Sunday, April 1st Readings

Easter Sunday


Opening Prayer


Where would I be without you?

What would happen if I couldn’t find you?

How different would my life be?

The disciples know.

They saw you broken and bleeding,

dead and lain in the tomb.

But you conquered death

so I wouldn’t have to know.

Thank you Lord Jesus for your sacrifice!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 10:34a, 37-43

  • When and/or where have you been a witness to God’s love, mercy, forgiveness, teachings? How did the experience impact you?
  • To whom is Peter speaking? How is the Peter in this scripture different than the one who denied Jesus in last week’s scripture?  What has changed?

 Colossians 3:1-4

  • What do you think of when you think of what is above? How is that different than on earth?
  • What death mean to you? Is it possible to die a little at a time?  Why or why not?

 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8

  • Jesus sacrificed for you, how do you repay him? Does Jesus want to be repaid?  Why or why not?
  • Explain how truth is celebrated in the eyes of faith. How is this the same or different than in the eyes of the world?

 John 20:1-9

  • When you see Jesus, do you run to him? How do you think you would act if tomorrow you woke up and you could see Jesus?
  • What are some things you believe without seeing? Are there people in your life you believe 100% without question or proof?

 Mark 16:1-7

  • Share a time when God amazed you!
  • Who will you share the “Good News” of Jesus’ resurrection? Who in your life needs to hear it?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Have you ever been asked to testify to something? How is it the same or different than testifying to your faith?
  • What is the definition of witness? Is a witness called to action?  Share an example.
  • How does belief in God/Jesus/Holy Spirit give you strength? Share ways you are able to sustain this strength.
  • Where do you see a need for compassion in your community right now? Is there something you can do?
  • How does the celebration of Easter bring you hope? Be specific.
  • What happens when you are being sincere but others don’t believe you? How do you deal with this?  What does God call you to do?
  • When you see someone who is suffering, do you do something? In what cases do you help and which do you back away?
  • How has fear paralyzed you from reaching a goal?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Praise to YOU Lord Jesus Christ…

 ALL:  for you are all things good!

Leader:  Praise to YOU Lord Jesus Christ…

ALL:  for your mercy endures forever!

Leader: Praise to YOU Lord Jesus Christ…

 ALL:  for you have been exalted!

Leader:  Praise to YOU Lord Jesus Christ…

ALL:  for your love never ends!

Leader:  Praise to YOU Lord Jesus Christ…

ALL:  for you are a promise fulfilled!

Leader:  Praise to YOU Lord Jesus Christ…

ALL:  for you have died for me!

Leader:  Praise to YOU Lord Jesus Christ…

ALL:  for you bring me NEW LIFE!


Challenge for the Week:  In Mark’s Gospel, the women go to anoint Jesus body after he had been buried.  As they are on their way, they realize they didn’t plan on how they would get into the tomb which was blocked by an enormous stone, they asked, “who will roll away the stone for us?”  When they arrive, they find the stone is already rolled away.  Have you ever been in a place like this?  A place where you are on your way to do something and realize that you are not as prepared as you originally thought but when you arrive, the red carpet is already laid out for you?  This is how Jesus works; he is there to take care of the details and to remind you that he will never leave you!  Spend time in reflection and prayer to be reminded of a time when this same thing happened to you and then write a prayer for Easter to pray over the next six weeks to let Jesus know how much you love and appreciate his presence in your life.

Sunday, March 25th Readings

Passion Sunday


Opening Prayer


What priceless gift can I give you?

How can I show my devotion?

Let me surrender to you,

Let me be emptied,

Then I can be filled with YOU



Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 50:4-7

  • What are your first thoughts in the morning when you wake up? Are they of God or something else?  How do your first thoughts drive your day?
  • Do you pray for those who have hurt you? How does this scripture speak to how you should view others who have caused you hurt?

 Philippians 2:6-11

  • What tells you that God/Jesus/Holy Spirit loves you?
  • How do you most relate to Jesus? How would you imagine Jesus most relates to you?

 Mark 14:1—15:47

  • Jesus stands up for a woman showing him kindness. Share a time when you have done the same.  If there is not a time, think of a time when you could have done the same.
  • When have you been extravagant with God? Be specific.


General Questions for Journaling

  • When have you recently spoken up for an unfair or unjust situation? What was the situation and what was the outcome?
  • Is there something going on in the world which you feel strongly about? What do you do to impact this?
  • How has God impacted your day? Your week?  Be specific.
  • How do you know God speaks to you? What indication do you have that it is God speaking?
  • Would you say you are obedient to God? What does it mean to be obedient to God?
  • How have your seen God help someone in your community? Share the story.
  • Have you ever had a friend turn on you? How did you feel?  Was there good reason?  Did you become friends again?
  • Describe what it means to be emptied of oneself. Is this a hard or easy thing to do?
  • For what purpose would one choose to be emptied?
  • How does your posture during prayer speak to God?
  • Do you think God prefers formal or informal prayer?
  • How is being human like being a slave? To what would a human be a slave to?
  • Have others ever been upset with you because you did something nice for another person? Do you have regrets?
  • How does it make you feel that Jesus already knows all you have done and all you will do, both good and bad? Be specific.


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, you hold nothing back

 ALL:  let me be your voice!

Leader:  Lord, you hold nothing back

ALL:  let me be your heart!

Leader: Lord, you hold nothing back

 ALL:  let me be your Spirit!

Leader:  Lord, you hold nothing back

ALL:  let me be your servant!


Leader:  Lord, you hold nothing back

ALL:  let me be your love!

Leader:  Lord, you hold nothing back

ALL:  let me be your hands!

Leader:  Lord, you hold nothing back

ALL:  let me be your beloved!


Challenge for the Week:  Next week is Holy Week.  What do you do to prepare for this celebration?  The week starts with Palm Sunday and ends with Easter Sunday but what do you on the day’s in-between?  Do you spend these days as any other?  What can you differently this year that you have not done to prepare yourself so you can fully enter into the week?  Create a plan, set aside extra time for prayer, take advantage of the special services at church to help you enter in more deeply to the week.  Holy Week is not just your ordinary week, nor is it something that you have to endure before Easter.  Each day is an opportunity for you to grow in faith, to learn more about God’s infinite love, mercy and forgiveness.  What will you do on this Holy Week?

Sunday, March 18th Readings

Fifth Sunday of Lent


Opening Prayer


We begin and end with YOU!

How many times must you show us

Your love never fails?

How many times must you tell us

You have already forgiven?

Why do we doubt your

love and forgiveness?

Let us see you with our heart

and with our soul

and with our mind

We begin and end with YOU!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Jeremiah 31:31-34

  • What covenant do you have with God? Has God ever asked to renegotiate the terms of the covenant?  Have you?
  • How do you allow God’s teachings to show through in your relationships with others? Are there times you hold back the “God within you”?

 Hebrews 5:7-9

  • In this scripture, Jesus is telling you how to pray. What specific instructions do you read about praying?
  • What is the definition of reverence? How is this relevant to you and your relationship with God/Jesus/Holy Spirit?

 John 12:20-33

  • In what way are you living for God? In what way are you living for yourself?  What % would you give to God?  What % would you give yourself?  Are you where you want to be?  Are you where God wants you to be?
  • Do you have one specific thing you are struggling with which you have trouble letting go? How do the scriptures this week give your courage and strength to let it go?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Describe the “joy of the Lord”. Is joy easy to contain?
  • Have you ever shared “good news” with a perfect stranger because you were so happy and excited about it? What was the news you shared?  What was the person’s reaction to your news?
  • Can you contain God? God’s love?  God’s mercy?  God’s forgiveness?  Is it possible for you to save some up in a jar and use later?  Why or why not?
  • What happens when you hear the name “God”? Be specific.
  • Make a list of all of the things God has done for you in the past year. Have you thanked God for these things?
  • God has forgiven you for your transgressions…have you forgiven yourself? Have you forgiven others?  How is this different?
  • What saddens you in the world today? Do you share this information with God in prayer?
  • Do you take what is troubling you to God? Whom else do you talk about your troubles?  Is there anything you can do to find peace?
  • When you encounter someone who needs prayer, do you pray with them right away or wait?
  • Is there such thing as praying too much or too much prayer? Why or why not?
  • How does prayer bring salvation? What else does prayer bring?
  • Describe how you can grow in faith. Share an example of someone you have witnessed growth in.


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Father, you call us out of the wilderness…

 ALL:  You call us to be Your Beloved!

Leader:  Father, you call for us in the depths of loneliness…

ALL:  You call us to be Your Beloved!

Leader: Father, you call for us through joy and sacrament…

 ALL:  You call us to be Your Beloved!

Leader:  Father, you call us to show compassion and mercy…

ALL:  You call us to be Your Beloved!

Leader:  Father, you call for us when we are stricken with guilt…

ALL:  You call us to be Your Beloved!

Leader:  Father, you call for us through our transgressions…

ALL:  You call us to be Your Beloved!

Leader:  Father, you call us to come to you at all times…

ALL:  You call us to be Your Beloved!


Challenge for the Week:  The First Reading says, God wrote is name on our hearts.  Do you feel God’s name on your heart?  Why would God do this in the first place?  Have you ever put your name on something?  For what purpose?  Is this the same reason God did it?  If God is claiming you, why did He put his name on your heart where no one can see?  What if instead God had put his name on the bottom of your foot?  Would the purpose be the same?  Would you know then that you belonged to God because you could see God’s name on your foot?  Would you act differently if you were able to see God’s name on your body, instead of on your heart?  Reflect this week on why you think God placed a mark on your heart instead of someplace else and how it makes you feel.  How does knowing this change your perspective or attitude?  Decide how this knowledge can help you this next week be more loving, kind, merciful and forgiving.

Sunday, March 11th Readings

Fourth Sunday of Lent


Opening Prayer


When I look for you,

I don’t always see you.

Teach me to look,

through a child’s eyes.

I step out today,

You are watching out for me.

I stumble and fall,

You are there holding me.

Let me not be blind

to the joy you have in front of me!



Journal/Reflection Questions

2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23

  • God’s followers/believers have always fought opposition. What do you fight because you are a believer?  What struggles or battles seem to find you no matter where you turn?
  • How do God’s angels bring you comfort, reinforcement in the battle, and/or safety in the hard times?
  • Are there messengers from God today who give support or warning? Share an example.

 Ephesians 2:4-10

  • How does God’s love for you filter out in your life? Does it come out through compassion?  Mercy?  Grace?  Forgiveness?  Make a list of other ways God’s love can filter through a person’s life.
  • How does faith save a person? Give an example.

 John 3:14-21

  • How is God lifted up in your life? Within your family?
  • Do you love God with expectation?
  • God gave his son to the world…how does that make you feel?


General Questions for Journaling

  • What is God’s response when we fail and mess up over and over?
  • What is God’s response when we succeed and do the right thing repeatedly?
  • Does God’s response change because of our actions? Why or why not?
  • What lesson can you learn from God’s example to stay consistent in love, mercy and forgiveness?
  • Do you fully embrace your faith 100%? What percentage would you put on your faith?  Does it depend on your situation?  Be specific.
  • What holds you back from opening the door to the riches promised by God? Do you feel unworthy?  Are you afraid to go all in?  Do you hesitate because you don’t know what God will expect from you in return?
  • How do you let go of the burdens you carry? If you carry too many burdens, how is there room for God’s grace, mercy and forgiveness too?
  • What gifts from God do you have and hold dear? What makes these gifts from God?  How do you treat these gifts…as though they are from God?
  • Is there darkness in the world? Share examples.  Who or what keeps these things in the dark?  Is there anything being done to shine light on them?
  • Can too much emphasis be put on things that are in the light? Why or why not?
  • If Jesus was not sent to condemn the world, what can you do to follow his lead? Have you or others succumb to doing it for him?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  What do you give without question?

 ALL:  Grace and Forgiveness.

Leader:  What do I find hard to share?

ALL:  Grace and Forgiveness.

Leader: What can give me deeper relationships?

 ALL:  Grace and Forgiveness.

Leader:  What can soften the hardest heart?

ALL:  Grace and Forgiveness.

Leader:  What promises unconditional love?

ALL:  Grace and Forgiveness.

Leader:  What do we need to increase in the world?

ALL:  Grace and Forgiveness.

Leader:  Father your son is our perfect example of…

ALL:  Grace and Forgiveness!


Challenge for the Week:  At this point, you might start seeing the mirage of the promises of Easter.  However, don’t be fooled.  The season of Lent is only at its halfway mark and there is still Good Friday and Holy Saturday to get through.  Perhaps you are feeling courageous because you have fought off temptations to let slide some of your Lenten observances to fast, give alms and pray and you are encouraged by the scriptures this week that victory is on its way.  Again, don’t be fooled.  This is the time when you are called to go deeper, to step up your game, recharge and continue on…this is a false summit…find the supplies you need to carry on because this is when it gets real!