Sunday, August 2nd Readings

18th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

Creator God

You give us a hunger and a thirst

only YOU can satisfy.

May we come to understand

how YOUR Word is what we need.

Fill us with YOUR mercy and grace;

complete us and make us whole.

Our searching is over!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 55:1-3

  • What picture does this scripture paint? What images show abundance?
  • When have you felt satisfied? Describe the feeling.

 Romans 8:35,37-39

  • What keeps you away from God? How do you support the relationship?  How do you hurt the relationship?
  • How do you remain close to those you love? Those on earth?  Those in heaven?

 Matthew 14:13-21

  • Where is God in this scripture? In what ways?
  • How are you called to be like the crowd? What do you have to share with others?


General Questions for Journaling

  • What do you thirst for? What do you hunger for?
  • What does your soul ache for? Have you ever felt so strongly about something or needed something so much you ached?
  • God satisfies. How many ways can you list?
  • What is your definition of riches? How does God provide you with riches in your life?
  • Describe the most satisfying meal you’ve ever eaten. What made it satisfying?
  • How do you communicate with God? How does God communicate back?
  • How does working on your relationship with God differ from your other relationships? How is it similar?
  • Make a list of at least 10 ways you can show love to God.
  • Make a list of at least 10 ways you can show love to others.
  • Can you have too much of a good thing? Why or why not?
  • What is your definition of the promises of Christ?
  • Identify moments in your life when you felt full, not from food. Is there a common thread in these experiences?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Let all who thirst…

ALL:  come to the Lord!

Leader:  Let all who hunger…

 ALL:  come to the Lord!

Leader:  Let all who have nothing…

ALL:  come to the Lord!

Leader:  Let all who seek…

ALL:  come to the Lord!

Leader:  Let all who are weary…

ALL:  come to the Lord!

Leader:  Let all who need rest…

ALL:  come to the Lord!

Leader:  Let all who are burdened…

ALL:  come to the Lord!

Leader:  For the Lord is near…

ALL:  all who call upon him!


Challenge for the Week:  In the summer, many of us are guests or host a potluck or picnic where everyone brings something to contribute to the meal.  Part of the fun of a potluck is to see what others bring, make a favorite dish or to have the chance to try out a new recipe.  Even if there are several types of salads or duplicate dishes, there is always plenty of food and no one is left hungry.  There is also always plenty leftover.  Imagine how this is similar to the feeding of the 5,000.  They weren’t invited to a potluck but they attended one.  We hear the story of the boy with some fish and bread who was generous enough to step forward with the little he had to share with the crowd but I believe it was because of his example others contributed what they had too.  We must realize that even though we think what we have to give is not enough, when we allow God into our lives and have the courage to step out in faith, He satisfies and completes us.  Show generosity in some way this week by sharing with someone what you have to give.  Bring more than simply a food dish with you to the next potluck, bring a generous heart full of the love of Jesus and see what miracles happen!

Sunday, July 26th Readings

17th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father,

You give me more than I deserve.

You see me as a treasure

while I see my mistakes and flaws.

Your Word tells me I am precious,

with a heart of gold and infinite wealth.

Thank you, for teaching me to see as you see!


Journal/Reflection Questions

1Kings 3:5,7-12

  • King Solomon is noted as being a very wise person, how does his wisdom show through in this scripture?
  • How does this scripture passage model prayer for you? Does Solomon do all of the talking? How does God respond? How is this similar or different to how you pray?

 Romans 8:28-30

  • Have you seen evidence of the phrase “all things work together for good” and did you also see God’s presence in the experience? Share specifics.
  • Does this scripture mean God is not there when bad things happen? Explain what you think the scripture is saying to those who have experienced darkness, abandonment or loss.

 Matthew 13:24-43

  • Imagine yourself as the person who finds treasure, the merchant who seeks pearls and the fisherman casting the net. How do you relate to each scenario? What lesson is to be learned from each example?
  • What treasures do you possess? Do you use these treasures to point to God? Do you think you have treasures which are still buried?


General Questions for Journaling

  • How do you allow God to show you right and wrong?
  • What do your prayers say about your relationship with God?
  • The word understanding in Hebrew means obedient. How do you define the words understanding and obedient? How are the definitions similar and how are they different?
  • Have you ever felt called by God? How old were you when you first recall hearing God call you and what did he call you to do?
  • How do you hear God speaking to you? Is it a whisper? A shout? How do you respond?
  • What have you given up or what do you need to sacrifice in order to conform to the will of God in your life? It is a one-time sacrifice or do you need to continue to give things up in order to follow God?
  • Have you experienced a time when your instincts have conflicted with what you believe God wanted? Share.
  • Do you think wisdom is something you learn or something you have? What does age have to do with wisdom, anything?
  • Is youth an age group or a frame of mind? Explain.
  • Identify some obstacles which help you be your true self.
  • What do you treasure? Be specific.
  • What does God treasure? Where can you find evidence of your answer?
  • Do you sometimes feel like you are playing hide and seek with
    God? Who is hiding? Where do you hide?
  • What confirmation do you have that you are living the life calls you to live?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  I want to walk in the way of the Lord,

ALL:  teach me to seek your heart!

Leader:  I want to walk in the way of the Lord,

 ALL:  teach me to know your precepts!

Leader:  I want to walk in the way of the Lord,

ALL:  teach me to observe your commandments!

Leader:  I want to walk in the way of the Lord,

ALL:  teach me to walk with justice!

Leader:  I want to walk in the way of the Lord,

ALL:  teach me to listen to and live out your Word!

Leader:  I want to walk in the way of the Lord,

ALL:  teach me to spread kindness and mercy!

Leader:  I want to walk in the way of the Lord,

ALL:  teach me to treasure your promise!


Challenge for the Week:  Discern what it means to have an understanding heart.  Do you know anyone who has one?  What qualities do they have which cause you to believe this?  What would change in the world if more people had an understanding heart?  Spend time this week to work to have a more understanding heart and determine ways you can help others do the same.

Solomon’s Prayer: Therefore give to your servant and understanding heart to judge your people, that I may discern between good and evil.

Sunday, July 19th Readings

16th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

God of great patience!

May we learn from Your Word

how to be more tolerant of our failings

and the faults of others!

Your Word tells us that when we seek You,

the Holy Spirit fills us with what we lack

so we can be better examples of You!

Lord, make us whole in YOU!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Wisdom 12:13, 16-19

  • Where do you see your sin in this scripture? Do you condemn others?  Are you unjust?  Do you seek power?  Do you “lord” over others?  Do you hold others prisoner with rules and regulations?
  • Is there someone you know who is need of justice or mercy? How does this scripture encourage you to act out to help them find it?

 Romans 8:26-27

  • What does this scripture tell you about the nature of the Spirit?
  • Can you recall a time when the Holy Spirit came to your aid? What was the situation?  How did you know it was the Holy Spirit who helped you?

 Matthew 13:24-43

  • How does this scripture challenge or affirm your understanding of love?
  • Share an example of how removing weeds from a person’s life, it could cause more harm to them than good?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Share an example of God’s humility.
  • What do you have hope for right now?
  • Do you believe the world is basically good or basically bad? Why?
  • Do you identify yourself by your actions or by your emotions? What words would you use to identify yourself (not by your role or job but as a person)?
  • Where can you see kindness right now? Is it difficult or easy to find?
  • What does it mean to repent? How can you repent?  Is there a limit?
  • Is there someone whom you need to seek forgiveness because you have been unkind or unjust to them?
  • When did you first learn how to pray?
  • How has your prayer life developed over time? What has changed over the years?  Create a timeline to show the progress of your prayer life.
  • When have you stood up for someone who couldn’t stand up for themselves? What was the situation and what inspired you to step in?
  • Are there people in your life or in the community whom need you to stand up for / with them? What is a specific action step you can take to do so?
  • How are the mustard seed and yeast similar? How are they different?
  • A mustard seed and yeast are described as a metaphor for heaven. What other relatable image(s) would you use to describe heaven?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Father, search my heart…

ALL:  for goodness and kindness.

Leader:  Father, search my heart…

 ALL:  for a sense of longing.

Leader:  Father, search my heart…

ALL:  for acceptance and mercy.

Leader:  Father, search my heart…

ALL:  for compassion for others.

Leader:  Father, search my heart…

ALL:  for love and forgiveness.

Leader:  Father, search my heart…

ALL:  for the strength to endure.

Leader:  Father, search my heart…

ALL:  and find it full of you!


Challenge for the Week:  This scripture suggests we “try and try again.”  When we fail, we turn to God to repent and then continue to press on.  This is difficult to do when we are faced with adversity.  Good athletes practice for hours to perfect their skills to become better.  Take a lesson from them and choose a new practice to help you get rid of the weeds in your life and be diligent about it.  Make a decision to create a new/good habit.  Don’t focus on trying to get of a bad one, simply plant a good one and cultivate it.  Put all of your focus on the new habit.  Don’t feel guilty if you mess up or skip a day, repent and try again!  Keep putting forth the effort to grow and in time the consistent attention will form the new habit so much that it will weed out the bad one!

Sunday, July 12th Readings

15th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

God of all creation;

Make us good rich soil for planting

so your Word may settle in and grow!

May we find You in each experience

even when we must face rocky ground or thorny bushes!

Help us reach and stretch each new day

to put forth great fruit, worthy of the kingdom!



Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 55:10-11

  • What is the purpose of fertile ground? What elements are needed in order to make the ground fertile?
  • Explain how this scripture can be a metaphor for God’s purpose for you.

 Romans 8:18-23

  • Share an example of how good can come from suffering.
  • How do you live in expectation of God? What can you do to be more open to the present instead of the past or the future?

 Matthew 13:1-23

  • Who are you in the parable? The flower?  The sun?  The rain?  The one who tramples?  The one who chokes?  The one who scorches?  The birds?  The thorn?  The rocks?  The one who blocks the roots?  The one who plants the seed?  The fruit?  (Consider reflecting on when you’ve been all of them)
  • Are there things in your life right now which choke or prick at you, causing you to not grow? Are there rocks on the path, which you are unable to navigate around?  Where do you see weeds pop up in your life?


General Questions for Journaling

  • Have you ever contemplated the changing of the seasons? What never ceases to astonish you each time a new season passes into another?
  • Compare the cycle of rain to the cycle of life. How do they differ?  How are they similar?
  • Share a time when you experienced the feeling of freedom in the beauty of nature.
  • Is it possible to avoid suffering and pain? What are the benefits of avoiding it? What are the benefits of living through it?
  • Where do you see growing pains in the world?
  • Is it possible to prepare for pain? Why or why not?
  • How do you cultivate the goals in your life? How do you fertilize them?
  • What is the significance of rain, sun, soil for the success of a seed? How does this compare to the success of your own life?
  • If you heart was a garden, what would it look like? What would be growing there?  Consider the types of flowers, bushes, trees, fruit, vegetables that your heart would grow and why.
  • When was the last time you listened to your heart? What does it sound like?  How do you know what your heart desires?
  • Do you think God is concerned about quality or quantity? Give a reason for your answer.


Closing Prayer

Leader:  God of heaven…

ALL:  conquer my fears.

Leader:  God of earth…

 ALL:  make straight the path.

Leader:  Jesus, human…

ALL:  teach me to love.

Leader:  Jesus, divine…

ALL:  wash away my sins.

Leader:  Spirit of life…

ALL:  bring comfort and strength.

Leader:  Almighty Spirit…

ALL:  tend to my weary soul.

Leader:  Holy Trinity…

ALL:  be mine forevermore!


Challenge for the Week:  God put so much thought into the changing of the season and perfected the dying and rising of each element of nature.  Spend time this week meditating on Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring; they are very different but also very similar.  How do you relate to each of the seasons and why?  What emotions does each season evoke in you and why?  What significance do the seasons have in your life?  Do you identify with one season more than another?  Which one and why?  What do you think God intended for us to learn from the seasons?  What can they teach you about God?

Sunday, July 5th Readings

14th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer

Christ within me,

How I struggle!

I move forward, but leave you behind.

I trip and fall, then cry out to you.

My heart knows you are with me.

My will says I can do it alone.

It is a constant battle!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Zechariah 9:9-10

  • The scripture describes a king riding in on a donkey…how do these things go together (King and Donkey)? Where do you see these together in the New Testament?  Share how the two passages are similar and different?
  • Share a time when God won a victory for you. What was the battle?  What did you struggle with and how did God help you overcome the obstacle?

 Romans 8:9,11-13

  • What burdens/benefits come from being human vs. divine?
  • If the Holy Spirit dwells in you, how does this change your perspective of yourself? What about if it dwells in others?  Does it affect your perception of them?  How and why?

 Matthew 11:25-30

  • What does it mean that God’s yoke is easy?
  • Describe what it feels like to ‘rest’ in God. What does it look like, smell like, taste like, sound like?


General Questions for Journaling

  • How did Jesus show humility? Share specific examples for us to follow.
  • Is humility a leadership quality? Why or why not?
  • Do your actions towards others show your love for God? Share a recent example.
  • How can you tell if the Holy Spirit dwells in you? In others?
  • When might it be necessary to ‘banish’ someone from your life? What actions could be taken to do this?
  • Have your actions ever caused division between you and another person? How did your relationship with God help or hinder the situation?
  • What actions can be taken to overcome the temptations of the flesh? Have you experienced the rewards described in scriptures for doing so?
  • When have you felt the most burdened? How do you overcome it?  What helps to lighten the load?
  • What characteristics of the ‘flesh’ do you wish to shed?
  • What characteristics of the ‘spirit’ do you wish to take on?
  • Imagine a time when you were exhausted and didn’t have any strength to continue. Describe this feeling.  Where did you find strength to carry on?
  • What burdens do you carry? Are there burdens you allow others to carry for you?  Are there burdens you carry which are the responsibility of others?
  • Explain how the Father, Son and Spirit work together.


Closing Prayer

Leader:  Come, dwell in me…

ALL:  let me know meekness.

Leader:  Come, dwell in me…

 ALL:  let me know humility.

Leader:  Come, dwell in me…

ALL:  let me know weakness.

Leader:  Come, dwell in me…

ALL:  let me know burdens.

Leader:  Come, dwell in me…

ALL:  let me know hunger and thirst.

Leader:  Come, dwell in me…

ALL:  let me know hurt.

Leader:  Come, dwell in me…

ALL:  so I may find rest!

Challenge for the Week:  Come to me all who are burdened and worried, I will give them rest.  Imagine a parent saying this to a child whose bedtime is quickly approaching and is showing signs of restlessness and weariness.  These words call out to the child just like they call out to us in order to soothe our spirit.  The restlessness melts away when the child is swept up into the secure arms of their parent; they know they are safe, taken care of and loved.  This is what Jesus wants for us too.  God wants us to let go and relinquish the stress and strain of the day so we can fall into his arms and let him minister to us.  Identify the things in your life which keep you from experiencing this peace of resting in God.  What can you do to move the obstacles which stand in the way of this kind of rest?

“O Jesus!  Yoke us to yourself.  When we too hunger, give us food.  When we too thirst, or tire, or falsely witness, just let us learn to find you and to find ourselves in you!” – from a sermon by St. Augustine