Sunday, February 3rd Readings

Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


You knew us before we were born

You know where our paths lead

You continue to love and guide us

You open your arms to welcome us home!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19

  • Jeremiah is trying to stir up the people to prepare for battle; what battles are you gearing up for which requires you to be firm in your faith and understanding of who God is to you?
  • Who cries out for peace and justice today? What do they say?  Do people believe and follow?
  • What are you willing to stand up to protect? Share an example.

 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13 or 13:4-13

  • What does this scripture tell you about love? Have you seen love like this?
  • How do you learn of love? How is love taught?  Where does it come from?  Does love have limits?  Is there a capacity for love?
  • What does hope bring to your life? What does faith bring?  What does love bring?  How do the three things work together?

 Luke 4:21-30

  • What does it mean to be humble? How is humility shown in this scripture?
  • Are there people in your life whom you have a hard time believing? What is it that causes you not to trust their words or actions?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Are there things in your life which you are willing to die for?
  • What are things which require a fight? Are you fighting or simply a spectator?
  • Do you feel called to step up and step in to lessen an injustice? What holds you back?
  • Where does your strength to fight an injustice come from? Is it provoked from outside or stirred up from inside?
  • Share an example where dealing with conflict in a peaceful manner gave the desired result. Share an example where dealing with conflict with aggression gave the desired result.  Which is the better way?
  • Does God ask too much of you? When?  How?
  • Can good come from bad things? How does one grow through conflict?
  • Can you love too much? Why or why not?
  • Can you be loved too much? Why or why not?
  • Where have you seen love fail? What initiated the breakdown and what was the result of the failure?
  • Share an example of when love broke down hate, either a personal experience or one you witnessed.
  • Is it easy or difficult to change an attitude? What are some key factors in doing so?
  • How does the name of Jesus provoke you to love?


Closing Prayer

Leader: You created me out of love…

ALL:  without YOU I am nothing!

Leader:  You breathed life into me…

ALL:  without YOU I am nothing!

Leader:  You gave me a purpose…

 ALL:  without YOU I am nothing!

Leader: You laid out the laws…

 ALL:  without YOU I am nothing!

Leader:  You cleared a path…

ALL:  without YOU I am nothing!

Leader:  You surrendered and died…

 ALL:  without YOU I am nothing!

Leader:  You rose and gave me new life…

 ALL:  without YOU I am nothing!


Challenge for the Week:   Make a list of ways people can say and show love.   How many can you come up with?  Are there ways in which love can be expressed that you don’t feel comfortable sharing?  When you give love, do you always get love in return?  Sometimes we do and other times the love we give isn’t reciprocated…is that a requirement of love?  Be mindful of the love you give this week, does it have limits, restrictions, requirements?  Does the love you receive from others?  Reflect on the second reading as you focus on love; what is your heart needing to hear?

Sunday, January 27th Readings

Third Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


Teach me to be holy

as you are holy!

Teach me to listen

as you listen!

Teach me to give

as you give!

I am ready to do your will!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Nehemiah 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10

  • Throughout this scripture, Nehemiah tries to make sure we understand Ezra did everything he could to help the people understand. What is the purpose of this?
  • Where do you see this act of bringing people together to teach happening in the world today? Do you agree or disagree that they are attentive to everyone understanding?  What can they learn from this scripture so they succeed in their goal of people being in one accord?

 1 Corinthians 12:12-30 or 12:12-14, 27

  • What does this scripture say to you about yourself? What does it day about community?
  • Where do you see division and suffering in the world today? In your family?  Within yourself?  What wisdom from this scripture can shine light on the situation?  Be specific.
  • Choose one thing you can do to live out this scripture today.

 Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21

  • Say out loud how the scripture was fulfilled. Proclaim it like Jesus!
  • When you proclaim it, how do you feel? Do you believe it about Jesus?  Do you believe it about yourself?


General Questions for Journaling

  • What makes a day more special than another? What value do you put on a day such as your birthday or an anniversary?
  • How do you determine a day to be Holy? What do you think God’s criteria would be to describe a day as Holy?
  • What value do you find in looking to the past?
  • How do you view the future and the past? Share an example of how each affects you right now in the present.
  • Are there books you have read more than once? What are they?  What is the purpose of reading them again?
  • Same with TV shows…are there shows you have watched more than once? What are they are why do you watch them again?  Explain the value of experiencing it again.
  • What is your most favorite thing about yourself? Explain
  • What super power would you most like to have and why?
  • Point out special gifts you see in ten people this week. You can do it in person (preferred) or send a note.
  • What do you believe and know in your heart strongly enough to stand up and proclaim to others?


Closing Prayer (inspired by Psalm 19:8, 9, 10, 15)

Leader: Lord, your Word is wisdom…

ALL:  help me see your way!

Leader:  Lord, your Word is enlightening…

ALL:  open me to your light!

Leader:  Lord, your Word is trustworthy…

 ALL:  let me know your truth!

Leader: Lord, your Word is fair…

 ALL:  teach me your precepts!

Leader:  Lord, your Word is enduring…

ALL:  show me your heart!

Leader:  Lord, you Word is life…

 ALL:  fill me with your WORD!


Challenge for the Week:   Create a pie chart which represents how much time you spent thinking about past events, situations and experiences, how much time you spend planning and hoping for the future, and how much time you give to thinking about what you are doing right now in the present.  Use some of these things to help you determine your answer…What is the topic of your conversations?  What do you pray about?  What books do you read?  What do you watch on TV?  What hobbies do you participate in and why?  For further reflection you can create a pie chart as you see it before reflection and then make another one after reflection and compare.

Sunday, January 20th Readings

Second Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father

Everything you give

You give out of love

Even the stars in the sky

You give for our benefit

Good and generous Father

Your gifts are abundant

Let me use the gifts I have

to give you glory!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 62:1-5

  • Jesus is the King of Kings, how does this scripture describe your relationship with him?
  • What does this scripture tell you about how God loves? Does it help you understand God’s love more or less?

 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

  • Where do you see yourself in this scripture? How does the Spirit manifest within you?
  • When have you seen these gifts work together for good in your community or in your life? Where they called upon and gathered for a specific purpose or did they come together organically?

 John 2:1-11

  • Compare how the problem in Cana to a situation you are going through right now. How have you approached it?  Who have you asked to help you find a solution?
  • How do the words, “Do whatever he tells you” change meaning when you hear them coming from Mary, speaking of Jesus?


General Questions for Journaling

  • There is a time to speak up and a time to be silent. Share examples of each and explain.
  • When you call on God, what name do you use? What name does God use to call on you?
  • Would you say you have experienced love to its greatest extent? Share the experience.
  • Do you feel favored by God? Why or why not?  What does it mean to you to be favored by God?
  • How do you compare God’s love for you and the love of a parent?
  • How do you compare God’s love for you and the love of a spouse?
  • When have you seen the Spirit at work? Do you have to look hard to see it?  How often do you experience this?
  • Are there gifts God has given to you which you are afraid to use?
  • Do you believe there are still gifts of God within you which haven’t been manifest yet? Why or why not?
  • How does the saying “save the best for last” apply to your life? Share examples of when this is true.


Closing Prayer

Leader: Lord, you are the miracle in our lives…

ALL:  turning water into wine

Leader:  Lord, you are the miracle in our lives…

ALL:  healing the sick and lame

Leader:  Lord, you are the miracle in our lives…

 ALL:  providing for every need

Leader: Lord, you are the miracle in our lives…

 ALL:  making the ordinary, extraordinary

Leader:  Lord, you are the miracle in our lives…

ALL:  pouring mercy over sinners

Leader:  Lord, you are the miracle in our lives…

 ALL:  giving eternal life through death


Challenge for the Week:   The Christmas season just ended and at Christmas there are many gifts exchanged, beautifully wrapped packages under the tree tormenting the children (and some adults too) with the mystery of what is inside.  Then of course there are the gifts brought to Jesus from the Wise Men, and now this week the scriptures speak of the gifts God bestows on us.  But what does gift giving really mean?  Why do you give gifts in the first place?  When you are given a gift, how does it make you feel?  What if it was unexpected?  What if you didn’t get a gift for the other person?  Are you able to accept the gift without feeling badly?  How about when you give another person a gift, do you expect them to reciprocate?  Imagine you there was a beautifully wrapped gift sitting on your night stand this morning, how long would it take you to open it?  Would you open it right away or would you allow it to sit there for a day or two contemplating what it might be?  Spend time this week reflecting on the action of gift giving and what is really at the core of it all.

Sunday, January 13th Readings

Baptism of our Lord


Opening Prayer


You meet us in the wilderness

You understand the rocky path

You hear our cries for help

You bring cleansing rain

to give us new perspective

So we can see more clearly

the pathway before us


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 or 40:1-5, 9-11

  • What does it mean to you for God to be pleased with you? What do you want God to be pleased about?
  • Describe a real life desert experience. Where do they exist and what positive things can come from wandering through the desert?

 Acts 10:34-38 or Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7

  • What does it mean to you that God has no partiality? How does that affect the way you accept others?  How does that affect the way you accept yourself?
  • How do you give thanks for the extravagant gift of eternal life God has given to you?

 Luke 3:15-16, 21-22

  • The scripture says the people waiting in anticipation for the Baptism; explain in your own words how baptism makes you feel. Must you have a personal connection to the one who is baptized to feel this anticipation?  Why or why not?
  • John the Baptist brought many believers to follow Jesus…who do you give thanks to for the introduction?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Where do you find value in your life? What validation do you seek?
  • What is something you’ve seen that was hard for you to comprehend or figure out how it worked? Do you ever find faith hard to comprehend or figure out how it works?
  • Why does turning on the light in the middle of the night when it is dark hurt? Describe the feelings and thoughts you have in those seconds it takes to adjust to the light.
  • On the flip-side, how do you adjust to the darkness when you turn off the lights? How often is there complete darkness?
  • How do you proclaim your dedication to God?
  • Can you always see darkness coming? Is it possible to avoid darkness?
  • What can you do to get yourself out of darkness? Is it possible to do it alone?  How can you help others out of darkness?
  • Do you see/feel God’s presence guiding you as this new calendar year begins? Be specific.
  • How do your “new year resolutions” pertain to your faith?
  • What can you do with an ounce of God’s kindness? God’s generous love?  Make a plan.


Closing Prayer

Leader: Pour upon me Lord…

ALL:  the POWER of praising your name!

Leader:  Pour upon me Lord…

ALL:  the humility to be in AWE of creation!

Leader:  Pour upon me Lord…

 ALL:  the MERCY to bring comfort and healing!

Leader: Pour upon me Lord…

 ALL:  the strength of the SPIRIT to persevere!

Leader:  Pour upon me Lord…

ALL:  the GRACE to stumble but not fall!

Leader:  Pour upon me Lord…

ALL:  the fullness of your LOVE to share with others!


Challenge for the Week:   There is not one person who has ever wanted to be the last one picked to be on a team.  The anticipation of being the next person chosen can be agonizing, silently screaming “pick me, pick me” and then the feeling of defeat when your name is not the one called.  This is not a feeling God EVER wants us to experience when it comes to his choosing us because we were chosen by God BEFORE we ever existed.  This is one amazing thing to contemplate!

Sunday, January 6th Readings



Opening Prayer

King of Kings!

Shine your light!

Let it radiate within!

And may it never dim!

I will follow, Lord!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 60:1-6

  • What do you see when you look for God? Do you see God’s radiance or something else?  Explain what you see.
  • How do you praise God? What words do you use?
  • With whom do you share God’s praise?

 Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6

  • Make a list of the things God has given to you for your benefit which you have right now. How many things can you come up with?
  • What was the last thing God revealed to you?

Matthew 2:1-12

  • The magi traveled far and sacrificed much to follow the star to Jesus…what lengths will you go to be pay homage to Jesus?
  • Are there people in your life, like Herod? What is your relationship with them?  Do they interfere with your relationship with God?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Where do you see light in your life? Is it there because of God or another reason?
  • If there is the absence of light, does that mean God is not there? Why or why not?
  • Give an example of light in the world that draws people in.
  • What does it mean to be a steward? How are you a steward?
  • How is God’s grace given? Is it something you can control?  Can you deny God’s grace?  Why or why not?
  • Do you enjoy mysteries? Do you like to seek to find the unknown?  How does this translate to your faith?  Scripture?  God?
  • Do you like to share? Why or why not?
  • What does scripture say about how God shares? What does it say about how you should share?  Do you agree?
  • What gifts do you bring to Jesus right now at this point in your life? Don’t be concerned with value or how much because these are not things God is concerned about…just show up!
  • Take time to look search for a star tonight and clear your mind to let God speak to you.
  • Do you think God still uses stars (points of light) to draw people to Him? Share an example.


Closing Prayer

Leader: The radiance of God

ALL:  fills me with promise!

Leader:  The radiance of God

ALL:  gives me comfort!

Leader:  The radiance of God

 ALL:  finds me!

Leader: The radiance of God

 ALL:  grants me grace!

Leader:  The radiance of God

ALL:  provides me direction!


Challenge for the Week:   Each winter we experience the shortest day of the year, when it dark for nearly two-thirds of the day.  This is a direct result of the way the earth rotates around the sun and when it is darkest, the earth is the furthest from the sun.  Do you think it is a coincidence that this is similar to our lives when we are furthest away from the Son of God, Jesus, we can feel “dark”?  However, even when we feel far away from God, He is still there, just like the sun.  Spend time this week reflecting on where you are in your relationship with God right now; is it where you want to be?  Are you full of God’s light?  Do you hide in the darkness sometimes because it is more comfortable?  If it helps, draw a picture depicting where you want to be using the images of the earth and the sun and put it in your bible, or on your refrigerator, somewhere to remind you of your faith goals this year.