Sunday, April 29th Readings

Fifth Sunday of Easter


Opening Prayer


When I look at my life

I can see you.

In memories of the past

and hopes for the future.

Everywhere I turn

You are there even I don’t see.

Thank you Lord

For your presence in my life!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 9:26-31

  • What made the disciples hesitant to accept Saul as Paul? Have you ever had a hard time accepting someone into your life?
  • What does it mean to walk in the fear of the Lord? How would you explain this to a non-believer?
  • Have you ever experienced a change like Saul/Paul?

 1 John 3:18-24

  • How does God communicate to you so you know you are following his commandments and you are beloved?
  • Explain why a person’s actions speak louder than their words. How can you teach this lesson to another person?
  • Does it bring comfort or fear to know God knows your heart?

 John 15:1-8

  • Give an example of what it means to “bear fruit” and explain how pruning can produce more fruit as it pertains to human relationships.
  • Draw a branch with leaves or a vine with grapes, imagine you are the branch or vine and the people whom you influence are the leaves or grapes.
  • In what condition are the leaves or the grapes? Are those relationships thriving or simply surviving?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Name three things in your life which you feel strongly enough about that you will stand up and defend?
  • Have you ever made a change in your life which was not accepted by those in your life?
  • On a scale from 1-10, how much do you trust the 5 most important people in your life?
  • On a scale from 1-10, how much do you trust the 5 most unimportant people in your life?
  • What are random acts of kindness? Have you ever been a witness of one?
  • Have you ever told someone not to do something and then you do it? Is there harm in doing this?  Why or why not?
  • Are there relationships you have which you should get separation from for good? What makes these relationships harmful?
  • Are there relationships you should nurture more? What makes these relationships you want to keep?
  • Share an example of how you know God/Jesus/Holy Spirit lives within you.
  • Share an example of a time when you saw God/Jesus/Holy Spirit within another person.


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Grant me with new sight

 ALL:  that I might see the path in front of me!

Leader:  Grant me with new sight

ALL:  that I might see the compassion flooding in!

Leader: Grant me with new sight

 ALL:  that I might see the grace in each moment!

Leader:  Grant me with new sight

ALL:  that I might see opportunities to praise you!

Leader:  Grant me with new sight

ALL:  that I might see beyond the storm!

Leader:  Grant me with new sight

ALL:  that I might see the coming of a new day!


Challenge for the Week:  The story in the first reading is a situation many of us have encountered.  We have either been like Paul, someone who has made some change and are not accepted by those around us, either because they don’t believe we have changed or they are not comfortable with the change we have made.  Or we are the ones not welcoming someone or believing someone who has made a change.  This week reflect back on the situation and determine how it might have had a different outcome, what are some of the things that could have happened differently?  We cannot go back and change the past but we can learn from it; learn from our mistakes and our successes so we know how to handle a similar situation in the future.  Take time to open your eyes to seeing in new ways!

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