Sunday, August 15th Readings

Assumption of Mary, Mother of God

Opening Prayer

God of creation,

You set everything in motion

        for Mary before she was conceived.

You knew she would be the one

        whom would give birth to Your Son.

It was never a question for you

        if she would say YES!

I pray, this is true for me too!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Revelation 11 :19a ;12 :1-6a,10ab

  • What signs do you seek to confirm your faith?
  • What emotions do you feel when you read/listen to this scripture? 
  • How could you explain this scripture to someone hearing it for the first time and not knowing who Mary is or who Jesus is?

1Corinthians 15:20-27

  • Share your thoughts about what you think will happen and what it will look like when Jesus comes again.
  • How have you died and been brought to life?  Is this something that has happened once or several times?  Explain.

Luke 1:39-56

  • What does this scripture say about knowing God?  About faith?
  • What example can you take from this scripture to work to live out in the coming month and perhaps make into a permanent habit?

General Questions for Journaling

  • What is your image of Mary? What does she look like physically? How do you imagine he voice sounding? What characteristics, in addition to the ones you read about in scripture, do you think she had?
  • Do you have a specific devotion to Mary? What is it and how did it start?
  • What is your image of heaven? What would be the perfect heaven for you?
  • Have you ever heard God’s voice? If yes, what did God say? If no, what do you think God’s would say or is saying?
  • When Jesus said he has prepared a place for you, what do you think that looks like?
  • What are your thoughts about the pain of childbirth? Why do you think this is mentioned in scripture? What lesson is there?
  • God created man and then woman, but gave women the honor of carrying life within her. What does this say about God? What does this say about women?  Why do you think God chose to have woman carry the child and not man?
  • Why do you think it takes 9 months for a woman to give birth?
  • Mary is called many names. What is your favorite name for Mary?
  • Have you seen an image, statue or stain-glass of Mary that is prominent in your mind? Where was it and what did it look like?
  • How do you explain death to a child? How do you describe heaven?
  • What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit?
  • In addition to saying YES to God to bear His child, what other important things has Mary done?
  • Mary went away to be with her family during her pregnancy. Do you think the scripture is giving an example of the importance of family or something else?  Explain.
  • If you are a woman, what is your favorite memory of being pregnant? If you are a man, what is your favorite memory about the mother of your child while she was carrying your child?

Closing Prayer – Prayer on the Assumption of Mary

Leader:  Father in heaven,

ALL:  all creation rightly gives you praise,

Leader:  for all life and holiness come from you.

ALL:  In the plan of your wisdom

Leader: she who bore the Christ in her womb

ALL:  was raised body and soul in glory

Leader:  to be with him in heaven.

ALL:  May I follow her example

Leader:  in reflecting your holiness

ALL:  and join in her hymn

Leader:  of endless love and praise.

ALL:  We ask this through Christ our Lord, AMEN!

Challenge for the Week:  Mary was taken to heaven by the heavenly host of angels.  Spend time this week thinking about this glorious event and what it might have looked like and what it meant to Jesus.  Consider further what it will look like and what it will mean when you are raised up on the last day.

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