
  • Make a list of things you can’t live without. How many of these things are tangible?  If they are people, what specifically is it that you couldn’t live without?
  • Have you ever gone against what you believe is God’s will? What was the situation?  What was the outcome?
  • Do you think God has favorites? Do you think God treats each person the same?
  • Have you been called to stand up for someone? Is it a specific person(s) or a group of people?  What tells you this is your charge?  How do you know God wants you to intercede?
  • Have you ever experienced something so amazing it is hard to explain to another person? What makes it hard to explain?
  • Share a time when you experienced something with someone and afterwards saw that person in a different light. (It could be for the positive or for the negative)
  • Is there something in your life which needs “light” shone on it?
  • Have you turned a “blind-eye” to a situation which needs your attention or maybe God’s attention?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  When I feel sunlight on my skin…

 ALL:  Lord, let me get a glimpse of you!

Leader:  When I smell a newborn baby…

ALL:  Lord, let me get a glimpse of you!

Leader: When I hear rolling thunder…

 ALL:  Lord, let me get a glimpse of you!

Leader:  When I see a hummingbird fly…

ALL:  Lord, let me get a glimpse of you

Leader:  When I bite into a juice peach…

ALL:  Lord, let me get a glimpse of you

Leader:  When I open myself up…

ALL:  Lord, let me get a glimpse of you


Challenge for the Week:  The season of Lent calls us to be more disciplined with our prayer, our giving and our sacrifice but really what it is drawing us to, is to be in deeper relationship with Jesus.  Spend time this week considering what it would have been like to walk with Jesus when he traveled around.  What would you learn?  What would you feel?  Do you think you could have those same experiences right now?  What if I said, YES!  You can walk with Jesus in the present time.  He is already with you and through prayer, giving and sacrifice you can become more aware of the voice directing you.  What are you waiting for???

One thought on “Sunday, February 25th Readings

  1. suscar1960 says:

    Heather, I am STILL sick! Going on three weeks. I miss praying with you in person, but will be praying at home. Thank you! Susan

    Sent from my iPhone



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