Sunday, February 10th Readings

Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

Father God

Let me let go

You give me what I need

The peace of mind

To know that

I am your disciple



Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8

  • Whom do you fear? Of what are you afraid?  Where does your fear come from?
  • How to you tell God you are ready to do His will?

 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 or 15:3-8, 11

  • Have you fallen asleep to the purpose you have been called for? What can you do to find the passion and drive to go on?
  • How would you describe someone who is “fit” to serve God?

 Luke 5:1-11

  • When have you doubted God? What was your situation?  How did God change your heart?
  • Are there people who are in deep waters who need you to come and bring them to the shore?


General Questions for Journaling

  • How has God made you worthy of His love?
  • Have you ever been paralyzed by fear? What was the situation?  How did you overcome the fear?
  • How has your life been shaken up? Where was God during the storm?
  • What has God called you to do? Do you minimize the importance of your purpose?
  • How many people from the Bible (old and new testaments) can you name who encountered God but felt they were not worthy?
  • How many people from the Bible (old and new testaments) can you name whose lives were changed when they took a leap of faith to trust God entirely?
  • How is grace distributed?
  • Do you think God gives you grace for your benefit or the benefit of others? Both?  Neither?
  • What “work” is required to receive faith? Grace?  Love?
  • Do you think God asks you to do things you are not capable or qualified to do? Why or why not?
  • How do you go about asking someone to do a big task? Do you just give them the big task or do you break it down into some smaller tasks to make sure they will be able to handle the big task?  Be specific.


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, who will show comfort…

ALL:  I will Lord, send me!

Leader:  Lord, who will visit the sick…

ALL:  I will Lord, send me!

Leader:  Lord, who will forgive…

 ALL:  I will Lord, send me!

Leader: Lord, who will show kindness…

 ALL:  I will Lord, send me!

Leader:  Lord, who will give mercy…

ALL:  I will Lord, send me!

Leader:  Lord, who will sing your praises…

 ALL:  I will Lord, send me!

Leader:  Lord, who will spread the Gospel…

 ALL:  I will Lord, send me!


Challenge for the Week:   Spend time reflecting this week on a time in your life that is comparable to the experience of the fishermen…when was God asking you to do something you didn’t want to do because you thought you had exhausted all possibilities.  Did you do as He asked anyways?  Did you choose to ignore the suggestion and go a different direction?  Regardless of which path you took, share your story with someone to show how God blew you out of the deep water and onto the shore and how you would do it all over again (the same or differently) as a witness of your faith.

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