Sunday, December 2nd Readings

First Sunday of Advent

Opening Prayer


You create us to love,

only we can give your love!

You show us your love,

only we can spread your love!

Teach us, mold us, open us

until your love is spread throughout the world!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Jeremiah 33:14-16

  • How do the promises of Christ live out/on in your life?
  • What has God risen up in your life? How do you show gratitude for it?

1 Thessalonians 3:12-4:2

  • How can you “strengthen” your heart? What exercises are needed to build up your heart?
  • What is the difference between full of mercy and full of grace?

 Luke 21:5-28, 34-36

  • How do you see/imagine Jesus coming?
  • How does Jesus “return” each day of your life?


General Questions for Journaling

  • How does God bring Justice to the world?
  • Where does your security come from?
  • When do you feel the safest?
  • What can you rely on? What is consistent in your life?
  • How has your life been blessed because of your faith in God?
  • Do you believe in God because you fear Him? Why or why not?
  • What do you need to do to be more holy? What does that mean?
  • Is there a synonym for holy?
  • What good has come from a recent struggle you experienced?
  • Are there things which cause your stress? What is it about these things that make you anxious?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Find us seeking you in our daily schedule…

ALL:  We are ready!

Leader:  Find us seeking you in the highs and lows…

 ALL:  We are ready!

Leader:  Find us seeking you in the decisions we make…

 ALL:  We are ready!

Leader: Find us seeking you in the joys and sorrows…

 ALL:  We are ready!

Leader:  Find us seeking you every minute of the day…

 ALL:  We are ready!


Challenge for the Week:  This time of year our schedules begin to fill up, there are extra activities with the kids, gathering of family and friends and additional expectations as a Christian to keep Jesus as the reason for the season.  No wonder we get this warning about not getting drowsy in this week’s reading!  There is a long road ahead of us…some might call it the Christmas Season but I’m referring to the Advent Season.  When we take our discipleship seriously we should be able to see this holiday season not as long lines and wintry slush…instead we rest in the knowledge Jesus is on his way!

Sunday, November 25th Readings

Christ the King

Opening Prayer

Christ the King,

Let us come to you in the morning

at the beginning of our day

so we can take you with us.

Let us come to you in the daytime

in the middle of the day

so we can stay connected to you.

Let us come to you in the evening

at the end of the day

so we can review our day together.

Let us know you are with us always!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Daniel 7:13-14

  • What does this scripture tell you about the majesty of God? How is this description similar of different than how you define the majesty of God?
  • How does God have dominion over you in your life? It is something that comes naturally or do you have to work to allow God to move, guide and direct you?

 Revelation 1:5-8

  • Jesus is a faithful witness. How are you a faithful witness to Jesus?  Share an example of Jesus being a witness of faith and an example of how you are a faithful witness of faith.
  • How do you feel that Jesus will come again for all…everyone? How does this understanding affect your words and actions in the world right now?  Is it reflected in the decisions you make and how you live your life?

 John 18:33b-37

  • Pilate listens to the crowd and follows the majority. When have you listened to the majority and followed the crowd?
  • In this scripture, what keeps those who love Jesus from standing up for him?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Describe the kingdom of God. Are these hopes of what you expect it to be or understanding from someplace else that this is what the kingdom of God really is?
  • How is God’s kingdom similar or different than the kingdoms of the old centuries?
  • How is God’s kingdom similar or different from those who govern the countries of the world today?
  • When can you first remember thinking about Jesus?
  • What was the last “project” you started and finished? How long did it take?  Were feelings of accomplishments associated with the completion?  Did you experience any setbacks?  Will you do it again?
  • Are there areas in your life which you are proud of? Would Jesus also be proud of those things?
  • How do you know when someone is lying to you? Is it subjective or objective?  What do you do about it?
  • Could you describe Jesus’ voice? Do you think it is the same all the time?  Does Jesus’ voice sound different to different people?
  • Does your home reflect your faith? Share an example.
  • How do the things you post (or like) on social media fall in line with what you say you believe in?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  The injustice that happens each day…

ALL:  We are called to see.

Leader:  The cries of those in need and hurting…

ALL:  We are called to listen.

Leader:  The forgotten, the lost and the forsaken…

 ALL:  We are called to love.

Leader:  The stranger and the neighbor…

ALL:  We are called to help.

Leader:  Broken but mended by the power of faith…

ALL:  We are called children of God.


Challenge for the Week:  Jesus was consistent in faith throughout his time on earth.  Stories of Jesus as a child reflect how he was faithful to his studies and loved being among the elders of the church to learn.  Jesus modeled for all how to live faithfully, by accepting everyone and teaching the faith through works of service to others.  Even up to death, Jesus stood strong in faith and wasn’t going to back down or blasphemy in order to save himself.  In the Catholic Church, a new liturgical year begins which means, as believers there is yet another opportunity to reflect, repent and renew our faithfulness.  No matter how dedicated or committed to faith a person is, one can always benefit from a self-evaluation of faithfulness in order to stay focused on the journey to the Kingdom of God!

Sunday, November 18th Readings

33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


Why do I search in all the wrong places to find you?

When I look in the darkness,

You are not there.

When I look behind, above and below,

You are not there.

You are in all things at all times…yet I struggle to find you!

Thank you for not turning away;

Thank you for your grace, love and mercy;

Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Daniel 12: 1-3

  • What qualities do you learn are important to have as a witness of Christ through this scripture? Do you possess any of them?  If so, which ones?  If not, what can you do to build up these qualities within?
  • Who are “stars” who shine brightly? Are there people in your life who let God’s light shine and worked toward justice?  Can you name some people in history who have been examples of “stars”?
  • How might your life be different if you followed the stars?

 Hebrews 10:11-14, 18

  • Why is sacrifice needed? What sacrifice(s) do you make for your relationship with God?
  • How does one become perfect in Christ? Is this even possible?  Why or why not?
  • Consider, through the words of this scripture, the importance of the sacrifice of Mass. What is happening at Mass and do we understand the meaning as it is happening?

 Mark 13:24-32

  • What is Jesus telling you about what you can take with you when you die? How does this change how you think of material things?  How does this change how you might spend the rest of your life?
  • Does this scripture cause you fear or another emotion? What emotion do you think Jesus wants you to feel?


General Questions for Journaling

  • In the past week, where did you see God’s light shine? Who did it shine through?
  • Where do you turn for comfort when you are in distress? Is God there?
  • Would you consider yourself a leader or a follower? Why?
  • What was the last thing you took the lead on? Who was it for?  What was the task?  How did it turn out?
  • What kind of leader are you or would you be? Why?
  • How can you make your sins go away? What do you do to ensure you don’t ever sin again?
  • What does God do or can God do to help you defeat sin?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Though I am a sinner;

 ALL:  You made one sacrifice for my sins.

Leader:  Though I are ignorant;

ALL:  You continue to teach me your ways.

Leader:  Though I often lose direction;

 ALL:  You continue to guide me on the right path.

Leader:  Though I waste much;

ALL:  You continue to give me what we need.

Leader:  Though I continue to fall short;

ALL:  You continue to build me up.

 ALL:  Thank you Lord, for your constant love!


Challenge for the Week:  Attend Mass.  It really doesn’t matter if you do it on the weekend or during the week, the outcome is the same…you have witnessed a living sacrifice.  What does this even mean?  Well, when you go to Mass, it shouldn’t be just out of obligation so you can get it checked off of your “to do list” or because you get to see friends or enjoy coffee and donuts afterwards.  Nor should you attend Mass and not be an active participant.  Mass is the “shortened” version of what is actually called the “Holy Sacrifice of the Mass” where Catholics come together to remember the sacrifice Jesus made for all.  This act of love is monumental and deserves a response from each person who gathers to remember it.  Jesus died for everyone and in return believers should sacrifice something each time they take the Eucharist.  Those who receive the Eucharist, receives a piece of Jesus, this is how you become more like Him!  So, go…make a sacrifice this week and leave behind the grumpy, negative, judgmental part of you and let the joyful, positive and accepting light of Jesus shine through!

Sunday, November 11th Readings

32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

Father in heaven,

Each day I work hard to please you

but this is not what you ask of me.

You ask for me to love you with all my heart.

You ask me to find you in others.

and want me to share your love.

Love you and share your love…this is what you ask!



Journal/Reflection Questions

1 Kings 17:10-16

  • What is God saying to you in this scripture about being ready to accept Him into your life?
  • Knowing what you know about God’s unconditional love, especially from this scripture, do you believe God sees you as inadequate?

 Hebrews 9:24-28

  • What is the core message you hear in this scripture? Each person will hear something differently according to their experience…share!
  • How can the sacrifice of people/the sacrifices you make for those you love compare to the sacrifice of Jesus? (God is NOT keeping score!  God does not think in small human terms so it really isn’t a comparison of physical act, rather the spiritual act)

 Mark 12:38-44 or 12:41-44

  • When you consider God is watching what you do like in this scripture, how does it make you feel? What is Jesus’ intention of sharing this story?
  • How are you like the widow? In what ways do you want to be more like the widow?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Share a time when you recently did something for another person. Did they ask you to do it or did you do it because you saw a need.
  • What is the difference between doing something you are asked to do and doing something because you saw a need?
  • When was the last time someone showed you a kindness without expectation? What was it?  How did it feel?
  • When you think of what God brings to your relationship and what you bring, do you think God is measuring like you do? Why or why not?
  • What do you think God is saying about what you bring to your relationship?
  • Is generosity about how much you give or how you give? What is the difference?
  • How do you view sin? What is your definition?
  • How does God redeem sin? What is your understanding of what happens to the sin?
  • What are the things God most loves about you?
  • How do you define a “leap of faith”, make a list of examples.


Closing Prayer

Leader:  When I feel I am not good enough…

 ALL:  Lord, YOU complete me!

Leader:  When I believe I can’t contribute…

ALL:  Lord, YOU complete me!

Leader:  When I think I don’t fit in…

 ALL:  Lord, YOU complete me!

Leader:  When I reach a crossroads…

ALL:  Lord, YOU complete me!

Leader:  When I don’t feel complete…

ALL:  Lord, YOU complete me!


Challenge for the Week:  The scriptures this week have a very specific theme.  How do you interpret what is being taught?  What God asks?  What Jesus teaches?  Does it all make sense?  Does it make you feel good or bad?  Are you angry or confused?  Can these scriptures be misunderstood or twisted to mean something negative?  Spend time this week thinking about what you know about God, his nature, how he loves, and the patience Jesus showed when he was teaching and healing those who came to him for help…then read the scriptures again with new eyes seeking a different insight about what God really wants for you!  It is worth the time for self-reflection.