Sunday, April 22th Readings

Fourth Sunday of Easter


Opening Prayer

Abba Father

I hear your voice

and I follow.

I am comforted by

the sound.

It is clear.

Lord, YOU are with me!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 4:8-12

  • Peter explains the significance of Jesus in this scripture. In your own words, explain the significance of Jesus in your life or in the world.
  • Is Jesus the cornerstone of your life? Give examples.

 1 John 3:1-2

  • Compare and contrast your relationship with God as a father and a child. Is this easy or difficult to do?
  • Has Jesus revealed anything to you? How will you/do you know when Jesus reveals a message to you?

 John 10:11-18

  • What makes Jesus the “good” shepherd? Can you list 5 things?  10?
  • For what are you willing to lay down your life? A person?  A cause?
  • In what way do you relate to the good shepherd? Be specific.
  • Why is there only one shepherd? What consequences or difficulties could arise if there were more than one?


General Questions for Journaling

  • When did you go out of your way to do a good thing for another person? What was the occasion?
  • Does doing good for others come naturally for you or do you find yourself needing to work at it?
  • What do you think causes kindness to others to come naturally or not?
  • Name some of the obstacles in your life right now. What are you doing to overcome them or are you waiting for God or someone else to remove the obstacles or make it easier for you to overcome?
  • Do you know someone who doesn’t believe in Jesus? What is their reason for not believing?  It is because they don’t know Him or is it something else?
  • What might be some reasons someone would not believe if Jesus? If the elders of his time tried to discredit him, what are some things people today could say to try to discredit Jesus?
  • Have you ever been given responsibility for someone else’s possessions? Did you care for them as though they were your own?  Why or why not?
  • How do you define love? Is there one type of love or several?  If there is more than one, what are they types of love?
  • Describe the feeling of knowing you are loved. What adjectives do you use to describe love?  Is your description the same as others?
  • Share a story of a time when you felt safe. Describe the surroundings, the smells, what you saw and what you heard.


Closing Prayer

Leader:  The Lord calls my name…

ALL:  and I listen.

Leader:  The Lord calls my name…

ALL:  and I wait.

Leader: The Lord calls my name…

 ALL:  and I surrender.

Leader:  The Lord calls my name…

ALL:  and I respond.

Leader:  The Lord calls my name…

ALL:  and I rejoice.

Leader:  The Lord calls my name…

ALL:  and I am complete!


Challenge for the Week:  Have you ever considered what kind of parent God is?  While there are only four specific parenting styles, there are several articles which highlight a variety of different types of parenting.  To name a few, there is a “drill sergeant parent” who commands and directs the lives of children.  There is the “oblivious parent” whom is not aware of or concerned about what is happening with their children.  Another nickname for a type of parent is the “MIA parent” which is as you’d assume correctly is a parent whom is not present at all.  One of the more popular types is the “helicopter parent” whom is overprotective and discourages a child’s independence by being too involved in the child’s life and swoops in at any sign of challenge or discomfort.  Does one of these types fit God?  Do you believe God parents each one of us in the same way?  What type of parent would you say God is?  What type of parent do you want God to be?  Spend time this week in reflection on the Father, God and give thanks and praise for all God’s grace!

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