Sunday, April 4th Readings

Easter Sunday Readings

Opening Prayer


Where would I be without you?

What would happen if I couldn’t find you?

How different would my life be?

The disciples know.

They saw you broken and bleeding,

        dead and lain in the tomb.

But you conquered death

        so I wouldn’t have to know.

Thank you Lord Jesus for your sacrifice!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 10:34, 37-43

  • How are you a witness to Christ? When and/or where have you been a witness to God’s love, mercy, forgiveness, teachings? How did the experience impact you?
  • What can you learn from Peter’s example in this scripture?
  • To whom is Peter speaking? How is the Peter in this scripture different than the one who denied Jesus in last week’s scripture? What has changed?

Colossians 3:1-4

  • Where do you see compassion? Is it alive in the world today?
  • When one seeks what “is above” what do they seek? Can you see it?
  • What death mean to you? Is it possible to die a little at a time? Why or why not?

Mark 16:1-7

  • Define, “see and believe”.
  • Who will you share the “Good News” of Jesus’ resurrection? Who in your life needs to hear it?

General Questions for Journaling

  • What words do you use to define love? How is it measured in your life?
  • Share a time when God amazed you!
  • Have you ever been asked to testify to something? How is it the same or different than testifying to your faith? Explain.
  • What is the definition of witness? Is a witness called to action? Explain.
  • How does belief in God/Jesus/Holy Spirit give you strength? Share ways you are able to sustain this strength.
  • Where can you find consolation when you are feeling confused or depressed? Where have you been able to find consolation?
  • Where do you see a need for compassion in your community right now? Is there something you can do?
  • What emotion does the Easter season fill you with? How can this emotion work for the good of others?
  • What happens when you are being sincere, but others don’t believe you? How do you deal with this? What does God call you to do?
  • When you see someone who is suffering, do you do something? In what cases do you help and which do you back away?
  • When has fear paralyzed you from reaching a goal?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Praise to YOU Lord Jesus Christ…

ALL:  for you are all things good!

Leader:  Praise to YOU Lord Jesus Christ…

ALL:  for your mercy endures forever!

Leader: Praise to YOU Lord Jesus Christ…

ALL:  for you have been exalted!

Leader:  Praise to YOU Lord Jesus Christ…

ALL:  for your love never ends!

Leader:  Praise to YOU Lord Jesus Christ…

ALL:  for you are a promise fulfilled!

Leader:  Praise to YOU Lord Jesus Christ…

ALL:  for you have died for me!

Leader:  Praise to YOU Lord Jesus Christ…

ALL:  for you bring me NEW LIFE!

Challenge for the Week:  For years I have overlooked the sacrifice and courage it took for the women who anointed Jesus’ body to actually do so.  It has been one of those small details which I’ve really not paid any attention to and have taken for granted.  Perhaps you are like me in coming to this understanding for the first time.  The challenge this week is to dive into what it meant for these women to prepare Jesus for burial.  This tradition was sacred and required much time and attention to detail out of respect.  Did they simply act out of obligation to the law?  Where they showing compassion for Jesus?  How come the authorities allowed the women to do this?  What if the women would have been too afraid to ask?  When have you ever acted out of compassion or fought to do the right thing despite the cost or potential punishment?  During this HOLY WEEK, spend some time reflecting on what the action of these women means to you, means to the church and what can we learn from their actions.

Sunday, March 28th Readings

Palm Sunday Readings

Opening Prayer

Open my eyes so I can SEE YOU

        in the faces of those around me.

Open my ears so I can HEAR YOU

        in the cries of the poor and neglected.

Open my heart so I can FEEL YOU

        in my sin and weakness.

May my senses be open to YOU

        as you pour out all you have upon me!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 50:4-7

  • Do you pray for those who have hurt you? How does this scripture speak to how you should view others who have caused you hurt?
  • How does this reading speak of Jesus? Isaiah shed light on the coming of Jesus and the suffering He would endure. What do you suffer for Jesus’ sake?

Philippians 2:6-11

  • How do you most relate to Jesus? How would you imagine Jesus most relates to you?
  • How did Jesus empty himself for you? How can you mimic this in your life?
  • Make a list of the ways Jesus was a slave in the stories of the Gospel. What is the definition of a slave?

Mark 14:1—15:47

  • Jesus stands up for a woman showing him kindness. Share a time when you have done the same. If there is not a time, think of a time when you could have done the same.
  • Is there a precious gift you can give to Jesus? What does this reading say God wants from you?

General Questions for Journaling

  • What are your first thoughts in the morning when you wake up?  Are they of God or something else?  How do your first thoughts drive your day? Are your first thought the same each morning or different?
  • Do you need to train your tongue? 
  • When have you recently spoken up for an unfair or unjust situation? What was the situation and what was the outcome?
  • Is there something going on in the world which you feel strongly about?  What can you do you do to impact this?
  • What makes it hard to turn your back on those who hurt you or cause you harm?
  • Why do you think people are drawn to bad news? Slow down at an accident scene or gather outside where there an emergency vehicle shows up? What is it that people want to know?
  • How have you seen God help someone in your community? Share the story.
  • How do you show God/Jesus/Holy Spirit honor? How do you bow before them?
  • Describe what it means to be emptied of oneself. Is it hard or easy to do?
  • For what purpose would one choose to be emptied?
  • How does your posture during prayer speak to God?
  • Do you think God prefers formal or informal prayer? Explain.
  • How have your actions caused pain for Jesus? Have you turned your back on him?
  • Are there things in your life which you mock? Where could you find the good in that thing?
  • Have others ever been upset with you because you did something nice for another person? Do you have regrets?
  • How does it make you feel that Jesus already knows all you have done and all you will do, both good and bad? Be specific.

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, you humble yourself so you can be emptied

ALL:  I love you, I honor you, I thank you

Leader:  Lord, you hold your tongue when others accuse you

ALL:  I love you, I honor you, I thank you

Leader:  Lord, you turn your back on those who beat you

ALL:  I love you, I honor you, I thank you

Leader:  Lord, you show obedience to God’s plan

ALL:  I love you, I honor you, I thank you

Challenge for the Week:  Pope Francis poses a very interesting challenge for you.  He suggests you take some time to reflect on your life of faith.  Have you fallen asleep in your faith?  Are you living your faith out with fervor or simply going through the motions?  Do you slumber through attending your weekly obligation or are you alive and growing?  Take time to think about this question.  Are you asleep?  Are you on the path of falling asleep?  OR Are you walking, skipping, jumping, dancing or even flying?  Do you know others who have fallen asleep in their faith; what can you do to help them “stay awake for Jesus”? 

Sunday, March 21st Readings

Fifth Sunday of Lent

Opening Prayer

O Lord,

I cry out to you from the depths,

        I don’t know if you can hear me.

I beg forgiveness

        but I fear my sin to too great.

Yet, God, you promised to bring your people

        back from the graves.

Jesus, raised Lazarus from the dead.

Scripture gives me hope

you will hear my cries and forgive me.

Lord, bring me out of the darkness

and into your glorious light!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Ezekiel 37 :12-14

  • Describe what it means to have God’s Spirit within you? How does it give you life?
  • What does it mean to the people for God to say he will bring them back to the land of Israel?

Romans 8:8-11

  • How does the Spirit dwell in you? Be honest, what are the characteristics that show the Spirit dwells in you. Which characteristics do you want to improve on?
  • At this point in your Lenten journey, do you feel worthy of God’s Spirit within you? Have you kept up with your Lenten disciplines as you’d hoped? Does this scripture give you hope or cause you to feel despair?

John 11:1-45

  • Jesus knows Lazarus will not die, rather will be used to help Jesus show the Glory of God. Have you ever experienced a time when you knew an experience would exemplify God’s glory?
  • Share how this Gospel gives insight about God’s timing.
  • Complete the story of what happens next, after Lazarus is raised. What does Mary, Martha and Lazarus say? What do they do? How long does Jesus stay with them? What about the Disciples?

General Questions for Journaling

  • What is your experience with God’s promises?
  • If you could choose one event in your past that you could ‘do over’ would you go back and do it over? How would you want the outcome to change?
  • How do you know God hears your prayers? Does silence mean he didn’t hear you?
  • Does God’s voice sound the same to you every time you speak to Him? Does it sound the same to everyone? Explain.
  • Define the word redemption.
  • Describe how it feels to have God’s Spirit within you? 
  • When you know you have God’s Spirit within you, does it affect how you think, feel and act? Explain.
  • What is your favorite thing about your life right now? Where is God in it?
  • When you hear of the death of someone, especially of someone close to you, what is the natural human response? How is that similar or different to how Jesus responded to the news of Lazarus?
  • What do you think happens when you die?
  • Do you have a bucket list?  A list of things you want to do or places you want to go before you die?  Is this list something you actively pursue or something you made once and put in a drawer?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, hear my voice…

ALL:  I will do it!

Leader:  Lord, forgive my sin…

ALL:  I will do it!

Leader:  Lord, open the grave…

ALL:  I will do it!

Leader:  Lord, dwell in me…

ALL:  I will do it!

Challenge for the Week:  Draw an outline of a gingerbread man on a blank piece of paper.  On the inside of the paper write down all the sins you can think of that you have committed.  Reflect on how much sin consumes your body.  How many of the sins you’ve committed are because of your physical body?  How many were committed due to emotions?  Which sins were committed even though you knew they were sins and you did them anyways?  What percentage of your body is sin? This is not one of those activities where you want to have a high score, nor do you want to have balance.  Seek reconciliation of your sin and then spend time this week determining what you can do to keep your numbers down.

Sunday, March 14th Readings

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Opening Prayer


When I look for you,

        I don’t always see you.

Teach me to look,

        through a child’s eyes.

I step out today,

        You are watching out for me.

I stumble and fall,

        You are there holding me.

Let me not be blind

        to the joy you have in front of me!

Journal/Reflection Questions

2Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23

  • In the Old Testament you hear God sent messengers “early and often” to His people. In the Gospels you learn about Jesus, God himself who came to share God’s plan for His people. Then in the New Testament the Holy Spirit is left to dwell in and among His people. How are the messengers of the Old Testament the same and how do they differ from the Holy Spirit?
  • How do God’s angels bring you comfort, reinforcement in the battle, and/or safety in the hard times?
  • Are there messengers from God today who give support or warning? Share an example.

Ephesians 2:4-10

  • Reflect on the phrase, “dead to our transgressions”. This word is also in the Our Father prayer. How hard or easy is it for you to live this out?
  • How does God’s love for you filter out in your life? Does it come out through compassion? Mercy? Grace? Forgiveness? Make a list of other ways God’s love can filter through a person’s life.

John 3:14-21

  • Do you recall the story of Moses and the serpent? Reflect on how these scriptures relate.
  • How is God lifted up in your life? Within your family? 
  • God gave his son to the world…how does that make you feel?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Has God given you a message but you are unsure how to pursue it? Afraid you don’t have the strength to accomplish it? Do you fear ridicule or abandonment of family or friends? 
  • Could God be talking to you and you simply are not listening?
  • God’s followers/believers have always fought opposition. What do you fight because you are a believer? What struggles or battles seem to find you no matter where you turn?
  • What is God’s response when you fail and mess up over and over? What is God’s response when you succeed and do the right thing repeatedly? Does God’s response change because of your actions? Why or why not? Explain.
  • How do you define grace? Is it a noun? A verb? An adjective?
  • How is grace received? Where does it come from? What is its purpose?
  • What lesson can you learn from God’s example to stay consistent in love, mercy and forgiveness? 
  • How does faith save a person? Give an example.
  • Do you fully embrace your faith 100%? What percentage would you put on your faith? Does it depend on your situation? Be specific.
  • Why do you think of all the scripture passages, John 3:16 is the most known and memorized verses?
  • Do you love God with or without expectation? Explain.
  • Create a list of “good” things that happen in the dark, what needs darkness to live or survive?
  • Are you or have you ever been completely in the dark? Describe the experience.

Closing Prayer

Leader:  When there is darkness, YOU send the light.

ALL:  The God of heaven and earth; create us anew!

Leader:  When we are hurt, YOU bring healing.

ALL:  The God of heaven and earth; create us anew!

Leader:  When we feel alone, YOU offer comfort.

ALL:  The God of heaven and earth; create us anew!

Leader:  When we sin against you, there is grace and mercy.

ALL:  The God of heaven and earth; create us anew!

Challenge for the Week:  At this point, you might start seeing the mirage of the promises of Easter.  However, don’t be fooled.  The season of Lent is only at its halfway mark and there is still Good Friday and Holy Saturday to get through.  Perhaps you are feeling courageous because you have fought off temptations, keep up your courage!  Or maybe you have let slide some of your Lenten observances to fast, give alms and pray, it’s not too late to begin again!  The scriptures this week encourage you to either stay the course or get back on track.  They signify that victory is on its way.  Again, don’t be fooled.  This is the time when you are called to go deeper, to step up your game, recharge and continue on…this is a false summit…find the supplies you need to carry on because this is when it gets real! 

Sunday, March 7th Readings

Third Sunday of Lent

Opening Prayer


You put a thirst in me that only You can quench.

You lead me through rocky and desert places

to a wellspring with the water of life.

May the scripture I read today satisfy my desire

and fill me with Your Spirit so I may overflow!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Exodus 17:3-7

  • Why was Moses afraid? When have you felt like Moses? Where was God? How did God help you?
  • Do you think Moses ever doubted God? Why or why not?
  • What about you is different than Moses?

Romans 5:1-2,5-8

  • An agreement made between two people requires each side to give something. God gave us His Son, Jesus gave us His life and the Holy Spirit gave us the Bible.  What are you being called to give?
  • Could you give up your life for another person? Anyone or just specific people? How does this differ from giving up your life for God? Or giving your life to God?

John 4:5-42

  • What does Jesus ask for and then offer in return? Imagine Jesus asking you the same thing. How might you respond, how have you already responded? What has He asked for in return, what do you give?
  • Define “living water”. 
  • Have you ever, like the disciples, wondered what God was doing?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Have you ever grumbled at God?  Have you ever grumbled against God?
  • What causes you to grumble to other people?
  • It is said that “faith makes you stronger”; explain how this is true or not true.
  • Do you thirst for things in your life? Take time to be honest with yourself and reflect on things you thirst for each day. Are these things life giving or do they drain life from you?
  • Describe what it feels like to have faith poured over you?  Love poured over you?  Joy poured over you?
  • What do you think the woman at the well was feeling when Jesus told her all of the things of her past. How would it make you feel if a stranger did the same to you? How does it feel to know Jesus does know your past?
  • Are there things about you that you wish God didn’t know? How does your behavior/attitude change, knowing God knows all of your secrets?
  • Put yourself in the Gospel story as one of the villagers. How would you react when the woman came back to share what had just happened at the well? Would you believe her? Would the encounter change how you felt about her?
  • The woman at the well shows how humans long to be loved and Jesus is the only one who can give the everlasting love humans desire. What do you desire?  Are there things in your life you cannot live without?
  • When you are in the desert and look out into the horizon, you can see a mirage, an image of water in the distance. Use this image to describe an experience in your life. What was your desert experience? What was your mirage?
  • How does the story of the woman at the well, help give you encouragement to continue to work on your Lenten sacrifices?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Make me a well-spring…

ALL:  of your peace!

Leader:  Make me a well-spring…

ALL:  of your comfort!

Leader:  Make me a well-spring…

ALL:  of your joy!

Leader:  Make me a well-spring…

ALL:  of your compassion!

Leader:  Make me a well-spring…

ALL:  of your goodness!

Leader:  Make me a well-spring…

ALL:  of your love!

Challenge for the Week:  The woman at the well in the Gospel story sees Jesus but doesn’t know he is the Messiah.  She had heard of him, but had not seen him.  Take time this week to think about the times you have missed seeing Jesus or spending time with him.  What can you do to be more open to seeing Jesus in your everyday activities, not just when you want to see him or when you go to church.