Sunday, February 2nd Readings

Presentation of the Lord

Opening Prayer

My God

There will be days when I cannot hear your voice

and days when I cannot feel you near

but never will the day come when I cannot see

your thumbprint on everything around me.

Mighty are your works oh Lord!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Malachi 3:1-4
  • What steps must be taken to purify silver? water? you?
  • How do you show reverence to God?  Share examples of words and actions.
Hebrews 2:14-18
  • Do you feel you are being tested?  What specifically is being tested?
  • Explain how Jesus overpowered death and what it means to you.
Luke 2:22-40
  • What is the purpose of Mary and Joseph taking Jesus to the temple?  Isn’t Jesus the son of God?  Explain.
  • What had been revealed to Simeon according to the scripture?

General Questions for Reflection

  • Are there messengers of God’s word today?  Who are they?
  • What are some things a person will sacrifice to follow God?
  • What value do you put on your relationship with God?  To what does it compare?
  • How have you shown mercy towards someone recently?
  • When did you last share your faith with someone new?
  • Do you fear death?  Why or why not?
  • What makes a person righteous?  What qualities do they posses?
  • How do you explain something you’ve never seen?  Is it possible?
  • Share a story from your childhood when you attended church.
  • Does the Holy Spirit speak through people today?  Share an example.
  • Has the Holy Spirit spoken through you?  How do you know?  What did it feel like?
  • Can you keep a secret?  What makes it difficult or easy to do so?

Closing Prayer

LEADER:  Faith is not meant to be easy

ALL:  Lord, be my strength when it gets hard.

LEADER:  Mercy is not something to withhold

ALL:  Lord, give me with words to build others up.

LEADER:  Grace is not earned by what I do

ALL:  Lord, thank you for your endless gift

LEADER:  Hope is not lost or dead

ALL:  Lord, teach me to see hope through your eyes.

LEADER:  Love is not just a feeling

ALL:  Lord, show me what love is and who is love!


CHALLENGE FOR THE WEEK:  Jesus went to the temple with his parents to be presented to the elders.  This was a ritual of Mary and Joseph’s families and of their faith.  What rituals of your faith OR you family do you value?  What is your favorite family tradition?  Are there rituals or traditions you have lost and would like to bring back?  Are there ones you are not so fond of but go along with because it’s tradition?  Make a point to ask your family members about their favorites and spend time learning more about one another and what each of you value.

Sunday, January 26th Readings

Third Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


Give me the vision to see what is ahead of me.

Allow me to rest in the unknown.

The road may be covered or blocked but

when I keep my gaze on you, I will get through!

I trust you, in my heart, let my mind surrender too!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 8:23-9:3

  • Describe in your own words the scripture passage, “the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light”.
  • How has God been a light in your life?  Have you experienced the light of God in another person?

1Corinthians 1:10-13,17

  • If you believe God created each person equally, what makes people want to make divisions among us?
  • Is wisdom something you consider a human condition?  Who do you know that your would you describe as wise?

Matthew 4:12-23

  • Jesus said, “repent”.  What does this mean?  Why do you think this is the first thing he says?
  • What are some things that can overshadow a person?  How can you get out of the fog when this happens to you?


General Questions for Reflection

  • How do you rejoice?  When did you last express this emotion?  Do you express it regularly or with scarcity?
  • Where do you see gloom?  What can you do to shine light to the situation?
  • What brings you abundant joy?  Make a list of at least 5 things.
  • Is abundant joy a burden?  Why or why not?
  • Does wisdom come with age or experience or both?
  • Who or what do you claim to be a member of?  (examples, human race, christian community, the smith family, etc)
  • Is there something you fear?  It is a fear related to a specific experience?
  • How do you feel called by God?  Was it a specific experience like for Peter and Andrew or was it something you always felt?
  • Who are people in your life whom you’d drop everything to follow?
  • What is your favorite way to celebrate?  Can you find something to celebrate today? Yesterday?  Everyday?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  God of great light

ALL:  shine on my path!

Leader:  God of great light

ALL:  guide my direction!

Leader:  God of great light

ALL: pick me up when I fall!

Leader:  God of great light

ALL:  celebrate with me!

Leader:  God of great light

ALL:  you are my salvation!


CHALLENGE FOR THE WEEK:  Spend time with God, listening.  Too often we jump into our prayer time and fill it with the task of prayer, reciting specific prayers or praying for specific people and requests.  This week, make a point to just sit and listen.  God has a “to do” list for you…allow him to speak it to you!

Sunday, January 19th Readings

Second Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

Lamb of God

You call us through our baptism

to be holy as you are holy.

Let your light shine from the heavens

down upon each of us.

We look to you to lead the way

and make our path clear.

You are the light of the world!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 49:3,5-6

  • How do you show others the glory of God?
  • The scripture says you were made glorious. Describe what if feels like to be glorious.  When was the last time you felt that way?

 Corinthians 1:1-3

  • Where do you see the “will of God” working today? Share a specific example of where the “will of God” is working in your life or in your community.
  • Define holiness. This is something you are or something you aspire to have?  How does this scripture change or affirm your definition?

 John 1:29-34

  • Jesus is the Lamb of God who came to take away sins. Are there sins which you are unable to allow God to take away?  Why?
  • What is your understanding of the difference between being baptized in water and being baptized with the Spirit?


General Questions for Journaling

  • What does it mean to you to serve?
  • How is a servant the same and different in the eyes of God vs. how the world sees a servant?
  • Reflecting on the past year, where did you experience the strength of God? Be specific.
  • Who is your life is a beacon of light? What does that person mean to you?  Have you shared how you feel?
  • Where do you see God’s grace the most right now?
  • Where do you think God’s grace is the most needed right now?
  • If Jesus came to the world today, what do you think would happen?
  • Share your baptism story.
  • How would you say your baptism changed you? Are there things you think you should change because you have been baptized?
  • Have you ever felt like the Spirit was upon you? When was it?  What were you doing?  How did it feel?  Were there witnesses?


Closing Prayer – Inspired by Psalm 40

Leader:  I am here Lord

ALL:   put a song on my lips!

Leader:  I am here Lord

 ALL:  my ears are open!

Leader:  I am here Lord

 ALL:  my heart is filled with delight!

Leader:  I am here Lord

ALL:  I shout your name to the heavens!


Challenge for the Week:  As a servant of God’s will we should show God obedience through our words and actions.  Spend time this week looking back on the past week to see how you have shown obedience to God.  Have you been supportive and kind to others?  Have you given compliments and helped others?  Have you spent time with God in prayer?  Has it been productive?  Identify some of the things you have done in the past week that you know are in line with the servant you want to be and also determine if there were times when your words and actions were not in line with the person you want to be (and God calls you to be)…make a plan to adjust this in the future.

Sunday, January 12th Readings

Baptism of the Lord


Opening Prayer

Holy Spirit,

Move us off well-worn paths.

Shatter our human expectations.

Heal our pain and hurt.

Mend our brokenness.

Cleanse our hearts.

Renew our faith.



Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7

  • Where do you see enlightenment in the world today? How can you make a difference?
  • What can Christians do to bring light into the dark places of the world?
  • Where do you see God’s salvation in the world?

Acts 10:34-38

  • What do you believe God’s plan for you? What supports your belief?
  • What do you believe is God’s plan for the entire world? Share examples of this plan coming to fruition.

 Matthew 3:13-17

  • Jesus is presented at baptism as, “God’s beloved Son”. Have you ever thought of yourself as God’s beloved child?  How might your attitude change if you lived your life knowing this to be true?
  • Meditate on how the Trinity is presented at Jesus’ baptism. How does this compare to your own baptism?


General Questions for Journaling

  • You have been filled with the Spirit at your baptism; God’s favor rests upon you. What can you do to thank God for this gift?
  • How does God show you His love for you?
  • Share a time when you felt God’s love in abundance. Where were you, who what with you?
  • What are things you can do to remember and celebrate your own baptism every day?
  • How can you live your life as if you ARE baptized instead of living as though you WERE baptized? Can you explain the difference?
  • When you are in the midst of goodness, can you like John the Baptist embrace it or does your humanness get in the way?
  • Meditate on a time when you were too wrapped up in your own agenda that you missed out on the goodness that was presented to you. What can you do differently so you can be more open to God’s presence?
  • John the Baptist pointed to Jesus through his works and actions. What do you do in your daily life to point to Jesus?
  • Does your life point others to Jesus or turn people away?
  • Do you have a do as I say and not as I do attitude?
  • What steps can you take to look at things in a more positive light (glass half full, instead of glass half empty).


Closing Prayer – Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Leader:  Come Holy Spirit,

ALL:  fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.

Leader:  Send forth Your Spirit,

 ALL:  and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.

Leader:  O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit,

 ALL:  did instruct the hearts of the faithful,

Leader:  grant by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations.

ALL:  Through Christ Our Lord.  Amen


Challenge for the Week:  When were you baptized?  Where was it?  How old were you?  Who was there?  Are there pictures capturing the event?  Did you wear something special?  Make a point to find out the exact date of your baptism and celebrate it in a special way this year.

Sunday, January 5th Readings

Epiphany of the Lord


Opening Prayer

Lord we pray,

That we may search diligently for YOU

Though sometimes we might get weary

Or maybe even lose our way…

Let us not forget the gift you are to us!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 60:1-6

  • Do you carry a dark cloud of darkness with you? Do you think you can hide it if you do?
  • The earth was once covered in darkness…would you still say darkness remains? How has light changed it?

 Ephesians 3:2-3A, 5-6

  • What does a steward do? How are you a steward of God’s grace?
  • How would you identify yourself as a co-partner with God? What does Saint Paul mean here?

 Matthew 2:1-12

  • How will you pay homage to Jesus this year? Do any of your resolutions help you deepen your relationship with him?
  • The scriptures over the past month have given us examples of how God speaks to his people through dreams…does this cause you to look at your dreams in a different way? Do you think God still speaks to his beloved people through dreams?  Why or why not?


General Questions for Journaling

  • How do you measure light and darkness?
  • Can darkness overcome the light? Share an example (of you or someone you know).
  • What is it about light which draws people to it?
  • Can a person be consumed by light? How does that look and feel?
  • How do your rely upon light in your life? Could you live without it?
  • God’s grace is given freely…do you give grace freely?
  • Is the faith you express a gift or curse to others? Explain and give examples of how faith can be both.
  • Is it harder to believe Jesus came to save ALL people or Jesus came to save YOU?
  • What do your dreams warn you against? Do you listen?
  • What makes you search for things? Do you seek God in the same way?
  • How far would you travel to see God?
  • What are you willing to sacrifice/give up in order to find God?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Let us be radiant

ALL:  like the morning sun!

Leader:  Let us shine

 ALL:  like the star in the night sky!

Leader:  Let us burst with light

 ALL:  like the light from a candle!

Leader:  Let us spread our light

ALL:  like a fire out of control!

Leader:  Let us bring light to others

ALL:  and outshine the darkness!

 Challenge for the Week:  Throughout Jesus’ life, he unwrapped the gift of himself and shared the gifts with others.  Jesus was a good son, obedient to God, a teacher, a healer and a welcomed companion and friend.  What gifts have you been born with but have not unwrapped?  Have you unwrapped gifts within you which you have not shared with others?  What keeps you from unwrapping the gifts and sharing them?  Spend time this week reflecting on your life and the gifts which you have been given and unwrapped.  Have you used the gifts to the benefit of God?  Have you kept the gifts to yourself or only shared them with a few people?  Are there still gifts left for you to unwrap?  How do you know when it is time to unwrap and share the gifts you have been given?  Light a candle in your home to help remind you to reflect on the gift Jesus is and the gift you are too!

Sunday, December 29th Readings

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph


Opening Prayer


You were born to a mother and father

who loved you and cared for you.

Your birth was celebrated by the

Shepherds and Wise Men.

May we share our gratitude for our parents

and those who celebrate our birth.

Thank you Jesus for teaching us

about the importance of family!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14

  • What does this scripture tell us about family and how God wants us to treat one another?
  • According to scripture, what makes a family strong? Name the riches that a family stores up.

Colossians 3:12-21 or 3:12-17

  • On a scale from 1-10, how would you rate yourself as being compassionate, kind, humble, gentle and patient with your family?
  • What is the biggest challenge (for you) that this scripture encourages?

Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23

  •  Share a time when you felt God protected you from a bad decision or something negative in your life.
  • Joseph and Mary had to go to great lengths to protect Jesus.  Name some of the sacrifices you have had to make as a parent for your child…consider the sacrifices your parents made on your behalf too.


General Questions for Journaling

  • How are families structured differently today than at the time when Jesus was born? Are there also similarities?
  • Morals and values are passed onto children from their parents, what are some of the morals and values you pass onto your children?
  • What morals and values did your parents pass onto you?
  • How does your family count “riches”? Are your beliefs in line with your words and actions?
  • Do you allow Jesus to guide your decisions? Share an example of when you did this recently.
  • Describe your relationship with your siblings, parents, grandparents. How are they different?  How are they the same?
  • What sets your relationship with your family apart from your other relationships?
  • Why do you think people say you tend to hurt those you are closer to more than others? How do these scriptures help you form an answer?
  • What does family mean to you? Write a poem or draw a picture to express the emotions/feelings.
  • Families tend to get together for weddings and funerals…what are other ways families can gather to celebrate? Share some ways you can make these occasions extra special.


Closing Prayer

Leader:  When I wake up each morning…

ALL:  let me walk in your ways!

Leader:  As I provide for myself and my family…

 ALL:  let me walk in your ways!

Leader:  When I discern decisions…

 ALL:  let me walk in your ways!

Leader:  As I live out each day…

ALL:  let me walk in your ways!

Leader:  Lord, guide me

ALL:  as I walk in your ways!

 Challenge for the Week:  I love an acronym!  Have you seen this one?  F.A.M.I.L.Y.?  It’s not as popular as the W.W.J.D but to me, it is just as important when I make choices in my life.  This week, spend time thinking about this acronym and how you already live it out in your life and maybe set a plan to be more intentional about it.  (F)orget (A)bout (M)e (I) (L)ove (Y)ou!


One of the things that people struggle with, as a child and as an adult is a sense of belonging.  God gives us family to love and care for us, to teach us right and wrong and the ways of the world.  Sometimes as parents, we can lose focus and get wrapped up in our own things.  When this happens, our children can become victims.  The scriptures remind us about the importance of family…make a point to let your children/parents know that they are loved and seen.  Go out of your way to show your child/parent that you love them and that you know them.  Each of us are born with a desire and need to belong and God gives us one another to satisfy that need…we just don’t always do the best job of expressing our love and gratitude for one another.