Sunday, April 28th Readings

Second Sunday of Easter


Opening Prayer

Praise to YOU, Lord Jesus Christ!

Though I might turn from you,

or hide in the shadows…

YOU are still with me.

When I am tempted to doubt,

or deny my love for you…

the cross is a reminder of the sacrifice

and promise of your love!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 5:12-16

  • Who do you know needs healing? How can you bring them comfort?
  • How does God’s message heal you?

Revelation 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19

  • When have you needed strength to overcome? Where did the strength come from?  Who gave it to you?
  • Why are people afraid of the unknown? What makes it scary?

John 20:19-31

  • Jesus breathes the Holy Spirit unto the disciples and they are moved into action, how does the Holy Spirit move you into action? How long has it been since you let the Holy Spirit move you?
  • What makes you believe in the resurrection? Does Thomas’ testimony help you believe?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Where do you see signs that God is alive today?
  • Have you ever witnessed a miracle?
  • How many times in a day, week, month or year do you believe a miracle happens?
  • Define love. Make a list of all of the things you love.
  • Is there only one type of love or many? How many types of love can you identify?  What are their characteristics?
  • Can good come from suffering? Can you share an example?
  • Is suffering necessary? Why or why not?
  • What causes you fear?
  • Have you ever been paralyzed by fear? What was the circumstance?
  • How is fear overcome? What do you do to conquer your fear?  What advice do you give to others?
  • Do you think people fear forgiveness? Why or why not?
  • Where is peace found? How does someone find it?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  The wounds are real;

ALL:  We can see the suffering.

Leader:  The injustice brings pain;

 ALL:  We can feel it all around.

Leader:  Scars are left behind;

 ALL:  Both visible and invisible.

Leader:  Jesus’ hands, feet and side;

ALL:  We are resurrected with him!

Leader:  We can bring comfort to those who suffer;

ALL:  We can fight for justice

Leader:  We can bring healing to a hurt world;

 ALL:  Let us spread the Good News!


Challenge for the Week:   Easter is the biggest Christian celebration and sign of our faith.  It is so important it lasts for 50 days which is longer than Advent (4 weeks before Christmas) and Lent (40 days before Easter).  How can you continue to live the Easter message for the next 50 days?  What message do you feel God is calling you to send?  Is there an injustice you can serve by volunteering your time?  Is there a person in need of support or company?  Where can you bring resurrection or new life?  Take this Easter season as seriously as you do your Lenten sacrifice and spread the Good News that Jesus is alive!!!

Sunday, April 21st Readings

Easter Sunday


Opening Prayer


Each new day brings

new promise

Even when it is dark

and cold and rugged

The path we walk with YOU

is filled with opportunity

To walk with YOU

is our greatest adventure!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 10:34, 37-43

  • How is your life a witness to all God has accomplished through Jesus’ birth, teachings, miracles, parables, suffering, death and resurrection? Reflect and see if you can come up with an example of how each experience has been lived out in your life.  Allow God to speak to you through each reflection.
  • Identify your source of strength when you witness (testify) to God’s love, mercy, forgiveness, etc.

Colossians 3:1-4

  • How have you died to allow God to live?
  • What about heaven do you most long for? Describe what you will see, feel, hear, touch and smell.

 John 20:1-9

  • Can you relate to the fear the women and the disciples had when they saw the tomb open? Share a specific experience and how it affects your perspective.
  • What makes you believe in Jesus’ resurrection? How do you believe in what you have not seen?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Reflect back through Lent. What is one theme or similar reoccurrence that happened; what can you learn from the experience?  What might God want you to learn?  Could God have made you witness to these situations in order to communicate with you?
  • What is it about Jesus that you love? Be specific and explain your answer.
  • Where do you turn when you are seeking an answer to a decision or facing a hard choice? Where is Jesus in the decision making process?
  • How do you hide your faith from others? Who are those whom you hide your faith from and why?  Are there people whom you hide your faith but are the ones who most need to hear the message?
  • Draw a picture of your heart. What does it look like?  What does it contain?  Use your imagination to create an image of the condition of your heart.
  • Where do you see compassion lived out in the world, your community, your family? From your view is compassion in a draught season or a harvest season?
  • Does compassion come easy for you or is it something you work hard to share? What is the difference?
  • Where have you experienced compassion this Lent? Did this experience bring you closer to God?  Why or why not?
  • Describe what it means to be at peace.
  • How has your Lenten experience helped you prepare for the Triduum?
  • What has fear kept you from experiencing? Be specific.
  • Did what you gave up or took on this Lent help you to grow in relationship with Jesus? How have you been changed from the experience?


 Closing Prayer

Leader:  May we surrender ourselves

ALL:  for the sake of the Gospel.

Leader:  May we pursue justice

 ALL:  for the sake of the Gospel.

Leader:  May we seek and give reconciliation

 ALL:  for the sake of the Gospel.

Leader:  May we turn away from sin

ALL:  for the sake of the Gospel.

Leader:  May we relinquish our will

ALL:  for the sake of the Gospel.

Leader:  May we open the tomb within

ALL:  and live out the Gospel!


Challenge for the Week:   You can witness or observe many things.  This week try to keep count of the positive things you witness and use your words and actions to encourage those who displayed the behavior.  Then try to use the examples you “witnessed” to be a “witness” (testify) to the good you saw in others.  It could be something as simple as sharing how you saw someone open and hold the door for another, witnessed a simple act of kindness or charity, or were witness to an act of mercy or forgiveness.  We can often get wrapped up in ourselves or the evil in the world and forget to look around at the goodness.  The tomb has been open for thousands of years…how are your spreading the Good News?  Be a witness by allowing Jesus’ light to shine through!

Sunday, April 14th Readings

Palm Sunday


Opening Prayer


Your example brings joy

but it also brings pain.

Open our hearts to understand

both the joy and pain.

Let us know you more deeply

as we experience both

in the scriptures.



Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 50:4-7

  • From whose perspective is this reading? What does it tell you about speaking out against injustice?
  • Define a well-trained tongue. Would you say your tongue is well trained?
  • What does God promise to those who hear His word and act on it?

Philippians 2:6-11

  • How have you emptied yourself to Christ this Lenten season? (It is not too late)
  • How do you show love? Do you love others with conditions?  What can you do to love others more fully?

 Luke 22:14-23:56 or 23:1-49

  • What have you done to reject God in the last month, week, day, hour? What was the “benefit” received?
  • When did you last serve another person? How did you serve them?  What was your motivation?  What was their response?
  • If you were there on the day of Jesus’ crucifixion, could you have stayed with Jesus until the very end? Who in this scripture can you relate to the most?  Why?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Where do you see God each morning? How do you know He has your back?
  • Who are the people in your life who have your back? How do you know?
  • Name qualities of a humble person. Do you have any of these qualities?  Do you know anyone who does?
  • What gets in your way when you try to give your time to Jesus in prayer? What distracts you?
  • If you believe Jesus is the King of Glory, how do you show your obedience to Him?
  • What are some changes which cause anticipation? What are some changes which cause anxiety?  How are they the same?  How are they different?
  • Is there some discomfort when standing up for what is right?
  • What do you say is the opposite of love? Hate?  Fear?  Distrust?  Selfishness?  Or something else?  How does the opposite you choose affect your definition of love?
  • When was the last time you defended your faith to another? Where is the line of defending and being hypocritical?
  • Are there areas in your life where you have fallen asleep? How might God be calling you to wake up?
  • Have you ever been in a state of extreme physical pain? How were you able to cope?
  • Have you been with someone who has been in extreme physical pain? What can you do to help those who suffer?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  At dawn

ALL:  YOU bring the sunrise to wake me.

Leader:  In the morning

 ALL:  YOU clear the fog and give me a new day.

Leader:  During the day

ALL:  YOU are in each person and thing I see.

Leader:  In the evening

ALL:  YOU bring the night to slow us down.

Leader:  At bedtime

ALL:  YOU give us comfort as we rest.

Leader:  Each day

ALL:  We begin again!


Challenge for the Week:   The Romans hung Jesus on the cross to bring attention to him, ridicule and humiliate.  Even in this state, Jesus was able to forgive those who had scourged, tortured and spat on him.  How do we act when someone lies to us, cheats or tells lies about us?  What do we do when people throw daggers at us with their words and actions?  How do we forgive those who hurt us?  On the flip side, what do our actions say?  Do we consistently treat others kindly or are we guilty of spreading rumors or gossiping?  Do we turn the other way when someone is being treated unjustly?  This week, take some time to really look at your actions; what are they really saying?  Do we look more like Jesus in these readings or like those condemning him?  Make a commitment to make a permanent change in how you treat others, even if it is a baby step.  Take the opportunity given to pray more intently this last week of Lent to make a positive change.

Sunday, April 7th Readings

Fifth Sunday of Lent


Opening Prayer

Let us remember

it is YOU who makes all things NEW

May we learn

to let go of past mistakes and begin fresh

Help us to

try a new path instead of the same one

Guide us on

to find YOU waiting with open arms

YOU forever change us,

mold us and do great things for us!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 43:16-21

  • What keeps you from believing God has a plan for you and has created a safe passage way for you just as He did for the Israelites? How do your actions confirm your belief or disbelief?
  • How do the events of the past (those of the Old Testament and/or the events of the past 3-6 months) affect how you live out today? Share specific examples.


Philippians 3:8-14

  • St Paul is determined; he has his eye on the prize. What is your goal?  What steps do you take each day to achieve your goal?  Are there others whom have a similar goal?  How can you help one another reach your goal?
  • In order to fill yourself with Christ, you must let go of a piece of you…what is something you are willing to let go of? What is something you want to hold onto?


John 8:1-11

  • Do you condemn others? What causes you to do so?  Is it jealousy?  Is it because you think something is unfair?  Is it out of fear of the unknown or what you don’t understand?
  • Where are you called to be merciful like Jesus in this Scripture? Who needs you to reach out to them?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Where in the Bible does God abandon someone? Where in the bible does God leave anyone alone?  How does this affect you?
  • When have you felt like God has left you alone or abandoned you? What was the situation?  How did you overcome?
  • How has God shown His presence to you today?
  • Have you ever searched for God from the moment you come into consciousness until the moment you doze off to sleep? What would that day look like?  How would you describe it?
  • How does God re-create each day? Do you think today is different than yesterday?  Why or why not?
  • Each day God offers us a new beginning; what things of the past do you need to leave in the past so you can begin again?
  • How do your sins feel? Describe how it feels when you sin and how you are changed; how it affects your behavior, your thoughts.
  • What is the most important relationship in your life? Why?
  • What does it mean to live our lives forward? What does it mean to live in the past?  Where do you see yourself on the spectrum?
  • Is there someone in your life right now who is in need of mercy? What can you do to let them know they are okay?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Father, YOU are forever good


ALL:  to us when we sin against you and others.


Leader:  Father, YOU are forever kind


ALL:  to us when we experience hurt.


Leader:  Father, YOU are forever generous


ALL:  to us when we call on you for help.


Leader:  Father, YOU are forever merciful


ALL:  to us when we turn our back to you.


Leader:  Father, YOU are forever faithful


ALL:  to us when we are ready; you welcome us!


Leader:  Praise to YOU


ALL:  Father of ALL!


Challenge for the Week:   Where do you see God walking with you on your journey?  Are you walking together side by side or are you lagging behind?  Have you stumbled and refuse to get up and move or is God carrying you?  What terrain are you travelling?  Are you on flatland?  Going through the desert?  Climbing a mountain?  Swimming/wading/drowning in the deep waters?  Take time this week to figure out where you are on your journey with God.  Use your own words to describe and even possibly draw a picture of what it looks like.  Whether you write the words or draw the picture, put the date on it and place it in your bible so you can find it later and reflect on how it compares to where you are at that moment of time.  God gives us all we need to succeed; we need to train our will to keep us accountable.