January 1st Readings

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Opening Prayer

God of heaven and earth

How must Mary have felt going through all of these trials?

What did she think about journeying away from home?

Was she sad because he mother wasn’t with her?

Did she struggle with believing what the Angel said?

How did others treat her when they saw she was pregnant?

Help me to connect with Mary so I might learn how to let my faith overcome my obstacles!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Numbers 6:22-27

  • Who in your life right now needs to hear that they are a blessing to you? Practice how you will tell them. Write it down if you need to.
  • How have you felt blessed by others this year?  How can you let them know you are grateful?

Galatians 4:4-7

  • Have you ever considered yourself as adopted by God? What does that look like? What does that feel like?
  • How does the birth of a child bring fullness? Is it the same or different than when Jesus was born? How?

Luke 2:16-21

  • Have you been given a message to share like the shepherds?  What is the message?
  • Spend time reflecting on what the birth of Jesus means to you?  What do you conclude?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Where do you see blessing? Is there anything you can do to contribute?
  • Make a top ten list of blessings with the date on it and put it in your bible.
  • Do you feel uncomfortable receiving compliments? Why or why not? What was the last compliment you received?
  • Do you feel uncomfortable giving compliments? Why or why not? Who was the last person you complimented? What was their response to the compliment?
  • Have you ever tried to hide from God? Do you think God hides from you? Explain – Give an example.
  • Would you define yourself as a slave? If so, what are you a slave to? If not, consider how you spend your time and money to be sure your words and actions are in line.
  • What do you treasure? What makes it so special?
  • When have you been amazed? Was it recently or a long time ago? 
  • How do you describe the feeling of being amazed? 
  • What do you describe as being amazing? What makes it so?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, when we feel unworthy…

ALL:  bless us with the Spirit of Grace!

Leader:  Lord, when we are in despair…

ALL:  bless us with the Spirit of Hope!

Leader:  Lord, when we feel neglected…

ALL:  bless us with the Spirit of Love!

Leader:  Lord, when we feel incomplete…

ALL:  bless us with the Spirit of Wholeness!

Leader:  Lord, when we are full of worry…

ALL:  Bless us with the Spirit of Peace!

Challenge for the Week:  Take time to reflect on the past year.  There have been good things and bad things happen; how have these things affected you?  What do you have to look forward to in the New Year?  Are there things which you are dreading to face?  What have you learned this year that can help you overcome any obstacles in the coming year?  Are you making resolutions half-heartedly for the sake of “tradition” or are you spending time to make a change for good?  Spend time in reflection on the scripture readings of the birth of Jesus, focusing on each of the people in the story from the Innkeeper to Joseph to the Angels to Mary to the Shepherds, each person has a message for you…what is it and how can it help you make resolutions for 2021?

Sunday, January 3rd Readings

Epiphany of the Lord

Opening Prayer


Like the sun, let me rise to bring light!

Like a baby, let me be born to a new life!

Awaken me from my slumber,

so I can shine like a star and lead others to YOU!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 60 :1-6

  • Are you able to see God’s Glory even through the dark times of your life? Share an example.
  • Can you see God working in your life right now or only when you look back do see God at work?
  • What do you see when you look out into the future?

Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6

  • What is the “commission” God has called you to? How are you living it out? What can you do to better complete the mission you are called to?
  • How can you treat others as “co-heirs” of the promises of Christ?
  • What is Saint Paul trying to remind you of in this reading?

Matthew 2:1-12

  • What caused the magi to drop everything and travel from foreign lands? What is important enough for you to stop everything and travel a great distance? 
  • What lesson(s) can you learn from the magi? What do they receive in return for the gifts they bring?
  • What can you learn about Jesus and the entire Holy Family from their choices and actions in this scripture?
  • Spend time role playing. Imagine yourself as each of the characters in the Gospel reading. What are you thinking, feeling? What motivates you? 

General Questions for Journaling

  • What gifts do you see in the world today? 
  • Are there places on earth which you are drawn to go? What is there which you want to experience?
  • What do you give back to God? Do you feel obligated to give? Explain.
  • What has God revealed to you in the past year?  Month?  24 hours?
  • Define the word, diligent. How can you search diligently for God this year?
  • Would you describe yourself as a “star” which shines light onto others? How does the light of Christ shine through you to draw people to Christ? Share an example.
  • Name some of the people you are drawn to. What draws you to them? What characteristics or qualities make them appealing?
  • Who are people in this world who are worth following? What makes them worth following? Are there people whom you follow who are not worth following? How can you tell the difference?
  • Reflect on the shape of the star. Describe how it is important to you and your beliefs; how is it a symbol of your faith?
  • Would you say you are the “star” of your own life or do you let others take the lead? How does God appear in your life story? Do you allow God to shine through you or are you eclipsed by God?
  • What are you willing to give up for a deeper relationship with God?
  • Are there people or situations which you hide from? What message do you think Jesus would like to reveal to you about what you should do?

Closing Prayer – (music lyrics to song “Rise Up” by Andra Day)

Leader:  When the silence isn’t quiet

ALL:  And it feels like it’s getting hard to breathe

Leader:  And I know you feel like dying

ALL:  But I promise we’ll take the world to its feet

Leader:  And move mountains

ALL:  I’ll rise like the day

Leader:  I’ll rise unafraid

ALL:  I’ll rise up

Leader:  And I’ll do it a thousand times again

ALL:  And I’ll rise up

Leader:  High like the waves

ALL:  I’ll rise up…for YOU!

Challenge for the Week:  Reflect on the past couple of months since the beginning of the new liturgical year (or since around Thanksgiving) and make a list of the gifts which you have received…NOT the tangible ones.  The holiday season can open up new insights, new relationships and shine light on situations in relationships.  Spend time thinking about the gifts opened to you, these can range from very personal to global depending on how much time you want to spend and how deep you want to go.  However, giving time to these special moments can bring new insight and reflect the true value of the gifts which you might have been too busy to accept!

Sunday, December 27th Readings-Sirach

Feast of the Holy Family

(Sirach 3:2-6,12-14/Colossians 3:12-21/Luke 2:22-40)

Opening Prayer

Rejoice in the Lord, Rejoice!

Give thanks to God in all things!

His wondrous deeds never cease!

Sing shouts of JOY throughout the earth!

God’s love reigns forever!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14

  • What does this scripture say about the love of a mother and a father? 
  • Take time to imagine what this scripture looks like and draw a picture to express your interpretation of it.

Colossians 3:12-21

  • Saint Paul says to “let the peace of God control your heart”.  This is a beautiful image but how is this possible?  How can you learn to allow God’s peace into your heart?
  • Just as you would put on your Sunday best, Saint Paul says to “put on…heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience”.  How can you wear these?  Is there a greater need for you to wear some of these with specific people?  Write a prayer to God asking Him to grow these gifts in you this Christmas.

Luke 2:22, 39-40 (full reading Luke 2:22-40)

  • Even as a baby, Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit.  Describe how you feel when you see and hold a newborn baby.
  • List 3-5 qualities of Joseph.  List 3-5 qualities of Mary.  Do you share any of these qualities?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Reflect on your relationship with your father and mother, each individually.  Consider the ways in which they showed love to you.
  • Reflect on your role as a mother or father.  What qualities of God do you express to your children?
  • What season are you in with your parents or as a parent?  What are some of the lessons God might want to teach through these different seasons?
  • What is different about the Christmas holiday season compared to other holidays?
  • Make a list of all of the holiday decorations, ie. lights, wreath and reflect on how each item is a reminder of Jesus.
  • What is so appealing about Christmas music?  Is it the words of the songs?  The feelings you feel?  The memories?  How can you make that peaceful, joyful feeling last longer than the Christmas season?
  • What traditions do you still keep Holy in your life which have been passed on from previous generations?
  • Imagine the kind of parents Mary and Joseph were.  Did Jesus ever need to be disciplined?  Do you think Mary scolded Jesus?  Consider what their everyday life looked like.  Write down your thoughts.

Closing Prayer – (inspired by Psalm 105)

Leader:  A holy promise for all ages…

ALL:  God’s covenant is faithful;

Leader:  Faithful through the fire and through the rain…

ALL:  God’s covenant is true;

Leader:  True as the morning sun and the stars at night…

ALL:  God’s covenant is strong;

Leader:  Strong and precious like silver and gold…

ALL:  God’s covenant is unbroken;

Leader:  Unbroken for generations, binding in everlasting love…

ALL:  God’s covenant is forever!

Challenge for the Week:  A thing called the Baltimore Catechism was the old way of teaching the Catholic faith for everyone to know the “rules”.  Teaching the faith was about memorization instead of being an example…more about knowing the right answer than living it out.  There may or may not have been a person who modelled for you a strong faith but somehow you “caught” the faith otherwise you would not be reading this right now.  Matthew Kelly, a Catholic evangelist believes each faith-filled family requires a “prayer warrior”; someone who is a good model of a faithful person.  There are Christians who talk the talk but don’t walk the walk; it’s like memorizing the Baltimore Catechism but not putting what you know into action.  Your family and friends may not attend Sunday Services each week or spend time in prayer each day but when they think of you do they think of you as someone who is strong in their faith like Abraham?  Someone who is not wavered in what they believe and lives a life of virtue, committed to God and the promise of His love?  Instead of trying to “teach” the faith, model it for others by praying that God will make you a better example of a disciple so others can “catch” the faith from YOU!

Sunday, December 27th Readings/Genesis

Feast of the Holy Family

(Genesis 15:1-6, 21:1-3/ Hebrews 11:8, 11-12, 17-19/Luke 2:22-40)

Opening Prayer


How do I know you are near?

Is it in a kind word of a stranger?

A random act of kindness?

You are everywhere I turn!!!

What can I do to draw you closer?

Let me find you in my daily routine.

Teach me Lord,

so I might find you in the simplicity of my day!!!

You are there,

may I always reach out to find YOU!!!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Genesis 15:1-6,21:1-3

  • Share how a child is a gift from God and list at least 10 ways you can honor this gift.
  • What does this scripture teach you about God’s nature?

Hebrews 11:8,11-12,17-19

  • What inheritance has God left for you? Have you accepted it?
  • How do you explain how Abraham’s descendants are as vast as the stars?

Luke 2:22, 39-40 (full reading Luke 2:22-40)

  • Can you see salvation in the eyes of newborn child? What is it that you see?  Describe what you see in the eyes of a baby?
  • What do you believe Simeon saw in Jesus? How did Simeon know Jesus was born to do great things?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Describe your relationship with your parents. How is it similar or different from your relationship with your children?
  • Have you ever prayed for your parents specifically? Do you believe they have prayed for you specifically?
  • What traits did you get from your Father? Are they good? How do you use them?
  • What traits did you get from your Mother? Are they good? How do you use them?
  • Describe your parents in 10 words or less. Describe your Mother. Describe your Father.
  • How would you describe your parent’s relationship? Do/did they have a relationship with God? How would you describe their relationship with God?
  • What do you believe your parents said when they heard you were joining their family?
  • What did you say when you learned you would be a parent?
  • Do/did you turn to God for parenting advice? Share a time when you did and what you heard in response.
  • Are you open to the promises of Christ? Why or why not? What is the promise Christ has given?
  • Is there someone in your family whom you wish you could speak to? Who is it and why?
  • How do you honor life given and live taken away? Do these things mean something or are they simply things which happen? Explain.

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Jesus, I recognize you…

ALL:  in my sins, forgiven and healed!

Leader:  Jesus, I recognize you…

ALL:  in the miracles that happen each day!

Leader:  Jesus, I recognize you…

ALL:  when people come together to pray!

Leader:  Jesus, I recognize you…

ALL:  in the beauty which surrounds me!

Leader:  Jesus, I recognize you…

ALL:  in the eyes of strangers and in my family!

Challenge for the Week:  Have you seen the “I am Second” signs and bumper stickers?  This message is out there for us to remember that we are asked to put God above all things in the 2nd Commandment.  This means even our own needs or the needs of our spouse/significant other and/or our children/family.  This is contradictory to the messages we hear in media.  Reflect on how you can put God first in your life from the moment you wake up until the moment you lay your head to rest.  Is this a difficult request?  Why or why not?  If God is not first in your life, where do you place God’s needs on your list of priorities and responsibilities?  How can you shift your thoughts into place God’s needs above our own?  Find a friend or family member to talk to about this change so you can help each other put God’s needs, wants and desires above those of others.

Fourth Week of Advent

Opening Prayer


You come to make us whole!

You give us strength and hope!

You love us without boundaries!

With you,

We shall live forever!

Journal/Reflection Questions

2Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16

  • What can you learn from David about what God wants for you?
  • What mistake does David make which you can learn from?
  • Look back on this past year; did God speak to you through another person like Nathan spoke to David? What was the scenario? How did you respond to God?
  • What do you imagine the “dwelling place of God” looks like? Smells like? Sounds like? Feels like?

Romans 16:25-27

  • What is Saint Paul saying about God’s Plan? How do you see this at work? Do you see evidence of it not working?
  • Name three ways you have proclaimed the Gospel this past week.
  • How is glory known?

Luke 1:26-38

  • Mary’s life changed when she said “yes” to God. How has your life changed? Have you truly said “yes” to God? What evidence supports this?
  • Why do you think God sent Jesus to earth through Mary?
  • Why did the people send for priests, Levites and Pharisees? Who do you call on to help you “find truth” in a situation? How do you discern what is true and what is not?

General Questions for Journaling

  • What gift did God give you this year? What gift has He promised you this Advent/Christmas?
  • Reflect on a time when you gave more than you received in return. What did you feel? How did you react?
  • Reflect on a time when you received more than you gave. What did you feel? How did you react?
  • Does generosity have a limit? Why or why not?
  • Can you ever have too much of something good? Too much of something bad? How do you determine?
  • Are there people in your life which you regard as “higher” than yourself? What makes them so? How would God respond?
  • What does God reveal about Himself through the prophets of the Old Testament?
  • What do you learn about God’s character through Jesus?
  • What is your definition of love? What is your definition of forgiveness? Can you have one without the other? Explain.
  • What sounds do you hear during this time of year? What images or memories come to mind when you hear them? Where is God?
  • What are some of the smells which come with the season? How do they make you feel? Where is God?
  • Have you ever encountered an angel? What was the situation and how did you know it was an angel?

Closing Prayer – (Glory to God Prayer)

Leader:  Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people of good will.

ALL: We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory,

Leader:  Lord God, Heavenly King, O God, almighty Father.

ALL:  Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,

Leader:  Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,

ALL:  You take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us;

Leader:  You take away the sin of the world, receive our prayer;

ALL:  You are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.

Leader:  For you alone are the Holy One; you alone are the Lord.

ALL:  You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,

          with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God, the Father.  Amen

Challenge for the Week:  The story of Mary visiting Elizabeth is known by each of us but there is one who is sometimes overlooked when we remember the story…Zachariah.  He is Elizabeth’s husband and became mute soon after Elizabeth became pregnant.  The challenge this week as we come into the final days of Advent and enter into Christmas is to take some time to be quiet.  Perhaps this looks like setting aside a specific amount of time to be silent, maybe you turn off the radio in the car or refrain from turning on the TV.  This could also take the shape of NOT saying something negative or judgmental to a friend or relative when you are at a holiday gathering…to keep your mouth shut.  Then while being quiet, try to take in what you witness; like Zachariah, you might be a part of a miracle!

Sunday, December 13th Readings

Third Week of Advent

Opening Prayer

Almighty God

I come before you to seek

        what I need to be complete.

Free me of the lies I have told

        so I may have a fresh start.

Heal what has been hurt or broken

        and teach me to do the safe for others.

Your presence within and beyond me

        brings peace to all!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 61 :1-2A,10-11

  • Draw an image of yourself as described by this scripture.
  • Determine specifically how you can bring glad tidings to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives and release to prisoners.
  • Imagine and describe what it feels like to be clothed in salvation and robed in justice.

1Thessalonians 5:16-24

  • Is it possible “pray without ceasing”? What does that look like?
  • How would you explain “pray without ceasing” and “perfectly holy” to a child or someone who is just developing their faith?
  • How can your body and spirit work together? Share an example a time when this happened or an example of how it would look.

John 1:6-8,19-28

  • Just as John was sent to testify to Jesus’ coming, you are called to testify to Jesus too. Share how you have or how you can testify to the light of Christ.
  • Why do the people send for priests, Levites and Pharisees? Who do you call on to help you “find truth” in a situation? How do you discern what is true and what is not?
  • John says, “there is one among you whom you do not recognize”; reflect on a time when you didn’t recognize someone you know.

General Questions for Journaling

  • What does it mean to you to have God’s favor? Do you have God’s favor? Do you know others who have God’s favor?
  • How might one act differently if they knew they had God’s favor upon them?
  • How are you bearing witness to Christ this Advent season?
  • Reflect on the things which “break your heart”. Is there something you can do to help heal that hurt?
  • What “good tidings” did you hear in the past week, month or year? Why is it “good”?
  • Can you bring “good tidings” when you harbor hurt and resentment towards others?
  • Describe how someone can find joy in suffering.
  • Are you open to allowing the Holy Spirit to work in and through you? Share.
  • How does God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) dwell in your body, mind and spirit?  Share specific ways.
  • How do you recognize God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) in your life and in the life of others? Is God easy or difficult to find? Why or why not? Are there specific conditions which make it easier or more difficult? Explain.
  • How do you acknowledge God in your life? Do you allow God to make decisions for you or do you leave God out of the process?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  In the darkness before the morning…

ALL:  Lord, let me be your light!

Leader:  As I encounter those around me…

ALL:  Lord, let me be your light!

Leader:  Through my words and actions…

ALL:  Lord, let me be your light!

Leader:  In my preparations for Christmas…

ALL:  Lord, let me be your light!

Leader:  As I make plans with friends and family…

ALL:  Lord, let me be your light!

Leader:  Through your presence within me…

ALL:   Lord, let me be your light!

Challenge for the Week:  The holiday season is not always filled with JOY. There are many whom have a hard time with the holidays because of the added stress of shopping or social gatherings. Others struggle with the financial difficulty the holidays can bring. And there are those who are grieving loved ones whom they shared many holiday memories and traditions. When a person experiences any of these, the JOY of the season can be very hard to find. Consider what you can do to help alleviate some of the stress this holiday either for yourself or for others. Are there people within your reach who are affected by any of the stressors of the holiday season? What can you do to give them some relief? It might be someone in your immediate family or someone on another continent, either way make a plan to bring someone JOY this week!

Sunday, December 6th Readings

Second Week of Advent

Opening Prayer


YOU are always near; YOU never leave me.

YOU promise grace and peace all the days of my lives.

May I seek YOU in the wilderness and in the harvest.

I will find YOU waiting!  AMEN!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 40 :1-5,9-11

  • What does it mean to make a highway for God? What would this look like?
  • Do believe God smooths out the mountains in your path? Give an example.
  • Where do you see Jesus’ glory revealed this holiday season? Be specific.

2Peter 3:8-14

  • Saint Paul says to conduct ourselves in holiness and devotion. What does this look like? Is it possible to be holy AND devoted?  Give an example. 
  • What do your words, actions or how you spent time say you are devoted to?
  • What are some obstacles which delays you from expressing your love and devotion to God?

Mark 1:1-8

  • How do you compare to John the Baptist? Name similarities and differences. Are there qualities of John the Baptist which you would like you have?
  • Make a list of potential lessons you could share about God with this scripture. Can you come up with 10?

General Questions for Journaling

  • How would you describe the road of life? What are some of the things which make the road rough? What helps make the road smooth?
  • Where do you see God’s love/mercy smoothing out rough spots in your life? In the world?
  • How can you be a voice in the wilderness? Where are you called to share the Good News? Name at least three places.
  • If God makes your pathways straight, then what creates the obstacles you encounter or stumble over? How can you avoid these obstacles or how can you be better equipped to overcome them? What do you need? Be specific.
  • Is there someone you know that needs to hear the Good News of Jesus’ birth? What would you say to them?
  • What is one thing you know about God’s timing? How do you know this?
  • If you rated your patience on a scale from 1-10, where would you land? Can you be honest with your assessment? Is your score where you want to be?
  • Are you more patient with yourself or with others? Why?
  • What or who causes you to lose patience? What role do you play in this?
  • What can you learn from God about patience?
  • Is there need for repentance in your life? In your community? In your church? What can you do to make things right?
  • Is the message of repentance and non-judgment the type of message you would choose to share during the holiday season? Why or why not? What message do you think needs to be heard?
  • Are you filled with fear or joy when you reflect on “the coming of the Lord”?
  • How do you “prepare the way” for the coming of Jesus? What preparations do you make for Christmas? What preparations do you make for Advent?
  • What is your favorite memory of advent? How do you celebrate advent? Do you change anything to represent this is a special time?
  • What is the significance of baptism to you?  Do you live as if you have been baptized?  Or do you live as if you are baptized?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lead US Lord…

ALL:  like a shepherd leads His sheep!

Leader:  Lead US Lord…

ALL:  like a teacher leads His pupils!

Leader:  Lead US Lord…

ALL:  like a King leads His people!

Leader:  Find US ready Lord…

ALL:  to follow where YOU lead!

Challenge for the Week:  How can you give “glad tidings” this holiday season?  Is there one person you need to reach out to and spend some time, perhaps to smooth out your relationship?  Are there people in the community who need some assistance or a friendly smile?  Spend time this week determining how you define “glad tidings” and make a plan to share “glad tidings” with others.  This could even be something which becomes a new tradition or something you will continue to do even after the holiday season has passed.  Take the example of John the Baptist and let your words and actions point to Jesus!!!