Sunday, August 9th Readings

19th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer


When you call to me…

Do I look up?  How do I respond?

Can I recognize you immediately?

Am I cautious and question?

Bring me into a relationship

where I know YOU!

Allow me to surrender to your voice

and listen to your Word!


Journal/Reflection Questions

1Kings 19:9a, 11-13a

  • Identify a “great wind” or an “earthquake” in your life. How was God present in this moment?
  • When have you stood at the opening of a cave in your life? What kept you from going in? What motivated you to run into the darkness?
  • What causes you to want to hide your face from God?

 Romans 9:1-5

  • Are there some in your family whom cause you “great sorrow” or “constant anguish” because of their belief or unbelief? What can you learn from St Paul in this scripture that might help?
  • Are there some people whom you need to separate or be “cut off” from in order to be a better follower of Christ? How can you relate to St Paul in this scripture?

 Matthew 14:22-33

  • Is your faith on a solid rock or on sinking sand? What can you learn from Peter to help you stay steady? How does this look in your everyday life?
  • How does Jesus’ example motivate you to reach out to others?


General Questions for Journaling

  • How do you feel when you are cut off from someone? Do you try to re-connect? Do you let it go?
  • What keeps you connected to God? Is it a good connection? Have you ever been cut-off?
  • What causes you to sink in your faith? Name some of the weights that drag you down.
  • What obstacles hinder you from reaching out to God fully?
  • Can God calm your fears or worries like He calm’s the sea? When have you experienced God’s calming power?
  • Would you describe your faith as strong? Would you be able to stand back up like Peter?
  • Jesus went up the mountain to pray. Do you have a sacred place where you like to go to pray? What makes it sacred?
  • How does God invite you to step out of the boat?
  • Are you able to distinguish when God is in the wind, the fire and the earthquake and when He is not? How close do you think you need to be in order to know the difference?
  • What forces work against you in building your faith? What do you struggle with in order to keep the faith?
  • Share an example in your life which shows how you trust Jesus.
  • Are there times in your life when you find it easier to listen to God?
  • Are there times in your life when it is difficult to listen to God?
  • What happens to God’s promises when you walk away from worship? How can you carry the feeling of security with you?


Closing Prayer

Leader:  When I am feeling lost and alone…

 ALL:  Fix my eyes on Jesus!

 Leader:  When I don’t know which way to turn…

 ALL:  Fix my eyes on Jesus!

 Leader:  When I stumble and fall and sink…

 ALL:  Fix my eyes on Jesus!

 Leader:  When I am so full of joy I overflow…

 ALL:  Fix my eyes on Jesus!

 Leader:  When I feel fulfilled and satisfied…

 ALL:  Fix my eyes on Jesus!

 Leader:  When I stand up for what I believe…

 ALL:  Fix my eyes on Jesus!


Challenge for the Week:  Many people live in the “in between” of faith where they believe but don’t practice their beliefs with intention OR they practice so hard they are frustrated with the results.  We need to seek to find a healthy balance of living out and practicing the beliefs.  When scripture says we must love our neighbor and pray for our enemies, it sounds beautiful and practical.  However, how many believers actually put the words into practice?  Do we love everyone, even those who hurt us or persecute others?  When a tragedy happens do we immediately begin to pray for the victims and not the perpetrators?  Consider where your faith and your belief intersect.

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