Sunday, June 28th Readings

13th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


Through your death, you gave me life;

I am blessed in each new day.

You are steadfast in love and grace;

at times I feel unworthy.

I am in awe of all the gifts before me;

teach me, guide me, use me.

I am indebted to you and rejoice in it!


Journal/Reflection Questions

2Kings 4:8-11,14-16a

  • Does this example of hospitality inspire you? In what way?
  • Is there expectation from Elisha or the woman for something in return? Should there be?  Why or why not?
  • This scripture shows an example of someone seeing a need and fulfilling it. Is there a need you see which you can fill to bring comfort or offer aid to another person?

 Romans 6:3-4,8-11

  • How does this scripture impact your understanding/belief of life and death?
  • What does it mean to be born in Christ through Baptism?
  • What does it mean to be born in to Christ’s death?

 Matthew 10:37-42

  • What specifically about this scripture is troublesome for you to achieve? What makes it difficult?  Be specific.
  • Do you know what cross you bear? How can knowing and accepting the struggles and obstacles you face help you to overcome them?
  • How does this scripture tie back into the first reading?
  • What message is God giving you through the scripture?


General Questions for Journaling

  • God shows up for you; how have you shown up for God?
  • Are there people whom pray for you? How does it make you feel?  Do you acknowledge their prayers?
  • Whom do you pray for and have you seen evidence of your prayers for them? Share an example of the good that has come from your prayers for others.
  • Identify an act of kindness. Have you ever expressed one?
  • Have you ever received an act of kindness?
  • Share an example of how you died to a sinful behavior.
  • Are there people, places or things that draw you into sinful behavior?
  • Do you monitor these relationships? Are they relationships which could harm you?
  • What helps you shed sin from your life? Is there a specific practice or person?
  • How are you a blessing?
  • What does it mean to be a righteous person? Do you know any?
  • How is being righteous different than being conceded?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  You are in my heart,

ALL:  may my heart be holy.

Leader:  You are in my thoughts,

 ALL:  may my thoughts be holy.

Leader:  You are in my prayers,

ALL:  may my prayers be holy.

Leader:  You are in my deeds,

ALL:  may my deeds be holy.

Leader:  You are in my home,

ALL:  may my home be holy.

Leader:  You are in my soul,

ALL:  may my soul be holy.


Challenge for the Week:  The first reading shares the importance of hospitality.  These recent days of shelter in place restrictions have certainly put limitations upon how we show hospitality to others but we still can.  The meaning of hospitality is to welcome someone generously.  This doesn’t have to be done within close proximity.  To welcome someone generously can be done in a conversation over the phone.  The scripture shows how someone paid attention to a routine and sought to find a solution to make Elisha’s routine more comfortable and accommodating.  The Woman wanted to let Elisha know he was welcome.  God’s intention is for us to reach out to others to help make them feel loved, cared for and welcomed.  Through this example in scripture, and others, God is giving us examples of how we should live.  I think God loves it so much when we reach out and show hospitality to others which is why when we do, we feel so good!  Who in your life or community needs to feel loved, cared for and welcomed?  What do you think God wants you to do about it?  Perhaps, you are the one in need of hospitality; what do you think God would say to you about making you feel loved, cared for and welcomed?

Sunday, June 21st Readings

12th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


Like a mighty champion,

you come to my rescue!

I hide in darkness but

you bring me into the light!

Great is your mercy and

bounteous is your kindness!

My heart is revived by

your gracious gift of grace!

I am so full of love

that it overflows to others!

Praise your Holy Name, Jesus!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Jeremiah 20:10-13

  • Where do you see God prevail as “mighty champion”?
  • Where do you see evidence of God rescuing the “life of the poor”?
  • What is your definition of “life of the poor”?

 Romans 5:12-15

  • Where do you see evidence of sin in your life? In the world?  How do you find forgiveness for this sin?
  • What can you do to multiply God’s gift of grace in your life, family, community? Share examples.

 Matthew 10:26-33

  • Do you find comfort or discomfort in the scripture, “nothing is concealed that will not be revealed nor secret that will not be known.”
  • What has God whispered to you? Did you proclaim what you heard?  Why or why not?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Have you ever felt trapped by “evil” or “sin”?
  • When have you stumbled in the face of adversity?
  • Describe suffering. What does it look like, sound like, smell like, feel like?
  • How have you trespassed against God this week? How is it/can it be resolved?
  • How have you trespassed against your neighbor this week? How is it/can it be resolved?
  • How have you trespassed against yourself this week? How is it/can it be resolved?
  • Can good come from resentment? Why or why not?
  • What are you afraid of and how do you deal with/calm the fear?
  • Is there sin you keep from God and are afraid to let go?
  • Are there secrets you keep from others, how does keeping these secrets affect the relationship?
  • How do you acknowledge yourself as a child of God?
  • Have you ever suffered for being a Christian? Have you been ridiculed because you go to Church? Share.
  • In what ways is your faith still in the darkness? How can you bring light to it?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  When I have obstacles in my path

 ALL:  I praise the Lord!

Leader:  When I am the target of slander

ALL:  I praise the Lord!

Leader:  When I feel buried in doubt

 ALL:  I praise the Lord!

Leader:  When I am drowning in sorrow

ALL:  I praise the Lord!

Leader:  When I have a mountain to climb

ALL:  I praise the Lord!

Leader: When I feel walls caving in

ALL:  I praise the Lord!

Leader:  When I call out to my Lord,

ALL:  I am ready for anything!


 Challenge for the Week:  John 15:26b says, “The Spirit of Truth will testify.”  It’s like if you have to testify in court, they ask you to swear on a Bible to tell the truth.  Truth is valuable but not always very easy to come by.  At an early age, “the truth” becomes subjective based on our experience, perspective, and whether telling it is going to get us into trouble.  As adults, avoiding the truth is done sometimes to avoid causing others pain and other times to protect ourselves from pain.  At the beginning of time, Adam and Eve had to speak up and tell the truth about their sinful act. God already knew what they had done…this is still true today with your sin because the “Spirit of Truth” will testify to identify it!  Consider this week the number of people whom you trust enough to tell the truth.  Can you identify ten?  Would that be easy or difficult?  What would you say are the criteria of the relationship which make you trust them with the truth?  Take time to let them know how you feel about them and that they can count on you to be truthful and trustworthy.

Sunday, June 14th Readings

Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ


Opening Prayer


You are the bread of life!

You are the manna sent from heaven!

Without you, we are empty!

Fill us, nourish us, and sustain us!

We will have our fill and never go hungry!

You are our daily bread!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14b-16a

  • God sent manna from heaven, how is this still true?
  • One cannot live on bread alone, how does this apply to your life? What is the “bread” you live on?
  • What does this scripture teach you about faith in God?

 1Corinthians 10:16-17

  • One cannot live on bread alone, when you receive communion, how do you feel changed? Do you feel the same when you read God’s word?
  • What cup of blessing do you hold today? How can you let this blessing overflow and be a blessing to others?

 John 6:51-58

  • The sacrifice made by Jesus on the cross is the foundation of the Eucharist. What do you sacrifice when you come to the altar to receive Jesus’ Body and Blood?
  • Describe how partaking in Jesus’ Body and Blood sustains you? What does it mean to you?


General Questions for Journaling

  • What is the symbolism of the “hunger” we have in our lives in relation to God?
  • How has God delivered you from slavery? What are you still a slave to in your life?  How can God help you become free?
  • When you receive communion, you become a living tabernacle. How do others see Christ in you?
  • What does God provide you in order to continue on the path of discipleship? What more do you need on your journey of faith?
  • Which commandments are easy to follow? Which are difficult?  Why?
  • Have you had desert experiences in your life? Can you look back and see God “feeding” you in those times?
  • Identify a time when you were “parched”. How did this experience affect your faith?
  • How do you see yourself as a part of the Body of Christ?
  • What is your definition of Communion?
  • What feelings or emotions are associated with hunger? How are they different than the emotions and feelings of being satisfied?
  • How do the scriptures help you see how God feeds you? What can you do to be more aware of the food God supplies for your life?
  • The Word Eucharist means Thanksgiving, how is the celebration of Mass like the Thanksgiving holiday?
  • It is said, you are what you eat. What are some bad food choices you make?  How can God help you to make better choices?
  • What are some good food choices you make? How do they improve your spirit?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Christ before me…

 ALL:  I praise YOU!

Leader:  Christ around me…

ALL:  I give you thanks!

Leader:  Christ beside me…

 ALL:  I am at peace!

Leader:  Christ within me…

ALL:  I am filled with joy!

Leader:  I am Christ to others…

ALL:  Let the feast begin!


 Challenge for the Week:  In the Catholic Church, the Mass is separated into two parts, the Liturgy of the WORD, reading the scripture and the Liturgy of the EUCHARIST, celebrating the Body and Blood of Jesus.  In both cases, we are consuming Christ.  During this time of COVID restrictions while churches were closed, we’ve had restricted access to the Body and Blood of Christ.  Though we can participate in the celebration of Mass virtually, we’ve not consumed the actual Body and Blood of Christ.  This is a time when we need to dive deeper into the WORD of God, the scriptures, the WORD made flesh in Jesus.  There are several ways to connect more deeply to the Scriptures on a daily basis to be filled.  You can read and meditate on a daily prayer book, get scripture verses sent to via text or email and you can journal or pray the rosary or a dozen other practices to help you connect and feel the abundance of Christ within you.  When you spend time reading, praying and allowing the WORD to marinate your soul, then you will know what it means to be filled with God’s WORD and be satisfied!

Sunday, June 7th Readings

Trinity Sunday


Opening Prayer

Creator God,

you fill the world with all things good.

Savior God,

you came to earth to live among us and die for our salvation.

Spirit God,

You dwell in us so we are forever with you.

Blessed Trinity, help us be more aware of your presence in our lives!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Exodus 34:4b-6,8-9

  • How do you humble yourself before God like Moses did in this scripture?
  • What does God reveal about His character in this scripture?
  • Moses asked God to pardon our sins…what do you have a hard time pardoning? Are there things of this world which are hard for you to forgive?

 2Corinthians 13:11-13

  • What do you learn about God in this scripture? About Jesus?  About the Holy Spirit?
  • How does this reading suggest we live our everyday lives? Is it impossible to live in this way?  Why or why not?

 John 3:16-18

  • “For God so loved the world”, speaks of sacrifice. Do you sacrifice things for your faith?  For a relationship with God?
  • Do you sacrifice for love? Whom in your life do you love enough to sacrifice things for?  Do you sacrifice freely or with expectation?


General Questions for Journaling

  • What examples in your life confirm that God is slow to anger, rich in kindness and faithful?
  • Describe God’s love. What does it look like? Feel like? Sound like?
  • How do you think God finds favor in you? Identify at least 5 things about you which God would find favor.
  • Describe a time when you were “stiff-necked and stubborn”.
  • Would God find favor in the way you treat others who are “stuck in their ways”? How do you think God would treat them?
  • What do you hold a grudge against? How can you begin to let love into that situation?
  • What sin does God look past today in order to give you love? How has God shown his love already today?
  • How do you know the Holy Spirit is with you? How can you tell when the Holy Spirit is with another person?
  • How does God show you grace? How can you show grace to another person?
  • Where do you see people being condemned today? Is there something you could do to bring peace?
  • When have you felt condemned, what did you learn from the experience?
  • Do you know a peaceful person? What qualities do they have that you would like to cultivate? Are we called to agree and get along with everyone, all of the time? What would you say are the “core” things we all should agree upon to make this world a better place?


Closing Prayer

Leader: O Holy is YOUR name…

 ALL:  Creator

Leader:  I AM

ALL:  God

Leader:  Emmanuel

 ALL:  Jesus

Leader:  Savior

ALL:  Living God

Leader:  Mighty wind

ALL:  Eternal breath

Leader: Counselor

ALL:  God with us

Leader:  Holy Trinity

ALL:  Father, Son and Holy Spirit!


Challenge for the Week:  Do you know someone you would describe as an encourager?  What makes them so?  Do they encourage you or others too?  Make a point this week to encourage someone new each day.  It may be helpful to take time to reflect on some of the people you see weekly and consider what you might do or say to encourage them.  Consider people you don’t see on a regular basis who might need some encouragement and write them a note, email or make a phone call.  Also, spend time thinking about those people in your life who have been and still are encouragers to you.  Do they know how much their support means to you and how it has affected your life?  Take time to let them know how you feel and who they are a gift to your life.