Sunday, May 2nd Readings

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Opening Prayer


The sacrifice YOU made on the cross

        is one sacrifice for all.

May the life I live reflect my gratitude

        for all YOU have done for me.

Fill me with YOUR Spirit so when I speak,

        all will understand that I am YOUR disciple!

Give me the words to boldly proclaim YOU are God alone,

        for I know with my whole heart I need nothing else!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 9:26-31

  • What made the disciples hesitant to accept Saul as Paul? Have you ever had a hard time accepting someone into your life?
  • What does it mean to walk in the fear of the Lord? How would you explain this to a non-believer?
  • Have you ever experienced a change like Saul/Paul?

1 John 3:18-24

  • How does God communicate to you so you know you are following his commandments and you are beloved?
  • Explain why a person’s actions speak louder than their words. How can you teach this lesson to another person?
  • Does it bring comfort or fear to know God knows your heart?

John 15:1-8

  • Give an example of what it means to “bear fruit” and explain how pruning can produce more fruit as it pertains to human relationships.
  • Draw a branch with leaves or a vine with grapes, imagine you are the branch or vine and the people whom you influence are the leaves or grapes.
  • In what condition are the leaves or the grapes? Are those relationships thriving or simply surviving?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Name three things in your life which you feel strongly enough about that you will stand up and defend?
  • Have you ever made a change in your life which was not accepted by those in your life?  Share.
  • On a scale from 1-10, how much do you trust the 5 most important people in your life?
  • On a scale from 1-10, how much do you trust the 5 most unimportant people in your life?
  • What are random acts of kindness?  Have you ever been a witness of one?
  • Have you ever told someone not to do something and then you do it?  Is there harm in doing this?  Why or why not?
  • Are there relationships you have which you should get separation from for good?  What makes these relationships harmful?
  • Are there relationships you should nurture more?  What makes these relationships you want to keep?
  • Share an example of how you know God/Jesus/Holy Spirit lives within you.
  • Share an example of a time when you saw God/Jesus/Holy Spirit within another person.

Closing Prayer

Leader:  It is YOU who gives us breath to breathe…

ALL:  YOU are the Vine; WE are the Branches!

Leader:  It is YOU who gives us sight to see…

ALL:  YOU are the Vine; WE are the Branches!

Leader:  It is YOU who unties us when we are bound…

ALL:  YOU are the Vine; WE are the Branches!

Leader:  It is YOU who takes our burdens when we are too weak…

ALL:  YOU are the Vine; WE are the Branches!

Leader:  It is YOU who give us life to live out the Gospel message…

ALL:  YOU are the Vine; WE are the Branches!

Challenge for the Week:  The story in the first reading is a situation many of us have encountered.  We have either been like Paul, someone who has made some change and are not accepted by those around us, either because they don’t believe we have changed or they are not comfortable with the change we have made.  Or we are the ones not welcoming someone or believing someone who has made a change.  This week reflect on the situation and determine how it might have had a different outcome, what are some of the things that could have happened differently?  We cannot go back and change the past but we can learn from it; learn from our mistakes and our successes so we know how to handle a similar situation in the future.  Take time to open your eyes to seeing in new ways!

Sunday, April 25th Readings

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Opening Prayer

Abba Father

I hear your voice

        and I follow.

I am comforted by

        the sound.

It is clear.

Lord, YOU are with me!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 4:8-12

  • Peter explains the significance of Jesus in this scripture.  In your own words, explain the significance of Jesus in your life or in the world.
  • Is Jesus the cornerstone of your life?  Give examples.

1 John 3:1-2

  • Compare and contrast your relationship with God as a father and a child.  Is this easy or difficult to do?  Explain.
  • Has Jesus revealed anything to you?  How will you/do you know when Jesus reveals a message to you?

John 10:11-18

  • What makes Jesus the “good” shepherd?  Can you list 5 things?  10?
  • For what are you willing to lay down your life?  A person?  A cause? 
  • In what way do you relate to the good shepherd?  Be specific.
  • Why is there only one shepherd?  What consequences or difficulties could arise if there were more than one?

General Questions for Journaling

  • When did you go out of your way to do a good thing for another person?  What was the occasion?
  • Does doing good for others come naturally for you or do you find yourself needing to work at it? 
  • What do you think causes kindness to others to come naturally or not?
  • Name some of the obstacles in your life right now.  What are you doing to overcome them or are you waiting for God or someone else to remove the obstacles or make it easier for you to overcome?
  • Do you know someone who doesn’t believe in Jesus?  What is their reason for not believing?  It is because they don’t know Him or is it something else?
  • What might be some reasons someone would not believe if Jesus?  If the elders of his time tried to discredit him, what are some things people today could say to try to discredit Jesus?
  • Have you ever been given responsibility for someone else’s possessions?  Did you care for them as though they were your own?  Why or why not?
  • How do you define love?  Is there one type of love or several?  If there is more than one, what are they types of love?
  • Describe the feeling of knowing you are loved.  What adjectives do you use to describe love?  Is your description the same as others?
  • Share a story of a time when you felt safe.  Describe the surroundings, the smells, what you saw and what you heard.

Closing Prayer

Leader:  The Lord calls my name…

ALL:  and I listen.

Leader:  The Lord calls my name…

ALL:  and I wait.

Leader: The Lord calls my name…

ALL:  and I surrender.

Leader:  The Lord calls my name…

ALL:  and I respond.

Leader:  The Lord calls my name…

ALL:  and I rejoice.

Leader:  The Lord calls my name…

ALL:  and I am complete!

Challenge for the Week:  Have you ever considered what kind of parent God is?  While there are only four specific parenting styles, there are several articles which highlight a variety of different types of parenting.  To name a few, there is a “drill sergeant parent” who commands and directs the lives of children.  There is the “oblivious parent” whom is not aware of or concerned about what is happening with their children.  Another nickname for a type of parent is the “MIA parent” which is as you’d assume correctly is a parent whom is not present at all.  One of the more popular types is the “helicopter parent” whom is overprotective and discourages a child’s independence by being too involved in the child’s life and swoops in at any sign of challenge or discomfort.  Does one of these types fit God?  Do you believe God parents each one of us in the same way?  What type of parent would you say God is?  What type of parent do you want God to be?  Spend time this week in reflection on the Father, God and give thanks and praise for all God’s grace!

Sunday, April 18th Readings

Third Sunday of Easter

Opening Prayer


You don’t just ignore my sin.

        You help me to correct it.

You don’t just tell me to do better,

        You teach me the right way.

Let me learn from you

        so I can be a better person.

Praise You Lord

        for believing in me!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 3:13-15, 17-19

  • Peter is letting the people know that they can be forgiven for turning away from Jesus and sentencing him to death. Are your sins worse than this? If they can be forgiven what keeps you from being forgiven?
  • How does ignorance force a wedge in a person’s relationship with God? 
  • How does ignorance in the world affect a person’s relationship with God?

1 John 2:1-5a

  • This scripture is saying our sin goes through Jesus, his death is what makes amends for our sin…even the sin we haven’t committed yet. Write a prayer to express how you feel about his fact.
  • What makes Jesus the best advocate for us to God?

Luke 24:35-48

  • Go back to Isaiah to read the scriptures which Jesus fulfilled. How do you feel when you read the scriptures?
  • How have you witnessed God’s work, Jesus’ miracles today? What evidence do you have that Holy Spirit is alive today?
  • Jesus’ disciples had a hard time recognizing Jesus, what can you do to recognize Jesus when he comes to you?

General Questions for Journaling

  • What makes forgiveness difficult? What makes forgiveness easier?
  • In what ways are the faithful today the same as the first disciples?
  • In what ways are we different from those left behind after Jesus died?
  • What do you believe happened when Jesus died? Do you believe it is the same or different for other people? Explain.
  • What does it mean to leave your sins at the foot of the cross? How would you explain this to another person of faith? How would you explain this to someone who doesn’t know Jesus?
  • The things of this world can tug and pull on us, sometimes away from God. What are these things in your life? What makes you fall victim to them? 
  • Where is peace prevalent today?
  • Is peace something everyone can find in the same place? Explain.
  • What does it mean to have an open mind or a closed mind? Do different people have different definitions? Why or why not?
  • Would you describe yourself as open minded or closed minded? Why?
  • What is it about Jesus that you most relate to? Be specific.
  • Have you had moments of remembrances of loved ones who have passed? Explain.
  • How does Jesus’ death help you cope with death? Your own and others?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Jesus is alive, let me rejoice…

ALL:  All of my sins are washed away!

Leader:  Jesus is alive, let me rejoice…

ALL:  My path has been restored!

Leader: Jesus is alive, let me rejoice…

ALL:  He loves me like no other!

Leader:  Jesus is alive, let me rejoice…

ALL:  the Holy Spirit lives in me!

Leader:  Jesus is alive, let me rejoice…

ALL:  death has no power!

Leader:  Jesus is alive, let me rejoice…


Challenge for the Week:  In the Catholic Church Easter is not celebrated only on Easter Sunday, but for 50 days!  That is a lot of chocolate and marshmallows! Actually, it is not about the commercialized Easter as you may know, rather it’s about continuing to be in the presence of Jesus through the scriptures and special celebrations.  It is a time set aside by the Church, like Lent, for us to reflect on the life of Jesus, more specifically, life on earth after his death.  Spend time this next week reflecting on Jesus’ presence in your life and in the world.  How does Jesus impact your daily life?  Is the presence of Jesus a blessing or a curse?  How do you relate to the early Christians trying to decipher this new way of life without Jesus?  How are their struggles similar to different from those faced in the world today?  There is much to ponder…so Happy Easter!!!  Jesus has risen!!!

Sunday, April 11th Readings

Divine Mercy Sunday Readings

Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father,

You breathed into us at creation,

You sent YOUR Son to breathe with us,

You left YOUR Spirit to fill us with the breath of life.

May we show gratitude for this gift you have given

        so when we breathe in we are aware of you filling us!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 4:32-35

  • What specifically motivated the early Christians to act in this way?
  • Are there people you know who need something which you are unwilling to give? How can this scripture help you move towards giving?

1 John 5:1-6

  • Do you believe you love God in the same way God loves you? Why or why not?
  • The scripture says the commandments are not burdensome.  Do you agree or disagree?  How might one NOT find them burdensome?
  • Draw a picture of this scripture. How does this look to you? Is there a straight timeline of love or does it start with God in the middle and split off from there or is it a complete circle or something else entirely?

John 20:19-31

  • Are there sins (your own or others) which you are withholding forgiveness? What image or phrase from the scripture can you use to begin to let go of these sins you harbor?
  • What is the significance of Jesus breathing on the disciples and those gathered? How does this personally affect you and your life?
  • When have you, like Thomas doubted Jesus?  Perhaps it was doubt of His existence or doubt of His presence?

General Questions for Journaling

  • We can sometimes have a hard time sharing our possessions.  What lesson can we learn from those early Christians about our possessions?
  • Who are the needy around you?  Is there someone in need within your reach?  What can you do to help satisfy their need?
  • How does your life bear witness to Christ?
  • How does your church or place or worship bear witness to Christ?
  • How does/can your workplace/school bear witness to Christ?
  • How does your home/family bear witness to Christ?
  • How does love change?  Do you love a baby differently than a toddler or a teenager or an adult person?  Explain.
  • Does God’s love for us change based on our circumstances or actions?  Why or why not?  Does God ask for us to do anything to earn love from him?
  • Is there something about faith which you struggle with believing or agreeing? What action should you take to learn more about it? How can you come to a better understanding instead of accepting unbelief?
  • What does through the “water and spirit” mean to you? What is your personal story involving the “water and spirit”?
  • How does the “water and spirit” come alive in your life and help you witness Christ’s love?
  • Jesus died and conquered death, how does this truth affect your faith right now?
  • How can you carry the promises of Easter on throughout the Easter Season and the rest of the year?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  At birth God breathed life

ALL:  giving me a life line.

Leader:  Comfort found in a hug

ALL:  giving me a life line.

Leader: A friend who understands

ALL:  giving me a life line.

Leader:  Forgiveness of my sins

ALL:  giving me a life line.

Leader:  Peace within the chaos

ALL:  giving me a life line.

Leader:  Death births salvation

ALL:  giving me a life line.

Challenge for the Week:  Why is it that in the worst of times, the best of people is revealed?  Why do people feel drawn to help others more willingly when there is pain or suffering?  If you hear of a family who has experienced a tragic event, you send a card, make a phone call or organize people to provide meals; whatever you can to help ease the pain.  It can be a death in the family, a cancer diagnosis or even the loss of a job.  I remember the way it felt after the 9-11 attack; there was a common spirit throughout the country.  We had all experienced a traumatic loss and every person you walked past in the store or rode the elevator with shared that same desire to rise from the ashes of the devastating experience.  A nation united.  This is how I imagine the first Christians; everyone reaching out to help, to give what they can to provide comfort for those grieving and doing it without greed or thoughts of what they would receive in return.  They acted out of pure compassion and generosity.  So again I ask why is it that the worst of times, the best of people is revealed.  This Easter season, what can you do to create this atmosphere in your own life?  Imagine what could happen if you begin to sow the seeds of compassion and generosity within yourself, how it could grow to your family and others in your life!