Sunday, November 29th Readings

First Week of Advent

Opening Prayer


Shape me!  Mold me!

Make me your own!

Let me not wander.

May I remain close.

So I don’t forget you are

with me for all of time!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 63 :16b-17,19b,64 :2-7

  • When have you hid your face from God?  How did God respond?
  • Eye have not seen and ear have not heard, how can you demonstrate to others how much God has done for you?

1Corinthians 1:3-9

  • Saint Paul says God is what makes us whole.  How do you stay close to God?  Describe the feeling of wholeness.
  • Can you identify how your relationship with God/God’s presence in your life has made your life better?
  • What do you believe about life on earth and life in heaven?  What remains the same? What is different?

Mark 13:33-37

  • How alert are you on a daily basis about Jesus’ presence in your life?
  • Who would you say you relate to the most in the Gospel? The man traveling? The servants? The gatekeeper? None of these, because you relate more to the house, time of day or the cockcrowing it’s warning? Explain.

General Questions for Journaling

  • Compare yourself to a clay pot. What shape do you have? What shade/color? Do you have a large opening or small? Are you tall or short? How much volume do you have? How fragile?
  • Have you done something you know was wrong but did it anyways? Explain.
  • Do you act differently when you know others are watching? How is the person God sees different than the one the world sees?
  • Who are people in your life whom you are glad you met? You might have only met them one time or you get to spend time with them often.
  • How often do you let the people in your life know they are special to you?
  • Have you ever tried to stay up all night to experience something great? Imagine a child staying up to see Santa Claus or waiting for someone in labor or to arrive home after a long trip? What helps keep you alert/vigilant?
  • We expect “instant gratification” so when we want something right now, we can almost always get it right now. Are there things you can’t wait for or have a hard time waiting for?
  • What are some of the things you prepare for when you have guests?
  • When have you been spoiled as a guest? What made you feel spoiled?
  • Share a time you didn’t feel welcome when you arrived at a destination.
  • What do you need to prepare for Jesus’ coming? Are you ready?
  • What tells you of God’s presence in your life right now?
  • What is the difference between being watchful and aware VS. being worried and stressed? Where do you fall on a 1-10 scale?
  • What is the definition of a gatekeeper? What responsibilities does a gatekeeper have? Are you called to be a gatekeeper of faith?
  • If Jesus came to your home today, what would he be happy to see? What would you want to hide from him?

Closing Prayer (Inspired by Psalm 80)

Leader:  Shine forth…

ALL:  the power to save!

Leader:  Shine forth…

ALL:  and protect what is good!

Leader:  Shine forth…

ALL:  upon the right and just!

Leader:  Shine forth…

ALL:  bring comfort and warmth!

Leader:  Shine forth…

ALL:  with strength!

Leader:  Shine forth…

ALL:   the light of all life!

Challenge for the Week:  In this season of Advent, Christians are called to slow down and take time to “seek” God…think of the traditional Advent Calendar which you open a “door” each day seeking Jesus (or the chocolate candy inside).  Are there people in your life which help you see God more clearly?  Is there someone who has taught you about God’s love, mercy, forgiveness?  When you think of “seeking” God, think about some of the non-traditional places you can find Him.  This week consider writing a note to someone who has helped you seek God or write a prayer or poem about how and where you seek and find God in your life or in the world. 

Sunday, November 22nd Readings

Solemnity of Christ the King

Opening Prayer


Let me not forget

        You are near,

You bring comfort

        when I am weary,

and seek me out

        when I am lost.

Though I may not see you,

        YOU ARE THERE!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Ezekiel 34 :11-12,15-17

  • How do you relate to God as a shepherd? 
  • In what ways does God shelter you?  Tend to your needs?  Heal your wounds?
  • Where do you see God ‘scattered among the sheep?’  What image(s) come to mind?

1Corinthians 15:20-26,28

  • What does the phrase ‘destroy death’ mean in this scripture? 
  • How did Jesus destroy death?  How do you or could you make this statement true in your life?
  • How does this scripture reflect the changing seasons?  Make a list of parallels you see.

Matthew 25:31-46

  • Imagine yourself in this scripture.  Where do you see yourself?  Reflect back over the past year and identify times when you were given opportunities to live out your faith; did you?
  • How does this scripture make you feel?  What does it tell you about God?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Where are you in proximity of God?  Have you scattered like the sheep? 
  • Is there a safe distance to stay from God?  If yes, what is the distance?  It is the same for everyone?  If no, why not?
  • How are you like a shepherd?  What does it look like?  Are you a leader?  Who do you lead?
  • What qualities of a shepherd do you have?  Are there qualities you want to have?
  • What are some evils which you fear?
  • Can serious illness or death change your faith?  Explain.  Give examples.
  • It is easy or difficult to see God in tragic events?  Why or why not?  What is the purpose of doing do?
  • Do you have faith that God protects you and cares for you in this life and in the next?  What reassures you?  Be specific.
  • Do you have areas in your life which need to be restored?  How do you go about doing this?
  • How do you separate people?  What groups do you put them in?  What labels do you use?
  • Can you relate better to a rich, smart leader or a poor, suffering one?  Which do you believe Jesus is?  Why did Jesus come as a shepherd and not a king?
  • What is the difference between giving for reward and giving freely?  How does it affect the one giving?  How does it affect the one receiving?  Do you think God has a preference as long as you are giving?  Explain.

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, you care for me

ALL:  so I will care for others.

Leader:  Lord, you shelter me in a storm

ALL:  so I will provide shelter for others.

Leader:  Lord, you protect me from harm

ALL:  so I will be a stronghold for others.

Leader:  Lord, you show me mercy

ALL:  so I will me merciful to others.

Leader:  Lord, you teach me compassion

ALL:  so I will offer comfort to others.

Leader:  Lord you love me without limits

ALL:  so I will give love unconditionally to others.

ALL:  Lord, I long to do your will!

Challenge for the Week:  Sheep rely on their sense of smell to stay close to the flock.  Take time this week to think about what you rely on to stay close to God.  Are those whom you spend the most time faithful to their walk with Jesus?  Do they live out the Corporal Works of Mercy listed in the Gospel?  Are there people in your life whom you identify as goats mixed among the sheep?  When have you been deceived by a wolf in sheep’s clothing?  Do you identify yourself a sheep? Goat? Wolf?  Are there times when you’ve been all three?  What keeps you connected to the flock or are you the one who strays? 

***Next week begins the NEW YEAR in the Catholic Church.  It’s the perfect time to make some new year resolutions.

Sunday, November 15th Readings

33rd Sunday Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer

Lord, I humbly pray…

May I boldly give my life in service to others

        so your love will be shown through my actions.

May I meet the needs of others with love and compassion

        as you have modeled for me through your actions.

May I not be afraid of the gifts you have given me

        and be proud to share them unselfishly with others.


Journal/Reflection Questions

Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31

  • What does this scripture say makes a one a worthy wife?  It is tasks she completes or her attitude or a combination of both?  Explain.
  • The scripture describes a worthy wife.  What does she receive in return for her investment?  Do you think it is a good investment?

1Thessalonians 5:1-6

  • What emotions are conjured up within you when you hear this scripture?
  • What is there to fear?  Death?  Darkness?  What does this scripture passage say you should fear?  Do you agree or disagree?  Explain.

Matthew 25:14-30

  • Imagine yourself in this scripture.  Where do you see yourself?  As the landowner?  One of the servants?  What examples can you give from your life experience to support your answer?
  • What does it mean for God to give you great responsibility?  Share an example of someone who has embraced the responsibility.  Share an example of someone who fears the responsibility.

General Questions for Journaling

  • When men and women look for someone to marry, what qualities do they look for?  Are they different for each individual person?  Are they different for men and women?  Explain.
  • Is there a recipe for a healthy marriage?  If so, has the recipe changed over the years or has it remained the same?  Explain.
  • What does it look like to ‘fear the Lord’?  How is it a gift of the Holy Spirit?
  • List ways a person can show ‘fear of the Lord’ and ‘wonder and awe’ of God.  How can you weave these into your daily routine?
  • What are some of the things in life which give false hope or false security?  Are they easy or difficult to identify?  Explain.
  • Are you fearful God will come before you are ready?  What will make you ready?  Do you think you will ever be ready?
  • How does God’s goodness take you by surprise?  Share a specific experience when God took you by surprise.
  • Describe the behaviors which indicate a person lives in the light VS one who lives in darkness.  What about someone who lives in the shadows?  Is the shadow light or dark?
  • Do you think you have talents which are buried?  If yes, what keeps you from digging them up?  If no, are you using the talents you have to their full potential?
  • What are some reasons a person might burry their talents?  Do you identify with any of them?  Why or why not?
  • Do you have talents you no longer use?  Do you think you can run out of talents?  Do you think there are talents that lose their usefulness?
  • Where have you scattered seeds of faith?  Who gave the seeds to you?
  • Identify a time in your life when it was necessary to take a risk.  What was the outcome?  Did you grow in faith because of the risk?  Did you grow in confidence?  Did you grow in love?  Did you grow trust?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  When the love you have for me is questioned…

ALL:  Lord, I am listening with all my heart!

Leader:  When the threat of bad weather is on the horizon…

ALL:  Lord, I am listening with all my senses!

Leader:  When my what I believe to be truth is challenged…

ALL:  Lord, I am listening with my entire mind!

Leader:  When stress and anxiety try to consume me…

ALL:  Lord, I am listening with my whole body!

Leader:  When temptation draws near…

ALL:  Lord, I am listening with all of my will!

Leader:  When you wrap me in grace and mercy…

ALL:  Lord, I am listening with all of my soul!

Challenge for the Week:  Take a step back and look at life, anyone’s life.  Each life begins with birth and ends with death.  Lisa Nichols an inspirational speaker, life coach and author says she wants to be remembered for the DASH.  You know when you look at a tombstone, you see the year the person was born and the year they died, but their life was lived within the DASH.  Reflect this week on what you want your DASH to say about the life you have lived.  Then evaluate if you are living that life.  Don’t wait until it’s too late the make the changes you wish to make or to forgive or seek forgiveness.  God only knows the numbers on either side of your DASH.

Sunday, November 8th Readings

32nd Sunday Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


Prepare the way.

Make me ready.

Lead my steps.

Open the gate.

Welcome me home.


Journal/Reflection Questions

Wisdom 6 :12-16

  • What does Wisdom have waiting for you?
  • Do you seek Wisdom?  Is Wisdom easy or difficult to find?  Explain.

1Thessalonians 4:13-18

  • Does ‘fallen asleep’ mean those who have died?  Could it also mean those who have ‘fallen asleep’ in faith?  Describe someone who has ‘fallen asleep’ in their faith.
  • How does this reading impact your vision of death?  Of heaven?

Matthew 25:1-13

  • Would you say you are ready to open the door to God?  Why or why not?
  • What kinds of things keep you from lighting your lamp?  Keep you from being delayed?  Keep you from going out?  Keep you from being ready for the feast?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Do you look for God in all things?
  • Are there places you don’t look for God?  Why or why not?
  • Are there places where you don’t see God at all?  Explain.
  • When have you felt there was something waiting ahead of you?
  • How does wisdom differ from knowledge or understanding?  Explain.
  • If you knew when you would die, how would that affect how you live your life?  What would you do differently?
  • How would knowing when others will die change your relationships?  Be specific.
  • Are there things of which you are unaware?  Are you unaware because you honestly don’t know or because you are disinterested?
  • Do you think there is a connection between awareness and wisdom?  Explain.
  • How has awareness of God affected your decisions?  Share an example.
  • When have you grown impatient, waiting for God in your life?  Share an example.
  • Is there a difference between knowing of Jesus and knowing Jesus?  Explain.

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, let me find you in all things…

ALL:  you are the stars that shine!

Leader:  Lord, let me find you in all things…

ALL:  you are the baby crying!

Leader:  Lord, let me find you in all things…

ALL:  you are the changing seasons!

Leader:  Lord, let me find you in all things…

ALL:  you are an act of kindness!

Leader:  Lord, let me find you in all things…

ALL:  you are a banquet feast!

Leader:  Lord, let me find you in all things…

ALL:  you are the path of life!

Challenge for the Week:  Stay awake!  Be ready!  We do not know the day, nor the hour of when Jesus will come.  This warning has been passed on for centuries.  But what does it mean?  Spend time this week contemplating this question.  Write down at least 10 things that you believe you must do or have so you are ready when Jesus returns.


On a scale from 1-10, how would you rate your awareness of God’s presence in your life each day?  Reflect on the past 24 hours and identify all of the times when you saw or felt or called on God’s presence.  Were there times when you turned your back on God or hid your face from him?  Were there moments where you kept God in the closet or on a shelf, then let him back in when you were ready?  What are those things you think you are keeping from God?  Do they enhance your life and make it better?  How does being aware of God’s presence affect your attitude and your decisions?  Jesus is the light of the world, let him bring light into yours!