Sunday, February 24th Readings

Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time   


Opening Prayer


When you look at me,

You see me through loving eyes,

holy, forgiven and complete.

When I look at myself,

I see me through condemning eyes,

as a sinner and not enough.

Through your Word,

let me learn how to see me

and others as you see!



Journal/Reflection Questions

1 Samuel 26:2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-23

  • How do you think those with David felt about his actions against Saul? What would you think if you were one of them?
  • What does David’s response say about his character? Is there something there which you’d like to see more of in people today?  Be specific.

 1 Corinthians 15:45-49

  • How do you struggle with the “earthly” and the “spiritual” within yourself?
  • Have you thought of yourself as “spirit-filled”? How can the thought of being “spirit-filled” change how your look at the situations you face today?  How does it change how you treat others?

 Luke 6:27-38

  • Do you give to God in the “measure” in which you want God to give to you? *(God gives 100%, 24/7 regardless of what we give)
  • Is what Jesus is saying in this scripture realistic? Why or why not?


General Questions for Journaling

  • How easy to difficult is it to put God in charge of transgressions and retributions? What is it about us as humans that make us want to take matters into our own hands?
  • Do you believe one person’s life is worth more than another? For example, a mother of four vs an ordained sister, or a Leader of State vs a homeless person, explain.
  • Have you experienced God’s faithfulness in your life? Share a specific example so others can see God’s faithfulness too.
  • In your opinion, what makes a person “anointed”? What other opinions might be out there, explore.
  • Can you spend quality time with people whom have different opinions and/or beliefs than you? Is this barrier too big to put aside for even a little while?
  • Where do you rank respect on a scale of 1-10 in relationships? Is it different for your spouse?  Your parents?  Your boss?  Your kids?  Your friends?  Your pastor?  Your neighbor?
  • When you look at yourself do you see God? In what way?
  • Can you see God in others? Share examples.
  • Are there people whom you have a hard time seeing God? Share examples.
  • What measurement do you judge people against? What is the thing(s) that you judge the most?  Race?  Poverty?  Religion?  Job?  Clothing?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  In those moments when I feel abandoned…

ALL:  Pour your gift of love upon me!

Leader:  In those moments when I am filled with anger…

ALL:  Pour your gift of love upon me!

Leader:  In those moments when plans change…

ALL:  Pour your gift of love upon me!

Leader: In those moments when I receive the results…

ALL:  Pour your gift of love upon me!

Leader:  In those moments when I can’t see past today…

ALL:  Pour your gift of love upon me!

Leader:  In those moments when I lay myself before you…

ALL:  Pour your gift of love upon me!


Challenge for the Week:   This week consider the barriers we build in our lives to keep people at a distance.  Some of the barriers are built to protect us from being hurt ourselves or inflicting pain on another, while others are built out of arrogance because we are not open to listening to another person’s view.  Spend time this week reflecting on the barriers you have built in relationships, especially in your family.  How have these become obstacles to spending time together and not just time, but quality time, when you can come together and genuinely enjoy each other.  No one has the same experiences as you, nor the same opinion.  Even siblings raised by the same parents have different memories of the same experience; imagine the greater scale of this scenario to include experiences in your community, the US and the world.  What steps can you take to break down barriers starting in your family relationships and allow the differences bring you together instead of keeping you apart?  (HINT:  This just might be something that needs a bit more time than a week – Lent is coming!)

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