Sunday, July 29th Readings

17th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


Thank you for the gift of friendship!

We learn how to share

and how to listen.

Through friendship

we see you in another person

and we reflect you to them!

Thank you for the gift of friendship!



Journal/Reflection Questions

2 Kings 4:42-44

  • Share a time when you didn’t think God provided enough? How was it like this scripture passage?
  • Could you trust God like Elisha did to be able to ignore logic and let God take care of it?

 Ephesians 4:1-6

  • What does it mean to “bear love for one another”?
  • How can you preserve unity?
  • What does your faith tell you to hope for? Do you believe wholly this will happen?

 John 6:1-15

  • What does this scripture tell you about generosity? Trust?  Unity?  Kindness?  Humility?  Patience?  Getting your fill?
  • How is this scripture like your baptism? Compare and explain.
  • Imagine being there with Jesus, the disciples and the others. Would you expect Jesus to provide you with a meal if you traveled to the countryside to listen to him?  Describe how you’d have felt.


General Questions for Journaling

  • Define a blessing. Are there limits to it?
  • How is a blessing and a miracle similar? How are they different?
  • Do you believe in miracles? Why or why not?
  • Can you think of a modern day miracle?
  • Have you witnessed a miracle?
  • Share a time when you struggled with your faith and questioned if God was enough to pull you through.
  • When God shows up in your life, how do you feel?
  • Do you ever regret the time you spend with God? Why or why not?
  • Describe how God “feeds” you. What can you compare the feeling to?
  • Where is peace found? Can you only find it through faith?  Why or why not?
  • Can a person be a prisoner in their own life? To what are they imprisoned?  Have you personally experienced this?
  • How is the “fullness” of God like or unlike being “full” after a meal?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, reveal yourself to me…

 ALL:  through each breath I take!

Leader:  Lord, reveal yourself to me…

ALL:  in the changing of the seasons!

Leader: Lord, reveal yourself to me…

 ALL:  through the kindness of others!

Leader:  Lord, reveal yourself to me…

ALL:  in the life stories of others!

Leader:  Lord, reveal yourself to me…

ALL:  through blessings and failure!

Leader:  Lord, reveal yourself to me…

ALL:  in the simple and every day!

         Lord, I see you!!!


Challenge for the Week:  Can you fit God in a box?  Of course not!  However, many times we humans try to contain God.  Reflect this week on how you have tried to limit God.  It could have been a time when you withheld mercy or forgiveness from another person.  It might have been when you were asked to share an experience of faith and you held your tongue, too embarrassed to say anything.  It could have been keeping a special gift or talent to yourself and not sharing God’s blessing with others.  There are several more ways people have tried to put restrictions on God and this week, spend time thinking about how to LET GO AND LET GOD!


The Gospel message and the First Reading both talk about “leftovers”.  What do you think happens to the “leftovers”?  In today’s world, many of us plan meals for leftovers or enjoy taking a “doggie bag” when we go out for a meal.  There are some people who don’t like leftovers and won’t eat them while others like to take leftovers and make them into something else altogether.  Still, many people will tell you that leftovers just aren’t the same or as good the second time around, while there are some foods that are just as good or better the next day!  Reflect on how this compares to God’s love for us.

Sunday, July 22th Readings

16th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


I wander aimlessly

Let me hear your voice more clearly

Your deepest desire is for me to be with you

Allow me to empty space

So you can fill me



Journal/Reflection Questions

Jeremiah 23:1-6

  • Are there moments in your life when you look back and wonder where God was? Have you ever experienced a time when God wasn’t with you?
  • Where are modern day shepherds? Are they easy or hard to identify and find?

 Ephesians 2:13-18

  • Does following the commandment automatically bring you peace? Why or why not?
  • What is your definition of peace?
  • What does this scripture offer in the form of advice?

 Mark 6:30-34

  • Jesus calls his disciples who work for him to take time for themselves. How do you take time for yourself?
  • Where do you see an abundance of compassion in the world? What can you do to increase the work being done already?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Name some of the things that lead people astray or cause them to make bad decisions. Are you victim to any of these?
  • Who helps you determine what is just and unjust?
  • Do you consider yourself high-maintenance? What is your definition?
  • Who are the shepherds in your life? What makes them voices you listen to and follow?
  • Can fear and peace exist at the same time? Why or why not?
  • Is there anyone you care for/take care of? What is your role in their life?
  • Who are some of the victims in today’s society? Is there anything being done for them?  Is there something you can do?
  • What does the symbol of the cross mean to you? Has it changed over the years or does it remain the same as you always remember?
  • Do you see more differences or similarities between you and the people in your community? On the other part of the world?
  • Is there a way to bring peace to the world? What are your options?
  • How do you care for others? How do you care for yourself?
  • Would you describe yourself as a compassionate person? Why or why not?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, Lead me to do what is right

 ALL:  Let me hear your voice over the noise.

Leader:  Lord, Lead me to do what is right

ALL:  Give me courage to follow.

Leader: Lord, Lead me to do what is right

 ALL:  Even when the road is steep and narrow.

Leader:  Lord, Lead me to do what is right

ALL:  Allow your spirit to radiate in me.

Leader:  Lord, Lead me to do what is right

ALL:  My hands reach out for justice.

Leader:  Lord, Lead me to do what is right

ALL:  Bring peace to this world.


Challenge for the Week:  Are there topics of conversation which you avoid?  Is it because of your lack of interest?  Lack of understanding?  Do you stay out of the conversation because you believe differently than others whom you spend time?  Are there topics you avoid because you feel strongly and don’t want to force your opinion onto others?  Make a list of some of those topics that divide people.  Some of these can cause a riff in a family or friendship for years.  On the other hand, what are those topics of conversation that are safe, that bring people together?  What is it about these topics that make them safe?  Spend time this week reflecting on a couple of relationships that are important to you and the topics of conversation.  What is it about these relationships and conversations that you enjoy?  Do you gravitate to these people because of the topic of conversation?  Then while you are at it, consider the topic of conversations you have with God.  Are there topics you avoid with God?  How does avoiding topics affect your relationship with God?  Keep in mind that God is already there with us and knows everything!

Sunday, July 15th Readings

15th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


So many times a day

I need you.

Together we travel

through ups and downs.

You stay with me

even when I turn from you.

Thank you for being my

constant companion.



Journal/Reflection Questions

Amos 7:12-15

  • Amos was picked by God to prophecy but felt he didn’t have what it would take to do the job. When have you felt God pulling you out to do something you don’t feel you are gifted enough to do?  Should this make a difference?  Why or why not?
  • Have you ever been like Amos? Been put in a situation where you can’t go back to where you have been, where you were comfortable and set course on a path where you felt ill-equipped and inadequate?

 Ephesians 1:3-14 or 1:3-10

  • Share a time when you felt the fullness of God? When you felt lavished in God’s love?  Be specific.
  • How does it make you feel to hear/read the words “God has known you for eternity”? What does this mean to you?  How does it make sense?

 Mark 6:7-13

  • The disciples were sent out two by two. What is the purpose of this?  How is this relevant today?
  • The scripture says they were sent out with no food, no sack and no money. How would you fare in this situation?  What was the purpose of doing this?  Could you go on a journey with nothing?  Why or why not?


General Questions for Journaling

  • People say “God only gives us what we can handle”, you find this true? Why or why not?
  • What are other ways to say, “God only gives us what we can handle”?
  • Is there something you have had to change in your life/daily routine recently? What was it?  Was it easy or difficult to make the change?  How long before you got used to the change to make it a new discipline?
  • How would you describe your ‘comfort zone’. What does it look like?  Sound like?  Smell like?  Taste like?  How does it feel?
  • Name 3 times when the Holy Spirit has been active in your life this week.
  • What are some things you hope for? Do you have a list?
  • Are the things you hope for just for you or do they benefit others?
  • Do you have hopes and dreams for your life? Do you have hopes and dreams for others?  How do these hopes and dreams coincide with the hopes and dreams God has for you?
  • Describe hospitality? How is it done well?
  • What can you do this week to help people feel welcome and comfortable? How is this a reflection of God’s love and evangelization?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Your grace covers me like a warm blanket

 ALL:  Lord, I put my trust in YOU!

Leader:  Your mercy fills me like a river that overflows

ALL:  Lord, I put my trust in YOU!

Leader: Your Word brightens my day like the sun

 ALL:  Lord, I put my trust in YOU!

Leader:  My sin is washed clean with the rain

ALL:  Lord, I put my trust in YOU!

Leader:  Your Spirit guides me like the wind

ALL:  Lord, I put my trust in YOU!

Leader:  Your love is welcoming like the shade tree

ALL:  Lord, I put my trust in YOU!


Challenge for the Week:  Many people would say their cell phone is their life line.  It has all of their personal information, passwords to accounts, contact information with friends and families phone numbers and addresses and they even hold memories.  Could you go a day without your phone?  Would you know someone’s phone number to call if you needed help?  These questions are a real challenge to many of us to realize how much importance we put into this material thing.  However connected you are to your cell phone and how much you rely on the information it holds, it is simply your connection to the world.  What is your connection to the spiritual?  In church people are taught the words of the Bible, “Jesus is the way the truth and the life” which tells us that Jesus is the life line to the eternal.  This week reflect on how dependent you are to things that are not eternal.  What do you cling to and what are the consequences or benefits of doing so?  Perhaps even test out your presumptions and leave you cell phone at home one day or turn it off except for when you need to make a call.  It could really help focus your thoughts towards our true life line, JESUS!

Sunday, July 8th Readings

14th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

Generous Lord,

YOU love us even when

we turn away from YOU;

YOU give us abundant chances

to turn to YOU.

YOU make YOUR presence

known in our lives;

even though we often

don’t recognize YOU.

YOU gather us close to YOU

accepting us for who we are;

wrapped in YOUR mercy,

we are made whole in YOU!!!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Ezekiel 2:2-5

  • Consider on what Ezekiel means by “they shall know a prophet has been among them”; how might they know?
  • How would you feel if you were sent to face “rebels” who are “hard to face” and “obstinate of heart”? Can you think of a time when you were truly put into that kind of situation?  Where was God in the situation?

 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

  • Can you see God in your weakness? How?
  • How would you explain “power is made perfect in weakness”? Share an example from your life or from someone you know.

 Mark 6:1-6

  • Can you relate to Jesus, being rejected in his “native place”, “among kin”, “his own house”? Share the experience.
  • Jesus is “amazed at their lack of faith”, what words or actions caused Him to believe this to be true? If you were there, how would Jesus find you?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Have you ever rejected the advice of a close confidant? What was their advice?  What did you do instead?  What was the outcome?
  • Do you ever find yourself closed off to God’s message? Share a time when you were rebellious to God’s Word.
  • Would you describe yourself as stubborn? A loved one?  What makes you so and about what are you stubborn?
  • Have you ever experienced a time when you felt your ideas and suggestions were completely ignored? What did you do?  Were you eventually able to give your input or were you completely rejected?
  • Are there places in your life where you avoid spending time? People you avoid or situations you hide from?  What would happen if you allowed Jesus into that part of your life?
  • Has God shown power through your weakness? When?  What was the circumstance?
  • Name some of those who are rejected for their current ideas. What do people say about them?  What is the message they are trying to covey?
  • How would you define a prophet? Who are some of the prophets of the Old and New Testament?  According to your definition, what current day prophets have impacted your life? (they could be alive or dead)


Closing Prayer

Leader:  For the victims born and unborn…

 ALL:  Let me see as YOU see!

Leader:  For the neglected and unloved…

ALL:  Let me see as YOU see!

Leader: For inhumanity and injustice…

 ALL:  Let me see as YOU see!

Leader:  For the prideful and arrogant…

ALL:  Let me see as YOU see!

Leader:  Change my view so I may

ALL:  see the world and others as YOU do!


Challenge for the Week:  This week as you go about your daily routines, dwell on the words, “my grace is sufficient”.  Meditate on what these words mean to you, not just your initial reaction but to the point where you feel the meaning.  Write down what comes to mind when you think about those words; when they apply to situations throughout your week.  It may be in a conversation which seems to go nowhere.  It could be when you find something doesn’t work out the way you expected. It is possible it is at the beginning of each day and at the end of each day in reflection of what lies ahead and what you leave behind. Let these words become a part of your attitude and so allowing God to fill you with the grace you need…it is always sufficient!