Sunday, February 27th Readings

8th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


Give me eyes to see

the beauty in all things.

Allow me to speak

kindness with my words.

Teach me to live

so others might follow.

Let me be a vessel of THE GOOD NEWS!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Sirach 27 :4-7

  • What tests your faith? Is it a teaching of the church? A way a person acts? Bad things happening? How do you keep your faith strong in spite of these tests?
  • What is the lesson here about how to treat others? How can you put this scripture into practice today? What specific thing(s) do you need to do?
  • If you were shaken in a sieve right now, what fragments of yourself would remain? What fragments would fall through? What story would these tell? Is the story the one you tell yourself or the one that is actually true?

 1 Corinthians 15:54-58

  • In what ways can a person “labor for the Lord”?
  • How do you protect yourself from being infected by negative, corrupt or immoral influence? Is there a way to avoid these things completely? Why or why not? What advice would you give to another person to help keep these things from spreading like a plague?
  • What are you going through right now that you hope is not in vain?

Luke 6:39-45

  • What does this scripture say about the importance of self-care and personal awareness of your words and actions? Be specific. Make a list.
  • What specific truth do you hear God speaking to you through this scripture?
  • When was the last time you let your heart lead your actions? What was the outcome?

General Questions for Journaling

  • How do you tell if someone is speaking truth? How would you measure truth in your own words?
  • Is there a time when judgment of a person is okay? Share an example.
  • Share a time when your first impression/judgment of a person was completely wrong.
  • Have you ever felt you were judged wrongly? How did you handle the situation?
  • Where does judgment in general come from? Do people judge out of love?  From insecurity? From competitiveness or jealousy?
  • Right Judgment is a gift of the Holy Spirit. How does the adjective “right” change your definition of judgment?
  • Are there things in your life that weigh you down? Hold you back? Keep you from moving forward?
  • What do you hide or bury, keep out of sight of others?
  • Share an example of when you found light in a dark situation or something positive from a negative? How did you find it? Did you see it immediately or did it take time to realize?
  • Describe the feeling or your emotions and how your body changes when you find a light at the end of a long tunnel of despair.
  • Do you believe a person who is infected with negativity can change? Why or why not? What do you believe your role is in that person’s life?
  • Take time to draw your tree. Identify the fruit you produce, good and bad. What influences you and how does it affect those around you?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  I will give thanks to you all of my days…

ALL:  for life given at conception!

Leader:  I will give thanks to you all of my days…

ALL:  for the sound of the ocean waves!

Leader:  I will give thanks to you all of my days…

ALL:  for the morning dew glistening in the sunrise!

Leader: I will give thanks to you all of my days…

ALL:  for the warm hug of a new friend!

Leader:  I will give thanks to you all of my days…

ALL:  for a fiery sky at the end of the day!

Leader:  I will give thanks to you all of my days…

ALL:  for all you give; I will give thanks!

Challenge for the Week:  Spend time this week reflecting on your past experiences.  When you look back, you can identify those times in your life when you had to deal with something heavy or hard and maybe even had doubts on whether you’d be able to come out on the other side of the situation.  Often the world says these experiences leave marks or scars on a person (physically and/or emotionally) but when looking at them from God’s perspective, you have been “refined”.  These experiences of trouble, trauma, heartbreak, disappointment and even death are opportunities for you to grow.  When you are open and listening to God in these moments, you can learn something about yourself and perhaps even gain insight on others.  Revisit some of these times in your life to see if there are opportunities you have missed to reveal something in yourself or open you up to a new perspective on a relationship or a situation.  Allow God to refine you!

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Sunday, February 20th Readings

7th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


When you look at me,

You see me through loving eyes,

holy, forgiven and complete.

When I look at myself,

I see me through condemning eyes,

as a sinner and not enough.

Through your Word,

let me learn how to see me

and others as you see!


Journal/Reflection Questions

1 Samuel 26 :2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-23

  • How do you think those with David felt about his actions against Saul? What would you think if you were one of them?
  • What does David’s response say about his character? Is there something there which you’d like to see more of in people today? Be specific.

 1 Corinthians 15:45-49

  • How do you struggle with the “earthly” and the “spiritual” within yourself?
  • Have you thought of yourself as “spirit-filled”? How can the thought of being “spirit-filled” change how your look at the situations you face today? How does it change how you treat others?

Luke 6:27-38

  • Do you give to God in the “measure” in which you want God to give to you? *(God gives 100%, 24/7 regardless of what you give)
  • Is what Jesus is saying in this scripture realistic? Why or why not?

General Questions for Journaling

  • How easy or difficult is it to put God in charge of transgressions and retributions? What is it about humans that makes them want to take matters into their own hands? Specifically identify how you relate to this.
  • Do you believe one person’s life is worth more than another? For example, a mother of four vs an ordained sister, or a Leader of State vs a homeless person, explain.
  • Have you experienced God’s faithfulness in your life? Share a specific example so others can see God’s faithfulness too.
  • In your opinion, what makes a person “anointed”? What other opinions might be out there?
  • Can you spend quality time with people whom have different opinions and/or beliefs than you? Is this barrier too big to put aside for even a little while? Share an example.
  • Where do you rank respect on a scale of 1-10 in relationships? Is it different for your spouse? Your parents? Your boss? Your kids? Your friends? Your pastor? Your neighbor?
  • When you look at yourself do you see God? In what way?
  • Can you see God in others? Share examples.
  • Are there people whom you have a hard time seeing God? Share examples.
  • What measurement do you judge people against? What is the thing(s) that you judge the most? Race? Poverty? Religion? Job? Clothing?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  In those moments when I feel abandoned…

ALL:  Pour your gift of love upon me!

Leader:  In those moments when I am filled with anger…

ALL:  Pour your gift of love upon me!

Leader:  In those moments when plans change…

ALL:  Pour your gift of love upon me!

Leader: In those moments when I receive the results…

ALL:  Pour your gift of love upon me!

Leader:  In those moments when I can’t see past today…

ALL:  Pour your gift of love upon me!

Leader:  In those moments when I lay myself before you…

ALL:  Pour your gift of love upon me!

Challenge for the Week:  This week consider the barriers you build in your life to keep people at a distance.  Some of the barriers are built to protect you from being hurt yourself or inflicting pain on another, while others are built out of arrogance because you are not open to listening to another person’s view.  Spend time this week reflecting on the barriers you have built in relationships, especially in your family.  How have these become obstacles to spending time together and not just time, but quality time, when you can come together and genuinely enjoy each other.  No one has the same experiences as you, nor the same opinion.  Even siblings raised by the same parents have different memories of the same experience; imagine the greater scale of this scenario to include experiences in your community, the US and the world.  What steps can you take to break down barriers starting in your family relationships and allow the differences bring you together instead of keeping you apart?  (HINT:  This just might be something that needs a bit more time than a week – Lent is coming!)

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Sunday, February 13th Readings

6th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


Throughout the Bible are stories of hope

Open my eyes to see the hope in the world today

Let me hear the stories where hope is restored

And be a living example that hope never dies


Journal/Reflection Questions

Jeremiah 17:5-8

  • Draw a picture of the two images described in this scripture.
  • Share a time when you experienced both images, what was going on in your life, be specific about who was with you and what you felt.

 1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20

  • Does this scripture bring you hope? Explain how.
  • How does the promise of the resurrection affect your faith? Be specific.

Luke 6:17, 20-26

  • What is the overall message Jesus to sharing with the people who have gathered to hear him speak?
  • What is the message Jesus has intended for you to hear in this scripture to help open your eyes to a situation in your life right now?

General Questions for Journaling

  • How do you feel about God giving free will? Is it good? Is it bad? How does free will get you into trouble?  How does it free you?
  • Are there choices you have made in your life which you wish you could change? Do you can do something about that choice now?
  • Is it easy or difficult to change? Do you always get to choose to change?  How can making the choice to change affect your attitude?
  • Who do you confide in to help make decisions? What qualities do you look for in a person who helps you?
  • What draws you to ask God for help? Are there obstacles which keep you from seeking God’s advice in matters?
  • How do you feel about trust? Is trust important to you? Is it something people have immediately or do you believe people need to earn it?
  • How much trust do you put in God? How much trust do you believe God has in you?
  • Would you describe yourself as someone who is open to new ideas and new ways to do things or do you consider yourself someone who is comfortable with the way things are and have always been? Share an example.
  • How would you explain the hope you have in the resurrection to someone who doesn’t know about Jesus?
  • Do you believe faith is a choice you make every day or is a choice you made once and it stays with you?
  • Share an example of a time when your faith was challenged; be specific about what you did, how you felt and the outcome.

Closing Prayer

Leader:  I will rejoice

ALL:  in the rising of the sun!

Leader:  I will rejoice

ALL:  in the delicate snowflake!

Leader:  I will rejoice

ALL:  in the blooming flower!

Leader: I will rejoice

ALL:  in the simplicity of a smile!

Leader:  I will rejoice

ALL:  in the warmth of a hand!

Leader:  I will rejoice

ALL:  in the hope you give!

Challenge for the Week:  Do you have a faith story?  Of course, you do!  Just like in the business world where people have “elevator speeches” which describe and highlight their accomplishments and successes; Christians should have a faith story.  Spend time this week putting together your own personal faith story; include pivotal moments, desert places and mountain top experiences.  Include specific scripture passages which carried you through the bad times or sustain you in the good times.  Write it down and then put it in your Bible so it can be added to the many other stories of our salvation HIS-tory!

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Sunday, February 6th Readings

5th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


I hear you calling but I’m held back by…

fear and resentment

judgment and selfishness

sin and shame

Wipe away those things that bind me

Let me walk with you to edge

and take the leap of faith!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8

  • Whom do you fear? Of what are you afraid? Where does your fear come from?
  • How to you tell God you are ready to do His will?

 1Corinthians 15:1-11 (15:3-8, 11)

  • Have you fallen asleep to the purpose you have been called for? What can you do to find the passion and drive to go on?
  • How would you describe someone who is “fit” to serve God?

 Luke 5:1-11

  • When have you doubted God? What was your situation? How did God change your heart?
  • Are there people who are in deep waters who need you to come and bring them to the shore?

General Questions for Journaling

  • How has God made you worthy of His love?
  • Have you ever been paralyzed by fear? What was the situation? How did you overcome the fear?
  • How has your life been shaken up? Where was God during the storm?
  • What has God called you to do? Do you minimize the importance of your purpose?
  • How many people from the Bible (old and new testaments) can you name who encountered God but felt they were not worthy?
  • How many people from the Bible (old and new testaments) can you name whose lives were changed when they took a leap of faith to trust God entirely?
  • How is grace distributed?
  • What “work” is required to receive faith? Grace? Love?
  • Do you think God asks you to do things you are not capable or qualified to do? Why or why not?
  • How do you go about asking someone to do a big task? Do you just give them the big task or do you break it down into some smaller tasks to make sure they will be able to handle the big task?  Be specific.

Closing Prayer

Leader: You created me with the will to choose…

ALL:  Let me choose YOU!

Leader:  You gave me a name and purpose…

ALL:  Let me serve YOU!

Leader:  You walk the road ahead of me…

 ALL:  Let me follow YOU!

Leader:  You call me into the deep waters…

ALL:  Let me trust YOU!

Leader:  You welcome me to the shore…

ALL:  Let me be there with YOU!

Challenge for the Week:  Spend time reflecting this week on a time in your life that is comparable to the experience of the fishermen…when was God asking you to do something you didn’t want to do because you thought you had exhausted all possibilities.  Did you do as He asked anyways?  Did you choose to ignore the suggestion and go a different direction?  Regardless of which path you took, share your story with someone to show how God blew you out of the deep water and onto the shore and how you would do it all over again (the same or differently) as a witness of your faith.

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting