Sunday, June 30th Readings

13th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


May I lay my head down

each day knowing I’ve pleased you.

May I unpack my burdens

so I can rest in your presence.

Let me follow in your path

of goodness and mercy

Lead me Lord to do all I can today!


Journal/Reflection Questions

1 Kings 19:16b, 19-21

  • God tells Elijah to go to Elisha and to teach him. How does God urge you to go to others to teach them?
  • Elisha is ready to go and serve God, but what does he do first? What does this say about his character?

 Galatians 5:1, 13-18

  • What does Saint Paul mean that we were called to freedom? How?
  • What bites and devours you?
  • How do you differentiate “flesh” wants/needs and “spirit” wants/needs?

 Luke 9:51-62

  • When Jesus traveled, He didn’t know where He would sleep each night. Could you travel like this?  Why or why not?
  • Have you ever had to rely on the hospitality of another? What do you need to be able to do in order to be a good guest?  What qualities are needed to be a good host?  How do you rate in each category?
  • Jesus simply walked away when He and His disciples were not welcomed; the disciples wanted retribution. How does Jesus respond?  Is it an easy example to follow?  What can you do to help make it more simple like Jesus did?

General Questions for Journaling

  • God seeks us where we are to do His work; where has he found you lately? What is He asking you to do?
  • The prophets and apostles are often found out working when God calls. Make a list of the prophets whom God commissioned and what they were doing when He called.
  • Could you go away and leave behind your work, your family to do the work of God? Why or why not?  What conditions would you need in order to do so?
  • Have you been chosen to be a mentor to someone? Name the qualities they saw in you which caused them to choose you.
  • Do you have or have you ever had a mentor? What qualities drew you to them?  What did you learn from them?
  • Can you love fully? What allows you to do so?  What keeps you from doing so?
  • Are there people you have trouble showing love to? Why or why not?
  • Would you say you have too much, too little or just the right amount of “stuff”? What could you live without?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, YOU are my refuge,

ALL:  my security when I am going through a storm.

Leader:  Spirit, YOU are my counselor,

 ALL:  the one I go to when I’m facing a tough decision.

Leader:  Jesus, YOU are my savior,

ALL:  paving the road before me, I know I’m not alone.

Leader:  Father, YOU are my joy,

ALL:  I’m overwhelmed by all you’ve created for me to love.


Challenge for the Week:  Summer is a time for family and friends to gather together, to take a long weekend or even a week or two of vacation away from the “normal”.  Summer calls each of us to recognize what it is we value and to cherish it.  Reflect on how God is giving you time to spend with those you love; how are you spending it?  When you take time away from your “routine” do you have time to rest in God?  Summer is full of opportunity for each of us to touch God and share His love with others!

Sunday, June 23rd Readings

Body and Blood of Christ


Opening Prayer


You came to earth to walk with us

so we might know you better.

You taught us how to live our lives

by the commandments.

You showed us how to care for one another

by giving comfort and healing.

You gather us around the table

to share a meal but YOU share so much more.

May we forever seek to be in communion with YOU

by living our lives as YOU call us to live!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Genesis 14:18-20

  • How does this scripture still ring true today? Give an example.
  • Bread and wine: reflect on the qualities of these two things, how are they made, where to do they come from, are they hard to find, are they only reserved for specific people?

 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

  • What is the significance of giving the bread and wine separately? Are there specific values for each one individually?  What are they?
  • This ritual is done in remembrance of what? Write down what it means to you and what Jesus wants you to remember through this meal.

 Luke 9:11b-17

  • What is the importance of blessing the food?
  • Jesus again finds Himself working all day, giving of Himself to the crowds and then having to give even more. What can you learn from Jesus reaction and action in this scripture about giving?


General Questions for Journaling

  • How do you receive the gifts of bread and wine?
  • What do you to prepare to receive Jesus’ body and blood?
  • Can you ever have too much Jesus?
  • Explain in your own words what it means to you to receive Jesus’ body and blood.
  • Does taking communion on Sunday change you? Why or why not?
  • What does it feel like to be hungry? Thirsty?
  • How do you show gratitude for the gifts of Jesus’ body and blood?
  • When have you ever been asked to give more than what you had? How did you feel?  Were you able to satisfy the need or was more still needed?
  • What needs are in front of you yearning to be met? How long have they been there?  Do you believe they will be met on their own?
  • Who can you help this week to fulfill a need? Look around for a friend or family member who is seeking and lend a hand.


Closing Prayer

Leader:  You gather us together

ALL:  To share more than a meal

Leader:  You gather us together

 ALL:  To give of ourselves

Leader:  You gather us together

 ALL:  To receive nourishment

Leader:  You gather us together

ALL:  To find peace

Leader:  You gather us together

ALL:  To make a connection

 Leader:  You gather us together

 ALL:  To be in union with YOU!


Challenge for the Week:  As humans we ALL share some very basic needs…we need to eat and we need to drink.  If we do not eat or drink, we do not live.  Do you think it is a coincidence that Jesus then wants us to remember him in these two forms?  He is telling us to eat His body and drink His blood because without it, we cannot live.  Spend time reflecting on this truth and what it means not only to you but to all humankind.

Sunday, June 16th Readings

Most Holy Trinity


Opening Prayer

Creator of the Heavens

We cry out and you answer

You pick us up from the depths

and give us healing and strength

We reach out and you embrace us

You call us your beloved children

and allow us to call you Father

Let us sing your praise!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Proverbs 8:22-31

  • Where do you find delight? Is it a place?  Is it a hobby?  Is it a person?
  • How has God marked you as His own?

 Romans 5:1-5

  •  How does the Spirit work in you? How is it manifested?  Where does it reside?  Can you feel the presence of the Holy Spirit?
  • When did you last boast of God’s love? What words did you use/What words could you use?

 John 16:12-15

  • What is divine love? Define divine love.
  • How does the Holy Spirit speak to you? What does it have to say?


General Questions for Journaling

  • How do you carry God with you each day?
  • Does nature speak to you? What does it say?  What parts of nature speak to you?
  • Does God have a signature? If so, what does it look like?
  • How do you show gratitude for creation?
  • How do you show gratitude for the human race?
  • What do you value about the human race?
  • Name ways people disappoint. Name ways God disappoints.
  • How does a person know the Holy Spirit has been given to them?
  • Is there a time when you needed (wished for) more from God?
  • How does the phrase, God gives you only what you can handle apply? What about those times when you are overwhelmed?  How does the Gospel reading give insight to this phrase?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Father of all, we pray…

ALL:  for those who feel alone and abandoned.

Leader:  Creator, we pray…

 ALL:  for those looking for their purpose.

Leader:  Son of God, we pray…

 ALL:  for those who seek healing from illness or hurt.

Leader:  Lord of Lords, we pray…

ALL:  for those in need of mercy and forgiveness.

Leader:  Spirit of truth, we pray…

ALL:  for those who need direction.

 Leader:  Advocate, we pray…

 ALL:  for those who cannot stand up for themselves.

 Leader:  Holy Trinity, we pray…

ALL:  for your continued guidance and support.


Challenge for the Week:   Spend time outdoors this week.  Make plans to go to the zoo or a park and instead of rushing through to see all of the animals or to trying to fit in a little exercise, take the time to enjoy and appreciate what you see around you.  Sit down and take in the sights and sounds.  Consider what it would be like to be the squirrel digging in your planter box or the tiger pacing in the cage.  Watch the wind move the leaves in the tree or water lap upon the shore and reflect on what these things tell you; what does God say through the nature which surrounds us?  When you reflect on these things, it’s hard not to be in awe of the work God did for us and in wonder of how it all works together for a purpose.  Determine how you will show God appreciation for these gifts on a regular basis and not take them for granted.

Sunday, June 9th Readings



Opening Prayer

Come, Holy Spirit, come!

Renew our lives

Lead our actions

Guide our words

Show us the way, home!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 2:1-11

  • Do you understand all that you believe? How does it become clear to you?  Who makes it so?
  • How do you know the Spirit is here? What makes you know when the Holy Spirit is present and living and working?

 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Romans 8:8-17

  • How does the Spirit work to give you gifts? Can you develop new gifts?
  • What can you do to die to the flesh? Is there something you need to die to in order to live more deeply in the Spirit?

 John 20:19-23 or John 14:15-16, 23B-26

  • What does the Holy Spirit have to do with forgiveness of sins?
  • How does the Holy Spirit help you keep the commandments? Give examples.


General Questions for Journaling

  • Even though we speak the same language, we often don’t understand others? How can we listen more intently to what people say with their words?
  • Is it possible to speak without words? How good/clear is the communication?
  • What do we speak without words? What do we communicate to the world?
  • Where do you see the Holy Spirit teaching today?
  • What is the Holy Spirit guiding you do?
  • Where is the Holy Spirit leading you?
  • What is the Holy Spirit giving you strength to accomplish?
  • What wisdom, knowledge or understanding is the Holy Spirit giving you in order to teach others?
  • How does the Spirit manifest itself in your life?
  • Do you carry around “dead weight” which takes up space within you? How can you release it and fill the space with the Holy Spirit?
  • Imagine Jesus breathing the Holy Spirit into you…
  • Define advocate. How does this describe the Holy Spirit?


Closing Prayer (excerpts from Veni Sanctus Spiritus)

Leader:  Come, Holy Spirit, come!

ALL:  Shine within these hearts!

Leader:  Come, Holy Spirit, come!

 ALL:  Heal our wounds!

Leader:  Come, Holy Spirit, come!

 ALL:  Renew our strength!

Leader:  Come, Holy Spirit, come!

ALL:  Wash away the stains of guilt!

Leader:  Come, Holy Spirit, come!

ALL:  Guide the steps that go astray.

 ALL:  Come, Holy Spirit STAY!


Challenge for the Week:   Spend time connecting with the Holy Spirit this week and reflect on these questions:  How aware are you of the Holy Spirit in your life?  Rate yourself on a scale from 1-10.  Where do you see the benefits of the Holy Spirit in your life?  How does the Holy Spirit lead you and guide you?  What was the last decision you made with the counsel of the Holy Spirit?  When did you last turn away the Holy Spirit’s input and go your own way?  How do you give thanks and praise to the Holy Spirit?  Do you give the Holy Spirit recognition for the work He/She does in your life?  How do you teach others about the benefits of following the guidance of the Holy Spirit?  When did you last “rest in the Spirit”?  Make a point this week to find peace by resting in the Spirit…whatever that looks like for you.  If you don’t know, find out!