Sunday, April 15th Readings

Third Sunday of Easter

Opening Prayer


You don’t just ignore my sin.

You help me to correct it.

You don’t just tell me to do better,

You teach me the right way.

Let me learn from you

so I can be a better person.

Praise You Lord

for believing in me!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 3:13-15, 17-19

• Peter is letting the people know that they can be forgiven for turning away from Jesus and sentencing him to death. Are your sins worse than this? If they can be forgiven what keeps you from being forgiven?

• How does ignorance force a wedge in a person’s relationship with God?

• How does ignorance in the world affect a person’s relationship wit God?

1 John 2:1-5a

• This scripture is saying our sin goes through Jesus, his death is what makes amends for our sin…even the sin we haven’t committed yet. Write a prayer to express how you feel about his fact.

• What makes Jesus the best advocate for us to God?

Luke 24:35-48

• Go back to Isaiah to read the scriptures which Jesus fulfilled. How do you feel when you read the scriptures?

• How have you witnessed God’s work, Jesus’ miracles today? What evidence do you have that Holy Spirit is alive today?

• Jesus’ disciples had a hard time recognizing Jesus, what can you do to recognize Jesus when he comes to you?

General Questions for Journaling

• What makes forgiveness difficult? What makes forgiveness easier?

• In what ways are the faithful today the same as the first disciples?

• In what ways are we different from those left behind after Jesus died?

• What do you believe happened when Jesus died? Do you believe it is the same or different for other people? Explain.

• What does it mean to leave your sins at the foot of the cross? How would you explain this to another person of faith? How would you explain this to someone who doesn’t know Jesus?

• The things of this world can tug and pull on us, sometimes away from God. What are these things in your life? What makes you fall victim to them?

• Where is peace prevalent today?

• Is peace something everyone can find in the same place? Explain.

• What does it mean to have an open mind or a closed mind? Do different people have different definitions? Why or why not?

• Would you describe yourself as open minded or closed minded? Why?

• What is it about Jesus that you most relate to? Be specific.

• Have you had moments of remembrances of loved ones who have passed? Explain.

• How does Jesus’ death help you cope with death? Your own and others?

Closing Prayer

Leader: Jesus is alive, let me rejoice…

ALL: All of my sins are washed away!

Leader: Jesus is alive, let me rejoice…

ALL: My path has been restored!

Leader: Jesus is alive, let me rejoice…

ALL: He loves me like no other!

Leader: Jesus is alive, let me rejoice…

ALL: the Holy Spirit lives in me!

Leader: Jesus is alive, let me rejoice…

ALL: death has no power!

Leader: Jesus is alive, let me rejoice…


Challenge for the Week: In the Catholic Church Easter is not celebrated only on Easter Sunday, but for 50 days! That is a lot of chocolate and marshmallows!  Actually, it is not about the commercialized Easter as you may know, rather it’s about continuing to be in the presence of Jesus through the scriptures and special celebrations. It is a time set aside by the Church, like Lent, for us to reflect on the life of Jesus, more specifically, life on earth after his death. Spend time this next week reflecting on Jesus’ presence in your life and in the world. How does Jesus impact your daily life? Is the presence of Jesus a blessing or a curse? How do you relate to the early Christians trying to decipher this new way of life without Jesus? How are their struggles similar to different from those faced in the world today? There is much to ponder…so Happy Easter!!! Jesus has risen!!!

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