Sunday, June 2nd Readings

Seventh Sunday of Easter


Opening Prayer

Open our hearts Lord

so they may be filled with love for our neighbor

Open our lips Lord

so they may speak the Good News to others

Open our arms Lord

so they may reach out to those who need YOU!

Give us open hearts, lips and arms

to be at witness of YOUR WORD!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 7:55-60

  • How is what happened to Stephen in this scripture like what Jesus experienced?
  • When have you seen this type of behavior happen in the world today? What was the situation?

Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20

  • Identify the moment(s) when you have felt the most “full” of Christ? What did/does it feel like?
  • Describe how God is the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega, the first and the last.

 John 17:20-26

  • How do you live in God and God live in you? Be specific.
  • What does Jesus promise? How is it fulfilled?


General Questions for Journaling

  • How open are you to speaking about your faith? Whom do you speak freely with and with whom do you withhold?
  • What would be the reaction of coworkers, family or friends if you stood up to witness your belief in Jesus?
  • Do those you spend the most time with know the depth of your faith? Do you know theirs?  Why or why not?
  • Have you ever sacrificed something in your life for your faith? What was it?  Did you ever regain it or did you leave it behind for good?
  • Identify how your faith fills you or satisfies you? How can you share this feeling with others who don’t understand faith?
  • Where did you first learn about the faith? When did you understand God’s love?  Who shared it with you?  How do you continue to pass these lessons onto others to enjoy?
  • Our bodies are made up of 70% water, how much of it is the “living water” Jesus speaks of?
  • If you drew a picture of yourself and colored in the amount of you Jesus lives in, how much of you would be colored? Would it be all the same color or shades of colors?  What resides in the space(s) Jesus doesn’t?
  • How do you pray for others? Are they prayers for deeper faith?  Who is in need of these type of prayers?  Write a prayer for them.


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lift our eyes to heaven

ALL:  to see the beauty of each new day

Leader:  Lift our eyes to heaven

 ALL:  to find calm even in the storm

Leader:  Lift our eyes to heaven

 ALL:  to seek you in those we encounter

Leader:  Lift our eyes to heaven

ALL:  to receive the gifts we need

Leader:  Lift our eyes to heaven

ALL:  to be a witness of all you came to give!


Challenge for the Week:   Pay attention this week to the conversations going on in the world and make a list of the people witnessing to the truth they believe.  Use this list to really look at what is being said and how you are influenced by it.  How much of what you hear around you is positive? Negative? Actual facts or fabricated and twisted to fit a specific argument?  Make a conscious effort to look to heaven as you hear these witnesses to help determine or confirm the words are true.  When we look to heaven, we gain a clearer sense of who we are and what our purpose is in the world.  Look up!

Sunday, May 26th Readings

Sixth Sunday of Easter


Opening Prayer

Holy Spirit


Stir up the dust

Ignite our faith


Holy Spirit



Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 15:1-2, 22-29

  • Are rules, laws and guidelines necessary? Why or why not?
  • How do you achieve peace of mind? Is it possible to find peace of mind?

 Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23

  • Draw a picture to represent the image in this scripture.
  • How does this scripture make you feel? How does it affect your faith?  What does it tell you about God?

 John 14:23-29

  • How is God speaking to you in this scripture? What simple message does it speak to all believers?
  • Does something stir inside as you read this scripture? How are you being lead to move?  What is God asking you to do?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Why is it important for people to question?
  • What good comes from debate? What bad?
  • How do you determine when to share your opinion and when to hold back?
  • On a scale from 1-10, how open are you to others opinions? Do you allow people to take over and do what they want or do you stick to what you know is right and work to expand their view?
  • Would you say you are a good listener? Share at least one example of how you were a good listener this week.
  • Where have you seen “light” today? Was it a single ray of light or blinding light?
  • How have you allowed the Holy Spirit to direct your decisions today?
  • How important is peace in relationship with faith? What is the relationship?
  • Do you always seek advice or do you go alone? What is the value of advice?  How is it determined to be good or bad advice?
  • Can you tell if someone is being led by the Holy Spirit? How?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Dwell in us

ALL:  so we might have understanding

Leader:  Dwell in us

 ALL:  so we might have wisdom

Leader:  Dwell in us

 ALL:  so we might have right judgment

Leader:  Dwell in us

ALL:  so we might have courage

Leader:  Dwell in us

ALL:  so we might have knowledge

Leader:  Dwell in us

ALL:  so we might have reverence

Leader:  Dwell in us

ALL:  so we might be in awe of YOU and all you have created!


Challenge for the Week:   Today, we hear the word the debate and we give it a negative value because we equate it to the public political debates where the candidates spend too much time boosting up their good traits and pointing out their opponents negative qualities.  So often when people enter into a debate, they are closed off to another idea or opinion when the very definition of a debate is a formal discussion of different opinions.  This week, reflect on the relationships in your life…is there anyone with whom you are in conflict because of differing opinions.  Are you closed off to their opinion?  Do you believe you are right, beyond measure?  Consider if it is pride which keeps you from being open to another opinion and if it is, how would a little bit of humility change the situation?

Sunday, May 19th Readings

Fifth Sunday of Easter


Opening Prayer

Generous Lord,

There is no limit to your love!

You come to us and lead us to safety

when we encounter danger.

You embrace us and give us comfort

when we stumble and fall.

You open the gate and usher us through

even when we turn away.

May we learn from YOUR generosity

and be more generous in our own lives!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 14:21-27

  • Paul and Barnabas opened doors of faith to others; what doors do you open?
  • Who are the gentiles in the world today who need to hear God’s Word from you?

 Revelation 21:1-5a

  • Describe how God has made things new in your experiences? What specifically was done?
  • What does it mean that “God’s dwelling is with the human race”? How is this lived out in the world?

 John 13:31-33a, 34-35

  • How do you let God work through you? Do you believe you can work a miracle?
  • Where have you shared God’s love? Where have you received it?


General Questions for Journaling

  • How is faith expressed in your home? Is it the same or different than how you express your faith personally?
  • What traditions do you have in your family which flow from your faith?
  • Are there traditions you have in your family which you could tweak to add an element of faith?
  • How does your faith carry with you when you travel? Is it something you pack with you or do you leave it behind?
  • What are some of the things that make loving your neighbor so difficult? What stands in the way?  How can you work to break down the obstacle(s)?
  • Where do you see examples of God’s selfless love? How has it been modelled for you?
  • When was the last time you did something with expectation? Where do you share God’s selfless love?
  • Where can you inspire positive change? How much effort would it take?  Are there others who can help you?
  • How do you define the human race? What is human?  Why race?  Where is God in the definition?
  • Does God need to increase or decrease in your life? How does this happen?
  • Faith is like a bumper sticker on your soul…what does your bumper sticker say?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, may we proclaim your love

ALL:  to each person we meet!

Leader:  Lord, may we proclaim your patience

 ALL:  to each person we meet!

Leader:  Lord, may we proclaim your forgiveness

 ALL:  to each person we meet!

Leader:  Lord, may we proclaim your generosity

ALL:  to each person we meet!

Leader:  Lord, may we proclaim your acceptance

ALL:  to each person we meet!

Leader:  Lord, may we proclaim the Good News

ALL:  to each person we meet!


Challenge for the Week:   The warmer weather opens the door for us to get outside and enjoy creation…however our schedules often get busier during the springtime too.  There are family gatherings and celebrations (Easter, First Communion, Confirmation, Mother’s Day, Graduation) and a rash of other commitments which keep our minds and bodies from slowing down and remembering that God is God and we are not.  We can quickly get sucked up into a tornado of bitterness and resentment forgetting what a gift each of these activities bring.  Psalm 145 is the perfect reminder that we have laid dormant all winter (and through Lent), now is the time for us to step up our game, show God our appreciation!  Resist the temptation to fill each hour with activity and slow down to allow God to love you, be reminded of God’s goodness.  Imagine how a little bit of time with God to refresh your soul can change your attitude!  This week, spend time with Psalm 145, take it piece by piece, let it soak into you and allow the Words to become one with your flesh.  Then you will be ready to share God’s goodness with everyone you encounter!

Sunday, May 12th Readings

Fourth Sunday of Easter


Opening Prayer


Let us listen for your call…

and follow!

May we hear YOUR voice…


Seek us when we are lost.

Comfort us when we are weary.

Come to us, Good Shepherd

Lead us on!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 13:14, 43-52

  • Where do you go to “preach” the Word of God? How are you welcomed?
  • How do you bring “light” to others? Is it always welcome?  Has it ever been rejected?  Share the experience.

 Revelation 7:9, 14b-17

  • Describe how God satisfies hunger. Has God satisfied a hunger in your life?  Reflect on how this experience can help others.
  • Has God ever wiped away your tears? What was the circumstance?  How do you know it was God?

 John 10:27-30

  • What does God’s voice sound like? How is it different than other voices?
  • Is it easy to listen and follow God’s voice?


General Questions for Journaling

  • How do you act when you are faced with opposition? What do you think?  How do you feel?
  • When faced with conflict, what is a good way to handle it and what is a not so good way? Think of actual situations when you were dealing with conflict and identify your actions as good and not so good.
  • Are there some whom you reject because they have different views than you? Are you able to find common ground?  What keeps you from finding a compromise?
  • Is there someone you know who needs comforting? What can you do to give them what they need?
  • Where do you see justice in the world? What do you to support it?
  • What do you hunger for? For what do you thirst?  How do you search for satisfaction?
  • How is God leading you today? Have you stopped to listen for HIS voice?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, YOU are my Comforter  

ALL:  YOU pick me up when I am down.

Leader:  Lord, YOU are my safety

 ALL:  YOU protect me from harm.

Leader:  Lord, YOU are my strength

 ALL:  YOU fill me with what I need.

Leader:  Lord, YOU are my healer

ALL:  YOU mend me when I am broken.

Leader:  Lord, YOU are my companion

ALL:  YOU are with me when I am alone.

Leader:  Lord, YOU are my Shepherd

ALL:  YOU lead me to my eternal home.


Challenge for the Week:   What are the qualities of a good leader?  What do you value in a leader, teacher, guide?  Are these qualities universally good or are they only what you value?  Make a list of the qualities you value in a leader and consider if there is anything missing?  Do you have any of these qualities?  Why does having these qualities make someone a good leader?  What can we do to nurture some of the good qualities in our lives?  Are there people who look to you as a leader?  What do they see in you as good qualities to follow?

Sunday, May 5th Readings

Third Sunday of Easter


Opening Prayer

Savior God

We cry out Lord, Lord

and you answer our plea.

In our darkest hour

YOU come to us; YOU give us comfort

Because YOU know what it feels like to suffer.

May we sing YOUR praises forevermore

Our Lord, our Deliverer, our Redeemer!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41

  • Have you ever been confronted about a wrongdoing? What was the situation and how was it resolved?
  • How does it feel to be accused of something whether you did it or didn’t do it? Are the feelings similar or different?

 Revelation 5:11-14

  • Describe how the universe cries out to give God glory.
  • What can you do to show glory and give honor to God today?

John 21:1-19 or 21:1-14

  • Are you seeking Jesus? John recognized Jesus on the shore…where do you see Jesus today?  He is within reach!
  • Jesus cooks breakfast on the shore for His friends; how can you express your love to your family and friends without expectation?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Are there teachings in the church which you don’t talk about because you don’t understand them? What keeps you from learning about these things?
  • What is your favorite thing about your faith? How do you know it is your favorite?
  • Where do you feel most comfortable sharing your faith? With whom do you share it?  How can you stretch your reach a little this week?
  • When have you gone against the law? Why did you?  Did you get caught?  Were there consequences suffered?  Would you do it again?
  • Do you have a “pain plan” on how to deal with suffering or loss in your life? These experiences are inevitable, how can you prepare yourself to be able to get through the hard times?
  • How could you being prepared to deal with your pain help others?
  • What are you doing to keep Easter alive in your life right now?
  • Where is God calling you to care for others? How are you called to care for others?
  • Have you missed your call or are you already living it out and need to be renewed in your passion?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, you await me on the seashore

ALL:  to welcome me onto solid ground!

Leader:  Lord, you await me on the seashore

 ALL:  to give me a warm embrace!

Leader:  Lord, you await me on the seashore

 ALL:  to help satisfy my needs!

Leader:  Lord, you await me on the seashore

ALL:  to share with me our daily bread!

Leader:  Lord, you await me on the seashore

ALL: to remind me of my call!

Leader:  Lord, you await me on the seashore

ALL:  to restore my faith!


Challenge for the Week:   Each and every person suffers at one time or another, each of us also sacrifices something for another person, for their job or for their health.  It is also often the practice for us to point out how we have made a sacrifice for someone or something so others know we have given up time or money for the sake of another, generally this is in the form of a complaint.  Consider if Jesus took this same attitude we do when we suffer for the sake of another?  Perhaps instead of complaining we should sacrifice a bit more in order to spend more time with Jesus.  We never hear of Jesus complaining about His suffering or how sacrificing His life for us was a mistake.  We do however, know He asked God to remove the suffering but Jesus had to go through the pain; He had to give up how He wanted to spend His time in order for the resurrection to happen!  How might our lives be different if Jesus didn’t go through the pain of Good Friday in order to restore us all at Easter?