Sunday, November 4th Readings

31st Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


Teach me what it means to love.

Show me how to serve.

Give me the strength to do both!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Deuteronomy 6: 2-6

  • What do you hear God saying in this scripture? How is your message different than others?  How is it the same?
  • Share examples of where you see of following God’s commandments are good and examples of where you see following God’s commandments are bad.

 Hebrews 7:23-28

  • What does this scripture teach you about the Eucharist? Is this an old or a new insight?
  • How does this scripture help you understand how sacrifice is good? Does it make you more or less willing to make a sacrifice for God?  For others?

 Mark 12:28b-34

  • How does Jesus determine or measure our nearness to the kingdom of God according to this scripture?
  • Does loving God come easy? Why or why not?
  • Describe God’s love. What words do you use?  Do you love God the same way he loves you?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Does love have a capacity?
  • How does God love vs how you love? Is it different?  Is it the same?
  • Imagine your heart. Draw a picture of it and then write down the things that you carry in your heart.  Is your heart big enough to carry all of those things and be able to love God too?
  • How does having God in your life make your life better?
  • Where do you see God’s presence? In your home?  Your spouse?  Your kids?  Neighbors?  Co-workers?  Fellow parishioners?  Be specific.
  • What does it mean to you to have people pray for you? What does it mean for you to pray for others?
  • Do you believe those who have passed can provide you support, understanding and companionship? Why or why not?
  • How do you put God above others? Give an example.
  • What do you do to “work” on your relationship with God?
  • Do you feel you know God? Understand Jesus?  Are connected to the Holy Spirit?  What kind of things can you do to deepen your relationship?
  • What significance does scripture, tradition and sacrifice have on your relationship with God? What significance do these things have on your personal relationship with others?
  • Explain how the Eucharist is an expression of love.


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, come live in me…

 ALL:  so I can understand the sacrifice of love.

Leader:  Lord, come live in me…

ALL:  so I can teach others through my actions.

Leader:  Lord, come live in me…

 ALL:  so I can give hope by sharing the Gospel.

Leader:  Lord, come live in me…

ALL:  so I can be a place of refuge.

Leader:  Lord, come live in me…

ALL:  so I can become more like YOU!


Challenge for the Week:  Jesus took the 10 commandments and condensed them into simpler language for us to understand, but the message is still the same.  It is still difficult for us to do.  When we think about loving God, we often think, well, that is no problem!  However, how many times to we turn our backs on God and not acknowledge God for the blessings in our lives.  Then the second part of the message is to love our neighbors as ourselves which comes with a long list of problems.  How can we love our neighbor when they are so different than us?  Do we even know what it means to love ourselves when we spend so much time, money and effort into looking or being like someone else?  Let’s get real, is it even possible to love God and love others equally AND love ourselves too?  How is this “love triangle” like the Holy Trinity?  Spend time this week reflecting on what these have in common.  What insights can we gain by reflecting on these commandments through the lens of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Sunday, October 28th Readings

30th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


We shout for joy because you

heal us,

you protect us

and you provide for us!

Continue to lead us in your Word,

so we may learn your ways

and be Christ to others.



Journal/Reflection Questions

Jeremiah 31:7-9

  • Who are the burdened and downtrodden in this scripture? How does God provide them with support?
  • Where do you find security in this scripture? How is it or how can it be played out in your life?

 Hebrews 5:1-6

  • What can you learn from this scripture about dealing with people who try your patience?
  • What does this scripture say about weakness? What are your weaknesses?

 Mark 10:46-52

  • What do you say when you cry out to Jesus?
  • Are you persistent in making your desires known to God? What do you do about making your needs known and then acting on them?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Where do you seek consolation?
  • Who comes to you for support when they are weary? What do you offer?  Is it too much?  Is it not enough?  How do you know it is what they need?
  • Have you ever felt the path you are on has too many curves or bumps? What can be done to level out the road a bit?  How can you help yourself with this task?  What can you do for others?
  • When did you recently sacrifice something for another person’s good? When has someone done the same for you?  Has this happened with or without regret or expectation?
  • Make a list of 5-10 good qualities you possess which would draw people to you.
  • When someone comes to your for counsel, do you look for how you will benefit or how they will benefit? OR do you turn to the Holy Spirit for guidance in the counsel you give?  What does this look like?
  • Jesus stood up for you and died for your sins; who do you stand up for? How do you let them know you stand up for them even in their weakness?
  • Are there people who refuse to “be quiet” in your life or in the community? Do they stay on one topic or do they harp on many?  What do you think their goal is?
  • Where do you see Jesus working today? What is He doing to shout out the message of forgiveness, mercy and healing?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Jesus, have pity on me and restore my soul

 ALL:  for I am weak.

Leader:  Jesus, have pity on me and restore my soul

ALL:  for I am blind.

Leader:  Jesus, have pity on me and restore my soul

 ALL:  for I am crippled.

Leader:  Jesus, have pity on me and restore my soul

ALL:  for I am ignorant.

Leader:  Jesus, have pity on me and restore my soul

ALL:  for I am a sinner.


Challenge for the Week:  Take time this week to think about what it would be like to be blind.  How would you feel?  How might you be different?  How would you define the word see if you were blind, not having the experience of knowing what it truly was?  Then spend time considering what makes you “blind”?  What keeps you from seeing the positive in people or situations rather than the negative?  What things in your life or within yourself do you refuse to see and change?  How much time and effort do you spend trying to keep these things hidden from others, from God?  Pray…”Jesus, son of David, have pity on me.”

Sunday, October 21st Readings

29th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


You humbled yourself; You sacrificed.

You carried our sin, our guilt and our shame.

Let us remember the pain and suffering.

Let us KNOW this was for our good,

so we might know you better.

Jesus, you understand what we need!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 53:10-11

  • Share some examples of how a person gives their life as an offering for sin. What does this mean?
  • Have you ever wanted to take the place of another person who was suffering? Share the experience.

 Hebrews 4:14-16

  • What tests did Jesus have to go through? Share the times in scripture when Jesus was put to the test.  What was he tested for/about?
  • Name the emotion you feel knowing Jesus knows how you feel when you are reluctant to spent time with him or go to confession or to help someone in need.

 Mark 10:35-45

  • When have you been like the disciples and not understood what you were truly asking?
  • How does Jesus deal with them? What does this say about how he will respond to our unknowing?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Is it better suffer alone or with others? Explain your answer.
  • Do you feel others suffering? What can you to for those who suffer?  Be specific.
  • Have you seen how God’s message is spread through suffering? Share some examples in your personal experience and in the world.
  • How does it feel to know God understands your joys and your sorrows? Reflect on EXACTLY what that means and how your can bring God to the forefront of those experiences instead of an afterthought.
  • What is your definition of weakness? How can you redefine it in a positive way?
  • What is the difference between sympathy and empathy? How can both of these affect suffering?
  • Do you feel as though you are being tested? Who is testing you?
  • What is it about power that is so alluring?
  • How can you be a better servant to others? Share a specific example you will work on this week. (family, friend, community)
  • Conflict in the world and in our lives is unavoidable. What things are worth fighting for?  What are you willing to sacrifice for?  What is worth suffering?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Moses an abandoned child and Leader of the Israelites.

 ALL:  Through suffering, YOU are light

Leader:  Joseph imprisoned and champion of dreams.

ALL:  Through suffering, YOU are light

Leader:  Jesus crucified and resurrected.

 ALL:  Through suffering, YOU are light

Leader:  Peter denied and head of the Church.

ALL:  Through suffering, YOU are light

Leader:  Destruction of the world and a brilliant sunrise.

ALL:  Through suffering, YOU are light


Challenge for the Week:  The corporate ladder coined the phrase to “one up” someone which meant to move up a rung of the ladder ahead of another.  This type of competition isn’t anything new to human nature, it happened with the disciples and even the sons of Adam and Eve!  There is always someone who thinks they are better or smarter or better looking; they believe they deserve the high praise and recognition but Jesus is saying the one who deserves to live in the kingdom is the one who suffers.  Since it is human nature for us to compare ourselves to one another, watch yourself this week.  When you think someone did a better job than you, tell them.  If there is someone who is having a good hair day, let them know.  Recognizing and acknowledging the good of others is a practice of humility and that can be pretty painful.  And remember, Jesus isn’t asking us to suffer alone…He knows how we feel, He has been there!

Sunday, October 14th Readings

28th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


Your WORD is like a warm blanket

It keeps me company when I am lonely

And warms my soul and comforts me.

Blessed am I that I can wrap up in your WORD!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Wisdom 7:7-11

  • For what do you pray for that you receive in a timely fashion? What are you waiting on God to answer for you?  Are you waiting because God hasn’t given you the answer you desire?
  • What do you imagine is priceless to God? What is priceless to you?  How do the two differ?  How are they the same?

 Hebrews 4:12-13

  • How is God naked before you? Does God conceal anything?
  • What causes you to “trip up” before God? Are there specific things God asks of you that you hesitate to accomplish?  What holds you back?

 Mark 10:17-30

  • There is a saying that “anything worth doing is worth doing right”, how does this saying relate to the Gospel message? What does this mean for you?
  • Jesus is giving a map to the kingdom of heaven in this scripture, how do you see yourself on the map?
  • Take time to draw out the Gospel message in your journal or on paper and reflect on where you are on the journey and how God/Jesus/Holy Spirit have guided you along the way.


General Questions for Journaling

  • What are you waiting on God to answer for you? Are you waiting because God hasn’t given you the answer you desire?
  • How would another person know what you valued? What do you do with your valuables?  How do you treat them?  How are they displayed?
  • Do your actions affirm your values or do you say you value something because it makes you feel better to say so?
  • What has God provided to you which is priceless? Have you thanked God for this?
  • Make a list of things which are priceless that God created. Spend time this week thanking God for these priceless things.
  • What motivates you to be a better person?
  • Other than God, who knows you best? How does this make you feel?
  • Do you think God gives more to a person who is giving than to a person who isn’t as giving?
  • Who is the most giving person you know? What qualities about them do you admire the most?
  • How does clinging to something cause harm?
  • What does sustainability mean to you? How does it affect your life?
  • How do you think God thinks about sustainability? Of His creation?  Of your faith?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  All things work together for those who

 ALL:  work for goodness and peace!

Leader:  All things work together for those who

ALL:  show mercy and kindness!

Leader:  All things work together for those who

 ALL:  bring good news to others!

Leader:  All things work together for those who

ALL:  give comfort and hope!

Leader:  All things work together for those who

ALL:  provide compassion and love!

Leader:  All things work together for those who

ALL:  deliver glad tidings to all!

Challenge for the Week:  In general, people share bad news more easily than good.  Why is this?  Who really knows but if you find this is true in your circle of friends or with co-workers, YOU have the power to change it.  Like in the scripture from Matthew 5:14-16 you are a light that shines and though in these situations where you feel overwhelmed with negative, you have to remove the bushel basket that is keeping your light dim.  Spend time in reflection on how you can make this happen and bring back some good news to the world around you!

Sunday, October 7th Readings

27th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


Who am I that you want to be with me?

What do I have to offer you?

Where can I go where you don’t follow?

I am forever grateful

for YOU choose ME!!!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Genesis 2:18-24

  • God created Eve for Adam, why do you think God wants us to have a suitable partner?
  • Why do you think God chose to take a rib from Adam to create Eve? What is the significance?
  • What strikes you about this scripture? How does it make you feel?  Does it remind you of the stories of creation you heard in your childhood?

 Hebrews 2:9-11

  • What comfort do you get from knowing Jesus spent time on earth?
  • How do you feel about being called a brother and sister of Jesus? What does that mean to you?
  • How are you consecrated with Jesus? What does it mean to be consecrated in Jesus?

 Mark 10:2-16

  • What does Jesus say about the people that caused Moses to re-write the law? How is played out in society today?  Give an example.
  • What does Jesus mean when he says, “don’t prevent them from coming to me”?
  • Do you think he is talking about children literally or figuratively? How does this change your understanding of the scripture?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Describe the characteristics of man as you believe God created man to be.
  • Describe the characteristics of woman as you believe God created woman to be.
  • How do men and women complement each other? Is this how God created them to be?  Why or why not?
  • What causes men and women to clash? Is this how God created them to be?
  • Do you think it is romantic that God created Eve just for Adam? Do you believe He does the same for each of his children?
  • What is your definition of an angel?
  • How does Jesus’ death bring salvation to all? Does it make sense to you that you receive God’s salvation whether you believe it or not?  Does that bring you comfort or cause you distress?
  • What is your experience of divorce? How do Jesus’ words affect your opinion of divorce?
  • What makes a marriage a “perfect union”? Do you think this exists?  Why or why not?
  • Do you think the fear of getting divorced keeps people who are suitable partners from getting married?
  • Make a list of some non-negotiables of a marriage God joins together?
  • Do you believe a marriage without God can last? Why or why not?


Closing Prayer (Inspired by Psalm 128)

Leader:  The Lord has blessed me…

 ALL:  as I walk with Him!

Leader:  The Lord has blessed me…

ALL:  as I spend time with Him!

Leader:  The Lord has blessed me…

 ALL:  as I open my life to Him!

Leader:  The Lord has blessed me…

ALL:  as I tell others about Him!

Leader:  The Lord has blessed me…

ALL:  as I grow with love for Him!


Challenge for the Week:  What are some things which are better done alone?  At first consideration, you might find many things that are better when done alone.  Spend time this week really contemplating if these things are better done alone or not?  Are there benefits of another’s help?  What about God’s participation in them?  After giving it time, determine if your first instinct is the same as your final determination on the subject.