Sunday, May 31st Readings

Pentecost Sunday


Opening Prayer

O Blessed Spirit,

When I feel alone, you are my comfort.

When I am surrounded by darkness, you bring light.

When I feel weak, you are my strength.

You are my guide on the path, which leads to heaven.

Breathe in me, fill my heart, and dwell in my soul, FOREVER!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 2:1-11

  • Imagine you are there at Pentecost…what do you see, feel, smell, hear and say?
  • What is changed about the apostles after they are visited in the upper room? What can we take from this experience? Imagine yourself there…how does it change your perspective?

1Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13

  • Explain the difference of being baptized in the Spirit and being baptized in water. What lesson can you learn about differences from this scripture?
  • Each person is given a different gift of the Holy Spirit. Can you identify the gift(s) you have been given? How are you using the gifts you’ve been given?

 John 20:19-23

  • In the Old Testament, God “breathed” His breath into Adam. What significance does this word have here in this reading? What is the correlation between the two scriptures?
  • When Jesus returned to the disciples, his first words were “peace be with you”. One cannot find peace within without the help of the Holy Spirit. Seek the Spirit and you will find peace. What do the disciples do to begin their journey of finding peace? How are they an example to us on how to live with the Holy Spirit?


General Questions for Journaling

  • What can you do to build a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit? What action steps are needed for you to let the Spirit into your life and help you be filled?
  • What excuses do you make to keep the Holy Spirit from entering into your being? What obstacles stand in your way of a meaningful relationship with the Holy Spirit?
  • What qualities of the Holy Spirit do you possess? What qualities of the Holy Spirit would you like to fill you?
  • In Galatians 5, St Paul tells us what it means to “live in the Spirit”, what can you do to cultivate these qualities in your life?
  • Do you believe in miracles? Why or why not?
  • Do think at Pentecost, they understood each other literally? Explain.
  • What can you do to understand others better? How can the gifts of the Holy Spirit help?
  • Are there people in your life whom are different and you appreciate their differences? How has the Spirit caused you to act differently?
  • Are there people in your life whom are different and you are frustrated by their differences? How can the Spirit encourage you to act differently?
  • What gift(s) do you hold back? What can you do to share your gifts more abundantly?
  • Is peace easily found? Why or why not?
  • Define a “peacemaker”. What qualities do you have? Where do you share God’s peace?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Come Holy Spirit,

 ALL:  shine in our lives!

Leader:  Come Spirit of Truth,

ALL:  teach us the way!

Leader:  Come Advocate,

 ALL:  give us strength!

Leader:  Come Paraclete,

ALL:  bring us comfort!

Leader:  Come Presence of God,

ALL:  renew our faith!

Leader:  Come Holy Spirit,

ALL:  fill us joy everlasting!


Challenge for the Week:  The second reading from Saint Paul to the Corinthians is a call for us to see past the differences we too often use to divide us.  Saint Paul is reminding us that though may look different or have different abilities we are all baptized by the same God.  It would be an uninteresting life if everyone had the same abilities; it would be like a world of Storm-Troopers or Minions. Now sometimes, you might be jealous of one person’s gifts and wish you could do things the way they do but consider this…God will judge upon how you use the gift(s) you were given, not on the gift(s) you wish you had.  All gifts are equal in the eyes of God.  Let go of any jealousy you might cling to because someone else has a gift you would like to possess and give thanks for their gifts too!

Sunday, May 24th Readings

Ascension Sunday


Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father,

When we look to the sky,

we are limited to what we see.

We can only imagine what is beyond.

Guide us in your Word,

so we have the faith to believe

and in what we cannot see.


Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 1:1-11

  • What lesson has Jesus taught you that you would identify as the most important lesson?
  • The disciples are looking intently to the sky, then are asked why they are standing there looking to the sky. What should they be doing instead?  Identify one way you can do this also.

 Ephesians 1:17-23

  • Jesus leaves the Holy Spirit, HIS SPIRIT with us when he ascends into heaven. How does this fact affect your faith, your understanding of heaven and/or your understanding of death/dying?
  • Where does hope come from? What is your definition of hope?

 Matthew 28:16-20

  • Do you see, feel or hear this reading calling to you? What is God calling you to do?  Is it the same or different than what he calls the disciples to?
  • How do you identify your call? Is it something you hear in the scripture or something you feel in your heart?  How do you know it is God’s call and not your own desire driving your towards your goal or passion?
  • What can you “GO” and do for Christ this week?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Have you ever received something back which you thought was lost? What did it feel like?  How would it feel to have it taken away again?  What can you learn from the disciples about this experience?
  • How can you bring comfort to someone who has lost a job, has recently experienced the death of a loved one or has lost their sense of hope?
  • What makes saying good-bye so difficult? What are some rituals you have or that you know of that could make saying good-bye a little easier?
  • What are some ways you can honor the memory of a loved one?
  • What is the importance of prayer and community in these times?
  • Identify how you feel the Holy Spirit in your life right now.
  • Are those you turn to for guidance and understanding filled with the Holy Spirit? Is it important for them to be?  Why or why not?
  • Is it possible to avoid suffering? Why or why not?  What might be some consequences of avoiding suffering?
  • Where do you go to get “full” spiritually? What are some ways you accomplish this?
  • Do you believe it possible to live in the “fullness of Christ” all of the time?
  • What does it mean to you that Jesus says he is with you always?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, I hear you call me,

ALL:  when I listen with my heart.

Leader:  Lord, I open myself to you,

ALL:  when I feel with my heart.

Leader:  Lord, I gain understanding from your Word,

ALL:  when I study with my heart.

Leader:  Lord, I comfort others and am comforted,

ALL:  when I embrace with my heart.

Leader:  Lord, I spread the Good News,

ALL:  when I love with my heart.

Leader:  Lord, I turn my eyes to heaven,

ALL:  when I believe with my heart.


Challenge for the Week:  Throughout the Easter Season, we have the privilege of seeing Jesus open up to us the mission of every baptized person.  We consistently hear about how the Holy Spirit will remain.  The Holy Spirit is also often referred to as our Advocate, which means the Holy Spirit is on our team, ready to support us with whatever it is we need.  Spend time this week reflecting on the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Knowledge, Understanding, Right Judgment, Reverence, Courage, Wisdom, Wonder and Awe) and identify ways these gifts have shown up for you in your life over the past 6-12 months.  These examples from your life of when the Holy Spirit was present are the stories you are to share with others to give them the hope of the resurrection!


Spend time this week looking back on when Lent began twelve weeks ago with Ash Wednesday.  Since then we have walked with Jesus through several experiences.  We have been there when he fought off the devil, raised Lazarus from the dead, washed the Disciples feet, was arrested, and crucified.  That was all just before Easter when he escaped death and came back for an encore to share with the Disciples that he will always be there with them until the end of time.  What has been revealed to YOU through this journey?  How has walking through Jesus’ last days, his suffering, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension brought you understanding or comfort?  What has been revealed to you through these experiences?

Sunday, May 17th Readings

Sixth Sunday of Easter


Opening Prayer

Praise and honor to YOU!

You understand what it feels like to be lonely;

so you promise to never leave us alone!

You bring us strength, knowledge and courage;

so we can fight temptation and self-doubt!

You leave with us and advocate and protector;

who is full of gifts we need to fulfill our mission!

We are made whole through the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 8:5-8,14-17

  • What do you think drew people to come and listen to Phillip?
  • Meditate on a time when you were “filled with great joy”. What were the circumstances? How can you duplicate joyful moments in your life on a daily basis?

 1Peter 3:15-18

  • What do these words from Peter stir up within you? What is he pleading with you to do?
  • Jesus suffered death for you so you might not have to suffer. How can you let go of the suffering in your life and live in the joy of Jesus died for?

 John 14:15-21

  • Do you believe that following the commandments shows your love for God? Are there commandments that are easier to keep? Which ones? Which are the ones that are more difficult to keep? Share.
  • How is the example of love shown in the Gospel reading evident in your daily life?
  • Is there an example from your life where you have needed an “advocate”? Have you sought counsel, understanding, knowledge, wisdom, right judgment, wonder & awe and piety of the Holy Spirit? Explain.


General Questions for Journaling

  • How does God catch your attention?
  • What topics of conversation get your full attention? (Watch your body language when something of interest comes up, you sit up and lean in)
  • Share an example of how you live out your baptism and share the joy of Christ with others?
  • Where do you go to learn more about your faith? How do you learn more about God?
  • What does the Holy Trinity mean to you?
  • What inspires you? Be Specific. What do you hope for? Share. Who inspires you? How?
  • How do you put sin to death? What do you need in order for this to happen?
  • Share an example of a time when it was better for you to “suffer for doing good, that for doing evil”. What was the situation and what was the outcome?
  • Share an example of an “everyday miracle” in your life.
  • Where is there evidence of the presence of God in your life right now?
  • What evidence do you see of the Holy Spirit in your life and in the world?
  • Would you say you seek the Holy Spirit or that the Holy Spirit comes in search of you? Explain.
  • When you see Jesus, you see the Father. When you love Jesus, you love the Father. How do others see the Father’s love when they see you? What ways of Jesus do you need to work on so others see the Father more clearly when they see you? (What words and/or actions do you think might need to change?)


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Father…

ALL:  I love you for the breath you give me.

Leader:  Jesus…

ALL:  I love you for the example you give me.

Leader:  Spirit…

ALL:  I love you for the guidance you give me.

Leader:  Father…

ALL:  in your creation, I see your love for me.

Leader:  Jesus…

ALL:  in your sacrifice, I see your love for me.

Leader:  Spirit…

ALL:  in your presence, I see your love for me.


Challenge for the Week:  How do you explain the Holy Spirit in relation to your life?  How does the Holy Spirit fin in?  How have you accepted the Holy Spirit into your life?  Take time this week to identify moments, or THE moment when you consciously accepted the Holy Spirit into your life.  Where were you?  Who was there?  Was it influenced by a person or an experience?  How have you continued to carry the Holy Spirit with you?  Share an example of the Holy Spirit at work in your life either in the past or right now.  How do you show gratitude to the Holy Spirit for this work?  Write your own prayer to the Holy Spirit to give thanks and praise for the gifts and presence in your life!

Sunday, May 10th Readings

Fifth Sunday of Easter


Opening Prayer


Open the scripture to me

so I may not neglect to see

the good God created.

Bring to life in me

the spirit of compassion and mercy

to continue the work you began.



Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 6:1-7

  • Saint Peter tells the disciples to devote themselves to prayer; what is the purpose of this? What could happen if you devoted yourself to prayer?
  • What do you think the definition of “reputable men” is at the time the scripture was written? How does the definition change to be relevant in today’s society?

 1Peter 2:4-9

  • Scripture says a stone will make you stumble and a rock will make you fall. Share an example of a stone or a rock in the world today or in your own life.
  • How does this scripture passage help you feel “chosen and precious”? Be specific.

 John 14:1-12

  • What do you think Philip was thinking when Jesus said, “I am in the Father and the Father is in me”? They mystery of the Trinity was not known to the disciples at this time.  How could Philip make sense of what Jesus was telling them?
  • How does God, Jesus, Holy Spirit dwell in you? Give a specific example of each.


General Questions for Journaling

  • Are there people in the world/your community who are being neglected? Identify something specific you can do to help bring attention to them.
  • Would you say you are obedient to the faith? Describe how a person is obedient to the faith.
  • What do you do to grow faith within yourself? Within others?
  • Do feel like God is listening to your prayer? Are you telling God what you want or are you allowing God into the conversation?  What is the difference?
  • Would you say your relationship with God is the cornerstone of your life? Why or why not?
  • How do you rely on your faith community to build you up? Share a specific example of a time when this happened.
  • Where do you feel the most valued? When do you feel valued?  Who gives  you value?  What makes you feel valued?
  • How is God’s love shown to you through this week’s scriptures? What specific words or phrases define God’s love to you?
  • According to your answer to the previous question, where to you see God’s love played out in the world/your community/your life right now?
  • Are there sacrifices you have made in your life which you regret? What can you do to let go of these feelings of resentment so you can live more fully?
  • What sacrifices have been made on your behalf so you can live more fully? Have you expressed gratitude for these sacrifices?
  • Where do you find hope in the scripture passages this week?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Jesus, you are the WORD…

ALL:  give me the words to speak of your LOVE!

Leader:  Jesus, you are the STONE…

ALL:  give me the spirit to bring others FAITH!

Leader:  Jesus, you are the WAY…

ALL:  give me the direction to stay on the PATH!

Leader:  Jesus, you are the TRUTH…

ALL:  give me the obedience to find JUSTICE!

Leader:  Jesus, you are the LIFE…

ALL:  give me the compassion to do your WORKS!

Leader:  Jesus, you are the LORD…

ALL:  give me the fulfillment of eternal LIFE!


Challenge for the Week:  In the Second Reading, Saint Peter proclaims we are a “chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.”  What is it he is trying to tell us?  Are these words supposed to be explanatory or defining?  In the Catholic Church, these specific words are a part of the ritual prayers prayed at Baptism.  Each person, whether they come to the sacrament as an infant or an adult, have these words prayed over them by the Priest during the ritual of Baptism. This means if you received your Baptism in the Catholic Church, you were brought into the faith committing to be priest, prophet and king.  What does this mean?  This means that as Baptized Christians there is an obligation to live out our baptism, believing it is something we are and not something that we experienced one time.  We are to live as though we were chosen and live with a purpose.  We are a part of a royal priesthood, created and chosen by God to make the world, the community, our family more holy.  This is your mission…have you accepted it?