Sunday, January 2nd Readings

Epiphany of the Lord

Opening Prayer


May I rise each morning

with the fire of Your spirit within me.

May I run toward the light

and find You waiting with anticipation.

May I soak up the splendor of Your love

until it overflows onto all I encounter.

Let me live forever changed

by Your loving presence!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 60 :1-6

  • Where do you see God’s light shining in your life? In your family? In your community? At work?
  • How can you celebrate God’s glory today?
  • What can you do to celebrate God’s glory more often in the coming year?

Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6

  • Can you measure the love of God? The grace of God? The mercy of God? The forgiveness of God? Explain.
  • Describe how you are a co-partner in the promise of Christ.

Matthew 2:1-12

  • How did the magi know, after their long journey, the baby Jesus was the one they had come to see?
  • What can you learn from the magi in this scripture about faith?

General Questions for Journaling

  • What draws people to love God?
  • Where do people go to search for God? Do you think they find Him there?
  • Where are some places people are surprised to find God?
  • What are some things which might keep people from finding God?
  • Do you think you live up to the potential God has in mind for you?
  • Share a time when you witnessed God’s grace at work.
  • Name three gifts which God has given you which are precious to you.
  • Name three gifts which God has given you which are precious to others.
  • Do you think there are gifts you have that have yet to be revealed? Why or why not?
  • Have you ever felt motivated by God to do something which seemed out of the ordinary or ridiculously crazy?
  • Define a pilgrimage. Have you ever been on a pilgrimage? If so, share the experience.
  • What has been the furthest distance you have traveled? What was the purpose of your traveling?
  • What do the stars tell you about God?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, you are a shining light…

ALL:  shine so I might find You in the darkness.

Leader:Lord, you are a shining light…

ALL:  let your light be a beacon when I am weary.

Leader:  Lord, you are a shining light…

 ALL:  spotlight the path I must follow.

Leader:  Lord, you are a shining light…

 ALL:  consume me so others see Your glow within me.

Leader:  Lord, you are a shining light…

ALL:  awaken me to Your radiance!

Challenge for the Week:  God is shining His light on you all the time, even when you aren’t feeling too much like being radiant.  Imagine having a spotlight on you all the time, how would you feel, how might you act differently?  Think about what happens when a spotlight is shone someone, the reaction is to shy away from the light, however there are some who desire for it to shine on them always.  Reflect this week on the difference of God’s light verses the light of the world, primarily thinking about the light being a spotlight.  What does God’s light say?  What does the world’s light say?  What are the things God wants to shine the spotlight on vs. the world?  Then consider what you can do to change which light you seek to shine on you and how you can shine God’s light on others so they might seek to shine in God’s light on their own.

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Sunday, December 26th Readings

Feast of the Holy Family

Opening Prayer


I pray with great anxiety

for there are times when I cannot find you.

I search and I search

and often overlook Your presence.

May I be calmed by Your Word

May I be settled by the sound of Your voice

You are there, calling out to me when I am lost

You will never leave!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Sirach 3 :2-6, 12-14

  • Are there those whom you have trouble loving? How does knowing God loves them, help you love them too?
  • Does the love you have for God look the same or different than the love you have for others? Explain

Colossians 3:12-21

  • Where to do you see compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience at work in the world? Give an example of each.
  • How do you express these qualities? How often and to whom?

Luke 2:41-52

  • Can you relate to Mary and Joseph in this reading? Can you also relate to Jesus?  What is the difference?
  • Where do you feel welcomed and accepted? What does it look like? Who is also there?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Where does family rate in your life?
  • How do you express your feelings toward your family? Do your actions or your words express your feelings? Explain.
  • What is the purpose of a family? Do you think your family fulfills its purpose?
  • Does God get center reign in your family? Why or why not?  How do you know?
  • What do you present to God as an offering for your commitment to Him?
  • Have you ever bargained with God? What happened?
  • Recall a time when you lost something of great value to you, what was it and what did you do? How did you feel?  Were you able to recover it?  Where did you find it?  Who helped you?
  • Describe what you remember of yourself as a child. What did you look like?  What were some of your favorite things?
  • How are the things you loved as a child, the same or different than now?  Is that good or bad? Why or why not?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Father God, You gave me my first breath

ALL:  because you love me!

Leader:I listen to and follow Your Word

ALL:  because I love You!

Leader:  I learn to accept and forgive

 ALL:  because You ask me to love others!

Leader:  I hold You close

 ALL:  because I love you!

Leader:  I am blessed

ALL:  because you love me!

Challenge for the Week:  The Holy Family was not perfect in the eyes of the world.  Instead, it was made perfect through the eyes of God.  Think about how your family is also made perfect through the eyes of God.  How does this cause you to see others differently?  Are there people whom you will treat differently with this new perspective?  Perhaps there are some whom you need to forgive and welcome back in.  Allow God to make your family perfect!

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Sunday, December 19th Readings

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Opening Prayer

Prince of Peace and Lord of Lords,

I know you will soon be near.

Let me feel your loving presence

and fill my heart and mind with Your love.

May it be my strength, so I can do Your will.

I want to jump for joy so all can see You have come.

Come, to embrace humanity in Your love!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Micah 5:1-4a

  • How has God called you forth? What did He call you out to do? 
  • What gifts has God given to you so you can complete the task He’s called you to do?
  • How is peace described by God?
  • How is peace described in the world?

Hebrews 10:5-10

  • How did Jesus do the will of God?
  • What ONE thing can you change to help you be more like Jesus?
  • How do you prepare your body for the reception of Jesus’ body and blood at communion?

Luke 1:39-45

  • What causes you to leap for joy? What does it look like when you leap for joy?
  • With whom do you share your joy? Do they share the joy with you or disapprove?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Where is God in poverty? Where is God in wealth? Give examples of both.
  • How do you embrace what you have been given?
  • Do you show gratitude even when it is not what you expected it to be?
  • When have you been disappointed in what you have been given? Are your expectations to blame for this? Be specific.
  • What would you say is the overall mission of all Christians?
  • What do you sacrifice for the sake of faith/religion/God?
  • Reflect on a time when you opened your doors to welcome another. What was the circumstance? How was hospitality shown? Was it easy or difficult?
  • When were you shown hospitality from another? What made you feel welcomed?
  • Light shown the way to where Jesus could be found, how are you shining light for others to find their way to Jesus?
  • Mary visits her cousin and Joseph travels with his family to their place of origin; what message can you derive from the parents of Jesus spending time with family before His birth? Do you think there is significance?  If so, why and if not, why not?
  • How are you drawn to family (like Mary) or where you come from (like Joseph) this holiday season?
  • What can you do to be more connected to family (and friends) this year?
  • Who are the family members you will miss this year and what is it about them that you will miss? Is there a way you can be close to them in your celebration, even though you can’t physically be together?

Closing Prayer

Leader: When I am weary…

ALL:  Lord Jesus, You give me strength.

Leader: When I am alone…

ALL:  Lord Jesus, You come to me.

Leader: When I have no place to go…

 ALL:  Lord Jesus, You show me the way.

Leader:  When darkness surrounds us…

 ALL:  Lord Jesus, You shine light on the path.

Leader:  Be the star which guides my way…

ALL:  bright as the star that shone to lead the wise men to You!

Challenge for the Week:  The birth of a child is a significant moment in not only their life, but in the life of those around them.  As you hear the stories of preparation before Jesus’ birth in scripture and sing along to the Christmas Carols telling of the baby in the manger, recall the special births you have been a part of in your life.  Perhaps it includes memories of your own children, grandchildren, or other family members and/or friends’ children.  Recall the special preparations that took place prior to their birth, what the circumstances of their birth were and your role within.  Reflect on who was there and the emotions you felt, and maybe even share a special memory with them if you can, telling them of the experience.  Of course, you can’t remember the details of your own birth, but you might have been told some stories, enough to be able to reminisce on the occasion.  Consider how each of these births (Jesus, family, friends, yourself) have impacted you and your life.  What role do you continue to play in their lives and visa versa? 

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Sunday, December 12th Readings

Third Sunday of Advent

Opening Prayer

O my people,

Sing with joy!

Sound the trumpets!


Bring peace!

Shout out;

the Savior is coming!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Zephaniah 3:14-18a

  • What keeps you from jumping for joy as you hear this scripture?
  • Draw a picture of what you see happening in this scripture. Who is there?  What colors would you use to paint the scene?
  • The scripture says, God will rejoice over you. How do you think He rejoices?

Philippians 4: 4-7

  • How do you make your petitions known to God? Do you only focus on what you want/need? How do you make the community prayers known?
  • What keeps you from rejoicing the Lord always? Identify three specific things.
  • What keeps you from showing kindness to all? Is it in your control to change this?

Luke 3:10-18

  • Who do you turn to seeking direction? Who do you ask, “what should I do”?
  • How big is your circle of influence (the people you ask for help determining God’s will in your life), who is included, are there people who should be included who are not, are there people whom you should reconsider?
  • Who are those who turn to you for guidance in answering the big questions about life, love and faith?

General Questions for Journaling

  • How do you celebrate God? Jesus? Holy Spirit? Do you celebrate them as one or have special ways of honoring each?
  • When was the last time you shared the “Good News” with another person in everyday conversation?
  • On a scale from 1-10 how comfortable are you sharing your faith with others?
  • How does God show you He is present?
  • Are there places where you feel more at ease to share the “Good News” of Jesus?
  • How does the church’s celebration of Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter help open the door for you to share your faith?
  • How do you “cry out with joy or gladness”?
  • Do you think, “cry out with gladness” is an oxymoron like “jumbo shrimp”? Explain.
  • How much of your heart and mind would you say God consumes? Draw a picture to illustrate what consumes your heart and mind; be honest.
  • Are there places you will not go because you fear God is not there? Is there something you can do to overcome this fear?
  • How do you let go of anxiety and stress?
  • How often do you find yourself in a state of worry or overwhelmed with stress?  Do you think it is too much, just right or not enough?
  • Is generosity taught? How does a person learn to be generous?
  • Where is God calling you to show generosity today?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  When anxiety and fear overtake you…

ALL:  Be still the Lord is near.

Leader:When judgement and accusations fill you…

ALL:  Be still the Lord is near.

Leader:  When weariness and fatigue consume you…

ALL:  Be still the Lord is near.

Leader:  When you have no more to give…

 ALL:  Be still the Lord is near.

Leader:  He is waiting for you with open arms…

ALL:  Be still the Lord is near.

Challenge for the Week:  When the President of the United States enters a room; “Hail to the Chief” can be heard.  This week reflect on what song would play when God/Jesus/Holy Spirit enters the room.  What instruments would be playing, harps?  What does a “Choir of Angels” sound like?  Does it sound like a strong wind? Gentle breeze?  The sound of the waves crashing or lapping on the shore?  A trickling stream?  There are many possibilities but spend time exploring each of them until you find the right combination of sounds that expresses how you feel when you encounter God/Jesus/Holy Spirit. 

Then, perhaps even more challenging, determine YOUR song.  What would you have play as you enter into a room?  What instruments would be used?  What is the tune?  Is it something familiar or original? Who would sing it?  And if there are words, what do they say?

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Sunday, December 5th Readings

Second Sunday of Advent

Opening Prayer


When my day is filled with activity;

may I remember not to get wrapped up in the busyness.

When I face a long list of tasks;

may I not become consumed in the hustle and bustle.

Instead, help me to take time to spend a quiet moment with you

and watch for you in hopeful anticipation!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Baruch 5 :1-9

  • What do you put on yourself each day like a robe? What do you allow others to put on you?
  • What does God robe you with? Do you feel comfortable with what God puts on you? Why or why not?
  • How is what God puts on you different or similar to what you or others put on you? Explain.

Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11

  • How can you “partner” with the Gospel? What does that look like?
  • Where do you see God’s Glory? Where do you feel it? Can you hear it or taste it or smell it?
  • Can you name at least five good works God began in you? Can you list ten?

Luke 3:1-6

  • How is your life proclaiming the Gospel?
  • How does the Word of God come from you?
  • Describe three ways you relate to the words from the Prophet Isaiah.
  • How does this scripture speak of your life’s journey?

General Questions for Journaling

  • How does the awareness of God’s presence affect your decisions? How often do you allow God to affect your decisions?
  • When you make decisions; do you seek God’s perspective?
  • How does God lead you to find joy? How often do you search for it?
  • Do you pray for joy? Write a prayer for joy.
  • How does God show affection? Do you have to ask for it or does God show it freely? Describe the last time you felt loved by God.
  • What is God a witness to in your life? How are you a witness to God?
  • In a 24-hour period, on average, how often are you a witness to God?
  • Do you believe God can “make paths straight” and “move mountains” and “part the waters” and “level the valleys”? Why or why not?  Share an example of time when you were witness to this happening.
  • Is there a time when you felt so overwhelmed you cried out to God and your faith lead you through?
  • Make a list of images of God’s power and draw a picture of one.
  • Where do you see the hope of Christ in the world today? Where do you see hope in your community? In your family?
  • What is the purpose of having hope? What value do you put on it?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Awaken the gifts;

ALL:  the gifts we have before us!

Leader:  Enliven the joy;

ALL:  the joy within each soul!

Leader:  Ignite the hope;

ALL:  the hope around us!

Leader: Revive the peace;

ALL:  the peace deep within!

Leader:  Kindle the love;

ALL:  the love which brings us together!

Challenge for the Week:  Consider how God planted in you all the gifts you will ever need to bring Him glory and share His love with others.  How are you sharing these gifts?  Do you believe all your gifts have been opened?  Perhaps there are a few gifts left under the tree (within you) unopened; full of new and unimaginable opportunities and experiences.  As you go about your week, ponder the gifts you have been given which help you bring Glory to God and share His love.  Force yourself to go the extra step and dream about gifts you would need to possess so you can bring more attention to God.  What does that look like?  Are those gifts already opened in your life and you have discarded them or left them in the box?  Awaken to the possibilities on your journey.  God always gives what you need and He gives the BEST gifts!

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting