Sunday, August 29th Readings

22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


You are so near to me

sometimes I forget how near.

My days get highjacked

with things that are meaningless.

Let me remember to reach out

so you may guide my path.

I am forever grateful

for your presence in my life!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-8

  • Moses tells the people the laws are simple; observe the commandments and God will be with you. What causes them to trip up? Can you relate? Share a specific example of a time when this happened to you.
  • Which of the laws God has set before you do you have trouble accepting? What makes them so difficult to abide?

James 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27

  • If God is speaking about you in this reading (and He is…) what might be some of the fruits that have come from your faith?
  • Saint James says to let the Word give us birth. What does this mean?  How can this happen?  Share from experience if you can.

Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

  • What point is Jesus making by referencing Isaiah? How have politics changed or not changed?
  • Are there laws that go against your faith? What are they and what do you do about them?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Are there laws or rules which cause you to scratch your head in bewilderment? What might have caused that law or rule to exist?
  • In society do you have the choice to follow or not follow a law? What would be the consequence if you disobeyed the law?  What consequence is there if you disobey God’s law?
  • What kind of things does God ask for you to do? Are they difficult or easy?
  • Where do you turn for help and support? What kind of help and support do you need to fulfill the tasks God has asked of you?
  • Can you think of two or three “world issues” where you could make an impact? What keeps you from getting involved?
  • Is there a difference between faith that is in your mind and faith that is in your heart?
  • How much of what you do outside of church supports what you do inside? Where are there contradictions?
  • What gifts has God given you? Do you have gifts you would rather not have?  Brainstorm ways you can use those gifts.
  • If a mother can give birth multiple times, do you think a person can be “born again” multiple times? Explain your answer.
  • What God has planted in you, must you also plant in others? Agree?  Disagree? Explain.
  • How is caring for others a gift to God?
  • Describe a scenario where there is a balance between what God desires and what you desire? Is this possible?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, you teach me to observe your decrees…

ALL:  May I hear your Word and act on it!

Leader:  to live in your love and love one another…

ALL:  May I hear your Word and act on it!

Leader:  to walk humbly and live justly…

ALL:  May I hear your Word and act on it!

Leader:  to be rooted in you and bear good fruit…

ALL:  May I hear your Word and act on it!

Leader: to follow your ways; not the ways of the world…

ALL:  May I hear your Word and act on it!

Challenge for the Week:  Michael Jackson is one of those artists you either love or hate.  However you feel about him personally, his music is still some of the most recognizable worldwide.  One of his songs, “Man in the Mirror” talks about how if you want the world to change, you must first begin with yourself.  Change is not easy, but I think MJ had it right, if you want something to change, you MUST begin with your own impact. Of course, Jesus says the same.  He calls his disciples to stand up, die to the old self and be renewed…there MUST be a change or conversion in thinking to make an impact on others.  What change is God calling you to this week?  This month?  This year?

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Sunday, August 22nd Readings

21st Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer

Father God,

You created me.

You know me.

And you still choose me!

What keeps me from doing the same for you?

I choose you! 

Let me know you through all you’ve created.

Open my heart to the wonder!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Joshua 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b

  • Joshua calls the people to decide whether to choose God or not. When did you make the choice? Share the experience.
  • Joshua has a list of reasons to follow God. What does your list of reasons look like? Are they similar or different from the ones Joshua speaks of in this scripture?
  • Did you, like the Israelites free choose your faith/religion? Why or why not? How do you take ownership of your faith today?

Ephesians 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32

  • What new insight about marriage do you hear in this scripture? What do you have trouble understanding?
  • Saint Paul is saying when a man and woman are joined in marriage; their relationship requires love, reverence, honor, respect and dignity. What would your recipe for a marriage be?
  • What do you think Saint Paul would tell us to do about the current discussions about marriage today?

John 6:60-69

  • Simon Peter tells Jesus, “you have the words of everlasting life”, what words of scripture or what miracle or what action convinces you that Jesus has the words of everlasting life?
  • If there was no place to gather to worship, nowhere to celebrate Eucharist, what would happen to faith?

General Questions for Journaling

  • When have you experienced good fortune when choosing to serve the Lord? Have you ever been punished for serving the Lord?
  • Have you ever been witness to God saving someone? What was this like? How did you feel? Where were you? Have you ever shared this experience with anyone before? Why or why not?
  • What would you classify as a modern miracle? How big or small does a miracle need to be for you to believe it was the work of God?
  • Where in your home does God dwell? Do guests in your home see, hear, feel the presence of God? Share examples.
  • How do you feel when you come out of a church service? What emotions are present? Be honest.
  • What can you do to sustain the “joy of the Lord” throughout the week?
  • Do you actively choose to follow God or is it something that you out of habit or because it appeases someone else? 
  • What does it mean to actively choose God?
  • Do you think you could ever stop believing in God? Why or why not?
  • Have you ever wanted to leave the church, give up faith? What caused you to want to leave it behind?
  • How would your life be different if you left your faith behind?
  • How does choosing God affect your other decisions in relationship with your spouse, your job, your hobbies, etc.
  • When entering into a relationship with a friend or potential spouse, how much emphasis did you, do you put onto faith compatibility?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  You have blessed me Lord…

ALL:  with each Word you speak!

Leader:  You have blessed me Lord…

ALL:  with the just and unjust!

Leader:  You have blessed me Lord…

ALL:  with truth and righteousness!

Leader:  You have blessed me Lord…

ALL:  with prayers answered and unanswered!

Leader:  You have blessed me Lord…

ALL:  with a Spirit of courage!

Leader:  You have blessed me Lord…

ALL:  with love everlasting!

Challenge for the Week:  When a couple gets married, traditionally, the parents of each person invites guest to come to be witness to the union.  The sacredness of the marriage ceremony too often gets lost in the pomp and circumstance society has put onto the ceremony.  So much that many will not even attend the ceremony and just attend the reception.  There are even couples who get married someplace out of the county or at the courthouse and then invite friends and family to a reception to celebrate.  This all takes away from what a true marriage should be and focuses on the wedding.  Spend time this week reflecting on the value of marriage as shared by Saint Paul to the Ephesians and contemplating what you can do to help those you love to uphold this type of love and commitment in their relationships.

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Sunday, August 15th Readings

Assumption of Mary, Mother of God

Opening Prayer

God of creation,

You set everything in motion

        for Mary before she was conceived.

You knew she would be the one

        whom would give birth to Your Son.

It was never a question for you

        if she would say YES!

I pray, this is true for me too!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Revelation 11 :19a ;12 :1-6a,10ab

  • What signs do you seek to confirm your faith?
  • What emotions do you feel when you read/listen to this scripture? 
  • How could you explain this scripture to someone hearing it for the first time and not knowing who Mary is or who Jesus is?

1Corinthians 15:20-27

  • Share your thoughts about what you think will happen and what it will look like when Jesus comes again.
  • How have you died and been brought to life?  Is this something that has happened once or several times?  Explain.

Luke 1:39-56

  • What does this scripture say about knowing God?  About faith?
  • What example can you take from this scripture to work to live out in the coming month and perhaps make into a permanent habit?

General Questions for Journaling

  • What is your image of Mary? What does she look like physically? How do you imagine he voice sounding? What characteristics, in addition to the ones you read about in scripture, do you think she had?
  • Do you have a specific devotion to Mary? What is it and how did it start?
  • What is your image of heaven? What would be the perfect heaven for you?
  • Have you ever heard God’s voice? If yes, what did God say? If no, what do you think God’s would say or is saying?
  • When Jesus said he has prepared a place for you, what do you think that looks like?
  • What are your thoughts about the pain of childbirth? Why do you think this is mentioned in scripture? What lesson is there?
  • God created man and then woman, but gave women the honor of carrying life within her. What does this say about God? What does this say about women?  Why do you think God chose to have woman carry the child and not man?
  • Why do you think it takes 9 months for a woman to give birth?
  • Mary is called many names. What is your favorite name for Mary?
  • Have you seen an image, statue or stain-glass of Mary that is prominent in your mind? Where was it and what did it look like?
  • How do you explain death to a child? How do you describe heaven?
  • What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit?
  • In addition to saying YES to God to bear His child, what other important things has Mary done?
  • Mary went away to be with her family during her pregnancy. Do you think the scripture is giving an example of the importance of family or something else?  Explain.
  • If you are a woman, what is your favorite memory of being pregnant? If you are a man, what is your favorite memory about the mother of your child while she was carrying your child?

Closing Prayer – Prayer on the Assumption of Mary

Leader:  Father in heaven,

ALL:  all creation rightly gives you praise,

Leader:  for all life and holiness come from you.

ALL:  In the plan of your wisdom

Leader: she who bore the Christ in her womb

ALL:  was raised body and soul in glory

Leader:  to be with him in heaven.

ALL:  May I follow her example

Leader:  in reflecting your holiness

ALL:  and join in her hymn

Leader:  of endless love and praise.

ALL:  We ask this through Christ our Lord, AMEN!

Challenge for the Week:  Mary was taken to heaven by the heavenly host of angels.  Spend time this week thinking about this glorious event and what it might have looked like and what it meant to Jesus.  Consider further what it will look like and what it will mean when you are raised up on the last day.

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Sunday, August 8th Readings

19th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


Give me the courage to step out

You have shown me the way

Let me move forward

Allow your love and mercy

        overflow from me

So wherever I go, others see YOU!


Journal/Reflection Questions

1 Kings 19:4-8

  • Share a time when you were able to look back on a situation in your life and see how God prepared you to be able to continue forward.
  • Reflect on how this scripture teaches the difference between what you want and what God wants and how God cares for you even when you aren’t willing or able to continue.

Ephesians 4:30-5:2

  • St. Paul says to be “imitators of Christ”.  What about this statement is difficult for you to follow?  Be specific.  What holds you back from imitating Christ more often in your daily life?   
  • Bitterness, fury, anger, shouting, reviling, malice…what is it about these emotions that are difficult for you to let go?
  • Explain how a “sacrificial offering gives a fragrant aroma”.  More specifically, how does Jesus’ sacrifice give a fragrant aroma?

John 6:41-51

  • How does the imagery of Jesus being the bread of life feel to you?  Do you think this is a good comparison or would another image/comparison make more sense to you?  Explain.
  • The people in the crowd have a difficult time believing and understanding.  What is their roadblock?  Do you have any roadblocks when it comes to your faith? 

General Questions for Journaling

  • How does it make you feel that God is still cheering for you, providing your needs when you are ready to give up?
  • When has God pulled you out of a pity party?  What specifically did he say to make you smile?
  • Where do you go to hide from others?  God?  Yourself?  What about this place gives you comfort?
  • People say, God only gives you what you can handle.  Share a time when you screamed at God, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
  • Do you believe angels still speak to people today?  Has God ever sent you an angel?  Share the experience.
  • Do you remember your dreams?  Do you think God speaks to you through your dreams?  Explain.
  • Make a list of 5-10 things that will bring you back from a bad mood. 
  • How do you grieve?  Are there levels to your grief?  Where is grief in relation to sadness or pain or emptiness or devastation?   
  • When was the last time you forgave someone?  Is there need for you to forgive someone now?
  • When was the last time you forgave yourself?  Are you in need of forgiveness?
  • What is the significance of the Body and Blood of Jesus for you?  Explain.
  • What is your favorite part of the Eucharistic celebration?
  • Are you always in the right mindset to receive the Body and Blood of Christ?  How important do you think it is for you to be prepared and what exactly does that mean or look like?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  I want to be a part of your life forever…

ALL:  Jesus, you were with me at the moment of my first breath!

Leader:  I want to be a part of your life forever…

ALL:  Jesus, you were there when I stumbled and helped me get back up!

Leader: I want to be a part of your life forever…

ALL:  Jesus, you helped me see my life is about serving others, not myself!

Leader:  I want to be a part of your life forever…

ALL:  Jesus, you taught me what it means to love!

Leader:  I want to be a part of your life forever…

ALL:  Jesus, you never leave me, you are always with me!

Leader:  I want to be a part of your life forever…

ALL:  Jesus, you gave me life, everlasting!

Challenge for the Week:  Like Elijah in the first reading, each of us is on a journey to the Holy Mountain.  Reflect this week on that journey.  When have you wanted to just give up because you didn’t feel you were making an impact or doing as much as those before you?  It is hard for us not to get wrapped up in productivity.  Instead, God has a plan for each of us and he knows already when we sit and when we stand…even the thoughts in our head that tell us we can’t go on.  As you reflect, take time to thank God for those times when he has come to your aide to help you and give you what you need to continue on the journey.  The journey is long and we have many lessons to learn along the way but the Lord has prepared a place for you and you are on the pathway to find it.


Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting