Sunday, March 29th Readings

Fifth Sunday of Lent


Opening Prayer


Let me die so I might live

Let me let go of my needs

and let you give me what I need.

Let me give up the things I want

so you can show me more than I image.

Let me live in you

so I will die with you!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Ezekiel 37:12-14

  • God promises the Israelite’s He will bring them out of darkness, when has God fulfilled this promise to you?
  • Where is the Holy Spirit working in your life? Do you see it daily or just occasionally?

 Romans 8:8-11

  • Share an example of when you called out to God. How did He answer?
  • What tells you that you belong to Christ? How do you know?
  • Is there a temptation of the flesh of which you struggle? Write a prayer to pray when you are faced with the temptation.

 John 11:1-45

  • How can you relate to Jesus in this scripture? What experience(s) has/have caused you to be able to relate?
  • The phrase, “Jesus wept” occurs only twice in the Bible. Do you think these were the only times Jesus cried?  What do you believe brought Jesus to tears?  What do you believe brings Jesus to tears today?


General Questions for Journaling

  • What areas in your life are “asleep”? Do they need be awaken?
  • Are there things in your life that have been brought back to life this Lenten season?
  • Are there people who have died whom you still talk to? What are these conversations like?
  • What is the value of speaking to those who have passed?
  • Death is a part of life, so why is it so difficult for us to accept? What can we take from the readings this week to help us deal and cope with the death we deal with in our lives?
  • What does it feel like to have God settle in your soul?
  • What do you believe the Holy Spirit does?
  • Can you or have you called on the Holy Spirit to help you? Explain.
  • How do others know God’s Spirit is within you?
  • What sin keeps you from a complete relationship with God?
  • If Christ dwells in you, where does He dwell? How do you know?
  • Where you see righteousness today?
  • What do you believe happens to those who die here on earth?
  • Have you ever walked into a situation where you knew people were against you? What was the situation?
  • Is there a situation in your life that happened in the past which needs your attention? What can you do to help mend a past hurt?
  • How can looking at the situation with a different perspective help you now?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, uncover my ears so I can hear…

ALL:  Awaken me, bring me to life!

Leader:  Lord, unveil my eyes so I can see…

 ALL:  Awaken me, bring me to life!

Leader:  Lord, unbind my hands so I can touch…

 ALL:  Awaken me, bring me to life!

Leader:  Lord, unfasten my feet so I can go…

ALL:  Awaken me, bring me to life!

Leader:  Lord, soften my heart so I can love…

ALL:  Awaken me, bring me to life!

Leader:  Lord, ignite my soul so I can believe…

ALL:  Awaken me, bring me to life!


Challenge for the Week:  Scripture tells us, Lazarus was Jesus’ best friend.  Throughout our lives, we have friends come in and out of our lives.  Take some time this week to think about the friendships you have and have had over the years.  Are there friendships we’d like to “resurrect”?  Do we have friendships which require some healing?  Do we have friends who lead us into temptation and away from God?  Identify the friends who fill you with the Holy Spirit and help lead you to live in God’s glory.  Make a point to connect with these friends on a more regular basis.

Sunday, March 22nd Readings

Fourth Sunday of Lent


Opening Prayer


Help me to remember,

my life will be muddy at times

and I will not be able to see.

Let me turn to you,

so you can wash me clean

and I can live like you live!


Journal/Reflection Questions

1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a

  • David was working in the field when God called upon him; where were you when you first felt God call you?
  • Have you ever questioned how God handled something? What can we learn from Samuel’s doubt of God choosing David to be King about our own doubt?

 Ephesians 5:8-14

  • Share an example of how being rooted in Christ produces “good fruit”.
  • Share an example of how being disconnected from Christ causes darkness.
  • Do you see Christ’s light in the world today?

 John 9:1-41

  • The Blind Man is thrown out of the synagogue for defending Jesus, have you ever been thrown out because of your belief? What caused this division?  How did you react?  Was it resolved?
  • Reflect on how Jesus used clay to cover the Blind Man’s eyes to heal them. What in your life has Jesus covered with clay or mud in order for you to transform?


General Questions for Journaling

  • How do you feel anointed by God this Lent?
  • Compare how it feels to be chosen by a person verses how it feels to be chosen by God.
  • Consider the next big decision you need to make. Try to think of the situation through God’s eyes.  What would Jesus do?  Is there a story in the Bible which can help you see how God sees the situation?
  • Can you decline a call from God?
  • What are characteristics of a person who has a good heart?
  • What is the difference between the way people see others and the way God sees others?
  • What is the difference between the way people see situations and the way God sees situations?
  • What are you trying to “die to” this Lent? What “light” comes from you letting go?
  • Are you hiding anything in the dark which needs to be brought to light in a relationship?
  • Share an example of how God’s light shines on you today.
  • Are there sins you carry around that hold you back?
  • Are there sins you carry around that are not yours?
  • Describe how you feel when you are washed clean from sin.


Closing Prayer

Leader: May I see what you see

ALL:  when you see a newborn baby.

Leader:  May I see what you see

 ALL:  when you see a hungry child.

Leader:  May I see what you see

 ALL:  when you see flower in bloom.

Leader:  May I see what you see

ALL:  when you see a woman on welfare.

Leader:  May I see what you see

ALL:  when you watch the sunset.

Leader:  May I see what you see

ALL:  when you see me.


Challenge for the Week:  In the Gospel we hear the story of a man born blind.  Take time this week to think about the life of this man.  Prior to meeting Jesus, what do you think a typical day looked like for him?  When he met Jesus, he listened to Jesus and followed what Jesus told him to do.  Then the people in the village saw that the blind man had changed and the blind man told everyone about Jesus.  He even stood strong in his belief when faced with opposition from the Pharisees who criticized Jesus and doubted the blind man, trying to discredit his character publicly.  After being ridiculed and pushed aside, Jesus came to give comfort.  What lessons can you learn from the blind man?  Is there a particular area in which you have trouble…meeting Jesus, listening to Jesus, following Jesus, telling others about Jesus, standing up for Jesus, allowing Jesus to comfort you?  Let the blind man’s story give you strength, guidance and wisdom as you continue your journey through Lent.

Sunday, March 15th Readings

Third Sunday of Lent


Opening Prayer


You put a thirst in us that only You can quench.

You lead us through rocky and desert places

to a wellspring with the water of life.

May the Word we read today satisfy our desire

and fill us with Your Spirit so we may overflow!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Exodus 17:3-7

  • Can you relate to this feeling of thirst? Have you ever been “dying of thirst”?  How does this translate into ones spiritual life?
  • Why was Moses afraid? When have you felt like Moses?  Where was God?  How did God help you?

 Romans 5:1-2, 5-8

  • An agreement made between two people requires each side to give something. God gave us His Son, Jesus gave us His life and the Holy Spirit gave us the Bible.  What are you being called to give?
  • Could you give up your life for another person? Anyone or just specific people?  How does this differ from giving up your life for God?  Or giving your life to God?

John 4:5-42

  • What does Jesus ask for and then offer in return? Imagine Jesus asking you the same thing.  How might you respond, how have you already responded?  What has He asked for in return, what do you give?
  • Have you ever, like the disciples, wondered what God was doing?
  • Define “living water”.


General Questions for Journaling

  • Have you ever grumbled at God? Have you ever grumbled against God?
  • What causes you to grumble to other people?
  • Have you ever felt like everyone was against you? What did you do?
  • How do you hold your ground when you are against opposition? What keeps you strong?  How does it feel to be in opposition of another person?
  • It is said that “faith makes you stronger”; explain how this is true or not true.
  • How do you boast about your faith? Give a specific example.
  • Have you ever been disappointed by love?
  • Are there things about you that you wish God didn’t know? How does your behavior/attitude change, knowing God knows all of your secrets?
  • In what way does your faith “fill” you? Describe the feeling.  Does faith fill you once and for all or do you lose the fullness you feel?  How do you re-fill?
  • Do you thirst for things in your life? Take time to be honest with yourself and reflect on things you thirst for each day.  Are these things life giving or do they drain life from you?
  • What do you think the woman at the well was feeling when Jesus told her all of the things of her past. How would it make you feel if a stranger did the same to you?  How does it feel to know Jesus does know your past?
  • Put yourself in the Gospel story as one of the villagers. How would you react when the woman came back to share what had just happened at the well?  Would you believe her?  Would the encounter change how you felt about her?
  • How does the story of the woman at the well, help give you encouragement to continue to work on your Lenten sacrifices?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Make me a well-spring…

ALL:  of your peace!

Leader:  Make me a well-spring…

 ALL:  of your comfort!

Leader:  Make me a well-spring…

 ALL:  of your joy!

Leader:  Make me a well-spring…

ALL:  of your compassion!

Leader:  Make me a well-spring…

ALL:  of your goodness!

Leader:  Make me a well-spring…

ALL:  of your love!


Challenge for the Week:  Consider all of the ways we use water every day.  It is one of life’s necessities.  As Americans, we often take for granted how much we use water.  We use water when we flush the toilet, take a shower, brush our teeth all just to get “ready” in the morning.  Water is needed to brew coffee or tea and to prepare or cook our food.  If you have ever had to turn off the water to your house or gone camping in a primitive spot then you might begin to be able to understand what was like for the Israelite’s.  Despite all of our advances, there are still people in the world who live without clean water to drink, cook or wash.  It is also important to drink plenty of water for our bodies to run better because water for our bodies is like oil for our car.  The challenge this week is to be more aware of the water we use and why we use it.  Say a prayer of thanksgiving each time you use water, pray for those who don’t have clean water, ask God to help you trust in him to provide for you just like you rely on the water to come out of your faucet.  Also try to drink the recommended amount of water and pray each time you go to fill up your cup.  At first, drinking so much water will cause extra trips to the bathroom to use more water, but then our bodies adjust; but the extra water equates to more time spent in prayer and perhaps we will adjust to having Christ with us more often too!

Sunday, March 8th Readings

Second Sunday of Lent


Opening Prayer

Generous Lord

Let me remember

that each day is a blessing

And within each day

there are thousands of blessings

It’s a blessing when the sun shines

and also a blessing when it rains

Teach me to be grateful and recognize

for all of the blessings you give me.


Journal/Reflection Questions

Genesis 12:1-4a

  • How are you being sent out this Lenten season? What mission do you have to be a witness of your faith?
  • Abram has such an intimate relationship with God, how does your relationship with God compare?

 2Timothy 1:8b-10

  • Identify the “hardships” of the Gospel. What are some of the things God asks us to do which we find difficult?
  • What joy comes from Jesus dying on the cross? Put it into words so you are reminded of how the light overcomes the darkness.

 Matthew 17:1-9

  • When have you been to a place where you were completely at peace? Did you want to set up a tent and stay forever?
  • How does this scripture relate to a situation in your life? Are you standing still in a decision and need to get off the mountain?  Are you blinded by injustice or indifference and unable to move?


General Questions for Journaling

  • What do you wish for in your life? What do you wish for the life of your children?  Your parents?  Your friends?  How are your wishes for them the same?  How are they different?
  • What good does wishing do?
  • How do you take God with you when you travel? Do you have a specific ritual?  A special prayer?
  • Where has God been on your Lenten journey so far? Is He within reach or still far away?
  • Describe what it feels like to be blessed by God? By others?
  • Share your memories of being physically blessed (through sacrament or prayer).
  • How have your words or actions shown God and others that you trust and follow in God’s ways? Share a specific example from the past week.
  • When have you experienced grace this week? Did you receive it directly from God or through another person?
  • Have you leaned on God for strength this week? For what reason?  Did you receive it?
  • How has Jesus touched your life today?
  • Are you open to allowing Jesus to use you to touch the life of another?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, come journey with me

ALL:  on the path before me;

Leader:  come journey with me

 ALL:  when the road gets rocky and steep;

Leader:  come journey with me

 ALL:  through fields of wildflowers;

Leader:  come journey with me

ALL:  across rivers, streams and oceans;

Leader:  come journey with me

ALL:  into the mud and muck;

Leader:  come journey with me

ALL:  to places indescribable;

Leader:  come journey with me

ALL:  and show me your amazing love!


Challenge for the Week:  The Gospel this week reminds me that God’s timing is perfect.  If we are given what we want at the exact time we want it, we are not prepared (physically, emotionally or spiritually) to receive it nor are we mature enough to understand it.  It is similar to when a couple finds out they are pregnant.  If the baby showed up at the moment of conception, they would not be prepared for that child.  They wouldn’t have the physical things a baby needs and even if they had been praying for a child, they wouldn’t be completely prepared to care for the child.  God gives us the time necessary for us to prepare for the blessings he has in store for us.  This Lenten season, God has blessings beyond measure in store for you, however, there are hardships we must encounter along the way, sacrifices made and we might even have to get a little uncomfortable (imagine being comfortable when you are 8 months pregnant).  This week instead of whining or complaining about a sacrifice are forced to make or something that didn’t go your way, remember that it is a blessing (not in disguise but a true blessing) and trust God will deliver when you are ready.